The Tour de France sign bitch.
This idiot desperate to appear on TV caused a mass crash that could have killed someone just to get attention.
If that isn’t an indication as to how far we’ve fell as a society I don’t know what is. Plus police are having to look for them! Fuck me why didn’t she just stay there and admit she fucked up?
Nominated by: LazyBiscuits
Seconded by: The Big Chunky Cunty
Additional minor cunting for the three-star general, Gilbert Versier, who was there and said it was “like a war zone” with the same ‘chaos’ and ‘moans’.
Bitch please. A few weedy cyclists all clattering into each other, getting 5mph road rash and mangling their super expensive bicycles is not a war zone. It’s a bloody hilarious outcome and I bet even God laughed at it.
Well done that woman!
Its basic maths.
This should be encouraged to liven it up a bit, maybe twin it with the Running of the Bulls as a event?
Your maths O-level is in the post, MNC. A*.
I’ll put it with the others DCI.
Couldn’t agree more. Anything that happens to a lycra fetish cunt on a pushbike is to be welcomed by all decent and tight thinking folk.
If it was up to me, there would be a bounty on these cunts, the more creatively they are despatched, the higher and there would be a special channel for the vids.
What was left of the cunts would be composted and launched into a black hole as that would be the only way to ensure such pure cuntitude is properly removed from this reality
In the early days of the Tour de France, it was quite common for supporters of other riders to throw tacks in the path of rival riders.
There were also reports of piano wire strung across the road and the occasional kidnap. So fierce was the support of local champions.
Just saying. ?
I’d give her a fucking medal the size of a frying-pan.
The success of this delightful Lady has spurred me on to make my own placard. I have written ” CUUNNNTTT !” on an old metal bin-lid and welded it onto a length of scaffold-pole. I plan to spend a lovely weekend lurking behind a tree before leaping out and swinging it at the bewigged head of every pushbiker who pedals past my road-end.
Your device sounds like advanced technology Dick!
How will you attach it to your rod- end?
Look no hands?
TWAT! Take that.
Id love to throw a broom handle at the leads front bicycle wheel.
Make it a family event where you buy a small bag of ball bearings, rocks, or a bottle of piss.
The whole family from nana to little Johnny can then pelt them along the route!
All the proceeds can go to the cost of the disruption it causes.
If some Bradley Wiggins takes umbrage that youve dislodged his two front teeth with half a brick,
You can remind him its all in a good cause.
The stupid cow should have been shot, but hey ho, you see thick cunts doing stupid things everyday and every where. The planet is fucked with idiot humans.
Can’t get excited about the Lycra clad froggie cycling. Each to their own and all, But I don’t recall the teams copying the fuss ballists and taking a knee and lecturing about woke justice…
Anyway Boris and Carrie want you all on Bikes and Scooters. To save the furry bunnies and polar bears.
I’m off to fire up the diesel and start my commute.
Good day and fuck off.
She didn’t fuck up and plod probably couldn’t find her because they where all behind the bike sheds pissing themselves!!!! I’m still laughing about it now!!!
I’d like to see her hi-jinks as a national sport, and compulsary when the colour-blind cunts sail through red lights, or any other law, or, as they seem to think, ‘Advisory’, doesn’t apply to them. Or it could be made into a game show on Saturday night, members of the public, or ‘Celebs’, seeing how many they can knock off in one go. Stephen Mulhern to present it.
It’s a ratings winner.
Gene, you could borrow some of those stinger things that the police put out on the road in front of the driver to slow the getaway car down or stop it.
I used to love Le Tour, been to some stages in Yorkshire, Londonstabistan and Frogland. Hold on, I hear you say, Tour de France?……in Yorkshire? London? how the fuck does that work? Money my friends. It’s all about the fucking money. That’s why they are all drugged up to the eyeballs and why I fell out of love.
As for spectators causing crashes i’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often and somebody hasn’t been killed yet. People are just generally cunts as we all know.
As stated above I haven’t heard of any professional cyclist going woke but if it hasn’t happened it soon will. If that cheating bastard Lance Armstrong was still about he’d definitely be up for it. Massive cunt.
They are all blood doping drugs cheats fuck em. Cunts. Medal for the sign bearer..
An excellent cartoon in a Swiss snoozepaper when I was living there showed these cunts, the last in line had two syringes either side of back wheel, like kids’ stabilisers…
Excellent behaviour! Have a gander – it’ll lift even the lowest mood!!
These so called professional cyclists seem to find it impossible to navigate any unexpected obstacle.
I think they should all have to pass fresh cycling proficiency tests before they are allowed out again.
Irresponsible bitch not wearing a face mask! Let’s hope the police catch her soon.
I thought she was hitchhiking and the sign was where she wanted to go.
It was a silly thing that person did with the sign, but the bicyclists should’ve been able to manoover manhoover manure (fork sake that posh word for moving) around to avoid it.
I can’t stand those lycra clad super hero bicyclists anyways. Especially ones that cause accidents and film it on their helmets. Bunch of cants.
Put them in room 101 please.
A push bike with a wicker basket and tinkly bell is ok, mind. 🙂
Miss Marple streaking by bike, on her way to the Rev. Green!
Oh my goodness! HBH, I’m feeling a faint.
Followed by Helen Miren when she played that police lady whom smoked a lot, and David Jason as Inspector Frost both riding a tandem bicycle.
Followed by Peach Melba Idris Elba from that show Luther riding a penny farthing.
It was better in the 1950’s I dare say.
You could pull up for a fag and a brandy.
Now it’s all doping and lies.
A nice big crash does them good.
They can have some more steroids then.
The dull cunts.
Bravo that woman, she cannot hold a candle to Erica Roe?
CM, that was quite…well…um… don’t tell sister Dolly I watched that clip of the streaker. She’ll ban me from eating cake for a week!
Remember it well CM, fucking brilliant! Surely we are long overdue for a return of streaking? And just think, the wokies would have apoplexy or die of fright or shock!
What was called streaking years ago, nowadays I reckon no nude running around, but probably groups of people throwing bits of streaky bacon at the pitch.
Theres a simple answer for sorting out the drug enhanced, slowly rolling cuntfest that is the Toss in France,rather than have twats dressed as devils, stray dogs, stray kids and the hopefully soon to be extinct selfie takers fucking around in the road infront of the most environmentally unfriendly race in the world by the time you factor in all the motorcycles, cars, vans , crowds and of course vegan riders on energy food.
Just run the whole fucking thing on an oval track, or various tracks around france, all of the above can be avoided, infact even better why cant the riders just be given an internet connection and one of those Peloton static cycle things and they can all stay at home and do it, and also let them take as many drugs as they like, eventually it will get interesting, it might even be worth a watch….but i doubt it….cunts
Why are all the bikes on the road? They are usually on the fucking footpath round here.
I cannot see any black faces in the Pelton!!! Time to make 10% of the entrants black whether they can ride a bike or not.
Bloody good point HtB no ethnics means this is obviously a facist racist sport and should be banned, no trannies either!! Ban the bicycle now
That’s because running is their thing, it’s in the genes, running from angry wild animals, running from the law, yep running is their thing Harry
A neighbour of mine was called a cunt by one of these lycra bandits while crossing cattle over the road, so he shoved his alcatheyne pipe through the spokes and sent the cunt arse over tit, still makes me laugh now!!
Good on your neighbour, Captain Q. 🙂
Let’s be honest, other than cyclists no one likes cyclists.
I have emailed my MP regarding the serfs and oiks doing roadworks and waking me early from my slumber. Work should start after pop master I have demanded. My hopes are not high ?
Good fucking morning ?
It’s a stupid event, riding hundreds of miles across France for two weeks, what a load of bollocks.
The woman has been arrested, fuck knows what they will charge her with, maybe being fucking French ?
Arrested ffs?
We need MORE of this guerrilla action against cycle cunts!
You might want to clear your cookies. WP is automodding every post you make at the moment – DA
Afternoon DA.
Not clear what’s going on. Keep clearing out the cookies before I start, but still getting ‘modded’.
Happening to a few people at random. We’re looking into it. In the meanwhile we’re here to clear it up asap. – DA
@big chunky cunt, the descriptions used like ‘war zone’ are ridiculous, didn’t see any bombs, bullets, dead people ?
The media this morning talking about Federer ‘Crashing Out’ of Wimbledon, no he didn’t crash, trip, fall, or anything else, he lost a game of tennis.
One of the best descriptions I ever read was about a cat fight outside a London nightclub after three or four wannabe WAGs got at each other over who’d nab some footballer.
The reporter said ‘the scenes outside the club at 3am were chaotic. There were hair extensions all over the road’. Superb!
Morning all.
Was that one of your reports, Ron? 🙂
If not, what would you have put if you wrote it?
The guy was supposedly a military man, 3-star general. If he actually is, and he didn’t order his stars out of a magazine backpage, then he should be given a court marshal and fired out of a canon straight at the pelaton of the next tour-de-wankeúr. Then we’ll see a real war-zone. Stupid prick.
All the recovered riders should be able to have a free bukkakee party on her face for swift justice.
Well what exactly were you french cunts expecting to happen?!
There should a barrier, a chainlink fence or fucking anything really. At least some tape to separate the driving zones to give the cyclists some space, keeping the crazy fans like this twat back
A war zone??
Did any Kraut contestants drop tons of chlorine gas?
Fucking 2-wheeled narcissists.
Honestly respect to the mad bitch they still haven’t found her? She was in her own little world holding that sign totally oblivious to the 100 cyclists behind her What a james bond like move She took a bike and bolted lol
No one even tried to stop her?! lol well played crazy cunt cheers have a glass dubonnet or moet you deserve it
There are daft bitches and then there are daft bitches. But this one is a fucking stupid daft cow of a bitch. I hope she has to pay for the hospital bills, for the delays she caused, everything. I hope they impose enormous fines on her and jail her for six months. Natural selection should be weeding out empty headed twats like this, but there seem to be more around than ever.
I understand she was a cunt allan but honestly this is a security issue with frances lax rules during the tour de france festival. They should of had barriers up I understand you can’t have barriers everywhere but you have a group of 50 people or more block that shit off pronto
I agree with the above suggestions give her a medal for showing tour de france security flaws but give her a bukkake too lol
I wonder if Old Maj has got a spare knighthood for this silly sign woman.
Dame whatever her name is ‘for services to lycra’
She deserves one, especially for slyly fucking off after the act.
Typical fucking MAMIL, they didn’t notice the road sign or the pedestrian.