St Paul’s Grammar School For Girls (“now Learners”)

This cunt factory is in Hammersmith……very posh, very prestigious…….£26,000 a year to you Sir. You probably thought you could escape the hand of the woke at such an establishment. Think again.

As from September the Head Girl will be known as the Head of School so as not to upset the “non binaries.”

Hold on a minute, doesn’t Head of School sound a bit like the Head Teacher? That’s a bit confusing innit? Not really because the Head Teacher is actually called the High Mistress!

Seriously! I’m not making this shit up. The High Mistress is one Sarah Fletcher who claims there are at least 150 different gender identities. Oh yeah, name them then Sarah you dozy old ratbag. Don’t just pick a number out of the air and think no cunt is going to challenge it.

What an absolute load of fucking bollocks.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog 

Helpful links provided by Ruff Tuff Creampuff

Stonewall says no more boys and girls

School drops gender labelling

49 thoughts on “St Paul’s Grammar School For Girls (“now Learners”)

  1. 26 grand a year I expect the parents are the woke new wave and fully behind this assholery ?

    You reap what you sow so I wish them all the very best of luck when the reach adulthood and are naming their children!

  2. Girls school?
    Head girl?
    NO! – “overseeing rainbow”, etc.
    Who is that creepy white haired Man just out of camera shot? – he seems so be sniffing the girls and slavering!

  3. Is the irony of not wanting a “”Head Girl” in a school that will still be called St Paul’s Grammar School For Girls…not lost on this silly bitch?

    In my day at school being known as a head girl meant you were top of the slut league in the class.

  4. High Mistress? Does she take assembly dressed up in a PVC outfit, fishnet stockings and 12″ Louboutin heels with whip and nipple clamps?

    Perhaps she educated the late Max Mosley (note to Admin: the dead cannot be defamed under English law).

    I wonder if she has cucks dressed in gimp suits attending to her every whim.

    I’ll stop there or Cuntstable Cuntbubble and RTC will get the horn!

    • Isn’t mistress a female term, maybe some the teachers could be offended, if you are going woke then it has to be all or nothing, what is wrong with head teacher

  5. Interesting to note that white girls are in the massive minority in the nom picture – “diversity and inclusivity” should surely demand some of the tinted gals be thrown out – for equality you see!
    I am not going mad – they really are this stupid.

      • Gender labels should be the least of the problems this school faces.

        Bloody hell, even Bill Cosby’s release from prison surely must rate as a higher concern?

  6. Less than 1% of the pupils of the school identify as non-binary, so it appears they are changing the system based on 7 pupils out of 778 feeling uncomfortable with being labelled ‘he’ or ‘she’. These 7 kids are either show-offs, too sensitive or mentally ill or a combination of all of the above.

    This fucking country is going to hell in a handcart.

    • The country has already arrived at Hell. Weirdness in all its guises is promoted and seen as beneficial.

      • Guzziguy@ – I do believe my rendition of “it’s raining Men” will scare the fkers off”! ??

    • Foxy , may I respectfully request that we keep ‘It’s Raining Men’ in reserve, very much in reserve.

      • Guzziguy@ – It’s in reserve in case all else fails!
        Always considered Carmina Burana a good accompaniment to mass slaughter.

    • Well if those 7 are uncomfortable about the label girl then they can fuck right off because it’s a fuckimg girls school. Go to some other school. silly little twattesses.

  7. So another school that will just churn out more weirdos and assorted basket cases.
    At least it’s a private one this time.
    Keep your receipt.
    You thick cunts.

  8. Posh woke cunts wasting their money on making their own kids hate them?

    Good. Fuck them.

    Reap what you sow.

  9. If this teacher asked someone, “How many children do you have.?”
    And the reply was, “One of each.”
    Would she assume they have 150 children…..

    If I had a quid for every gender, I’d have two quid….

  10. Another school,which no doubt was once a good school, flushed down the toilet and sacrificed on the alter of wokedom. Any savvy parent should remove their daughter and tell the school straight just why –
    ” because you are liars claiming there are more than 2 sexes. Now fuck off”.

  11. Unless they are allowing tranny types into the school, which I would hope they don’t then regardless of how any of the silly snowflakes identify they are still girls.

    Go for Head Biological Girl ?
    Head Splitarse for the more down to Earth ?

    • As soon as they allow tranny types into the school most of the parents will be voting with their cheque books and fucking their little darlings out of there.

  12. All this woke bollox is supported by the upper middle class for the same reason as remoan. They hate the working class and this is about power and control of the plebs. I fucking hate the fucking cunts.

      • I’m with the somewheres rather than the anywhere’s. That’s the divide. Left and right is over. You either want to be left alone or you want to be someone who won’t leave people alone.

  13. Let me get this straight, we have a conservative government overseeing a full blown maoist cultural revolution with not a soul doing a fucking thing about it, not a sausage. Who actually runs this shitshow?

  14. The “High Mistress” ?

    It’s not Gina Miller is it ?

  15. I used to live near Hammersmith, and there was a lot of St. Paul’s families near me (boys and girls schools) – used to hang out with some of them.

    Girl from the girls school gave me one of the best noshing’s I’ve ever had, right dirty good little catholic girl she was – local bike!

    Oh to be teenager again with the knowledge I have now…

  16. I though the UK was institutionally racist?

    And yet in the nom photo I see 9 young girls who appear to be of various ethnicities smiling, chatting and getting along quite nicely.

    Demonstrates how this woke racism nonsense is dreamt up by retarded adults.

      • Yep, 9 kids and 4 whitey’s (one who is squinting an I reckon could be half minky. Oh and a ginge, is that white?).

        If this country was to be racially diverse, and advertising it, do you not think that there should be more white kids?

        I fear not me fellow cunters, some cunt in their marketing department (like most in marketing) is probably some WOKE soy boy or bean queen, with a name like Raph or Daisy who were like “… I know, let’s attract rich cunts from commonwealth nations so we can show how diverse, inclusive and WOKE we really are..”

        As mentioned in a previous post I bet they serve soy milk there – cunts (mind you, that noshing I mentioned in my previous comment was still fantastic).

  17. Ooohh high mistress?!
    I like that!
    Bet she leads the Coven.
    Spit on me and call me dirty.
    Young girls need a balanced well grounded education not this woke bollocks!
    Putting rolled up socks down their bras, drinking Bacardi breezers, and being stroppy.
    Normal stuff for teenage girls.

    * This isnt the school Prince Andrew tried to conduct rectal examinations is it?


  18. None of this woke shit at Eton. Oh no.
    There are only 2 genders at Eton. Male and catamite. The first year are all catamites for whoever has taken Boris and Dave’s places.

    Pass me another small boy, Dave old chap. I seem to have split this one.

  19. When I was at school, my girlfriend was the head girl. I binned her off as she was a power mad cunt who took great pleasure in snitching / grassing up fellow 6th formers for ‘transgression of school rules’. I hope she died in great pain with bum cancer.

  20. The problem with schools is that the majority of teachers are female. Women are soft as shit and are particularly susceptible to wokie ideology. They are also more conformist so it only takes a few gobby Wimminz types to get a grip and the rest fall in line. This is particularly the case in primary schools where the staff are about 85% female.
    We celebrate the fact that more and more females are attending university but this is where tomorrow’s teachers come from. The increasing wokification of higher education has obvious consequences lower down the system.

    • Mr frog, Congratulations surviving admin after they beat on your funny rude rhyme about sparkles and harry, thought you’d be gone after your final fuck you.

      I apologised as I was in the wrong and out of line. – DA

      • Thats the sign of a good administrator, errors are made whilst running a zoo, but you fixed it by feeding us animals.

  21. I feel like transing to a schoolgirl today, where’s those changing rooms, I have some teaching to do.

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