Black swimmers are ‘heartbroken’ because the swimming competition have banned soul caps which are swimming caps into which black swimmers can cram their dreadlocks, afros and other hairstyles.
Apparently, this dreadful situation is preventing many young black swimmers pursuing their dream of representing their country. I am aware that Fiddler has opinions as to why we do not see Team GB awash with swimmers of colour but I do feel that he might be unaware of this dreadful discrimination.
Should any of us encounter one of these heartbroken persons do not assume that one of their family has just been informed that they have a terminal illness or suchlike; it is because their hairstyle prevents them winning a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
Nominated by – Guzziguy
Link helpfully provided by – Dickie Dribbler
Black people swimming? Eh?
They don’t swim because they get mistaken for eels and the weight of their Mr T jewellery drags them down, which is also why their dinghies capsize in the Channel.
I’m going treasure hunting in the channel now and “I PITY THE FOOL THAT TRYS TO STOP ME”.
This is classic waaayyycccist material. It’s stamped all over it. Cue the whining.
Blatant discrimination of the very worst kind I’d say Utter.
I always encourage n.ig-n.ogs to take up swimming: throwing them into Lake Windermere, off the cruise ships, then throwing them breeze blocks for ballast??
*This is obviously said in jest.
I would throw them off the environmentally friendly steam gondola, on the deeper Coniston Water, the helpfully lob sand bags.
Morning CG.
Remember that splendidly 80’s joke?
“How do you stop an Ethiopian from drowning?”
“Throw him a polo mint!”
‘How do you stop an Ethiopean from drowning’? ‘
‘Take your foot off their head’!
Oldies but goodies!
I used to substitute a carpet rider for that particular joke!
Back to the 60s now;
What do you do with a dead Biafran?
Lay him on his back and use him for a toast-rack.
How about, “How do you stop an Ethiopian from drowning?”
Anyone would think only black cunts had hair!
I’m sure there’s plenty of other races that have long thick hair that they would love to hide behind a cap.
If they’re really all that “heartbroken” shave your fucking hair off and become a slap head for the duration of the Games
Moaning Cunts
Next you’ll get cunts moaning about :-
“I’ve got big tits, or a massive cock. Therefore I am at a disadvantage at swimming because I am not aerodynamic enough. am heartbroken!”
“I’m not very tall so can’t jump over hurdles. am heartbroken!”
“I am blind in one eye so can’t compete archery. am heartbroken!”
“I have dark skin, and therefore I don’t like cold weather. Therefore I can’t compete in the Winter Olympics. am heartbroken!”
“Disappointed and Heartbroken” eh.
Fuck off you whinging daft cunts.
Not like the Al Beeb to facilitate the victim narrative either is it.
Cunts all.
Good Morning.
I feel sorry for them, not like you bunch of uncaring racists.
Head like a fuckin candyfloss?
You dont win gold.
Having a fuckin sheepskin rug on your nut is a disadvantage when trying to swim.
Hence the soul caps.
I quite like them!
That lady at the top looks like Marvin the Martian.
Cheerful, light-hearted.
Probably why I laugh my cock off when they drown….
The last time I saw something with a head shaped like that, it was bursting out of John Hurt’s chest.
Let’s hope that Alien/Aliens never gets remade or the Xenomorph will probably be re-cast as a mincing transbumder with rainbow-painted claws and a dildo on the end of its tail.
Strikingly accurate CL. Your perspicacity is impressive.
It’s already in production by Disney.
Last time I saw something like that, it was bursting out my arse.
Black Soul Caps Matter!
Is this for real? Please tell me they are not having a Turkish.
Come along now.
Everybody knows they only wear those pillowcases on their heads to conceal all the diamonds they are smuggling.
Such lawlessness has no place at the Modern Olympiad.
Either that or their architectural drawing board and slide rule.
Slide rule? Given away your age there Tom!
I wonder if Moozlim wimminz can compete in swimming events? Don’t they have to dress up in letterboxes so as not to offend anyone?
Which reminds me of the World Cup next year in Qatar. I doubt there will be much of an opening/closing ceremony, given that usually there’s lots of dancing wimminz in scanty attire prancing about and going all jiggly in front of the cameras.
Expect to see 100 wimminz in fully armoured black letterboxes dancing to some Allah-is-Great bollocks for the opening of the World Cup
I heard that thy’re planning a display by the Black Carpets aerobatic display team
(Not quite sure, Ron, but a lot of your posts this morning have ended up in the MQ. Don’t know if its because you’ve been using a different IP these last couple of days, or because you’re special. but we’ll find out why WP is picking on you – Day Admin)
There will be dancing, fireworks and public executions, they haven’t quite grasped entertainment yet.
Personally I have no objection to people of colour wearing whatever impedes them in any athletic event. Perhaps though they will then complain that whites need to carry weights to make matters fair, rather like the Jockey’s at a weigh in. After thousands of years of evolving to chase down their meals, they surely do have the physical advantage, whitey having evolved separately, would hunt down the nearest take away, but there again , it takes brains to evolve that way.
White swimmers shave body hair and do whatever it takes to speed up. Are haircuts racist now? Cant these fuckers do what a normal cunt would do?
Reminds me of Bank holidays in Durban. 1000s of Kaffirs take to the ocean. Then realise they cant swim. The life guards (white and Indian) have usually had to be stood down due to the danger of being murdered. Many kaffirs dont make it back.
I remember when I was in Goa and three young Indian boys drowned, the lifeguards pulled their bodies from the water, laid them on the beach and then everyone carried on as normal. Some were seeing the sea for the first time ever and had no idea of the dangers, especially some of the women who went in fully clothed over religious bollocks.
Darwin lives!
Shave it.
Grow it back later.
What’s so fucking difficult? I’m a straight white male so I’ll apologise already.
Not sure how, but I’m pretty sure this will all be my fault.
And to be honest, if a fucking haircut stops you winning gold, then you’re not cut out for high level sport anyway.
Oh, and we’ve more chance of seeing Rick Waller win the men’s Olympic 100 metres than we have of seeing ‘an aggressively tanned’ winner of the swimming.
Unless the cap conceals a helium-filled balloon to keep their head from sinking…or a pop-up buoy to mark their position on the sea-bed/pool-bottom, I can’t see what benefit it can bring to a Sooty stupid enough to get out of their depth.
I genuinely can’t understand why the C@ons try to defy nature and copy The White Man by swimming…it is genetically impossible for them. No “soul cap” is suddenly going to stop black skin letting water in… which allied to their extra dense bones sinks them quicker than Diane Abbott can sink a Family-sized Feast bucket of KFC. I don’t look at a pigeon down my gun-barrel and get the urge to try and copy it by flinging myself out of a tree while desperately flapping my arms..neither should the Sooties get the urge to try and copy normal humans by taking to the water.
PS….I’d ban those tyre-swings that you sometimes see on is fucking cruel to put such an obviously irresistible temptation for the Dark-Keys near water and is probably one of the most common cause of Dark-key death … only behind stabbed by another Tarry-Toot and drug overdose
Afternoon, Mr F…do you remember Eric the Eel in the Olypics 20-odd years ago?
Here he is, proving your theory and looking a bit like a spastic seal:
Hilarious, maybe he should have gone for the 50 metre race rather than the 100 ?
Remember him?…I did more than remember him..I organised a campaign to raise a statue of him in every British city…unfortunately my admittedly slightly badly-named ” Give a Mandingo an Erection” initiative attracted some rather unsavoury types and I had to withdraw my backing…Shame, I had high hopes that a statue of Eric would inspire de comunideee to put down their knives in favour of jumping into deep.deep water.
Ah well.perhaps my ” Hold your breath longer than George F loyd” tic-toc challenge will be better received.
Afternoon,Mr. Cunt-Engine
Apparently he learnt to swimming in crocodile infested rivers. I thought that would make him faster.
Little Lord F……they must have been fucking lazy crocodiles if they couldn’t catch that Cunt.
PS…Where the fuck is B+W Cunt ?
“Where the fuck is b w cunt”
Got the wuflu from (analingus) tongue in arse I can only assume
Roy Scheider would blow her head off thinking its jaws swimming about.
Fina are now reviewing the decision, no one has any balls these days, the stupid swimming cap had to have a stupid name to get the black to buy it, can’t just call it an oversize swim cap, it has to be called ‘soul’ ffs
You would think any serious competitive swimmer would do everything to maximise their chances of winning, including cutting their fucking hair.
The ban is because the cap doesn’t follow the natural shape of the head, nothing to do with race.
They must look like a fucking mushroom going through the water (when they can float that is).
I’ve got a better idea.
The chippy fuckers moaning about this could start up a new event and compete in that instead?
They might even win gold in the ‘Being a complete fucking cunt’ event?
Like those stupid little half hat stockings the silver-back males wear. At my daughter’s school (which she has thankfully just left), we had to listen to some shit from the head-girl about how she has “increased inclusivity” by introducing skin-tone plasters in matron’s and raising awareness about afro hair-cuts and dreadlocks. For fuck’s sake -we are truly fucked. However, afro haircuts really piss me off. Untidy, unpleasant and anti-social. I don’t understand the dark-ones – moan about frizzy hair and want it straight, then moan about straight hair and want an afro. I’d ban the fucking things – and I’d also ban hair straightening products as they are “cultural appropriation”of the white man’s hair.
A simple association of Ideas neatly solves the problem described in the previous cunting. I give you, and the world, the arsehole cap.
They’re just gutted because they can’t cram ganja into their rasta caps to smuggle into Tokyo.
Cuntflaps all of them.
Load of old bollocks. Most black women have their hair cut short and wear wigs anyway. In Brixton there’s a big shop which is like a wig supermarket. They have hundreds of the fucking things and there are black sorts going in and out all day.
Load of BBC shit designed to promote the victim narrative for nice middle class libtard weeping whiteys. I’m surprised they haven’t got Sir Marcus to whine about this.
How the fuck are you going to swim with that on. Imagine the backstroke? The cunts are finding fault with everything.