As far as I know, this repulsive creature isn’t the son of the famous Hyacinth (he used to be called Sheridan, so I suppose it is just possible….).
Joking apart, this ugly bastard, who hails from Brighton, that capital city of bumfuckery, amused himself by stabbing cats – 16 at last count, of which 9 died:
The little cunt didn’t have the guts to appear in court to hear the consequences of his disgusting behaviour, but is in hospital (Perhaps he tried to top himself? or just got the shits at the prospect of facing justice). He will be sentenced on 12th July, provided he turns up.
I am totally angered by animal cruelty, and the very lenient sentences they usually attract. IF I had my way, this little cunt would be given a severe thrashing with a cat o nine tails, and then handed over for a gang bang with Brightons many poofters.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
I would rip this cunt’s face off and make him fucking eat it.
Too late, looks like it as happened.
UPDATE: It seems that Bouquet will now receive his sentence on 30th July – no doubt he is still sick.
Sick cunt.?
An a Nosferatu looking cunt to boot.
He’ll go on to mess with kids,
Thats how it starts.
Nice name though?
Sounds like a singer?
Well he can give us a tune on the scaffold,
Ill hang this cunt on a noose dipped in cat piss .
Dancer, I think.
Certainly at the end of suggested rope.
Seriously folks, MNC is telling us the truth; this is very commonly where the child abusers begin their careers. I had the misfortune to meet one of these sickoes a few years ago. I wish I knew where he lived now…
100% Spot on. A cunt I went to school with tortured his pet with delight even putting it in the microwave for blasts, then he beat the shit out of it because it attacked him everytime he let it out the microwave.
People thought his stories were fiction so he invited everyone round to prove his torture tales were true.
20 years later, his entertainment became the abuse his own kids I will say were under 8 years old. Him & his partner / wife mixed up alcohol cocktails creating something called a ‘fuck bucket’, which I had never heard of and have never tried to find out what it is either.
The kids then plied with booze were commiting sexual acts on each other and he got involved as well (wife tried claiming she didn’t partake). The kids were beaten at the start to force them to follow his instructions.
When my relative who works for local authority asked me if I knew this cunt, I sensed I was going to hear something sick as fuck and so wasn’t surprised to hear that two doses f the cunts kids had been removed from the family home.
I had to stop the relative when they started tell me the abuse these kids were inflicting on each other and what was being inflicted on them. I couldn’t hear anymore and the surface was only just started scratched as the discovery had just been made and the kids were so fragile they said it may take years to slowly get the information from them.
The biggest cunt of it all for me was being told while the investigation was ongoing, another infant around 2 years old wasn’t taken from the cunts and still remained in the home. The parent cunts were also repeatedly approaching the foster carers trying to bully them to get weekend access to the removed kids without social services knowing. I would hang both of these cunts in a heartbeat.
Probably wets the bed, and is fond of setting fire to things. In short, best lock him up and throw away the key, or it will be women next.
Give him his knife and put him in an arena with fully grown 250 kg tiger, go on Steve give it some ???
What a cunt!
Good call. I’d love to get all those trophy hunting cunts and drive them out into the middle of their favourite hunting grounds, disarm them and sit back and watch the cunts take on their prey in a nice fair fight.
In fact, I think taking all modern day weapons out of Africa would solve a lot of the country’s problems. Leave them only the basic hunting tools they can craft themselves by hand using materials found on the landscape.
I’d tied him up, rub catnip all over him and turn him into a scratching pole for cats.
Hopefully, a very slow and well-deserved death for this sick cunt.
My cat scratched my finger the other day, it was like a paper cut, right from the first knuckle to the finger tip, it made me say ‘oh dear that hurts’ (or something like that) turning him into a scratch pole would be cruel, I like it ?
I hope the dickless bald sick cunt gets his face punched in every time he goes out. If it was my cat he killed, there would be no hiding place, for this entry level serial killer piece of shit.
The local should get hold of this cunt every time he sets foot out the door and force feed him tins of Whiskas until he fucking chokes.
A well deserved nom WC.
I live in Brighton and it’s full of low life like this scum.
It’s become a mecca for every degenerate in the Country and the Council actively encourage it.
I can sum up a big part was f Brighton’s problems in six words…
Lloyd Russel Moyes and Caroline Lucas
I’ve never been to Brighton though years ago I had hoped to at some point. I don’t think I will bother now. It must be shit for people who used to holiday there now seeing what it has become.
Obviously have a great deal of sympathy for local residents. Who is voting for these cunts & why?
Drown him in cats’ piss.
I’d throw him into a cage full of hungry lions and tigers. That would be poetic justice.
He looks like a vegan cunt, they enjoy putting animals to sleep, maybe he was just being overly enthusiastic like certain animal shelter cunts!!!
Evil cunt.
Never mind lawyers.
Put it in a bag with starving rats and lob it off a cliff.
Brighton, that’s bandit country….
Security guard? In Brighton that means he works on the doors of gay clubs and sucks cock after closing. His sentencing was adjourned as he was in hospital due to a “physical illness.”
Let’s hope it’s not something trivial and he comes out in a body bag.
Animal cruelty attracts (fairly) lenient sentences because the law doesn’t provide for harsh ones. I THINK this guy is being prosecuted for criminal damage, because that offence (potentially) carries higher penalties. It’;ll be interesting to see what he gets…
Indeed. Remember that bitch who dumped a cat in a wheelie bin? £250 fine. Should have been handed over to the Peacefuls for a good stoning.
Mind you, they’re not keen on animals either.
All cunts.
You cannot boil a lobster alive anymore, but you can cut a lambs throat and let it bleed out in pain. How odd. Wonder why?
I heard the lobster thing the other day, apparently a blue one turned up and got a ticket to spend the rest of its days at Manchester Sea Life Museum because it was rare. Manchester Sea Life ? Laughed my bollocks off. I suppose the red side of Manchester will want one in there now.
I don’t mind cats, but my dog is sick of them. I tell the neighbours if my dog gets hold of one then it’s fair game. My dog won’t get hold of any as she can’t climb fences, but her catapult training is coming on a treat.
All fine and dandy… except that you can still boil lobsters alive in the UK.
Heard someone interviewed on Talkradio (chef I think) claim that it had to be done this way as they apparently start to decompose very quick when they die and they couldn’t be eaten if killed when the fisherman removes them from the pots or at the port.
Never ate lobster or crab, at least knowingly. Probably Tescunts pack out their fishcakes with discarded mashed up meat though, just like they pack out minced beef things with horsemeat. Cunts.
He’s one weird looking cunt
I wouldn’t bother with prison for him
For some reason the pleasure of smashing that nose of his sideways and every ways would be sufficient
He would think twice if not a hundred times, the next cat that crosses his path.
Sick fuck
While they might not like pussies that much in Brighton, theres a lot of pussylovers in the rest of the country.
Shame if his address got leaked.
This right said fred looking cunts got a right beak on him hasnt he?
Cyrano de catstabber.
Hope that big boney snout of his gets splattered all over his face.
That made laugh MNC. The not liking of pussy in Brighton
Get Dianne Abbott to sit on his face and fellate her, that will teach the cunt
You’ve heard the expression ‘I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy’. Whatever it is you’re thinking of, it wouldn’t apply to him. He deserves everything you’d want to do to him, and if he goes to prison I hope that’s exactly what’s waiting for him inside.
If that were to happen ,he’d go the of chiggun St George
Can’t be making more heroes from suffocation
As a life long cat owner I’d chuck this cunt into a cage full of Tigers, with his pockets full of steak.
It says on the Argus website that his sentence has been adjourned due to him being taken to hospital. I don’t know if he was held on remand or on bail. He’ll probably claim insanity or that he’s a reincarnated pigeon.
They should get a fucking tiger or lion in a cage with him for five minutes and see if he still fancies having a go at attacking a cat. What a fucking cunt. Living in Brighton and ex-Navy apparently, probably won’t accept his a shirt lifter or something. Piss off, you bald cunt.
It is disgraceful that so many lambs are subjected to Halal and Kosher slaughter methods every day in this country.
We’re not talking a handful. The number will be in the tens of thousands daily.
Considering that we are a nation of so-called animal lovers, it is surprising that this barbaric practice isn’t frequently subjected to rigorous debate and exposure via the MSM.
Paradoxically, however, the MSM appear to lend this subject matter no air-time whatsoever.
This only illustrates that the MSM and other left-wing institutions, will stoop to the lowest level possible in order to appease this country’s precious Carpet Kissers.
That’s why I never give my business to Turkish restaurants or butchers. If there’s no pork on the menu then they can fuck off.
It’s not just the cunting media. What about all the animal rights cunts? Look at all the things they have done in the past…….fighting with posh hunt cunts, breaking into laboratories, laying down in front of lorries, even desecrating graves. They won’t go near Peacefuls though……or pikies.
Same with the RSPCA, deafening silence.
There’s a video of animal rights cunts trying to block people going into a Burger King in I think Belgium earlier this year. Then this big lad comes up and has none of it and simply walks through them as they all quiver in their boots.
Both of the revered, barbaric, Abrahamic religions practise male and female genital mutilation, which should also be banned. If their sky fairy created humans “in his own image”, the CUNT will have both a clitoris and a foreskin, so by what logic should they removed by the imaginary deity’s worshippers?
How do you think humans slaughtered sheep, chickens etc in the 19th century and before? No stun guns then. Nobody outraged. Suddenly Halal or Kosher is the bad guy.
Ever seen how Bernard Matthews employees treats his turkeys? Fucking hideous. There are plenty of reports of idiot slaughter house staff being complete cunts and they are nothing to do with Halal or Kosher.
I would rather have Halal meat that has been stunned before killing and then blessed, over any meat that has been slaughtered cruelly. The problem is we can’t tell what meat has been slaughtered properly. And this is just the killing bit; what about how they have been raised? Pigs in tower blocks? Chickens that don’t get to see the daylight? Its disgusting.
Well said.
Some very valid points indeed Cuntologist.
But, it has to be noted with regards to slaughter methods it is now 2021 and not 1821. Technology has advanced. Some of this technology should be utilised.
Would we as humans be willing subject ourselves to 19th century surgical methods for example?
Times change. Some religions however remain in the Dark Ages.
But who is in ‘the dark ages’ exactly? Surely it is any consumer buying cruelly raised meat/poultry as well as any breeders and slaughter houses that don’t adhere to humane standards.
I’m not going to side with any implication that all Muslims are cunts because of a minority practice whilst others indulge in battery chickens, tower block pork or dodgy Bernard Matthews turkeys, to name but a few examples.
Goose and gander springs to mind.
Your posts above are devastating Cuntologist. Particularly like the use of “slaughter house” rather than the euphemism “abattoir”. I am a long way from being a vegetarian and I find your argument quite unsettling, which is a bit of an event in the life of this old fart. I once heard a farmer say that if people saw how a lot of their food was produced there would be some hungry-looking buggers about!
We need more (real) women on this site, dilute the testosterone a little.
I’d happily bludgeon the slapheaded the bloke out of the ‘Hills have eyes lookalike cunt to death.
‘Sheridan’ Bouquet from Brighton, and a mug like that?
Mmm, it’s understandable that the cunt has hostility ishoos, probably arising from a deep sense of inadequacy and personal self-loathing.
I foresee a ‘suspended’ sentence, a heavy fine, and six months of counselling.
I am a cat lover and I would happily gut this cunt with one of my home made Bowie’s
Bind the bald cunt’s hands and feet, strip him naked and then put him in a lion’s cage for shits and giggles.
I can’t abide animal cruelty.
Nasty, cowardly, ugly bald fucktard. A waste of skin and bone.
Couldn’t you just beat him up for us after the school run (or should that be beat him off) and entertain us all?
Sigh. Do you really want another ban? It can be arranged. – DA
I thought it was pretty funny. Sigh indeed
I’m a nice admin. I’m the sarcastic glib one. I don’t care if you post here or not as long as you don’t continue to pointlessly troll people in a very boring manner – DA
Did seem a bit of an open goal… but you’re right. Such activity is indeed pointless
10 out of 10 for your baiting effort, but in terms of achievement? Close but no cigar. You are improving but have some way to go to become the master baiter of the forum.
I would remind you, Leslie, of that old adage. If you wish to become a lion tamer, it is wise first to study the behavioural patterns of lions.
Where is B&W Cunt? No doubt gone off to a sunnier place; I hope anyway.
I can hear him say ‘Who the fuck are you then?’
Guy is a fucking coward.
Cannot abide cruelty to animals and I know what so would personally like to do to them. And what I have in mind is not nice. See how they like it.
Watched a crime documentary last night, where as per usual the pathetic wanker being interviewed said “no comment” to every fucking question.
I watched a crime documentary where the suspect kept repeating ‘no comment’.
It frustrated the detective conducting the interview.
They had this blokes diary and it was incriminating,
The detective pretended to not be able to read a sentence and showed it the suspect,
Who said
“thats terrible!
I can barely read my own writing”….bang to rights!!
* The suspect?
Fred ‘ the weatherman’ Talbot.
I’m not a cat lover but I would never see any harm come to one, the only saving grace with cunts like the cat stabber/ shit stabber from Brighton is some nutter will do the same to him once he gets out of clink and fucking good riddence.
While they are about it newter the cunt as well….
Thumb screws loosens lips.
I spoke to a bloke who worked at a lab that experimented with genetically modified food.
He said that they had produced a chicken with much bigger legs.
I asked him why anyone would want to do that. He said, “It’s simple, more meat, more profit.”
I said, “What does it taste like.?”
He said, “I dunno, I’ve never managed to catch one”….