Fuckmonkey slappers and the legal system and bad driving people are cunts, this cunting is a three for one special and cunts that have forgotten the rules of the road
First this drug fuelled ,snap chat slapper has been banned from driving before for drug driving, she has caused near death and carnage on the roads and survived mores the pity, this shit stain would have been a great target for natural selection to sort out, shame she,s still around to torture snapchat users with her worthless life experiences.
Secondly the legal system, how the fuck did the aforementioned slapper not get sent to jail, see the link, what the fuck do you have to do these days to get sent down, maybe she,s going to suck the judges cock until his head caves in or something, i dont get it.
Thirdly i am noticing this more and more all the time, cunts who jump red lights , i don’t mean on the change i mean fucking red, then cunts that speed up to junctions not intending to stop or even slow down and when there is something coming they have to slam on the brakes fucking hard and then you have cunts who cant seem to stay in a fucking lanes, especially around roundabouts, even when lines are painted on these cockwombles cant manage it, all cunts….
Snapchat mum filmed herself before crashing car
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
I’m just surprised that the tart wasn’t up the duff by the time she got to Court…that usually ensures a suspended sentence,doesn’t hurt to have a few older whelps with Special Needs too……”Full time Mum” can’t be taken away from doing such a responsible job of looking after her ” My Love,My Life” bairns.
My older Brother was left disabled and with life changing injuries when he was hit by some daft old dear in a car turning right in front of his bike and wiping him out – medically retired at 36.
No sympathy for fools behaving like this and cruel as it sounds it would have been better if Crystal Ward did not survive.
What BS will they come up with when she kills someone?
The old saw, ” Lessons will be learned” Sorry to learn of your brother Vernon.
CuntyMort@ – Our kid went from being a fit, healthy Man in his prime to a husk with a smashed right arm and a serious drink problem – I eventually got him to realise that drinking himself to death was foolishness and hurting the people around him, thankfully now he is teetotal.
The Woman who nearly killed him didn’t even get a fine.
Similar thing happened to me in October 2018 – it’s still grinding its way through the legal system. The old woman was with her family and scum of the earth. Left me in the road, never phoned an ambulance. When I came to, I had to call coppers – another bunch of useless cunts. Didn’t take any breath tests (I’m sure the old bat had been drinking at a lunch at the premises). Anyway, hope your brother comes good – drink is a cunt. And the standard of driving has got so much worse in past year. I’m still biking, but it’s like a fucking zoo out there.
These cunts always seem to walk away unscathed, leaving every other cunt brown bread too.
Run her over with a tractor.
…..with speedway tyres on.
The utter jizzbag.
I’m sure Dick will be only too happy to oblige.
If the roads in Rhodesia where as good as Blighty (yeah they’re really that bad!) this scene would of been very fucking common, traffic lights are advisory, indicators never used and couple that with the “illiterate primates” on the road, you’re totally fucked, cap the speed limit at 50 and ban anyone driving who fucking “Snapchat’s” they’re journey, you’re obviously not mature enough to drive if you still play games on your fucking phone, daft cunts!!!
Cars should be the preserve of the white man. Dark keys are fucking useless at driving – no spatial awareness or consideration for others. Asians are bad, but the Chinks are the worst of the lot.
Perhaps she avoided a prison sentence by passing herself off as one half of an overrated cone-headed Geordie TV presenting duo…
“Why aye, I’m famous, me…”
She needs putting down for being called Crystal.
Added to that her surname is associated with those likeable travellers.
Oh! and for being a cunt.
if it was a white male, he’d be in jail now !
Calling your child Crystal is a life long sentence of mongery and failure. The inbred cunt didnt have a chance. Is she from Norwich. Driving is the simple. I can do it with one hand.
The Recorder said “It could have easily caused a fatality.” Yeah, pity it wasn’t her, the fucking stupid bitch. We have to share our roads with cretins like this. In times of war we kill our enemies to keep ourselves safe. I’d feel a lot safer if someone put a bullet through the back of her head.
There was a terrible accident close to where I live recently when a large wheel of cheddar that was being transported, became loose, dislodged from the truck, rolled down a hill and killed a photographer.
In fairness to those being photographed, they did try and warn him….
Bloody hard cheese!
Crystal Ward.
Didn’t she have that irritating hit, ‘Gypsy Woman’ (La-Da-Dee-Da-Di Da)?
Crystal Waters. Now I have that song stuck in my head. Thanks. – DA
Women tend to get more lenient sentences because of the perception of them as being weak and men’s chivalrous nature.
I reckon so, General.
The Recorder told her ‘you are not going to jail today…’.
Speaking of which, here’s another; spared prison after smashing her newborn kid’s head in.
I mean for fuck’s sake, if THIS doesn’t deserve getting put away for a long time, nobody’s going to get put away again.
All together now, THE COUNTRY’S FUCKED!!
Give her a couple of minutes with me and she’d be lucky even to end up in hospital.
Indeed, Ron. Here’s another cunt, called Chelsea.
Take her outside for a good kicking, then place a burning tyre around her neck, Soweto-stylee. The cunt.
Stop fucking moaning, Social meeja is a part of evolution. Natural section, cunts are prepared to die for a few seconds ds of fame. If they cause collateral damage, we’ll tough really. You can either ban SM or useless thick cunts, your call.
Or ideally, both ?
I’m sure there was a ban on using mobile phones whilst driving. Is the ban not in place anymore?
There is Spoons.
But its only used against gainfully employed white men.
Three major car crashes in Ipswich in little under a week. Two of the cars crashed into shops, the other completely written off.
Police say on each occasion the cunts were driving dangerously, too fast, and without due care and attention.
You think so???
Huge numbers of shit drivers on the roads around here, excess speeding, reversing into main roads, parking on double yellow lines, illegal exhausts, turning right but in the left hand lane at roundabouts, and most caught without tax and insurance.
Every day in Ipswich there are several crime stories reported every day, a different place to live now compared to 1993 when I first moved here.
Seriously thinking of fucking off to Japan in the next couple of years.
that’ll be your east European then – they all drive too fucking fast.
Reckon so LC.
Combined with the number of physical assaults, crimes being committed, and filth being left on the streets the quality of life here for local residents is suffering greatly.
The police are putting up a great fight and doing their very best in extremely difficult circumstances but sadly are unable to cope with the overwhelming effect of the flood of those who do not belong here.
Well done Crystal I say.
Its refreshing to see a woman not afraid to put her foot down and shift her fuckin arse on the road!
Maybe a career as chaffeur to the Hewitt/sparkles?
Id give her 9/10 for effort
3/10 for driving skills.
10/10 for stupidity
Oh and anyone who calls their missus/ bird/slag “babe”is a grade A twat.
And deserves to be in that car with Crystal.
Babe was a pig.
In the city.
Bit of driving music for you.
Come on everyone,
Put some effort in!
Ton up club!!?
(Not you Crystal)
I’m with you on PIL Miserable, never liked Paul Weller.
One just for you Willie!?
Thats more like it Miserable.
Mrs Norman would tell me off if I called her any of those daft names.
Babe always reminds of me of that scheming fat cow off NeverEnders.
I’m thinking of driving a tank. Let’s see the fuckers argue with that. Next I’m inventing a dashboard mounted guiding missile system. Spot a chav cunt who thinks they can cut you up or drive on the pavement to get past a queue. Lock onto the fucker and they’re history. Job done.
I’m thinking of finding the owner of my car insurance company and asking what carat gold he is having his yacht plated in – the thieving fker! .
Dangerous halfwits like Crystal Meth put the price up for all.
You jest Vernon but the blue chip insurance cuntanies make up a goodly number of the sponsors for the wallet bogglingly expensive sports of offshore power boating, Admiral’s Cup, the Vendee etc.
A hole in the water which you fill with £50 notes!
Simply she is a woman and they can do no wrong in the eyes of the so called law.
Baby Ps mum out in just a few years.
The law of this fair land is a cunt wearing a wig