Frida Kahlo fans are cunts. These cunts think they’re special because they’ve discovered Frida Kahlo, but it just makes them cunts.
Why are conjoined eyebrows so important? It’s ugly, masculine and weird. The fact that you worship – or worse, pretend to worship – this Mexican werewolf makes you a cunt, and if you haven’t thought that through before jumping on her hairy gravy train then you’re a cunt.
These horrid, hairy pictures should be taken down and burned for the cuntish pro-masculinisation of women that they are. So when you see a Frida picture, probably a self-portrait adorned with facial pubic hair and her relentless self-love, you know that the person who has put that picture there is a cunt.
Nominated by: Sausage, meatballs and cream
Links below provided by the ever helpful: Dickie Dribbler
Her? It? I’m very unsure what ‘this’ is. 100% cunt is the only certainty.
Didn’t salma Hayek portray her in a film? The only hairy thing I want to see on salma Hayek is her hairy quim with my knob stuck up it
Cousin it
That was for TEGC, sausage fingered cunt.
A munter so ugly that she even managed to make the normally exquisite Salma Hayek look like a hirsute freak in the 2002 fillum.
At least we can console ourselves with how lush the jug-tastic bean-gobbler normally looks:
Cooor, she gives me the horn, I would decorate her baby hangers all year with my baby making batter
From Dusk till Horn?
pity that poor clasp on her dress, it must be made from spaceship grade titanium to hold that lot together
Imagine how sublime the titwank would be
Just clicked on the link, the image popped up that fast, it made my knob jump. Wowee, wowee, wow, wow.
I used to work with an insufferable bitch who thought she was above everyone else.
She thought she was superior and ‘different’ because she claimed to like unlistenable crap like Pavement and Sleater Kinney (dyke rock). But she drove us all mad with her ‘discovery’ of Clintonite cunt clown, Stephen Colbert. She thought she was the dog’s knackers because she was – as she called herself – a ‘Colbertinista’. I mean, for fuck’s sake.
This was around 2006/2007, and she used to say things like ‘Truthiness’ because that Colbert cunt used to say it. This immensely irritating tart really thought she was the bigs, and that she was part of an exclusive elite because she knew about Colbert and we didn’t. I dare say ‘discoverers’of Frida Kahlo are the same. i.e: utter fucking self satisfied smug cunts.
Colbert himself is a disingenuous and pompous arsehole. I heard it was alleged that he allegedly diddles kids. Allegedly.
Wouldn’t surprise me about Colbert, Mickey.
Allegedly, of course.
“Knock knock”
“Who’s there.?”
“Ah! who.?”
“Werewolves of London”….
Not sure what this is about, but that Friday birds a hairy Mary!
There was a indian girl went our school and she had a proper tash and sideburns at 13yr!!!
Sort of like a very tanned Graeme Souness.
Id only just gotten pubes.
Kahlo with her moustache, joined eyebrows, gammy leg, Commie husband, greasy fat slob Diego Rivera, and Commie lover, Leon “Ice Pick” Trotsky, has always been a poster girl for Lezbo Fem Trots in Latin America. It was only a matter of time before the Feminazis in the US and Europe claimed her as one of their own. Her paintings are so disgusting I can barely look at them. She had a horrible life and was run over by a tram when she was a kid but many people have had horrible lives and looked and painted better than she did.
Hey mr Polly, imagine what freaky Fridays pussy is like?!!!
Bet it needs mowing every month?
Wrist deep in Axminster looking for her butterbean!
It resembles this monstrosity, MNC:
Hahahaha ?
Fuck me!!
It looks like the top of Don Kings head!!
Id be worried my beard would stick like velcro?
Fire brigade all grinning as the pulled us apart with a ”ssshhhhrrr” noise.
FFS put a match to it
Mowing? and the rest.
Would need a gang of boys with bush knives and a foreman with a fucking compass
Hasn’t she heard of Gillette…..
The best a man can get ?
My thoughts exactly I could only imagine how hairy Frida’s box is. I don’t think she shaves or even trims by the looks of it probably a full sized beaver
So a monkey in a dress painted some pictures 80 fucking years ago.
Who gives a fuck?
Cunts,that’s who.
Her works better that Tracey Emins dirty knickers, that’s for sure.
The worst place in the world would be the tail segment of a human centipede and your mouth is stapled to Tracey Emin’s unwashed-for-years arse and fanny.
Oh ffs. Bleurgh!
Frida got her entire schtick from paedo Gauguin and “cultural appropriation” of Japan. Throw the hairy cunt to the wolves………………………….er……………..
PS old punks should look up Amyl and the sniffers. An Aussie contribution to the genre.
Is the nomination picture that Salma Ey by eck in her day off? 😀
p.s I saw this and it made me laugh…
p.p.s Moggie, I hope the web page link doesn’t scare you, with you being a cat and the link is dogs. 🙂
Mexicans are all hairy Spoons.
If Salma Hayek lay naked on the ground itd look like a barbershop floor.
Here’s her husband..
Sweet baby cheesus!
I only open links when I’m safely up a tree.
I nearly wrote Dog bless you, Moggie. 🙂
May all the Dreamies be yours. Forever and ever ah men.
Frida Kahlo is the Che Guevara for knicker pickers. A radical chic pin-up for dykes, just so they can look ‘cool’ and ‘intellectual’. Just like the imbecilic schlongs who wear Che T-Shirts, when they have no idea who he is or what he was (a sadistic cunt and a mass murderer). Same goes for Kahlo. These thickos who idolise her will mostly have no idea who she was, and most of them won’t even care. Just look at the adulation lavished on Chiggen Floyd George, a career criminal. Liberal bellends, hipsters and student cunts would revere and wear Peter Sutcliffe T-Shirts if it was seen as cool and radical to do so, the cunts.
Lady Creampuff had a “Rosemary West Is Innocent” t-shirt made for me which I still occasionally wear.
Well THIS version of Frida does it for me
Selma’s assets can only be described as awesome
What I find bizarre is the cunts that wish her “Happy Birthday”.
Happy Birthday? Eh, she is dead you spanner, how the fuck can she ‘enjoy her Birthday’?
This seems to be a recent phenomenon – wishing dead folk many happy returns on social media sites. Has the world gone stark, staring batshit?
I’ve done some soul searching and cant find a fuck to give about any of this.
Did you look down the back of your sofa? It’s not down the back of mine.
Look in your pocket of fucks and no fucks left and right pocket respectively
Fuck those are some thick eyebrows practically got a full unibrow happening… No wonder shes so loved by bulldykes and libtards
Ugly cunt. Nuff said
Who/what the fuck is this? I must live ain’t a parallel universe, never heard of these cuntd on here.
Looks like a chick with a dick.
What. The. Fuck. Is. That?
Eddie Munster.
Spitting image.
It’s Tracy Enema with a new wardrobe.
Here’s my encyclopedic knowledge of this Freida cunt: Salma Hayek played her in a movie once.
Why do the worst degenerates get movies made to honor them? Freddie Mercury, Che, Harvey Milk, Elton John, etc. Has a Chiggun George movie come out yet? Call it “When Whitey Takes a Knee”. Won’t be long I’m sure.
A cluster of cunt.
I bet this thing has a hairy cunt. Like Brian Blessed wearing an eye patch.
That is a man
I noticed the gushing nonense from the first link refers to ‘stunning’ inages.
Stunning and Brave.
Compared to Goya she’s shite.