A massive four legged cunting for cunts with pitt bull type dogs
You know the kind of low life scum i mean, the pricks who walk into a park and let the fuckers off their leads, usually drug dealers or the local gaaaangstars innit looking for somewhere to eat their KFC or smoke pot.
If only these cunts cunt dogs would turn on the owners and tear them apart., but it rarely goes that way, its usually some innocent person trying to have a picnic, see the link.
Now i know its not the dogs fault if its owner is a fuckwitt cunt but like Audi drivers you can bet the owner is usually a cunt and so when you see a pitbull type dog the conclusion is more often accurate.
These fuckers should be properly punished for this, i can honestly say i would much prefer to see these cunts mauled by a pack of Hyenas than watch an old blind Jack Russel have to go through that, not to mention the trauma on the dogs owners.
So to all stinking of weed, gangster wanna be, gobshite cunts who think having dogs they cant control makes them look good, there wont be much sympathy for you from me when your mutt tears your little boy/girl/ granny a new arsehole and hopefully you get 10 years of getting reamed on Saturday nights.
These are the cunts mustard gas was designed for……
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
I own 2 dangerous dogs (Rhodesian Ridgebacks) called Cecil and Ian, they are only cunts to pie keys and ner’do’wells, so they are sort of anti-cunts, they’re doing “dogs” work!!!
My dogs in Seffrica were racist without being trained. Magic.
I named them Ian and Cecil after the ones who guarded my homestead before Mugarbage’s bully boys killed them with pangas on that fateful day, still feel bitter about it now, evil cunts!!!!
CQ@ – Excellent work Sir – I have no trouble with dangerous dogs, the Ridgebacks would in all probability eat them.
As an added bonus my Ridgebacks would get rid of all the evidence, and they detest (with a living, psychopathic hatred) “light fingered caravan lovers and pyjama wearing kid botherers”.
Vicious dogs to guard property are a useful tool. Vicious dogs as a status symbol and to guard one’s self are used by cowardly serfs and oiks. The sort of people that hang around in gangs much the same as wild dogs hang around in packs for safety. No good on their own and there are plenty of them around!
In other news I have seen the Diana statue. I never knew she had three kids, a tanned boy, a white boy and a girl! It’s a funny old world!
Good afterburner and fuck off!
Pit Bulls are guide dogs for the thick.
Not the dog’s fault, they shouldnt be bred in the first place.
Our dogs are called Calvin and Klein, they’re Boxers….
A friend of mine had Ridgeback called Jeff, great dog and here is my point entirely, there are owners who have exceptional control of their dogs, train them properly, look after them and actually care,that is what owning a dog is all about.
On the other hand i had a German Shepard that couldnt be trusted at all, so i kept her away from people and other dogs to avoid any problems, the only time i ever had a problem funnily enough was when some cunt had 3 loose Staffies and no leads at all and i ended up having to brain the fuckers with a putter, so no matter how carefull you are you cant compensate for other wankers, the owner was none to pleased until i looked like i was going to hit another birdie…
Dogs that hate pikeys and criminals are fine by me because they are just doing their job and thats commendable, in fact what dogs are for more often than not.
The cunts who have these fuckers as a status enhancer, dont train it, feed it properly and get it into many bad situations are the cunts i mean, dog fed on effadrine and frazzles and then their surprised when it mauls their kids…..
Pit Bulls are great to have mixed with other breeds. Pure breeds owned by Meskins or Niggiz result in a dog that mirrors the attitude of the owner. A lowlife owner+Pit Bull =’s a dog with no boundaries and is potentially dangerous. I walk my dog armed more for these type dogs than humans. I will not let a Cunt Bull hurt me, my kid, or my beloved dog. A 9mm hollowpoint in it’s fat fucking head will do the trick. What happens after that with the owners is anyone’s guess.
Our other dog is always angry and barking at people.
He’s a cross-breed….
All dogs are potentially dangerous.
Some can wreck more havoc than others though.
The most aggressive dog I ever saw was a Jack Russell called Pepper.
It would shake with anger,
Never saw it happy!
I own a very big dog,
It guards the house and its well behaved.
Prefer it to the kids.
True Miserable, all dogs have a bark side to them.
One of our dogs won’t drink anything other than red wine.
He’s a Bordeaux collie….
You are Tim Vine and I claim my £5 – DA
My dog likes listening to gravelly voiced jerking singers from Sheffield.
He’s a cocker spaniel
A young American Indian boy asked the chief how he picks the names for everyone in the tribe.
Chief said, “When baby born, I leave teepee, and first thing I see, that is name. Why you ask 2 dogs fucking?”
(c) Terry Pratchett….
Respect for the Pratchett reference. Great author.
I’ve never found the native Indians very friendly.
When I was last in the States, I tried to buy a property on a reservation.
I’d no sooner stepped through the door of one and asked “does it come with Running Water” and the seller told me to fuck off and find my own wife.
“Doctor, sometimes I think I am a wigwam, sometimes I think I am a teepee”
“Big Mal, you are too tense”
Agreed MNC a raging Jack Russel is quite a fucking thing, and they go for the nuts,makes the trouser ferret look tame in comparison, i used to know someone who had a Jack Russel called cunty…..
It was my best mates dog Fugly,
It was lethal!
Not sure why it was so angry?
Good home/owners.
He has 2 Jack Russells now called Motorhead and Megadeath ?
But theyre nice.
Guy I knew had an African grey and a Jack Russell. He had to give the dog away because the parrot would wind the fucker up constantly.
He’d eat a chicken leg and dangle the bone from the cage, when said dog jumped up he’d retract it. After a long time doing this the parrot would get bored and start mimicking the doorbell send the dog scarpering to the front door.
As for big fuck off dogs it’s a no from me and these cunts who walk like ten men smoking weed and holding on to them need eliminating. The plastic gangsters not the dogs.
Us fuckin’ parrots are superior to any dog. Dog owners have to appear so macho!
My owner is ace!
Percy Blunt.
Your owner I like,
But you Percy,
Lets just say you should count yourself lucky we dont celebrate Thanksgiving here…?
Our budgie learned to mimic the sound of a squeaky pantry door. I oiled he hinges fixed that but still hear the squealing all facking day long.
There’s a starling round here who does a landline ringtone to perfection.
Cunt’s should be put down with their dogs.
A good friend of mine’s son was badly attacked when he was two and still has scars from it – fuck all happened to the person who owned the shit machine, blamed the kid for getting to near.
If that we’re my kid I’d go fucking medieval on the cunt.
I’m in complete agreement Cuntus. Dogs are playthings not the answer to today’s world problems.
Part of what makes me laugh is the studded collar and walking with the arm flexed to the point of popping a blood vessel….and thats the owner, dog is thinking walk faster you crack addled weasle i need a shit……
Like guns, dogs are not dangerous, humans are dangerous. Dogs just do as they are told. Im with dogs being trained for the greater good. Trained by criminal cunts or thick twats ,the dog needs to go along with their owners.
My dog eats bones:
He thinks they`re luscious.
My dog eats bones:
This poem`s atrushous.
Im a dog lover but some people cant look after themselves never mind a dog.
These council estate Al Capones are cunts, getting their dogs into trouble.
They dont worm, train them or get them innoculated.
And its not just chavs the amount of middle class bellends that let their dogs bomb around off lead mithering others is unbelievable.
“Oh hes friendly!
Its ok!”
No. It isnt.
Get your fuckin dog under control you tit.
Remember Fenton?
Fennnttttooooooonnnnnn!!!!!!!! (Get back here, you cunt!!!!!)
Fentooooooooooooooon you cunt, feeeeenton I’m gonna cut off your bollocks, Jesus Christ you cunt
Any dog not under its owner’s control signals that the owner is a cunt and all bets are off.
Makes me go Full Feral.
Cunts who walk their dogs off the lead on narrow canal towpaths also need a huge cunting. No, I’m not speaking from personal experience. Honest.
Fuck me I live just up the road from Norwood Park. It ain’t much of a park, just a small square of land, with busy roads on three sides and a clump of trees in the middle. It seems a strange place for a picnic and i’m not surprised they bumped into a bunch of trashy chavs.
I like the bit at the end where they are waiting for comment from MP Helen Hayes. Good luck with that mate. That Blairite remoaner bitch must be the laziest cunt in Westminster. At least her predecessor,Tessa Jowell, used to send around the odd newsletter, hold the odd public meeting (got thrown out of one of them) and was always in the local rag doing something or other. This cow is conspicuous by her complete absence. I doubt if 5% of the electorate know her name. Even at election time her leaflets are all about the fucking EU, no mention of local matters at all. The last one had loads of pictures of the bitch but Catweazle was conspicuous by his absence. But still she got a 28000 majority. Middle class wokies and immos would vote for a pile of camel shit if it was Labour.
I prefer cats.
Who ever heard of a dangerous cat?
Except lions and tigers.
The cat I had could be a cunt. A black and white moggie, but fucking huge – twice the size of a normal cat. His name was Monty.
Only got the arse with me once when we got a rescue cat to keep him company – he went fucking apeshit – stood on his back legs, hissing and snarling – I had to fend the cunt off with a broom. He attacked my Mrs’ leg – claws and teeth as he was still incandescent.
The old bugger mellowed in old age and become a friendly old boy, but he did attack our Jack Russell once and made her ear bleed.
Poor old cunt suffered cancer of the nasal cavity – finished him off 4 years ago.
My neighbour killed a land shark when it attacked a child. He stuck a massive knife up it arse, then stabbed it in the eyes before sticking the knife in the dogs chest.
I stood by and watch while the cunt chav owners just cuddled the dog as it died. Better viewing than Netflix
Vile creatures. No sane cunts want one of these horror shows. Just get a sheep dog or a Springer spaniel. Mad as a hater but friendly.
I hate pit bull types too.
We now take our Jack Russell to a secure dog field, it brilliant you book a time, it’s fenced off, we can let the little fucker off the lead and run around till his hearts content, the best bit is no other cunts to worry about and he can’t run off and get lost….
I once paid 25 quid hard earned pocket money as a teenager for an official champions league football. It was A great football and we had a great few kickabouts with it.
Then a cunt with a pitbull turned up at the park and let it of the lead. Ran after the ball and got it in its mouth and punctured the ball. He got the cunt under control, threw it back popped and laughed as though nothing had happened. Fucking cunt. Makes me want to carry a hatchet when i go out in the local park so I can butcher one of the fuckers if it comes near me.