Steve Bouquet

As far as I know, this repulsive creature isn’t the son of the famous Hyacinth (he used to be called Sheridan, so I suppose it is just possible….).

Joking apart, this ugly bastard, who hails from Brighton, that capital city of bumfuckery, amused himself by stabbing cats – 16 at last count, of which 9 died:

The little cunt didn’t have the guts to appear in court to hear the consequences of his disgusting behaviour, but is in hospital (Perhaps he tried to top himself? or just got the shits at the prospect of facing justice). He will be sentenced on 12th July, provided he turns up.

I am totally angered by animal cruelty, and the very lenient sentences they usually attract. IF I had my way, this little cunt would be given a severe thrashing with a cat o nine tails, and then handed over for a gang bang with Brightons many poofters.

Nominated by: W. C. Boggs

80 thoughts on “Steve Bouquet

  1. No fan of cats they should be kept indoors, they decimate small mammals and the impact on bird populations is appaling (funny I never see them stalking Seagulls, only Song Birds and the like) yet people that keep them claim to be animal lovers.

    As for this strange looking mutant/alien hybrid it needs to be donated to medical science pronto.

    That is all. Good evening and fuck off.

    • You’re right about cats , murdering cunts that they are , send the murdering things to Wuhan , heard there’s a few cunts there safely !

      • Not safely , aswell was meant to be the last word on my post .my predictor is shit and can’t seem to find ‘edit’ here , anycunt help ?

  2. It has just dawned on me who the cunt reminds me of.

    Kurt Barlow from Salem’s Lot. We need David Soul on the case with a club hammer and a stout, timber stake.

    Not to drive through his heart – to hammer clean up his ringpiece. He is from Brighton after all.

  3. Richard O’Brien has changed his name?

    This cunt needs to be stripped, staked out in the woods, smeared with cat food and let the feral cats, have their way.
    The foxes and badgers can have the leftovers.

    My cats have asked me to send the following messages:

    “Mrrrrowwwrrrr hissispitispitispit rowwwr!”

    “Ssssssssprawwwrrr mwrowrr cunt spittttt!”

    • Your cat has a stutter CG? ?
      Serial killers start out by torturing animals, its a warning sign.
      They move on to kids.
      That Tony the Tiger?
      He was a cereal killer..

      Aargh, who threw that?!;;

  4. What happens if someone doesn’t turn up in court when they are supposed to? Do the police go pick them up?

  5. Look at his eyes, they’re dead. If I was ‘Slipper
    Of The Yard ‘ I’d be going through his background, his hard drive and missing persons lists, amongst other things.
    Or taking bribes and shagging prostitutes.?

  6. Ive no great ove for cats but Brighton is the home of degeneracy.
    I ecpect he’ll get let off after identifying as a dog.

  7. I think this cunt should have his fingers cut off, the evil bastard.

    But I bet he has ‘mental health issues’ (that old one) or (wait for it) ‘substance issues’, and a team of shrinks, liason officers, bum wipers and social workers will mollycoddle and indulge this sick fuck, a la Venables and Thompson. Those two pieces of scum were treated like kings, and I dare say this cunt will be too. British justice, my arse.

    • yes , you would get sick of the excuses
      but that’s where were at in the west
      there’s no reality anymore, when push comes to shove
      just a victim of circumstances and that’s the perpetrators plea
      No justice anymore for being the recipient

  8. Like to watch the cunt have a crack at a couple of Tigers that would make a fantastic animals revenge vid. Is it not hard to believe that once this fucktard was a little babe in arms, likewise every other sick criminal bastard. Fuck me I need more booze the meds ain’t cutting it at the moment.

  9. Someone needs to walk up behind him with a 2lbs ball hammer one dark night ??
    Absolute fucking scumbag

    • ignore the cock commet guys, totally out of context, belongs under a genetically modified chicken with big legs comment, who’d of thought.

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