As the BBC were boiling Paul’s piss with Steve Wright, my bete noir is as always Wireless 4 and the various interviewee’s catchphrases:
Virtually every cunt, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, will start to answer every question with a “so”
You can be sure wimminz and younger men will. in stentorian tones throw in an “absolutely” after a comment/question from the interviewer.
Most men and women, will never regard anything as big, or a major problem, but it is always “Huge!”
and important middle aged ladies of the political cass, of both genders will never say “in the future”, it always has to be “going forward”
So….. I am getting fucking sick of hearing these hackneyed words every day.
Nominated by: W. C. Boggs
Also people who say they ‘reached out’ to someone or something, rather than just contacting them, have me reaching out to their wring their necks.
Are you, or have you ever been, a member of The Four Tops?
Recommend you switch to TalkRadio. Not listened to Radio4 for at least 10 years, it was bad then, fuck knows how much worse it must be now.
So, absolutely I’m Talk Radio listener.
I listen to radio four on the commute, which is only 15-20 minutes most days, but it’s enough to see what the BBC are pushing as their take on the news of the day. It’s like listening in on enemy communications, to see what they’re up to, and what they want their listeners to feel about a certain story.
Unlike the silvertops, I don’t accuse them of outright lying, but lying by omission, where they report on a story that only gives credence to the elements of the story that support their political and moral standpoint. All news reporting suffers from this bias, and is accepted in the case of the papers, as you know they’ve picked a side, but the cunting Beeb are by mandate supposed to be impartial, and that’s why they suck so bad.
Listening to Today, as you say, by omission we get racist Tories and Overseas Aid cuts killing thousands.
Indeed they do, as they don’t say it themselves, but they allow other cunts to say it unchallenged, yet if there is a guest that doesn’t speak their language, they are ruthlessly challenged on their stance.
I got so sick of covid bollocks on all the stations ,so I’ve been searching for a while. I’ve found a station called Union Jack. It’s still got some Rona messages but it’s got some great spitting image type pisstakes with Jeremy vine, bojo, etc. Today there was an army type advert that shouted ‘ right it’s time for everyone to go back to the office…..not so fast Matt Hancock’. I nearly wet me self ?
RTC: Well, we get frequent lectures on slavery (all up to date you see!), the problems of wimminz, especially dusky wimminz, loads of American lady academics holding forth about anything.
A few years ago I used to listen to LBC, but what was even worse than Mary Ann O’Brien was those terrible financial services adverts – usually be an excited man or woman who in the space of ten seconds gabbled:
Gabble, gabble, gabble, rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb,
Gabble, gabble, gabble, rhubarb, rhubarb, rhubarb, gabble, gabble rhubarb, gabble. Terms and conditions apply.
To me that was almost as bad as Jess Phillips. After the gabble came the silly whistle of MacDonalds.
I used to be a regular listening to the Today programme, A Book at Bedtime, and the Shipping Forecast (Dogger Bank, Fisher and German Bite etc)
But we’re talking 30 odd years ago, but at least the presenters knew crystal clear pronunciation – all a bit stuffy and la-de-da perhaps, but it was most edifying given that this was Radio 4!
Fast forward 30 years, and not only has R4 dumbed down to the level of a grasshopper’s gonad, along with going woke, the presenters sure as shit do not know how to speak the Queen’s English, or any kind of English I’m used to.
I can envisage a time in the not too distant future where R4 presenters will be nothing more than Ali G. clones. Imagine the Shipping Forecast….
“‘Sup, bro! Woss ‘appenin? Here d’ shippin’ forecast, innit. It’s gonna be rough innit, so don’t bother going out. Just smoke a spliff and chill wi’d da’bass, cool bro. Laterz”
A top cunting, W.C, I commend it to The House. It’s just fucking waffle as the dull cunts think it makes them sound intelligent. There’s a triage nurse at Big Hospital whom, if they’re busy, (fucking ALWAYS, now, fucking public), goes down the line of crews waiting and says:
“Your patient, one sentence”.
I love her! Goes through the line and sorts it like Dick Fiddler in Gemma Arterton’s underwear drawer.
So… I am a huge cunt… absolutely!
Going forward you are!
Try ‘Boom Radio’. New station, but, quality music, and, no egotistical DJ’s babbling on. DJ’s are very knowledgable about the music, but, just play it.
I started listening a couple of weeks ago. Fucking marvelous. Songs I know from singers I’ve never heard of, singers I’ve never heard of, singers I know singing songs I’ve never heard of, the whole range.
I can understand listening to radio if your say, im a full body caste in hospital or locked in solitary confinement for criticism of penalty missing footballers.
But not by choice!
If its bugging you turn it off WC.
Stick a bluey on or a DVD of animal attacks.
That works for me!
Seeing some Canadian battered by a bear or some Africunt leathered off a chimpanzee has me in a great mood all day!
Some africunt leathered by a chimpanzee?
How would you tell which is which?
It would be like the end of Animal Farm (the Orwell one, not the saucy one), where ’twas impossible to tell the upright pigs from the men.
Note to DA…I am trying (a little) to tone down my racism (after an arguably justified admonishment the other day), but as I have South African relatives who are in genuine mortal danger on a daily basis, it does somewhat colour my opinions!
What’s the situation over there anyway Thomas? Is it really that grim?
Sure is, General. My brother-in-law (a policeman from Durban) says they’re entering a nationwide state of emergency. There’ll be full-on civil war soon, he reckons. Any white who’s not heavily armoured in a compound will be up shit creek before long.
I admire the Afrikaners greatly TtCE, to be honest us Rhodies pretty much ran away with our tails between our legs, I certainly don’t miss having to walk around my property with a 357 magnum by my side constantly!
I’m not overly sympathetic, to be honest. My b-i-l (and his pig mates) are stereotypically boorish, arrogant and obnoxious pricks!
Everything these days has to be over the top, the most annoying is ‘Outrage’, every minor discretion generates something called outrage.
LGBT are in constant outrage, must be something to do with guilt ?
I wonder if Tyrone Mings will apologise for saying Priti Patel, now that the analysis of what went on on Sunday night turns out to be no more than a candle rather than a fire.
At least the overuse of the phrase “awesome” appears to waning, fon’t you reckon SOI?
The last thing I saw that was truly awesome was the Grand Canyon 15 years ago.
Nothing since. Unless you count Dianne Abbott successfully donning a matching pair of shoes.
Awesome is typical of the Yanks, like most crap these days emanates for the good old USA.
Excellent cunting, WC. I feel your pain at the loss of a fine institution. The decline in standards on BBC radio is a reflection of declining standards across the nation – in education, manners, self-respect, independence, discipline, and sense of civic duty.
The Brits were known and respected around the world for their reserve and steadfastness. Now, they known as spineless cry babies and doormats. BBC Radio 4 is the perfect home for such worthless cunts.
Crass stupidity is ‘the way forward.’
My sister-in-law has started beginning every sentence with ‘so’ but then she is a teacher.
No, she’s a Marxist Indoctrinatrix CUNT.
Yeah she is an obnoxious ex-gothy type white liberal posho. Dont know what my brother saw in her, apart from gigantic tits.
Amazing. Everything is amazing. Even the trivial and normal. No . What would be amazing would be if you fuckwits stopped calling routine things amazing.
Amazing is a space ship landing and Mrs Thatcher stepping out and saying ” I’m going to wipe out that treasonous scumbag Doris and fix the country”. That would be amazing. Then Norman Tebbit knocking the crap out of Michael Gove and that arse Rushi. Then a tank flattening the entire labour party as they all go for an stroll with an ice cream .
Then…..oh fuck off.
Damn! I almost got to the vinegar strokes.
Just podcasts for me,which is the modern version of talk radio,but I get to choose the topic.
Gave up on the wireless decades ago and it’s now fully infested by cunts.
Radio 4 used to be quite decent,like a portal to 1956.
Obviously that is no longer the case.
Thank you BBC.
fuck me sideways with a thorny pineapple give it a fucking REST
Every person or experience or scene or construction or dish is “incredible”
No it’s not I can see it I can comprehend the possibility it is real and true.
Remarkable perhaps but fuck off incredible
‘so what you’re saying is” followed by a misrepresentation of what the interviewee actually said (particularly if they are right wing or non-woke) is a standard BBC and Channel 4 tactic. The sign of a bad journalist.
But is it any surprise when the BBC is appointing a left wing activist from Huffington Post to a senior position – probably to get back at the government.
The BBC – the Bourbon Broadcasting Corporation. Because like the Bourbons they have “learnt nothing and forgotten nothing”.
R4 should be renamed, Radio Strawman.
I have to deal with a lot of wealthy people from Austin (Texas) and it may as well be Cali-fucking-forniia. They use every cuntish word and phrase there is. I have found myself saying the same things as I speak with them. I hate myself for it later and tell myself, “I won’t talk this way going for– damn!”
Anyone who subjects themselves to anything in any shape or form from the Buggering Bairns Cult is a masochist.
What even Antiques Roadshow?!!
Fiona Bruce gives me the horn.
Something should be done about the Antiques Roadshow. A lot of those antiques are artefacts connected to colonialism and the slave trade not to mention the greedy white supremacists who own them.
I suppose Marg from Basingstoke with her dusty 90 year old ming isn’t that harmful.
“I suppose Marg from Basingstoke with her dusty 90 year old ming isn’t that harmful.”
…depends how bad she mings.
Turn it off, all of it.
You can always tell a leftie because they have their own language like “ stake holder” or “ five year plan” or “ the killing fields”
On longer drives in years gone by I would listen to radio 4, I would listen to radio 4 in the evening, book at bedtime, shipping forecast. I have given up with radio 4 now, almost every time I switch on there is an ethnic or hard done by weird fuck bitching and moaning about transgender fornication parties or some such wank or why as an ethnic their lives are so oppressed in good old Blighty. To me radio 4 is dead and gone. Fuck them all.
None OF this stuff bothers me in the slightest, why you ask! I DON’T LISTEN TO IT.
Radio 4 is a dead channel walking. It’s wall-to-wall wokery, slanted news and uninformed opinion. At the very least they should rename it, as it bears virtually no resemblance to Radio 4 when it rebranded from the Home Service ( and that was probably the start of the rot). The low hum of the rotating coffin in Reith’s grave is now continuous. But in reality R4 should be consigned to the dustbin of history, as it fulfils no discernible function other than the promotion of bizarre minority interests. Let the minority interests pay for this, take it off the licence fee roster, and let’s see how long it lasts.
I’ll add to the dismal lexicon of Radio 4, “amazing” = slightly interesting, “fantastic” = workaday, and “reely, reely” = requiring no emphasis.
But if you think R4 is bad, try Podcast Hour on 4 Extra. It’s for 15-year-olds with learning difficulties and language problems, and it’s a shudder a minute.
I’ve listened to Radio 4 (the home service) all my life and still put the news on while I’m eating a meal or washing up, but what bugs me is they continually try to bring music into everything. If I wanted music there are a hundred music stations I could choose from, yet a programme like PM at five o’clock always has to have music playing intermittently. I don’t want to hear it, I want news. I’m sure the reason behind it is, while the music’s on, they don’t have to do any work.
That too. And the lightweight documentary which has elevator music in the background all the time, faded up when the talking pauses.
Apologies. I see “amazing” was cunted earlier. But no-one has yet commented on the BBC’s campaign to destroy the letter “t”, especially but not always at the end of a word. We go||a be demo|ic, inni|? Go||a ge| down wiv ver yoof. Even older presenters are now succumbing to this malignant linguistic growth, which may well have started to metastatise with The Peoples’ Blair.
Received Pronunciation may have been elitist, but everyone could understand it. This is not the case fot ghe||o Estuary Asian Newspeak.
God hates blm he struck the heretic beast image of Floyd in Toledo Ohio with a mighty lighting strike lol https://www.the-sun.com/news/3279333/why-george-floyds-mural-toledo-destroyed/
On the same page, the uncle of the little cunt who got a Pulitzer (ffs) for filming Floyd’s terminal restraint, is also slotted. By the police. Oh dear.
Biden’s America is in full swing now lol komodo
The race politics in America is insane its like a hyper reality on steroids. Or maybe in this case crack
The yanks aren’t far off from Africas predicament like with dementia mumbler Biden in charge I expect it to go downhill fast from here
Racist comments are always “vile”. Are they? Read the fuckers out so we can make our own minds up. A lot of racist comments can be mild, or funny. And I bet most of the supposedly “vile” ones are too. But they never read them out; the papers never print them. So those who make them are condemned for a “crime” we never actually discover the nature of… And THAT really is vile.
“Racist comments are always “vile””
…usually teamed with “horiffic”… another of their favourite adjectives.
My mother bought a DAB radio a while ago (cheapo model from Lidl for £20 but it works fine). I programmed a load of different stations into it for her, but she just listens to fucking radio 4. I don’t know why, she doesn’t even like it.
I bought one and listen to Talk Radio, Gold, Boom, and Heart 70s, far better than R4 shite.
I do like the Shipping Forecast. I find it strangely comforting. There is a peculiar sense of “Britishness” about it. Like a Sunday Roast, teenage stabbings in London and HP sauce.