A cunting for Callum Semple of the SAGE and Onion Communist Party Poopers.
Simple Semple now wants to add the following symptoms to the Corony list:
Fatigue: Hard day at work? Too much wanking? Lazy fucker?
Sore throat: Ho’s doing deepthroat overtime?
Headache: Hangover? Wives not wanting to service their husbands? Husbands being nagged by their wives? Wimminz, any one of a thousand reasons, no reason given or needed.
Diarrhoea: 8 pints of Guinness followed by a Vindaloo? Dodgy Doner kebab with or without 8 pints?
Simple Semple thinks they can ‘discover’ upto a third more cases with these added symptoms. Really? With that vague list, obviously they could , IF mugs keep testing themselves.
Looking on the bright side, it will give the cattle cowering behind the sofa something to look forward to, as they wait for the postie’s twice weekly visit with their free test kits.
Digressing slightly, why is it these free home kits we are all entitled to (lucky us) twice weekly can earn us 14 days house arrest but aren’t good enough for a trip to Boremolinos or Shag-aloof?
Instead, we have to fork out 150-200 quid a pop for private ones, multiple times, for a weekend or two weeks sun? What a fucking till ringing scam for Wanksock’s chosen mates.
Finally, the curtain on this pantomime is never going to come down if cattle keep compliantly marching to the abattoir. Where is Corony? Look… He’s behind you!!
Well, Simple Semple of the Paxo SAGE and Onion Party……..get stuffed!
Nominated by: Cunt Two Three
You must have noticed that, in the last year, nobody has died of anything but Covid. No cancer, no heart attacks, no fuck all, just Covid.
That’s not really true, Moggie. I’m speaking from first-hand knowledge, here.
Not true, Gene,but it is certainly the impression the BBC likes to give. They enjoy on Wireless 4 saying how many people have died “within 28 days of receiving a postive Covid test”. Considering that many illnesses include the suppression of the immune system, it stands to reason that you are right, but the BBC love to frighten people. They love talking to that rogue professor whose name escapes me, who always likes to spread doom and gloom.
I will not be throwing caution to the winds next week – I will continue walking to the supermarket to be there when they open (it’s empty for the first twenty minutes) and I won’t be attending the weekly Labour Lesbian Ladies Wrestling nights – not even if lovely Liza is competing topless. I hope for good weather so I don’t have to hear Mrs. Boggs make inane remarks about her soap favourites such as “it’s a shame they made that Callum q ueer, because he is such a nice young man” Don’t know where that one comes from – sounds Scottish?
You’re not wrong, W.C. The BBC are experts in prognostications of doom, and, like you, I’ll not be throwing caution to the wind, either, not that I do much now, anyway.
All other health issues are kept out the media. Covid this, covid that…..
Because, unless it’s someone ‘important’, or specifically newsworthy, suicide for example, you, for example dying of a cardiac arrest isn’t news.
Well covid should be in that category now, or at least on at the end of the evening bulletin, like “fire department rescues cat up tree”, not this incessant overblown orgazmathon bullshit by the bug eyed hyper-excited media twits flawlessly doing the bidding of their masters to terrify the credulous amongst us.
They are so desperate for the ability to boost death numbers and not content with claiming a Covid death if the person provided a positive test within the previous 28 days that they extended it to 60 days.
I don’t recall seeing them publicise this in the media and I have yet to speak to anyone who knows about this other than a friend’s son who is an ICU nurse.
This in itself is an absolute piss take, but then add consideration to the accuracy of these tests.
A friend of mines mother got admitted to hospital following the return of a bout of pneumonia which he thought his mum was discharged too early from hospital in Dec 2019.
After being readmitted, he was refused permission to visit her as they claimed she could have C19. She provided 6 negative tests within the first three days she was in and they still wouldn’t let him in. He said it was like they were testing the shit out of her hoping for a positive result. His sister who is a nurse at a neighbouring hospital got in and intervened in her mum’s course of treatment and she thankfully got home all well within a couple of weeks.
He thinks had it not been for his sister that he would not have seen his mum again. For incidents like this the NHS are either useless or complicit cunts.
“He thinks had it not been for his sister that he would not have seen his mum again. For incidents like this the NHS are either useless or complicit cunts.”
Ah, he ‘Thinks’? Right, every cunt with an NHS email address and/or badge is a useless, complicit cunt? With an indictment like that, I’ll hand my badge and rank tabs in, tomorrow…
@DCI Badly worded on my part. It was more a case of what his sister found out that gave him that opinion. She is a ward sister in another hospital within the same area trust. She had to use her credentials to fight her way in, establish what course of treatment was in place and then fight to have her treatment plan changed.
There was many things untoward going on. She secured evidence to whatever was going on and had to threaten removing her mum (who after 8 days was still providing negative tests) from the hospital and admit at the one she worked at. It was very messy and involved lawyers contacting the trust CEO who shit themselves and bent over backwards & pulled out the stops on treatment.
Someone with over 30 years impeccable service to the NHS doesn’t instruct a lawyer to advise the trust CEO of immediate legal action for fun.
She was clearly correct in her intervention as she made a recovery within weeks, yet they told my friend that there was little chance for her, she was deteriorating by the day. They had written her off for dead.
Now had that been me or any average cunters mother, we would have been calling the funeral parlour to make arrangements.
Many people who lost loved ones had neither the NHS staff badge to access their relative or the medical knowledge to challenge the treatment being administered.
I’m not for one minute suggesting you hand in your badge. I don’t know you but it can only say from the few posts of yours I’ve read where you mention your job portray someone diligent & dedicated to their job.
Like with all organisations, there are good & bad and I personally could write a book on my treatment, misdiagnosis and failure in duty of care but I’m thankful my conditions aren’t life threatening.
My local trust has an appalling record prior to Covid from everything from failure in basic infection control to deaths from birth age to geriatrics. The general public opinion is avoid the hospitals unless it’s life threating or you want to take the gamble that you will get be fortunate enough to be cared for by capable staff who give a shit and not students that have to copy earlier blood pressure values entered on your chart because they don’t know how to take it without an electronic machine out of argos.
I didn’t intend any offence towards you and hope all your patients are fortunate enough to get the continued level of care after you hand them over to admissions.
Naturally they’re looking for anyway to increase testing. More fraudulent tests equals more bogus statistical data with which to beat everyone into submission with.
People are fucking dumb. What sort of pandemic is it where you have to go looking for it for fucks sake. Where you have to advertise it, strangle the media narrative, censor online materials.
Remember the wise words of Matty, our health leader…. ‘go around and act as if you have the disease’.
Any cunt who actively did this has a clear susceptibility to mental health problems, being influenced so easily.
I’d like to treat Matty ‘as if he had the virus’ and pump him full of his beloved Midazolam just as he did with care home residents no longer with us.
Didn’t that silly woman from SAGE get taken to task by Richard Madeley recently? Good on him.
Sadly, Sid and Doris Bonkers complained about Madeley’s “treatment” of the commie harpy.
I read about some survey that was taken recently and they concluded that people that wanted more control more mask wearing and more lockdowns were decidedly Remainers and people that wanted total freedom and make their own decisions were leave voters.
I’m a leave voter and it’s frighteningly accurate. All the mask wearers I know voted remain ,the fiercely independent ones are leave voters. By that logic 48% of the population are for never ending lockdown. Ffs that is sad.
It shows what a bunch of cowardly childish turds Remainers are – they don’t give a flying fig about living in the EU – Adonis and Blair would fuck off and live in an EU country if that was the case – they are just scared of upsetting Adolf Merkel and Napoleon Macron, or the nasty things Steve Bray will yell at them.
I could buy that. If you listen to James OBrien or Sheelah Fatberg on Loaded Bunch of Cunts (LBC), which most liberal limp piss urbanites do, then you’ll be programmed in that very direction.
I used to listen to lbc and these two cunts were painful on the ears, although if I was in the right mood it was hilarious listening to the remainers who called in distress. I suspect now that they were all actors. Any time I called, I either never got called back or they cut me off after one sentence.
I thankfully discovered Talkradio around the time the push was on to get rid of Theresa May and I only switch back to LBC for the odd presenter show now.
I’ve given up on this covid “advice” bollocks. Too many conflicting recommendations, too many conflicts-of-interest; too much reeling back on initial announcements…. its all shite!
No one really knows what the best laid plans are, and when Boris announces that 90% of current restrictions will be lifted come July 19th, and then to say that actually, we’ve had second thoughts and we might just lift 50% instead, it makes you wonder what the point is in listening to these clueless fanatics both in government and SAGE
They’re too scared to release some of the shackles that belong to Project Fear 2 (the original “Project Fear” being Brexit of course).
Wait until they start telling us that the only way to tackle the virus is to rejoin the EU. I use the word ‘rejoin’ on the basis that there are rumours that we’ve left.
I’m surprised that this virus never had a cliff edge for us all to fall from.
The only thing they haven’t tried bullshitting us with is men in suits on the streets with leaf blowers filled with smoke cartridges. Oh and a scariant that the vaccine isn’t effective against, which would totally put the vaccines in the bin where they belong.
That Susan Michie fruitcake has been a member ofthe British Communist Party for 40 years. She recently said mask wearing should be forever in a Channel 5 intervirew. Then refused to answer Ruchard Madeley about if her ideological views affecred her viewsbon lockdown.
Of course it does. She probably has photos of Stalin and Mao on her living room walls. Watches CCP propaganda daily. Why would a theoretically Conservative government be taking advice from commies? Imagine the outcry from the Lamestream Media and the BBC if the advisors were Nazi sympathisers.
Idolising Mass murdering totalitarian regimes and then having a platform to influence to drive British government policy tells me all I need to know where this is going to end up. The same policies which are being repeated across the world.
Shame I didn’t proofread what I typed!
sTURDgeon has a useful idiot like her in Scotland. This one however with her expert knowledge and experience wants to go after the innocent children with the vaccines.
This (Devi Sridhar) is someone who has what can only be described as a sketchy claim of an education history (enrolled in a six year course at the age of 16 and gained a bachelor degree two years into it apparently). She’s never wrote a prescription, stitched up a wound or worked in the NHS in any relevant care position, yet this university expert is sTURDgeon’s go to for expert advice for public health when Jason LIEtch the dentist (another useless cunt with vested interests) isn’t available or sTurdgeon just wants to give the public (tired of LIEtch) a change of voice.
The fact that SAGE is more heavily weighted by behavioural scientists than epidemiology or immunology experts combined is the alarm bells everyone should be hearing.
You have to realise that these boffin types tend to be so immersed in data they don’t cloud what they say with any sort of opinion rational or otherwise.
The only thing normal people look at are deaths because that is an actual reality, as long as the deaths attributed to Covid stay relatively low no one with be interested in anything else, no one except the scientists and the government.
This full process has been driven by modelling, data manipulation and behavioural science to install fear & coercive control.
Gaslighting cunts, the lot of them!
After last night’s shitshow and attendant refreshments I dare say there any many with such awful symptoms.
Oh the humanity!
Sore wrists, chafed bell end, double vision. No, not my Ann Widdecombe picture collection (or is it Lena whatsername?) I have the fucking Chinese lurgy. 4th time in a week.
Everything is now a covid symptom. They are devours power hungry scum obsessed with power. Remember cunters do gooders don’t really want to do good they want control and power.
Itchy top of middle toe on left foot? Stay home & order the test, you could have the virus.
Strange how they are so fixated on adding more & more trivial symptoms to the list of conditions to alert the public to a possible Coronavirus contraction, yet there are more severe symptoms being exhibited by people after taking ‘the jab’™ that the cunts are dismissing / ignoring/ covering up?
I was chatting to my son in law yesterday. He knows of a scam that railway workers are pulling. These chaps have to have a simple thermometer on the forehead test before they are allowed into work so some of them turn up the heat in the van, this gives a false reading on the aforementioned swede, at that point they are requested to go home ffs.
Ffs the country is full of skiving con merchants.
Do railway workers typically use vans to travel to work, Bertram? You have piqued my curiosity here.
I’d have thought most railway workers typically either:
?drive to work in ordinary motor cars (admittedly mostly equipped with heaters);
?/?/? take public transport (don’t they get a discount on the railways any more?)
?️/? use a motorbike or scooter;
? go by taxi;
?/?or a few might cycle or walk to work.
What are these vans of which you speak?
Just curious, why did you you change your name again CS? – DA
I think it’s the ones on maintenance.
Even the great Hercule Poirot does not know the answer to this one, DA. Monsieur Dawlish – il est incroyable.
All working class types who work in maintenance teams travel in vans, it’s a fact. Usually several vans ?
‘Just curious, why did you you change your name again CS? – DA’
Why DOES he/she keep changing their name?
Not only that they now live in Holland! (They don’t) – DA
It’s the sort of thing an attention seeking narcissist would do, so it can’t be that.
@DCI, it’s so people will ask ‘why do you keep changing your name’ ?
Bit quiet on here
I have friends who work for a railway contractor who travel together sharing a company van. The crew type that has seats installed in the front half of payload area. They also have welfare vans which have toilet, washing and basic tea making / cooking apparatus.
The Belgian detective really might be of interest….
Let’s wait and see….
Could of course be wrong
The unions of course will love this as a perfect bargaining chip in any future negotiations with its employers and government.
Employers will not be allowed to sack its employees who are “suffering” with any of these new symptoms even if its prolonged over a period of months or even years. And that these same employees should receive a full salary rather than sick pay fur the duration!
That’s what the unions would love to see happen; and the government is so weak it would bend (the knee, ha!) and capitulate!
Of course the same unions would expect non-unionised services to continue working regardless
Once / IF the Covid ends, the investigation will start. Expect a flow of lawyers touting for clients regarding claims of every Covid aspect such as how you were treated / mistreated by employers, health facilities, retail etc etc.
The lawyers never miss an opportunity and given parliament is riddled with ex lawyers and friends of them, that taxpayers/ legal aid cash will flow into their pockets
No, I am not a tin foil hatter, but there are many things that just don’t make any sense.
Why were the Chinese allegedly working on a deadly virus?
What were they going to do with it?
Why has everyone just accepted that they were fucking around with a virus with the capability of killing everyone?
Pensioners are not usef to any government. They no longer pay tax, they cannot reproduce and they are a burden both financially and on the health service.
So why in the UK is there such a panic to protect them?
The government couldn’t give a flying fuck in ‘normal’ years if pensioners have to make the choice of spending their piss poor pension on heating or eating.
Why are people being forced to have an experimental vaccine before having a simple blood test to determine if they have a healthy immune system?
There is something very sinister going on. It will be decades before we are closer to the truth about this shit.
Well you see if there is a cull of pensioners they won’t have to pay pensions. The only question is will there be a lot of deaths this winter? Not because of the flu or covid but because the slow release death poison is kicking in. Or maybe I’m being cynical. It’ll be interesting to see if they do start dropping how the government spin it.
Sinister most definitely. Why the manic rush to vaccinate the world for something which is killing predominantly elderly people and those already sick? Using something developed/fast-tracked in months with no long term safety data? Being pushed by cunts like Johnson who have openly expressed concerns about global population and/or have eugenicist thoughts?
“Oopsie doodle, looks like we made an error in the development process. Unfortunately a certain percent of you may now die. Tough luck!”.
“Pensioners are not usef to any government. They no longer pay tax, they cannot reproduce and they are a burden both financially and on the health service.”
Thanks for that TAC – you’ve made my day. Male, stale and pale I know I am but I an still lust after big-titted women like my lovely Liza. A few hours with me and she might even have the old UKIP posters up! 🙂
I pay tax on my pension. No sweat. I got a good deal from HMRC. I hear your gasps of disbelief.
Big flag… What happened to the ‘China Variant’? Scroll down this WHO web page to the list of variants and there new designated names. Where is it? Seems China has never had a Coronavirus variant ever… https://www.who.int/en/activities/tracking-SARS-CoV-2-variants/
I’m very confused cunters, I clearly remember on 12th December 2019 a Conservative government was returned to power with a gargantuan majority, but it appears we are now controlled by Marxists cunts, as the country is gone even more left wing?
If the Left continue to have their way there will no longer be a Right or even Centrist wing of any political party. Instead the Left will have conquered all by absorbing anything remotely to the right of Marx for the greater good!
Labour, LibDems, Conservatives will all be different flavours of the same political wing; and the political ideologies of all three will be so marginal that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference other than by their party name.
Welcome to the foundations of the Build Back Better World
We voted Tory and got a Labour / Green hybrid manifest. I never voted for any of this shit. Farage is an utter cunt for standing MPs down.
If this so called freedom day next week goes ahead these sage and onion commie bastards will be on the Jellyfish’s back 24/7 to close it all down again. Maybe he could resist them but not that wokie bitch he climbs in the sack with every night. We are being well and truly fucked even more than he is the weak kneed, spineless little cunt.
I m betting reintroduction of ‘the tiers’ bullshit within a week, but certainly before Javcunts freedom day arrives.
He was many freedom days have been on the calendar since March 2020 now? More like a ‘We are gonna fuck you all up the arse again day’ everytime. We want it, we have to take it back ourselves.
We keep being told that Surveys are saying that most people are in favour of more lockdowns and servitude.
I have met such people but i’m sure it doesn’t reflect the majority.
My daughter in law is one. She cannot wait for the latest SAGE instructions telling her what to do .
These shites are running our country.Wake up sheeple!!!!
Must be doing these polls outside NHS hospitals.
They are a big percentage of UK workforce doing fuck all / now well used to doing fuck all / don’t want to have to do fuck all, getting full pay from the start, dedicated shopping slots so they won’t starve and they can sit all day on the internet ordering stuff from deals websites where they get everything with ‘bluelight discounts’ while the folk struggling with no pay have to pay more to compensate for said discounts.
I read a news article that since the pandemic began and hospitals shut us all out, that 90% of staff were performing ‘non medical’ duties. What’s been keeping all these government departments so busy while neglecting their normal service?
Administration & fucking data harvesting? Cunts!
Spend a shift with me, mate and you’ll soon change your fucking tune. Don’t forget to bring a change of clothes for when you soil the one’s you’re wearing, though.
Or any Emergency Department.
@DCI Without going searching for the news item that I quoted, I presume the 10% that still functioned in a medical capacity consisted pretty much paramedics and the staff at A&E.
That was the only way that you could get through the doors of hospitals in my trust area.
Sadly it’s the case that people dependant on outpatient appointments and cancelled surgical procedures lost their lives. You shouldn’t be left to decay until you are at deaths door then be allowed to call an ambulance to admit you with nil fucking chance.
I’ve got a relative whose had several cancerous so n lesions removed over the years who discovered a new lump in their temple at the end of 2019 when they were told a biopsy was required.
Still fucking waiting for it. Bigger problem is that as hospital appointments resume towards normal service, they are fucking shitting themselves to go near the hospital thanks to a year and a half of fear from the government, the chief medical advisors, NHS management and the absurd behaviour of local GP surgeries and the media messengers.
Just compute that for a minute, someone in their 70’s with a history of cancerous lesions removed would now rather take their chances of survival rather than going into our local filthy shithole. Yes, I can call it that as I was in it recently for a series of MRI scans and despite the place being empty, it was visibly filthy and it stank to high heaven. A hospital should be one of the cleanest environments that the public can enter whether we are in a pandemic or not.
Would have thought the absence of patient flow over 18 months and increased infection control would have seen the place having had a deep clean. The only difference I saw was staff all wearing cheap masks and anti social distancing spacing markings on floor at waiting areas where virtually all chairs were removed.
My relative hasn’t been in since consultation in Nov 2019, but I wouldn’t dare tell them how filthy the place is as it would add to the fear the cunts have been fed already. Ironically, the floor the skin ward is the only floor that smells clean & doesn’t reek of shit / death when you get out the elevator. The smell of coal tar has never been appreciated so much.
I wonder how many others are struggling to get elderly relatives to attend hospitals now, I bet it’s not just us.
From today’s Standard:
He is probably right.
Meanwhile, in Florida and Texas..
They honestly think we don’t see what’s going on in other places. They can’t talk about it because it shatters the illusion. Fucking cunts.
They will allow a few weeks of summer freedumb to release the steam from the pressure cooker. Then blame the public for enjoying their freedumb – causing an increase in ‘cases’ ie positive unreliable PCR tests – in order to justify lockdown in the autumn like Alcatraz. The playbook is so transparent.
They don’t want out angry ‘feet on the street’. Any freedom actually given won’t last long till the cunts engineer the excuse to take it away, in order to have a ‘normal Christmas’ of course.
Salvia officianalis (Sage)-the officianalis bit means: “of use to man”.
These cunts are fucking of use to the cunts with a plan?
Prime cunting.
The Covids is a mountainous pile of cunt, embraced enthusiastically by hapless toss monkeys. Funny how my not taking part in ‘trick and trap’ shit has meant I am immune from the Covids. Or, maybe it is that my not wearing a mask has meant I am immune. Or maybe it is my not being ‘jabbed’. Remember, stay safe, and fuck right off.
What about that Rashford eh? I didn’t sleep well last night.
You can get a copy of his book on how to be a success at WH Smiths. Better hurry, as there is bound to be a rush.
An idea.Please send all of these traitors to the Tower for treason.Commie wankers.We need a public enquiry NOW.Not next year.What they wanted all along.Mask wearing etc until next spring.These twats ARE NOT IN CHARGE of the Country.Boils my piss.
It’s just three weeks to flatten the curve.
It’s just a lockdown.
It’s just essential shops.
It’s just until we know the elderly are safe.
It’s just essential workers.
It’s just a mask.
It’s just until we know the NHS isn’t overwhelmed.
It’s just some dancing nurses.
It’s just another lockdown.
It’s just until we get a vaccine.
It’s just until we get the over 75″s jabbed.
It’s just until we get the over 50’s jabbed.
It’s just until we get the over 40’s jabbed.
It’s just until we get the kids jabbed.
It’s just until we get you jabbed a second time.
It’s just until we understand the variants.
It’s just until you get your booster….
In other news.
July 2nd – July 9th proves to be a record week chalking up 2000 deaths in the US from the vaccine.*
*Source VAERS….
Who knew being guinea pigs in human medical experiments would prove so popular?
It’s just until you are gullible enough that we think you will believe our alien invasion story
I’m still concerned about how much this shit is costing the country in terms of public borrowing by the Treasury.
According to the Office for Budget Responsibility, the government borrowed £300bn in the last financial tax year to April 2021, and they forecast further borrowing of around £220bn for the current FY to April 2022.
So that’s £520bn of borrowing to prop up the economy, that will ultimately have to be paid back with interest (currently at 0.77%, but rates are rising), along with the existing £1.7tn of public sector debit it already owes to the world.
Current and future generations are going to be taxed up to their arseholes and earholes either directly or indirectly, to repay it all. And all because of a fucking virus that will never go away and will never be conquered.
It’s almost as if.. they’re trying to intentionally sabotage the global economic order so that a new shiny shiny system can be installed.
But that’s just conspiracy of course.
“Current and future generations are going to be taxed up to their arseholes and earholes either directly or indirectly, to repay it all. And all because of a fucking virus that will never go away and will never be conquered.”
Yup, the plan’s working flawlessly…
They are paying Portakabin over £1.3M every month for temporary building rental for testing centres.
They are also paying local governments across the country the fees for ‘private lets’ for the use of any public buildings used for testing centres.
That nice vaccine advert with the calming music in the background and the voice of the sweet little lady who tells you that ‘the NHS will contact YOU, to tell YOU when YOUR vaccine is ready for YOU’ is costing £93,000+ PER DAY (more when they increase advert frequently when a new age group gets invited to ‘take the jab’™
All these expenditures AND others are in plain sight here… https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/cabinet-office-spend-data
However while these sums of our money are being spaffed, peoples lives are being ruined by debts incurred by this pandemic for sums it for money far less.
The amounts spaffed less than 25k will add up to just as much as the ones they declare above £25k. Cunts.
Double postings are a right cunt, probably a symptom of long Covids!
There is a report on the news now, on Long Covid, some woman been suffering for. Ever!
Long Covid, the new name for Fibromyalgia. after all, why stop at giving only one pre existing health condition a new name? Let’s rename & redefine them all!
Fibromyalgia, CFS or ME – all stigmatised in the past and ignored by officialdom as it would cost way too much to support a chronic, often life-long, condition. Then up pops Covid causing more cases of post-viral ME than you can shake a stick at, certainly too many to be ignored like in the past. What to do then? Simple – call it a different name.
Like Jarvis Cocker sang: the world is still ruled by cunts!
@Mikdys I comment from experience of my ex wife who went through years of hell & neglect by GPS & NHS as all her vitamins & minerals gradually depleted leaving her on supplements as she looks at natural absorption ability, probably due to years the cunts fed her Omeprazole. Now on supplements & injections for life.
During the course of all this, they diagnosed Fibromyalgia as she was in continual suffering of pain, pins & needles, numbness and tingling sensations which varied throughout her body & limbs. Then there was the continual tiredness, brain fog / shit memory etc.
To my knowledge asides vitamin supplement & pain killers, she gets no treatment. Her thyroid levels were always shit but they always found excuses not to treat her for that. She ended up a totally different person within a couple of years. The NHS certainly cunted her and it half destroyed me fighting on her behalf at appointments where they would otherwise have tried fobbing her off.
There is virtually no support for ME (or whatever it suits to call it today). In fact there is total antipathy from most of the medical profession. It is an awful thing to be afflicted with, made worse by this attitude towards it. Both health authorities and the MSM support this antagonism. But they won’t look good, with so many cases arising now, continuing to stigmatise the condition. So they invent a new name for it: Long Covid. You know it’s the same thing, I know it’s the same thing, ME sufferers know it’s the same thing but nobody with a loud voice will admit it. If any ME sufferers can summon the energy (which they won’t be able to do by definition!!) to ask their doctors to re-diagnose them with Long Covid they might actually, hopefully, start getting some support. Maybe their carers should look at this – find somebody with Covid symptoms to take a test for you, then say you have Long Covid (you’ll only be faking the first part of this).
@mikdys Good call. I’ve forgotten slot of what I went through with ex-wife with meds I’m on now, but from what I remember the end of the line diagnosis of fybro was based on a test where pressure was applied to several specific points of the body & limbs.
It took around three years to get from her initial GP appointment to getting that final examination yet they manage to diagnose people with long Covid in a flash without even a blood test.
I think they are looking for an excuse to hide / lower the growing numbers of people who are getting fybro, CFS, ME etc.
That makes me wonder if our government actually know the common factor cause behind them all
What I find odd is all these rich cunts lecturing us about masks and social distancing and doing exactly the opposite themselves. Witness the cunts cavorting about at Wembley, Wimbledon, Royal Ascot etc. Is Covid scared of the posh seats or something ?
And why have 10% of NHS staff refused the jab? Do they know something we don’t?
Probably the lower orders who think it is haram
Same principle as climate change – only affects plebs!
There is NO pandemic and there never was…
Watched an ex WMP coper filing criminal complaint against Wanksock and as one of his supporting evidential docs he put in an FoI request to B/ham City Cuntcil requesting the number of cremations carried out annually from 2020 back to 2015, such statistics being a pretty reliable proxy for actual trends in deaths. Guess which year returned the LOWEST figure…? … have y’ guessed yet?…. yes it was 2020!
Intrigued (but not in the least surprised) I looked up the numbers for our own fair city all the way back to 2013. The numbers average between 2400 to 2600… the number for the year 2019/20 was 2700. Factoring in the increase in the city’s population of dooshkas and jiggers I’d venture that that marginal increase over the average can easily be attributed to the disruption/cessation of cancer and heart treatments.
For the sake of comparison I checked their returns for the last notable flu outbreak which was 89/90. For 1989 there were 2900 odd and for 1990 it was around 3,200….. soooooooo………. the 89/90 flu outbreak was more virulent than Cuntvid.
Called it as bullshit from the outset, nothing I’ve read or heard has altered that assessment other than reinforce it and I will violently fist the next fucking simpleton that tries to tell me otherwise.
They are trying every trick in the book to give everyone the mark of the beast and implant their nanobots. They can take their test and should be it where their mRNA substance got shoved
A disease so contagious you need to be 2 metres away from the people but they have to ram a cotton bud really got up into the membrane at the top of your nasal tract to get a sample?
Why? They tell us during other spoutings of their bullshit how if you have the virus, it’s right through you. It’s in your nose & throat, it’s in your blood, it’s in faeces up your arse. But of course, the people don’t join the dots and put all of these bitesize pieces together and think!
I’ve not had any vaccine, did a test email r wore a mask but the only sample they will get from me will be saliva spat into a medicine cup or alternatively I could squeeze a few drops of piss, after all it must be in it if it’s in my shit?
The invasive nasal swabs. I thought at that point many would see the contradiction in logic.. super contagious, but you have to rape your nose to find a sample? Lol.
I hope it was just for humiliation purposes, and not because they preloaded it with something .
They will be happy they achieve more than one purpose. I bet they select deviants to do these type of swabs. Both the national & local government have a register detailing the location of every single one of them.
They are in your neighborhood somewhere. Just like with the migrants, local government get payments to accept deviants ousted out from other council areas. It’s a fucking carousel scam which they themselves enable in the first place.
Put them all on Rockall in the north Atlantic. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockall
I enjoyed that link, particularly the bit about its mission statement to have non alarmist science, then nearly every article was alarmist science! Or bollocks, as in the nanobots on the test swab. ??
If the fat cunt Johnson does lift a few of the restrictions for you later today then spare a thought for the new regulations that have just been announced here in Spain.
Bars and restaurants are again under curfew. They cannot take orders after midnight and must close at 00:30.
Shops and supermarkets can’t sell alcohol after 8pm.
This is on top of the new policy for not allowing smoking even when sitting in an uncovered area outside of a bar, even if your table is more than 2 meters from the next.
No reasons or explanations given.
We are just to keep our mouths shut and accept that it is all about COVID.
Here we go… Watch other countries slowly follow suit. Funny how UK government never gave a fuck / dismissed what was happening in other countries unless it was bad news they could use to apply controls on the masses?
They lift restrictions slowly but ‘find / create excuses’ to reapply before they have ever totally gone. All done slowly just like the Sharia creep so the masses don’t notice a sharp shock.