On every team shirt of every footballer in the Euros there is a badge with the word ‘Respect’. Let’s see how these overpaid cunts show their respect.
They disrespect the majority of their supporters by getting down on one knee before each game.
They disrespect the rules of fair play by deliberately fouling the opposition.
They throw themselves to the ground in simulated agony in an attempt to have an opposing player booked or sent off.
They disrespect the opposition with their childish and over enthusiastic goal celebrations.
The disrespect the officials by arguing against every decision.
But it’s not just footballing cunts that have no idea what the word respect means.
Young people get very upset and sometimes violent if they feel that they are not being shown sufficient ‘respeck’. You is dissing them innit.
Well cunty, you are a semi literate twenty year old still living with your mum.
You are unemployable and have no money. Your haircut looks ridiculous.
Your life experience amounts to half a percent of fuck all. So excuse me if I don’t fucking respect you.
There was a time when old people deserved respect. But now there are fewer and fewer around that had to endure the horrors of war. They have been replaced with old people who have moved on from a lifetime on benefits to receiving a state pension, having never worked a day in their lives.
Respect other people’s religion. To me all religions are a mixture of childish superstitions and rituals. The people that practice these things are narrow minded, deluded bigots. So I have no respect for them either.
People talk about ‘mutual respect’. I have no idea how that works. If I were to achieve something outstanding and someone respected me for it, am I to respect them in return? For what?
Respect is a concept that is thrown around like confetti at a wedding.
If you want my respect you have to earn it.
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter
Noticed both captains in the England Germany match wore Pride armbands… ?
To be fair the Germans have worn worse armbands.
The “Prinz Harry Untermenschenkorps” armband?
This was from the Italy Belgium game last night: https://twitter.com/BellaWallerstei/status/1411079806331015170?s=20
The Italians scored, he gets up, and joins the celebrations. No yellow card.
What’s ridiculous is they are one of the best teams, they could win without the bellend theatrical attitude.
Respect. Fuck off.
The cunt should get an Oscar for that.
Absolutely. Nobody can “command” respect and it makes me laugh when I hear people saying that.
It has to be earnt.
Spot on.
I remember my old headmaster, from 1ry school days, saying that “Respect is something that has to be earnt.”
So if some (c) rapper says to me “Respeck, maaan,” I’d just ask him what he’s done to earn it.
Remember the muslim respect party! Cunts party.
The last people on earth I’d take a ‘social justice’ lecture from, along with politicians, lefties, greenies ad infinitum.
Let’s look at some examples. Ryan Giggs. Lady beater (allegedly), brothers wife shagger, and all round good egg. Tony Adams. Did time for driving offences. Possibly involving booze. Wayne Rooney. Pays for it with rancid old prossers. Stan Collymore. Handy with the fists.
Yup. Paragons of virtue and saint hood.
Feels free to add more Cunters.
Footballers can fuck right off.
Gary Lineker?
Nuff said. Total cunt and a nasty piece of work behind the mask I reckon…
To be fair Stan was playing the mental elf card before any other cunt had thought of it. A true innovator, he has my respect.
Wasnt Stan a gambling addict?
Just a down to earth women hitting dogger wasn’t he?
I don’t respect any cunt. It’s earned not given automatically. I may be polite, that isn’t respect. If stalin walked into a room I might be civilised towards him but not respect him.
I’d respect Einstein for his genius but someone I meet , no. It is earned not given.
Another word hijacked by the left demanding something they have no entitlement to.
Fuck them.
Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no
Don’t you tell me no
Soul, I hear you calling
Oh baby please
Give a little respect
toooooooo meeeeeee
When I was younger I’d always show deference to old folk for what they went through for us during the war and a modicum of fear that if I was rude to Doris or Cedric their SOE training would kick in, they’d rip my heart out through my arse and then feed it to their Yorkie terrier.
Good nomination.
The plod used to have a ‘respect’ signage emblazoned on their vehicles round our way.
Probably part of yet another futile initiative which sank like a lead balloon no doubt.
The moment these perpetually masked outdoors in fresh air cunts started kneeling en masse to race baiting rabble rousers, that was the last respect I had for those cunts an all.
The plod here have ‘To serve and protect’ on the sides of their vehicles.
Very vague as to the identity of those they are serving.
I once asked one of them to help me out in that regard.
Didn’t go too well, so I just walked away.
The prospect of getting into a logical argument that would likely lead to arrest was not appealing.
Respect to those that have earned it and I am the judge of that, not someone else!
Good Monster Raving Loony party and fuck off!
Excellent nom.
When you think of societies role models for children, you wouldn’t exactly think to go through the ranks of professional slip ‘n’ trip merchants, unless you want them to grow up to be colombian marching powder snorting, binge drinking, drunk driving, whoring, wife beating, womanizing, tax dodging, brawling, brainless knobjockies.
The fact they wear a badge that says Respect on it is a joke. It might as well say Vodafone or Samsung for all it means. It’s just more corporate -in this case UEFA – virtue signalling.
“They have been replaced with old people who have moved on from a lifetime on benefits to receiving a state pension, having never worked a day in their lives.”
That piece of bullshit has just annoyed me.
Yes, I am of that age but there are many of us who’ve worked hard all our lives and what’s more remembered the sacrifices made by our parents.
Even though he died over 40 years ago, I still remember it like last week when he lived with agonising pains from schrapnel buried in his head which resulted from being blown up in his tank.
If I don’t give him the respect he earned, then the ‘yoof’ of today certainly won’t.
R-e-s-p-e-c-t find out what it means to me….
Sang self righteous Aretha Franklin,
But what does she know?
The dopey bitch.
I show respect to the elderly
Especially war veterans
I show respect to the armed forces,
Anyone else its earned.
Maybe admins,
Farmers with firearms
And ex teachers with large parrots.
People often use the term “grudging respect” with others.
You don’t necessarily have to like someone in order to respect them.
In my case, it’s that purple nosed Scottish cunt – I’ve forgotten his name! – the one who managed MUFC gained much respect from people who admired his achievements.
I’ve always had great respect for Mrs. Mis. as she always carries her burden well.
You will respect Percy’s AUTHORITAAAH!
Morning Ruff.
Percy needs to be careful. I’ve already discussed the possibility of changing his planned State Funeral with ending up at McKlunky’s as a two winged supper.
Scrummy – love a fried parrot wing me!
Afternoon Bertie. ?
I do agree that total respect is earned, but I think that standard respect should be given, until its upgraded to total respect, or downgraded to disrespect.
When you first meet someone, you don’t want to have to ‘earn’ their respect just to put your opinion across, because opinions shouldn’t matter to how you are treated. This cuntitude is what arseholes on the left do, and is the basis for the cancel culture. I don’t disrespect someone for having different opinions to me, and I don’t have an issue with someone having an opinion I disagree with. What I do have a problem with, which leads to disrespect, is someone who thinks you’re a cunt, or stupid for having an opinion which differs or opposes theirs. That’s why anti vaxxers wind me up, they’ve made their choice which I totally respect, whatever the reason, but they come out with the ‘covid lemmings’ and ‘sheeple’ crap, usually incessantly, and anyone who doesn’t share their beliefs is part of the problem. This by the way isn’t aimed at anyone on IsaC, I’m talking about a couple of people I know who have become bitter and resentful and I think I probably will be giving them a wide berth in future.
That was one of the stupidest comments ever made by a politivian using the word ‘respect’. Yes Ed Milliband during a white van man debate. ‘When I see a white van I respect it’.
Do you really Ed? Do you stand beside the road and when you see one raise your arm in salute?
I like to think he does.
As should you Miles.?
I make distictions Miserable. If I see a white Ford Transit I will give a salute like this:?♂️
If I see a larger Mercedes Benz Sprinter I signify respect like this:✊
That Emily Thornberry has no respect for white van man.
We declared jihad in response.
All white van men spit at the mention of her name.
White vans are racist, no respect for BVM.
Does your van have a witty slogan on it MNC?
Miserable Northern Removals – pay or f***k off?
Got one for you…
A flash(er) in the Van.
(a play on old saying a flash in the pan)
MNC fucks in trucks
The scandal van-dals
Northern exposure ?
Boyz only ?
Find out what it means to me
What it meant to Aretha, was gargling with TCP, then hoying up her dress, yanking down her size 20 knickers, lifting rolls of flabby brown, hairy flesh to find her holiest of holy’s and then commence to noshing on her lady button like a tramp on hot chips.
Morning cunters?
Well that’s lunch ruined.
Mornging CG
Talking of knickers taken down, it seems that old bag Stella Creasy M.P. (Labour, Waltham Forest) is pregnant again and is moaning that this time she is not allowed to have a “locum”, like she did last time. She needs to decide whether she wants to keep her legs open (motherhood) or mouth open (wimminz politician)
Manners cost nothing and are universal.
I will never respect piss wet hate filled brainwashed adult babies, and am increasingly minded to silence their shit by a good hard teeth rattler.
Footballers taking a knee for a racist rabble of thieves, rioters, looters, vandals, arsonists, communists, terrorists and murderers.
Raising a clenched fist for the vile racist r*pists, thieves and murderers of the black panthers.
These clowns need to “educate themselves, check their black privilege” and learn some fucking history.
I am happy to give lessons at my normal charging rate of £20.00 an hour – but will deal with “backchat” firmly.
Is George Galloway still a member of the Respect party? Like that cunt knows the meaning of the word.
Talking of cunts, Russia has banned any comparison between what Russia and the nazis did during WW2. I agree, the Russians were far worse. Stalin killed more Russians that Hitler ever did.
GJ@ – George Galloway formed “The Workers Party of Britain” in 2019 – despite the fact this carpetbagger communist has never done a days work in his life.
Detestable cunt he is.
he did put that bint off BBC news in her place VF live on TV, when she was trying to put the Labour party on a pedestal , and he’s a Brexiteer, so he’s not that bad!
If he’s Brexit, it’s only because he wants to stop people from the EU coming here with their western values, and more of his people instead, you know, the peaceful type. Him and Corbyn should start a new party, and call it the Al Nazi party.
Power gains respect
Restraint of power gains admiration.
Forget who said it , but it’s years ago
The nom is right though a most overused word that should only be the reserve of the deserved.
I think the word got stolen , respefct innit brut
Respect is earned.
For the example in today’s local arse wipe lI have absolutely no fucking respect for those responsible for controlling immigration and the protection and safeguarding of the people of this great country.
“Drug dealer living in Ipswich wins appeal against deportation.
The Home Office had argued that removal would not be in breach of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.7
A man living homeless in Ipswich has successfully appealed against being deported to Afghanistan.
The man, who has been granted anonymity by the Upper Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber, had previously been refused a claim against deportation under the UK Borders Act.
He failed to obtain immigration status from the Home Office in 2018, despite claiming to have escaped from a Taliban cave and fled to the UK three years earlier.
The Home Office had not accepted that he had been forcibly taken by the Taliban, or that he escaped and had received threats.
After serving a 14-month prison sentence for being concerned in the supply of class A drugs, the man lost a First-tier Tribunal appeal against removal and had since been living homeless in Ipswich.
A consultant clinical psychologist concluded the man met the criteria for a diagnosis of a depressive order, presenting with a mixture of chronic and complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
The consultant found that the risk of self-harm or suicide would likely increase in the event of the man being forcibly sent back to Afghanistan.
Meanwhile, a cognitive behavioural therapist reported that the man presented with severe depression and “frequent suicidal ideation” with some planning.
A consultant forensic psychiatrist said the man’s PTSD was likely to have been caused by trauma experienced in Afghanistan, or during his journey to the UK.
The man said he was worried about leaving his support network in Ipswich and had made an attempt on his own life when previously sent out of the area for emergency accommodation.
Upper Tribunal Judge Jeremy Rintoul found no evidential basis for the Home Office’s submission that the man’s diagnoses of severe depressive episodes were predominantly due to his failure to obtain immigration status in the United Kingdom.
The judge said he was satisfied the appeal fell to be allowed on humanitarian protection grounds and that his removal would be disproportionate.
In May, a failed asylum seeker whose dangerous driving killed another motorist on the A14 won an appeal against deportation.
The man, who was also granted anonymity by an upper tribunal judge, was responsible for the death of a mum in a collision on the A14 near Ipswich.
He had become automatically liable for deportation after serving a custodial sentence for causing death by dangerous driving”.
This is in addition to the huge increase in crime and anti social behaviour we are suffering locally, including a local man kicked to death by a group of Romanian young men (played the race card obviously), all will be out of prison within two years and back on the streets.
I feel it will not be long until people start taking things into their own hands.
I have never understood why someone who claims asylum and it is rejected isn’t automatically removed from the country, if they can’t be removed immediately they should be detained until such time as the deportation can be arranged.
These human rights lawyers should be held accountable for any crime committed by cunts who have deportation suspended.
Even the eye ties got on their knees to suck Chiggun’s cock last night.
I think any country will if they play us, apart from maybe the Ivans/half Ivans (Czechs and Ukrainians).
Tonight, if we (as we will) take the knee and Ukraine don’t, I’ll be cheering on the Ivans. If both do it, fuck them both.
Very surprised if the Ivan’s take the knee tonight.
Come on you Ivan’s!!!⚽️⚽️
Indeed. That’s if they don’t shit out.
Mind you, I can only see an England win here.
3-0 England imo
The Eye ties will beat us in the final though
Respect like love can be for the wrong things and the wrong people. Without integrity respect will be for things selfish things. I do NOT respect or disrespect someone based on skin color. Or at least that used to be the case.
Things I consider arse I tolerate unless they piss me off. Respect different kettle of illegals that. Respect is earned no automatic respect from me. My siblings and I were schooled in manners by our parents. Some persons have an excuse to be ill mannered to a degree; due to circumstances but the general level of cuntishness that now prevails in society a slap in the chops with a walking stick is more often called for than a cheery greeting
Respect for our Armed Services past and present. I have no respect for cunts making a martyr out of a drug dealing, armed robbing cunt.
Whoever wants to wear the Rainbow should first be made to take one up the shiter or at the very least to gobble off the biggest black man on his team, now that would be showing true support for the cause.!