Raheem Sterling MBE, MSM (11) and Racism (5)

Poor thing, get a tattoo of a crutch on the other leg.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of being educated by the brave Raheem Sterling, during the ‘build up’ for yesterday’s Euro Quarter Final between the Czech Republic and Denmark.

Well, I say ‘build up’ to the game in the loosest possible way. It was really 30 minutes of being lectured to, by a brave and oppressed 350 grand a week football player. It would’ve been nice to have, oh I dunno, pundits on talking about potential tactics while highlighting strengths and weaknesses of both teams. It was the pre game build up ffs.

Much easier for them to sit around moaning about honkies instead though, right?

He was asked if he felt things (regarding racism) had changed for the better. He looked like Rick Waller had just farted in his face and said ‘Not really’. More needs to be done apparently? He brought up the Chelsea incident. The fan was banned for life, despite the CPS deciding no charges were necessary.

He doesn’t say what this ‘more needs to be done’ is, of course. The team is kneeling for BLM (because that IS the fucking reason they do it) for every game, but that isn’t enough. The entire ITV panel for that game was black too. Not enough.

Maybe all us honkies should all just fucking top ourselves eh? Will that be enough?

Well sorry, we’ve done more than enough. It’s about time certain communities took some responsibility for what goes on within them. How about that for once? This is the least racist country on Earth. I wasn’t a racist, but I’m fucking becoming one now, thanks to bollocks like this.

The panel were more interested in race baiting than being football pundits. Just easier to blame the honky. Oh and straight after his lecture I didn’t miss the fact that an advert with him in it was shown. They’d changed the narration to something like ‘When people are looking up to you and what you have to say’ as he hugged a black kid.

Ker fucking ching, eh?

Let’s do more…for his and other race baiters’ growing bank balances. It’d be racist not to.

Sterling and Racist Abuse

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


…and this from Field Marshal Cuntgomery

Apologies for another football related nomination, but this issue is really doing my head in.
Post match accusations of racism are a cunt. The shenanigans after England’s penalty defeat are nothing new. This happens on an almost weekly basis whenever some of our more overhyped players have a shit game (again). Now we even have an England player accusing the (Indian) Home Secretary of not giving a shit about racism in order to provoke another diversion. The cynic in me thinks this is a convenient smokescreen to divert attention and make the public feel bad about themselves, rather than the result. Obviously when white players miss penalties, play shit or get sent off in pivotal matches, they don’t have a bad word said against them. Just ask a certain Mr Beckham and his family.



And also this from Cuntstable Cuntbubble

The fucking morons racially abusing England players.

There are many reasons to abuse cunts like St Marcus and ‘penalty chicken’ Stirling. Indeed footballers in general But colour isnt one of them.

All these fucking morons achieve is to justify knee taking and make our country seem institutionally and structurally racist. Which it aint. A fucking gift to the identity and victim politics of the left, which detracts from real problems – corruption, chumocracies of both left and right and inequalities which affect all.

Stupid neanderthal fucking knuckle draggers.

A link just in case anyone missed it.


107 thoughts on “Raheem Sterling MBE, MSM (11) and Racism (5)

  1. I don’t think Ms Patel, who’s parents and grandparents were chased out of Uganda by Idi Amin needs any lectures on racism from a two bob thicko like Mings.

    • Wokegate, Jug Ears, the media and the players all told us, “Get educated. It’s not political.”

      Well, when the likes of Mings and Gary Neville start blaming the Prime Minister and the Home Secretary for supposedly rampant racist abuse in England after the defeat (when this was simply untrue), then it obviously is fucking political, and always has been of course.

      They’re either thick and need educating, being conformist to protect their careers or simply being disingenuous.

      The FA were too scared to stop them one taking and race baiting. UEFA were the same. And FIFA also shat the bed.

      Well done you fucking idiots. Tournament completely taken over by bullshit Marxist causes and ruined to the point many couldn’t support their own country’s team.

      • I couldn’t and didn’t support England, laughed my bollocks off on Sunday night when they lost. Fair play to the Eyeties, they didn’t make their tournament a platform for racial equality. They got on with the job and executed it perfectly. Sterling and Saka didn’t miss their penalties because they were black, they missed them because they were shit. Freedom of speech is gone. Problem I have is that as I get older I’m getting worse. Do you know what ? I couldn’t give a toss.

      • Sorry Rashford, not Sterling. They all look the same to me. Still got a Black and white tv.

    • Indeed. I watched a docyseies recently called ‘How to become a tyrant’ or something like that. A bit dumbed down but watchable. Idi was on it. He race baited against a group (siund familiar) and the interviews from the time from the black locals was most revealing. Incredibly racist shit against Indians (“It’s time for them to go. They have sucked our blood enough” was one comment I remember from the series).

      Perhaps Tyrone needs educating here on what race baiting can produce?

  2. The vast, vast majority of the racist abuse came from abroad (it must be a shocker to learn that the world wide web is global).

    None of the abuse defacing the Rashford mural was racist, but best get cleaning and kneeling in front of it for a photo op so our neighbours can approve of us.

    The purpose of all this smoke is to usher in more censorship on social media, specifically of unpopular opinions such as one might find on IsAC.

    I would call Sterling, Rashford and co. ‘useful idiots’ but I’m no racist.

    These are things you won’t find repeated too loudly by MSM.

  3. Usually minority women are a protected species with endless calls for their “voices to be heard” unless of course they go rouge and start to think for themselves.

    The St Marcus of Rashford alleged racism is a load of bollocks too, apparently it was just some scrawled graffiti that didn’t reference his race at all but hasn’t stopped GMP launching a hate-crime probe. The same police force that actively discredited and ignored victims of the peaceful grooming gangs because they didn’t want to be accused of racism. Make up your mind cunts!

    What is the cunt doing with a mural anyway, did he die? Oh that’s right, he only emotionally blackmailed the government into paying for other peoples fucking kids.

    • Yes I heard the graffiti consisted of 2 words……”shite” and “bastard”…. an act of vandalism not racism.
      I also heard that a reporter on the spot reported that fact on a BBC radio station in the morning. That didn’t stop BBC tv reporting it as “vile racist abuse”. If that is true then you have to ask what the BBC are playing at.?

    • I’d need to see it, but I have heard the graffiti was just stuff like ‘shit bastard/fuck you’ but nothing racist. If so, then why so much media attention and outrage, for fuck’s sake?

      A pissed off fan (but an idiot, I would agree with that) spraying some shite like that and a few dozen arabs in the middle east posting racist shite, mixed with a few mentals in the UK, does not mean white people in England need to be shat all over again.

      Those honky fans who got behind the team? They will still call out your racial group anyway, no matter what you do! We tried fucking telling you!

      But I agree with those saying it’s all a push to end internet anonymity. Famous people like using the internet to boost their profile (and therefore their income). They don’t like some cunt calling them names or even being disagreeable with them. Some of these cunts have 20 million followers. I’m guessing a few of those might be loose cannons/nutters? You’d fucking have to be to post racist shite directly to them in the current climate.

      They should campaign to get the mentally ill banned (that wouldn’t look nice though, would it?!) from using the internet or get off social media if they can’t handle a few nutters.

      But no..let’s fucking destroy the internet so only opinions that millionaire celebrities agree with are permitted, and name callers are thrown in prison and have their lives ruined instead.

      Just get off the fucking internet if you can’t handle differing opinions. Make no mistake, they’d have you jailed if they could (and maybe will, sooner than you think) for saying you don’t agree with taking the knee.


      • If this is the case, I’d say this pissed off fan was merely updating the mural to reflect the dinner lady’s current performance status.

        If a mural can be created for ‘doing good of things’, its only fair it gets updated when the person does shit things, especially when paid a small fortune to do good.

        I bet his PR company employed girlfriend is milking every fucking inch of mileage she can from this. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one who made the alterations on behalf of her blm mates as a special ops exercise.

      • @MicieyBlueEyes Gave me a better idea, let’s get the mural totally repainted in a modern Edward Coulson fashion and paint the dinner lady on his side.

  4. If the cunt thinks this country is racist he ought to try being white for a while.

    • Or he should go and play in France or Italy and find out what real racism is about.

    • Especially in a black country Moggie, they don’t know how lucky they are, no one is hacking their doors down with pangas or ransacking his mansion, the ungrateful cunt!!!

      • I’m really grateful that my only experience of (South) Africa is Tom Sharpe’s Riotous Assembly and Indecent Exposure.

      • Both excellent books Moggie.
        If I remember correctly, the police got ‘quèëred up’ by electrodes attached to their balls.
        Might read them again. ?

    • This country is so fucking racist that all those who claim to suffer a miserable existence never go back?

      Funnily, they do the exact opposite. They claim that they can’t go back because they apparently will get abused or killed if they return home?

      The windrush cunts knew what side their bread was buttered on when they came here in the 50’s but some cunt seemed to trigger them after nearly 70 years to start complaining? Just wait and see what cunts arriving in Dover today are like in 70 years. They will be tearing your kids & grandchildren from their homes ala South Africa style as they demand they be gibbed repatriations

    • Sturridge has a trial in Spain. Unfortunately it’s with Real Mallorca and not the authorities.

  5. My solicitor says I’m not to make any comments at all.
    I think he was drunk though.

    The day I accept advice from a multimillionaire lying cunt who kicks a ball about is the day I go Postal.
    Blek Lectures Matter.
    The left wing woke media behaves like Pol Pot on steroids.
    What a fucking disgrace.

  6. If only we could upload videos to this website, I had an absolute corker the other day. Was in stitches. Saint Raheem is a cunt, Sako is a legend. On target and a great save.

  7. Is it cos dey is blick or is it simply because all 3 of the cunts missed penalties?
    As someone with the square root of fuck all interest in soccerball, it strikes me that Sir Gareth Cuntgate put these bellends forward to take penalties so that one of them may make the winning strike and thus vindicate the kneeling bollocks and show how ‘inclusive’ and ‘diverse’ the England millionaire XI truly is.
    The fact that all 3 missed is genuinely fucking hilarious!
    Whitey 2, Dark key 0.

    • Yeah I heard the same thing. It sounded crazy at first but he brought on 2 BAME players specifically to take pens and gave the crucial last pen to a 19 year old kid who has never taken a first team penalty in his life! At the same time he had an experienced and super confident cunt like Grealish denied the opportunity (according to his Twitter).
      I have also been alerted to a documentary Wokegate appeared in a couple of years ago called “Under Their Skin” or something like that. Apparently he makes comments about the Brexit vote having “racist undertones.” There’s something going on here and it’s not just a game of football or a few cunts shouting abuse on Twitter.

      • Indeed Freddie, I’d heard that Grealish should have taken a penalty but have no idea. Something is definitely ‘Minging’ about the whole shiftest..

      • Wokegate 100%. A massive stunt to make BLM heroes, written into English football folklore that backfired. No other explanations needed. It was like giving a 5 year old the keys to a Bugatti Veyron and telling the youngster to go and fill it up with petrol. Still laughing now. ???????

  8. More ‘Breaking News’ from the BBC


    I wish they had offered even a fraction of the hysteria to the poor children of Rotherham, Rochdale, Telford, Huddersfield etc. etc. etc. etc. who weren’t being called names but being abused every which way.

    Fuck, the, fuck, off!

    • Don’t be stupid. Rape of underage white girls by our fully integrated peaceful brethren is to be tolerated, nay positively encouraged, as the harmless cultural penchant that it is whilst hurty words from the dangerous, right wing, white, racist scum should be stamped on with vigour immediately. Utter bollocks of course but totally indicative of our country for some years now. It’s only a matter of time before being white is deemed a criminal offence with on the spot fines being paid to BLM to facilitate the purchase of large mansions. In predominantly white areas, of course. Far safer, innit.

  9. Instead of high-horse tactics, the best thing that black celebs in the spotlight can do is to brush it off, say something along the lines of “racist idiots with an IQ of 30, let them get on with it, as no-one with half a brain is listening”.

    This would earn them serious plaudits for commonsense, humour and being the articulate kind of people who can be looked up to, who have bigger and more important concerns in their lives.

    Instead we have this “institutionally racist, taking the knee, vile racism, etc. etc.” being the raison d’etre for their omnipresence. It is more about gobshitery than anything else. A flair for tedium. A most divisive way to go about allegedly solving what is a relatively minor problem in this country.

    Fuck off.

  10. BLM…. anyone associated with this bunch should be thrown in the Thames, funnily enough there was a video of a ‘black’ man being thrown in the Thames, obviously it was a racist reaction to the three overpaid tits who missed the penalties. Plod investigated and the incident wasn’t on the Thames, it could have been anywhere but it fitted the narrative.

    Racist messages on Twitter and Instagram, most seem to originate from outside the UK, but don’t let this fact get in the way of the message ‘England is racist’ and all the fault of Priti Patel for stating an opinion about taking the fucking knee.
    Mings seems to be of the opinion that the racist abuse happened because Priti Patel didn’t say taking the knee should be supported, ‘Tyrone you thick cunt, it wouldn’t have made any difference’

    Why wasn’t Sterling given the responsibility of taking a penalty, answer, the cunt would have tripped on his run up and cried foul ?

  11. In my day footballers were called Alf & Wilf. They played with a leather case-ball, which when wet, had the consistency of a cannonball; not like today`s balloons. Also, Alf & Wilf didn`t writhe on the ground in mortal agony when they snapped an eyelash or chipped a glossed fingernail. Real men they were, not like this generation of whingeing pussies. (No offence to cats, they slay things).

    • Indeed, South Africa’s kaffirs gave our kaffirs a lesson in the rugby yesterday, no diving, no racism, just proper sport (shame about the wimminz commentators tho).
      Too many Welsh in the team tbh but is is possible to be racist against the Welsh? I fucking hope so.

      • Too many Welsh?

        Owen Farrel, English, kick charged down – Try SA
        Elliot Daly, English, kicks to Colby, probably the most dangerous player in world rugby – Try SA.
        Connor Murray, Irish, the captain who couldnt work out that a scrum was the best option against 13 men. No try, Lions.

        Too many non Welsh cunts.

      • Sorry CC I’m just a racist cunt who had to tolerate Max Fucking Boyce in the 70’s.
        How do I get my reparations?

      • You can have unlimited lava bread, faggots and peas and sheep. Pretty ones.

      • I stuck a turd in a jiffy bag through Max Boyces’ letterbox when I was a kid.
        We didn’t have the Internet when we were kids, we had to make our own fun.

  12. Bored with football.

    Bored with racism.

    Bored about being lectured to.

    Bored with taking the knee and BLM.

    Bored of the fucking one way traffic where racist Dark Keys are calling all hòñ4iës privileged.

    Most white people in the UK are NOT racist and resent being labelled as such.

    But I suppose hypocrisy, shit stirring double standards and racial tension is what some are trying to achieve.

    And I have to agree it’s working a fucking treat.

    You’ll be delighted to hear we only have two more football related noms in the entire queue – DA

    • Quite right Willie. Up until Chicken George’s sad departure I only hated Peacefuls and Pikeys. Now I hate every race, every nationality….,.fucking poofs. trannies, fat cunts, thin cunts, old cunts, young cunts, fucking every fucking cunt.
      I haven’t got round to hating myself yet but I reckon it’s only a matter of time before i’m taking the knee and apologising for my untrammelled privilege.

      Yeah……over my fucking dead body you commie bastards.

      • It must be catching, Freddie. But there may be a cure. Yesterday ( having built up over a a year’s worth of resentment) I told my cunt next door neighbour exactly what I thought of him, and he responded in kind. I think we both felt better for that (though his wife thinks I’m ‘nasty’ and he thinks I’m insane) Bottling up your feelings and opinions merely intensifies them. There’s a reckoning coming, and it will surprise me if it’s just a swearing contest across a garden fence.

      • George Floyd was an actor and the whole thing was a psy-op. If you go to Bitchute.com and search MAG George Floyd, you will get a few videos by MAG debunking the media lies. I don’t want to post links that cause the admin unnecessary stress.

        He shows footage from other people’s phones that the MSM refused to show. The footage from the other side of the street shows the absence of any people on the other side where the camera that captured the video we were shown would have been. Nobody was on the pavement anywhere near the back of the car as the policeman kneeled on George the former porn actor.

        The user named MAG Bitter truth is also a black American so nibody can scream the videos have a racist bias. In fact MAG has cunted many black people like Cosby, Michael Jackson & Obama to name a few. If you can put aside his ‘pidgin’ accent, his clips are worth a watch as he points out the obvious that MSM has conditioned you to overlook.

  13. I suppose its a sign of the times, to modern wokeflakes and entitled millionaire footballers, being called names on social media when you fuck up by some cunt you have never met is the end of the world. After Beckham got a red card against the Argies, they hung an effigy of him dressed in a sarong from outside a pub but he still put it behind him and became the cunt we know today.

  14. You will no doubt be astonished to learn that the UK is rather less racist than we are incessantly being told: considerably less racist than Nigeria, and a hell of a lot less racist than Bangladesh.

    Even more astonishing, the study which tells us this was done by sociologists.

    We should all be grateful that a footballer with an axe to grind knows better….


  15. Raheem Sterling is a thick as pig shit cunt of the highest order and is also a fucking useless footballer. It’s astonishing all the accolades the fucker has been getting during the tournament and I think this is because everybody is scared shitless of calling him out for what he is in case of being boringly labelled racist. I’m not a huge fan of Guardiola but I think it’s fair to say he knows a decent footballer when he sees one and this cunt couldn’t even get into his own club team. That fucking bald eagled prick Shearer said he was “unplayable” in one of his matches – I actually think that is true, the fucking twat shouldn’t be played.

  16. I see from the BBC that five people have been arrested over alleged “racist” messages. I just hope that charges are made and the accused pleads not guilty so we have a trial to see what can and cannot be said nowadays. If I were the defence lawyer, I would have Rashford and the other guy in the witness box just to see what they have to say. I´m sure any half decent lawyer would get an acquittal from a jury which is why I am also sure no charges will ever be made.

    It´s time the police stuck to their job of catching bad guys instead of spending their time scanning the social media.

    • Yeah, maybe if the coppers were doing their job we wouldn’t have had thousands of pissheads smashing up London and bunking into Wembley, making us look like a joke country.
      Why is no cunt demanding Strapon’s resignation? That fucking bitch is made of Teflon ain’t she?

    • Doesn’t matter as they’ve be tried, stalked, fired and found guilty by social media already. They all need to go for employment tribunals.

    • What’s the chances these dopey cunts were collected by the police and ‘invited to attend an interview with them’ where the dumb cunts may have done so and may have incriminated themselves.

      I suspect highly unlikely that officers arrived at houses and charged them before taking them away in cuffs for questioning and I will tell you why.

      A friend of mine was being subjected to a tirade of online abuse which was from someone who knew them and another tech savvy friend got the abusers IP address and took it to the police with him and explained to the police how he obtained it etc.

      The police told them that it wasn’t an avenue they could go down to pursue the abuser as all it did was pinpoint an address and that anyone living at that address or anyone visiting the abusers house could be guilty of typing and not necessarily the holder of the IP address allocated by the internet company that typed it. The alleged abuser could have fell asleep and another person typed it.

      He told the police he wasn’t happy and was going to a lawyer which the police said would be wasting his time as the CPS would not let any case go to court in the absence of proof the abuser typed the messages and clicked send etc

      So unless these people being questioned admit they typed and sent the tweets / posts, they are safe as houses. These guys must have had a house full of people as they got boozed up watching the game ?

      They get charged, will be because they incriminated themselves.

    • Judging by the multitudinous posts on here expressing factual observations ( not hateful in any way but just pointing out the obvious) are we all going to expect a visit from the plod fairly soon?
      Mind you , if I was being paid ( note: not earned) £ 200 K per week for effing things up I would expect criticism, These overvalued chumps need to man up.
      My response to the allegedly racist slurs would be “I don’t give a fuck! I am minted whereas you live in a shitty council flat”
      To put in perspective, if I was a full-time NHS Consultant Surgeon earning less than £100k per YEAR you would expect me to be able to .whip out your gallbladder and stitch all the “tubes” back together without any leaks, (and without damaging adjacent organs like the liver).
      The only thing that we require these bumholes to do is to kick a ball from A to B.

  17. All footballers are over paid cunts. Colour as fuck all to do with it.

    • Remember Southgate was an absolute cunt when he took a famous penalty or was that then abuse deemed waaaaaaaaycist too?

      • He did get a Pizza Hut advert out of it, then 25 years later Italy got their revenge.

      • I bet Linecunt was livid when Garth got the pizza hut gig. Jealous cunt probably phoned them and tried undercutting the sum of money they were paying Southgate.

  18. Most of those sending monkey and banana emojis are from Arab countries and India.

    • I’d love to see how the Mophead gets on prosecuting them and banning them from attending football matches?

      Maybe he will have their satellite TV sports channels cut off and he will ban them from accessing any online football streaming services?

      Mophead is becoming the biggest cunt in all of this. I smell them using this solely as an excuse to bring in account verification. These cunts are fearing the public right now, big time! If the pit boils over before their plans are completed, years of planning will go down the drain. They know the internet is exposing all their lies & bullshit and only censorship of the truth will be enough to make people believe like those gullible
      BBC news & media watching cunts that question nothing.

  19. https://youtu.be/Rmc12n5uCPU

    There’s a pretty good take on things here with the Rashford mural on 6minutes.


    As for Shitlegs Sterling, you couldn’t chop that cunt down with an axe until he gets into the box.

    • I remember my last comment on Raheem Sterling was that he’s an irritating twat, although I didn’t know at the time that he’d been awarded a medal for being bleck. My opinion remains the same but I would like to take this opportunity to similarly describe his England colleague Marcus Rashford, who has apparently been made an MBE for saying people should have enough to eat.
      When stepping up to take his penalty, he should have been thinking ‘I’ve got to put this away like a professional, for my team mates, for my manager and for the fans.’ Instead he was thinking ‘I’m young, rich and successful, the whole world is watching me, I’m in the spotlight, I’m going to prove how clever I am, I’m going to make this goalkeeper look stupid.’
      Just one day after making himself look the biggest twat in the world, he’s telling everyone that he’s going to come back stronger. If he had any humility he wouldn’t have shown his face for a month and would have kept his trap shut. I hope people remind him about what he did at Wembley at every opportunity, and maybe the day will come when he realizes it’s not all about him.

      • If somebody in a bar somewhere one night did say “Nice penalty Marcus!’ they’d probably get fired from their job if it was filmed and posted on social media. They might even get charged with ‘racism’.

        This game in question took place before I was born, but Peter Bonetti received a lifetime of abuse in pubs or just walking around the streets. He was England’s goalkeeper for the 1970 World Cup Quarter final (Gordon Banks was injured). He had a bit of a mare and from 2-0 up, England lost 3-2 to West Germany.

        Poor fucker got called all sorts for the rest of his life when out and about.

        But fuck him, he was just a honky.

      • So the dinner lady’s gonna ‘come back stronger’ and Bukkake sack said ‘Love always wins over hate’?

        Really? Why the fuck are your PR companies and media lobbying / bullying the government to beat every cunt with a stick then? You cunts couldn’t do shit without a government who buckles to your every request.

        As for all this ‘love always wins over hate’ bollocks, that sounds like the shit Theresa May & Sadiq Khant spouted everytime a foreigner commited an act of terror on the UK public or something St Jo would have spouted to constituents who attended her surgeries complaining to her about her foreign friends.’misbehaving’ in the comoonitee.

  20. By the 1990s the Race Relations industry was more or less redundant. All the necessary SJ battles had been won, equality for all had been written into the law and the over representation of blacks on TV and in commercials was well under way.

    Martin Luther King’s dream of people being judged on the content of their character and not on the colour of their skin had been largely achieved.

    All of which was a disaster for the professional race baiters like Diane Flabbott and Yasmin Alibi Brown, whose entire careers depended their ability to depict society as racist. Too many cunts have, mostly on the left, have a vested interest in keeping the racist home fires burning, ergo everything is now racist, divisive BLM haemorrhoid sucking cunts.

    But the occasional grain of truth is always welcome – enter the fucking morons who racially abused the dark key England players last week, ensuring that ordinary decent people, white and black, continue to pay the price for such cuntishness..

    • Probably many of the accounts were ‘disposable accounts’ set up by BLM activists for this very purpose.

      I bet there was a similar plan had England even win that night. Imagine the same messages but the ‘racism being blamed on the fact three black men scored and racist booing England fans wanted them to lose.

      These cunts cover themselves well for every outcome.

      Our media is doing it now with lockdown being lifted trying to lobby opinions that mask wearing must remain as the public want them. The narrative on vaccination is due to change gear as well. Instead of masks & vaccination being a choice after freedom day, people will demand you must get a jab and you must get vaxed because they did and it’s not fair that they are the only ones too scared to throw their mask away. Everyone must be like them.

  21. Off Topic, but just tried to go on isac using my phone and this message came up in bold letters :

    ” If you are seeing this message it’s because Admin has decided that you have been behaving like an asshole and are not welcome
    Please feel free to fuck off and annoy someone else ”

    Anyone else had this distressing experience ?

    It’s a known issue with WP. If you see it you’re not banned and we’re aware of and working on it. – DA

    • Nice one Cuntator. I reported it a couple of days ago to admin. I can’t get into the site on 4g any more. Only get onto this site at home. Our civil liberties are disappearing by the day.

  22. On the ‘inside’ of this the old figure of Uncle Tom. If Gabby Logan or whoever asks Raheem Sterling about racism in football of courde he’s going to reply it’s still there and we must fight it. Essentiely he is saying that because he doesnt want to appear like some Uncle Tom who accepts everything with a big booming smile.

  23. And if the uk is institutionally racist, why would the authorities be bending over backwards to accommodate BAMEs during the pandemic like they’re doing?

    And everything else.

    Fuck all this divisive identity politics, the Left have nothing more to say without it.

    • And aren’t most of the institutions like the arts, academia etc left-wing anyway?

      Evening Ruff.

      • “And” is a conjunction. It indicates a relationship between two ideas. The two ideas that it joins may be expressed as phrases or they may be expressed as sentences. Anyone who raises an objection to starting a sentence with a conjunction is putting language in far too small a box.

        This business of putting language in too small a box is all too common. We want a mechanical explanation of how language works. But no one has so far come up with a mechanical explanation of language that actually fits how the language is used. But this does not stop people from trying to confine the use of language to the inadequate set of mechanical principles they have devised for it. Anything in language that they can’t explain, in other words, the want to forbid. They make a Procrustean bed for language.

        And that is a problem, because language unfettered by these inadequate rules is a thing of grace and economy. The language that rises from the Procrustean bed of the prescriptivists is an awkward thing, often clunky, often verbose, often hard to get your tongue around. And yes, this paragraph started with “and”, because it expresses a thought the continues from the previous paragraph.

        But let us pause to examine the role of conjunctions in more depth. Conjunctions don’t actually add information to a passage. Rather, they indicate the direction that a passage is going to take. Think of them like the turn signal in your car. It does not actually change the direction of travel. It simply indicates to other motorists which way you intend to turn. The difference between “but” and “and” is simply that the former signals a change of direction in the argument, and the latter signal a continuation in the same direction. Thus warned, the reader is not taken by surprise and does not have to stop and go back and catch the thread of the argument again.

        And so, starting a sentence, or even a paragraph, with “and” is a perfectly normal part of the ergonomics of language. You should feel entirely free to use it when it flows naturally and serves your meaning and intent the best.

      • Evening LL. ?

        Can’t stop and chat, am in the middle of cooking Lady C’s dinner!

  24. I’d like to ask Mings “why is it that the players for other countries who play in the premier league didn’t drop to the knee in the euros when they do in the premier league games if they are so behind the so called anti racism gesture?”. Answer is they like most of the premier league players they are fuckin sheep and are shit scared of being branded racists if the don’t take the knee in premier league games. How come Wilf Zaha refused to take the knee but doesn’t get branded a racist, oh he’s black so exempt from that accusation. I’ll say to Mings, concentrate on your football you cunt, you fucking need too.

    • I’m d like to ask Mings which PR company gave him the transcript of bollocks & bullshit he narrated in the media? Wonder if the PR company also got the MSM to put it on a Tele prompter for him so he didn’t fuck it up like his three mates did at Wembley.?

  25. The only advice I would take off Raheem Puskas Di Stefano Sterling, is on how to shirk responsibility when it comes to taking a penalty.

    That and mincing.

    • Saint Raheem Luther King Beckenbauer Christ Presley Cruyff Pele Hendrix of Assisi Sterling sure as shit is an expert on how to not do his fucking duty and on how to refuse to take a penalty when his team needs him.

      Raheem Sterling should do a milk advert. Notta Lotta Bottle.
      The little cunt.

  26. You may remember the IOC banned all political gestures at the upcoming Olympics. Well guess what? Now they have decided that you can have “expressions of solidarity “ (taking the knee) before and after the event but not during the medal ceremony. Backtracking cunts. It ‘s obvious that the wokies will act up during the medal ceremony. What’s the point of being a virtue signaller if you pass on an opportunity like that? And we all know the IOC will do fuck all. As the sprinters are already on one knee what are they going to do? Get down on both knees and suck some black cock maybe? I bet that trannie weightlifter would love that.

    • The GB wimminz football team will take the knee they have confirmed. Well, since no cunt will be watching it because of the football at stupid o’clock, you may as well make it all about the political race gimmicks.

  27. These race grifting footballerists are just “useful idiots”. They are merely puppets for the divisive left wing, anti-British “values” organisations like Labour, Islam and Bullshitting Lying Mutherfucka’s.

    Sterling has demonstrated that which is obvious to most sentients: he has a typical sub-saharan IQ (low 60’s).

    He is such a great “unplayable” forward that that is exactly what Pep Fraudiola does. He doesn’t play him, preferring the “horribly-white” Phil Foden, instead.?

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