Unfortunately I can’t give this piece of shit his moment in the sun, but he cannot go unnoticed for his deeds.
There are so many things wrong with this story it’s hard to know where to start.
Illegal immigrant from Ghana get employed by some council to care for a brain damaged woman, who he goes on to rape, resulting in the unfortunate woman becoming pregnant and having a child.
This utter vermin, an assistant pastor with his local loony chapter, then tried to blame lodgers for his crime, and also found time to threaten the woman’s family before he was finally arrested.
In court he eventually showed some remorse, and mentioned his religion and his work with the church. Through an interpreter mind, as even though he’s been here illegally for 21 years, and told the employer he had excellent English skills.
Sentenced to just over eleven years, he’ll be out in six at most, and it doesn’t mention anything about him being deported on his release, and even if he did, some cunt would probably try stopping it.
How the fuck did he get a job with a council, especially one working with vulnerable people? I’ve worked for a local authority, in not quite an intrusive job like this and I needed a CRB check, which should be the minimum.
And, no one knows his name, or what he looks like, so he can drop back into society with no problem whatsoever. Where is the justice in any of this?
Nominated by: Gutstick Japseye (I totally knew that and didn’t forget)
Should be hung at dawn!
This piece of shite thats washed up to culturally enrich us,
Deserves quick justice.
No trial, no appeal, no last meal,
Just a tree, lenth of rope and quick tenderising with a boot to the ribs.
Hes not human, not to commit such a act.
Hung then fed to the pigs all in under a hour.
Cost effective.
Mis, your solutions are truly magnificent
You get my vote for justice secretary ?
Perhaps when we discover his identity, we can help society recognise this shit upon his release – some sort of identifying marker….. say, a crosbow bolt throw his neck… and maybe a tattoo on his forehead ‘RAPIST’..applied with a soldering iron.
One can only hope his fellow inmates get wind of his antics and he ‘slips’ in the shower – breaking his bastard neck…
Not detracting from the Nom, but this cunt is an example of what the home office is up against, according to the linked story he has been here illegally for 21 years, how the fuck can they tell who is legal and who isn’t.
This cunt got found out because of his crime but there are hundreds of thousands of others who shouldn’t be here.
I don’t give a fuck about Windrush and if some get the shit end of the stick tough fucking luck, I would rather that than allow cunts like this stay in the country, if only we had a REAL hostile environment for illegals.
The council who employed him need to be charged with assisting an offender, the cunts didn’t carry out the right checks, probably cos he is blick and it was probably a Labour council.
I thought there was a £10,000 fine for anyone employing someone without the right to work here?
Stories like this depress me.
How the fuck did we arrive at this situation ?
We should have a fucking good clearout.
The country is full of vermin.
Get To Fuck.
Well, this is where we are at; l want to know if any politician has the guts to restore the country to where it was in ‘ non enriched times ‘.
This was me, gutstick Japseye, the cunter with no name.
How often does this happen and go under the radar? It should be a top story, but it was tucked away.
Thanks. – DA
Good nom Japseye.
A proper blood boiler.?
Like the picture of Gutstick above!
Sort of the Riddler meets Reservoir dogs!!
It was a cunt that couldn’t go uncunted. Shame the cunt will have more protection from the authorities than his victim will ever have.
The lunatics running the asylum which is the UK. I watch a great programme on Sky called Catching the Smugglers, at JFK airport, Miami, Atlanta etc. The difference between their Border Controls to ours is stark. Questions to suspect travellers from abroad, checking their travel details, refusing them entry if they tell lies and are a possible danger to the US. Contrast that to UK Border Controls, waltzing through Passport Control, no questions, distinct lack of Border Officers patrolling and on the lookout for suspect travellers. This is what you then get. Terrorists, murderers, rapists let into our country. An absolute disgrace, it doesn’t affect the wokes who welcome these bandits in with open arms.
JFK, the first question you are asked ‘why the fuck are you coming to my country’ ?
Very true….when you’re carrying a British passport and visiting friends or on holiday.
However, if you have a passport from a less desirable country, you don’t bother arriving at JFK. You fly to Mexico or a country in South America and walk across any of the hundreds of miles of unpatrolled border between Mexico/US….no hassle. Just join the zillions of South Americans piling over. Africans, Iraqis, Pakistanis…everyone is doing it.
Next time you want a holiday in Yankeeland you know what to do, since Brib’em has closed the border to Brits and Europeans but left it open down South to everyone else.
Another fine multi-cultural contribution to our society.
They’re not allowed to say this Ooga-Dooga’s name, not because he’d sue for emotional distress when they mispronounce it but fear that they’d say it three times and it would rain for six weeks.
Mrapey DeWhitey
Mrapey DeWhitey
Mrapey DeWhitey
The sad part is, that is probably true. The suing for emotional distress part….not the rain.
Well maybe the rain as well.
You haven’t said it thrice have you, Living Well? It’s peeing down now.
Absolutely disgusting.
No doubt the piece of shit will be in a cosy cell 3 square meals with countless other priveliges.
If he gets done over inside by a white inmate expect a statue in the filthy cunts honour to spring up in a town near you.
If ever an illustration of what has gone wrong in this country is required then this rotten episode will do very nicely.
Nobody cares.
Nobody notices.
Nobody is accountable.
Nobody is shot.
Nobody is deported.
One more utter and complete disgrace waiting to be superceded by another.
Vermin cunts.
Great nomination also GJ..as it will not be widely reported.
I wonder if it might have caused a small stir if the rapist was white and the victim blek?
I wonder?
I’m just waiting for the stock excuse Unkle, “Lessons will be learnt”.
Only ‘lessons that will be learnt’ will be on how to better cover up or bury any similar crimes in the future.
Which is code for we will carry on doing the same thing.
Lessons are NEVER learned by the cunts who are responsible for preventing these gross abuses. Maria Colwell died in 1973. Lost count of how many have died in similar circumstances since. If there was a fifty percent cut in the head count in local authorities the only difference you would notice would be the cut in your rates bill.
1, Refill the tower moat.
2, Release Prince George’s crocodile (he’d be a fair size by now).
3, Chuck this cunt in as well as the morons that hired/covered for him (an example must be set to others).
4, Proceeds from ticket sales to the unfortunate boy in the hope it’ll buy him a better life and he won’t turn out like his father.
William and Kate’s prince George has a crocodile?! Cor! Lucky devil! When I was his age, I had some matchbox cars and some snap cards.
Crocodiles dont perform as well here due to the climate.
I know they do some sterling work down under but here theyre listless, always catching colds and runney hooters.
Cost as much in Lemsips®
As they do in food.
Crocs respond better to having Vick Vapour Rub applied liberally to their chests…
And lemon in their tea.
The minimum response should be an independent serious case review, but police investigations would be more appropriate. Of course, even if either occur, the results will be hushed up and smoothed over. The fuckers cover up millions of child rape cases, so this should be no problem. Total filth.
Top cunting.
The puke gir the job fir the obvious diversity inclusive reasons. A classic example of political correctness destroying the truth and the truth is our government is destroying our country by importing vermin.
Why do illegals have rights?
Surely the fact they’re illegal means police/citizens should be able to do anything to them without consequences.
There should be an obstacle course filled with booby traps like in that Home Alone film, or that Japanese game show dubbed in English, Takeshi’s Castle. If they can make it to the finish line without cheating, then and only then should they be considered for a shorter prison sentence.
Still a can of can’t for doing what he did, mind.
The fucker won’t be deported.
Some cunts will fighting his corner for him and citing “its against his human rights”. Foreign scum who commit crimes always stay. We’re all racists apparently and foremost we judge people on the colour of their skin, not for the crimes they commit.
Why he remains in the country illegally for 21 years just shows how much our politicians (Tom Hunt, Ipswich the only exception) give a flying fuck about this country and the people who live here.
Kill it and all the cunts responsible for hiring it.
I long for a return of proper punishment. The cunt should be castrated and deported. A despicable and calculated crime. He thought he’d get away with it because she was incapable of reporting it. Council trying to brush it under the carpet again no doubt.
He gets a treatment a Bit like the paedo rings. lenient sentencing because he is BAME or whatever shite they think up.
Lovely immigrants coming here to do jobs and help the in need and enrich society. I think we should Grant him citizenship, rehabilitate him and put him in the same situation again, he definitely wouldn’t do it again…….
Ludicrous as it sounds, thats what happened in the prelude to the london bridge terror attack. I in no way support terrorism but did anyone see a kind of phyric poetic justice that the bloke attacked a conference on the ‘success’ of the terrorist rehabilitation programme? The wokes just cant learn can they? They are that buried in rhetoric and bullshit and their utopian ideas they just cant look at facts.
Facts are the left’s Kryptonite!
Diversity strikes again
“At least it was a legal immigrant though not an illegal one” So sayeth the cuckservative
Some piano wire and a lamp post
I bet this is the tip of the iceberg. I dread to think what goes on in cases like this where male nurses are left in charge of female patients who are mentally and physically ill. Remember those grainy porn videos from the 1980s where it was obvious that the girls were drug addicts getting fucked in front of the cameras for their next fix.
The simian cunt should be placed in a Running Man or Hard Target format gameshow.
If they catch him he loses; they render him down for pigfood – live into an industrial chipper.
I’d buy that for a dollar!
Should have been hanged. Simple execution. The ones who should imprisoned from this little event would be whoever signed off the DBS check and then employed him
I looked up the bill for keeping a prisoner for one year in a British jail. According to The Sun, in 2019 it was £43,213. So what will this cost us for eleven years? Go on then, six. That’s £259,278. Then think about what he’ll be given when he gets out.
How much is a single bullet?
That wouldn’t happen in a socialist society, its the greedy capitalists fault. Honest comrade.
Where the fuck is this cunts oppression when you need it.