Cornell University are cunts.
Apparently they have created a new course examining the links between naming stellar phenomena and racism. Essentially they are saying that naming black holes as such is racist. Just to emphasise the teaching, a couple of rappers will delivering part of the course. Well that’s all right, then.
Nominated by: Dark key cunt
There’s only one black hole in that photo. The racists.
Black hole is a descriptive term.
It doesn’t mean Sheronda the fat bird with 3 kids down the roads gaping slimy kebab.
I know that, and ive not been to university.
Maybe its a ‘special’ university?
Because a lot of them are either Tibetan or Down Syndrome kids?
I get the two confused.
Dalai llama? .. missing chromosome.
MNC@ – The irony of virtually no white people in the photo and the racism and discrimination therein displayed is completely lost on these brainwashed morons.
And watch out for the yellow locusts – they will be ordering those fuckwit students about in 10 years, but these fucking lemmings do not even realise it.
Try being a white Man on the African continent if you want to experience REAL racism.
Well Tarzan didn’t have any issues?!!
It depends on the cut of your jib Foxy!
I went?
Within 6weeks theyd worship me as a living god.
Id teach them how to cook chips.
How to use a tin opener.
Introduce them to fire ?
If theyre naughty?
They get the bang-bang stick,
Theyre good? A bowl of coco pops.
Firm but fair Foxy
Id be the new Cecil Rhodes.
Chin aloft surveying my lands atop a mountain of skulls…
Fucking hell where does it stop. Blackberries, black currents, black jacks?? This shit is just farcical.
Bertram@ – It stops when we elect people who will stop it.
And that is precisely what we need to do at the next General Election – assuming there are any more Elections of course.
Vote Fox, and the dawn of an evil Empi, er, a “kind and benevolent democracy”..
I’ll vote for you Vernon Fox. Go on stand for parliament. You must be better than the tossers there just now. Dick and Uncle Terry would also be welcome additions to the benches.
‘Vernon Fox,Paternal Despot- it does have a nice ring to it.
You’re absolutely correct Vern, I’ll be studying the ballot card very closely next time. You’re not Big Vern from the Viz are you?
White stars victimising that poor black “space” thing is it?
I wonder what colour the “Stabby fried chiggun” constellation is?
There is literally nothing these hateful little bastards are not “offended” by is there?
Close this University of evil and racism down, and close down all other places of alleged education who subscribe to this pernicious deviancy.
A year at Fiddler University would righten these fkers up.
Vile little rats.
That header pic looks like the staff of a soho massage parlour.
Soi@ – Sounds like the voice of experience talking there! ??
Gone too far – off now! ?♂️
No comment.
Love Nuru perhaps…
Several very attractive ladies.
No idea what their politics are.
Couldn’t give a fuck.
Flop the baps out luv.
Presumably the suns black and dark. Good luck with your cornea with that one. Laughable clown world. Why is the woman top second left in black face. Isnt that racist?
All prawn crackers at universities in the west should be treated as spies.
As for the racist claptrap about black holes we all knew science would never escape the shitfest of wokedom. Just mock the cnuts laugh and point. I do.
Them peeps is funny ya kno what a meeeen ?
Not many black holes in the photo but plenty of yellow holes. I don’t mind a bit of Oriental snatch wriggling around at the end of my schlong. It’d be like playing golf at the Wee Phuk Yoo Golf Club doing these in the photo, Yellow Hole 1, Yellow Hole 2, et cetera.
Nonetheless, I’d do the NoodleHeads but not the halfe-caste yellow monkeys, or “Chıggers” as I call them.
Scotland universities get filled every year by Asians / mainly chinks who surprise, surprise study our business & economic subjects, then fuck off back home four years later with all the knowledge & secrets of our economic systems that no doubt get used against us.
The cunts can’t speak any better English the day they graduate (always with a 1:1 after all daddy paid uni / Scot gov anear 6 figure sums for it) than they could on Freshers week and the cunts get carried by Scots students through course curriculum where put into small groups.
I don’t know what’s worse, the corruption, the theft of information about our economic structure or sTurdgeon denying Scots children a university place to make way for each other for these spies. She’s selling off the family silver / countrys future at the expense of our children’s future in preparation for the chinky take over. Sturgeon / SNP / Scotgov have offices in Beijing already.
Fuck, it seems Beijing HQ any the only place Krankie has set up offices complete with staff.
As if they t wasn’t bad enough being in Beijing, the wee cunt has set up offices in Brussels at cost of £2million per year just as UK leaves the wretched EU. My piss is boiling now, I need a lie down…
I think this is very clever. It allows those who are truly thick to pick up an easy degree.
Cunts, but clever ones.
I might start up a new course entitled:
What is it to be white and constantly reminded of what a cunt you are
CM@ – I think “sly, devious, calculating, premeditated and spiteful” as opposed to clever.
See how much they smile when Darth Fox is in charge!
Front row, second and third from the right.
Are they conjoined twins..?
Front row far left could fucky fucky me all day ?
Agreed, a proper rose amongst thorns, looks a right filthy cunt.
Maybe they should be renamed darkey cunt holes.
Black people dont go into space much.
Not that I blame them!
There was lt Dodge,
Monkeys gave him a lobotomy!
And Lando in Star Wars,
But they know its bad news.
If you die at the swimming baths your pushing your luck in the vast reaches of space.
And cant be spotted by rescue craft unless you smile.
MNC@ – Also, spacecraft do not tend to be bulletproof and do not generally have a KFC.
…. and the place should be renamed “ Cornhole Univershitty”
“109 Triphammer Road”? That’s the sort of address that would have attracted Peter Sutcliffe in his hey day. As he was a beardy fucking weirdo these girls would probably have invited him in to “party”, as they say in Yankland.
The next morning Triphammer Road would look like a fucking butchers yard.
When you are naive and thick as shit these sort of things happen to you.
I reckon you’re right, Freddie. Most of these modern Femstasi daft bints who hate normal ordinary blokes would love old Sutty. An oddball cunt mummy’s boy with shit clothes and a crappy beard. Most tarts have a bloke of that description in tow these days.
This is typical bleeding-heart White guilt…The only interest Dark_Keys will ever have in space is if they find a constellation called “The Chiggun Dipper”…besides,Sooties don’t go to fucking “Uni” unless it’s to break into rooms in the Halls of Residence and molest “da white wimmin”….or sell drugs,of course.
Or breaking in to teev tings
The people in the nomination picture, dressed in black they look far too happy to be attending a funeral.
Spoons@ – the funeral was for the death of common sense and sanity.
Not been a good funeral in ages me Spoons!
If the caterer is right and a good spread put on?
It can be a sensational event.
I like those little vol au vont things, eat a whole plate of them!
Farting all through the service I was!!
I met Darth Vader once.
I said to him, “How do you manage to eat anything when you’ve got that mask on your face all the time..?”
He said, “I’m force-fed”….
I must admit i’ve had some “black thoughts” about cunts like Owen Jones, Phoney Tony, Bercow, Terry fucking Christian etc etc. As all these people are white do my black thoughts make me a raaaaaaay-sist?
Sorry to trouble you but I ain’t that bright and I am desperate for approval. I would be grateful if you could tell me what to think. No trigger words please. I might cry.
I’ve just found out that I got a first in my Astronomy Degree, I’m over the moon….
Just ignore them, its the oxygen of publicity they thrive off, they’ll hopefully disappear into a blackhole themselves, the vile cunts!!!
“Black hole” is the only possible word for a phenomenon in which any issue in any field accelerates remorselessly under the pull of a woke singularity and is forced to disappear up its own arse.
Though I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of this is just young cunts rebelling against their parents’ values. Ignorance will out.
It’s like we’re watching the Decline and Fall of the American Empire.
Whom the gods wish to destroy…
For some reason WP has decided to auto-moderate all of your posts today. Trying to figure it out or will manually adjust. Tends to be a cookie thing. – DA
I wish I could share your optimistic outlook.
I didn’t suggest it wasn’t dangerous. They have a lot more power than they used to, and they’ve lost the moral compass. But the Morlocks will walk in and eat us all eventually.
Ted Bundy knew how to deal with those cunts.
Situated where it is, Cornell might be better employed in reducing the number of black (-filled) holes (in the ground) created by New York’s epidemic of handgun violence.
“…the cycle of handgun violence that plagues our streets and takes the life of an estimated one in forty Black boys in America,”…
Could be wrong, but I don’t think Stephen Hawking ever shot anyone.
I can tell you as someone who has been an astronomer for 30 years that this is only the start of it. Astronomy, like everything else, is becoming infected with this nonsense.
There are recognised ways by which to classify astronomical objects. Obviously the constellations and the brightest direct vision stars were named by the Greeks and the Arabs. In the age of the classical telescope, which started in the 16th century, we detected new stars and astronomical phenomena and they were lovingly observed and catalogued by the likes of Herschel and Messier and given designations – NGC (New General Catalogue) in the case of Herschel and a Messier number in the case of Messier. There are some other lesser known catalogues as well. Any new object outside of these existing catalogues is given a new catalogue name which has to be approved by the International Astronomical Union. It’s not usually a name but a rather tedious number like HD 90320.
It’s true that astronomical classification does not remain static. However these catalogues were the work of patient, painstaking, methodical work and there adoption was not won in a day. It was hard fought over.
There are still controversies. In 2006 the IAU decided that Pluto was no longer a planet. Overnight the Solar System lost a planet. I disagree with the downgrade but, hey-ho! This caused an uproar. But it shows how the classification and naming of celestial objects is entangled with the passions of people. For all intents and purposes we are the masters of what we survey in the Universe. We have the power to name our discoveries. And names matter. The ability to name an object gives power and prestige to the namer – so it’s no wonder that woke astronomers, such as those at Cornell, have got in on the act.
Naming stars or any other object, or stripping them of their time honoured names in favour of some new woke designation, is astronomical vandalism. The names won’t last a d I would be surprised if the IAU accepts them.
There is a resin black holes are so named. They are black. They are so gravitationally dense that not even light can escape from them. Hence the blackness.
I think you are mistaken in taking this seriously. It is a righteous target for ridicule, as are its perpetrators, and discussion only implies that it is in some way a valid point of view. Which it isn’t.
I am wondering what will become of , say, the white dw@rf and the red giant? Dark matter, dark energy? Idiots.
ROFPMSL is the only appropriate response. Send the cunts a can of chuckles.
When a serous university like Cornell, which has made many outstanding contributions to astronomy, offers a course called Black Holes – Race and the Cosmos then I’m not taking it too seriously. Future astronomers are being trained in this nonsense.
I read a review recently of a new book by an astronomer – I forget her name and the title of the book as I have made an effort to expunge it from my consciousness. This astronomer is black and female. No problem with that at all. But the book is an attempt to link to theories of structural racism with astronomy and cosmology. Astronomy is inherently racist she says. The contributions of non-whites have been deliberately suppressed. Skin colour is directly linked to the stars she says – in the sense that we are all made from heavy atoms which were born in supernovas and therefore her skin colour is cosmologicaly determined in some way.
Nonsense. Everything is cosmologicaly determined in this sense – from teapots to people. All are made from atoms which had as their source the seeding of the Universe by dead stars.
To you and me it’s a joke. But they are serious.
@MMCM – You are/were an astronomer? You’ve got credentials. Use them. Presumably you have a PhD in an astronomically-relevant discipline, and that’s as good as most of the cunts at Cornell. You’re probably published: ditto. Take the piss learnedly, then, and get it peer-reviewed. This woke shit’s leaking out of social “science” courses, and it has fuck all to do with physics. Which needs authoritative voices to defend its impartiality.
If you take it seriously, the cunts have won. That’s what I’m saying. Here’s your model:
You raise a good point Komodo. Best not to take these loons too seriously.
And where do we stop?
White Dwarfs – insulting to white people and dwarfs.
Yellow Giants – insulting to Orientals and sufferers from gigantism.
Red Giants – insulting to Red Indians, etc.
And today we discovered WP doesn’t like the D word for… some reason. – DA
Anyway, I’ve got it all of my chest now. Sorry for the diatribe ?
What a great job!
Russell Grant, Justin Topper, Mystic Meg, all leading names in your field, im a fan of all of them.
And your normally right,
Although the’ tall dark stranger’ In my future mugged me at knifepoint.
? ??
Don’t get me started on astrology MNC ?
I was in the paint shop the other day
I needed rust proof paint for the gates
When the the assistant asked me
And what colour would you like?
I was never so embarrassed when I replied Black
There were people behind me looking down on the ground as I left the shop with my paint.
For fucks sake I should have bought White paint
You have gates? You rich cunt!
The wokies are coming to get you. Be afraid.
I only needed a small tin
Still cost me a score
I’m afraid to paint them now
I might draw the attention of cunting correct
Of course,I zoomed in to ogle the daft tarts in the photo. Well, it would be rude not to zoom in on leg and cleavage action, of course.
Alas, a real mixed bag. Some munters who look like definite tuppence lickers (the butch ugly type). Some with right dodgy fizzoggs. One or two good ones though. Worth a tommy tank when hiding in the bushes outside their bedroom with binoculars.
Sorry, what was this nom about again?
All 3 on the right hand side from top to bottom
I might be able to save em from themselves
The rest can take a wokey
The “Spanish-Filipino” front right, for me.
Reminds me of an ex who was a complete sex maniac.
Happy “fucking” days?
(And it was fucking days?)
Bottom left and top right look worth a seat sniff, surely?
Unlike Fruit pastels I’d eat the lot except the black one.
Oh, I’ve read it now.
Split arses shouldn’t be studying science anyway. They should only learn the following subjects at any place of learning.
1. Home economics
2. Knitting, sewing and ironing
3. Etiquette
4. Looking after your man
5. Not talking when the cricket is on
6. Having tea ready within 30 minutes of the man gets home
7. Keeping a good figure
8. Not being a commentator on men’s sports.
If I told them my plans above and let them touch my nob (Brucie Bonus), I wonder if they’d vote for me as president of their university?
What hope is there for the ‘white man’ in the UK when our very own BBC are at it again … Yesterday on the BBC (Radio 2) news bulletins, the story below was delivered as … ‘Three black men have had their verdicts quashed … blah, blah’.
Three of The ‘Stockwell Six’ .. wrongly accused by a bent copper. Totally wrong on all accounts on how they were dealt with at the time, and up until they’re verdicts were quite rightly ‘quashed’ …
However … my issue is not with the content of the story, but the BBC being selective in it’s presentation. I paid attention to the story, but for the wrong reason … that being the BBC’s choice to emphasise they were black. If the fuckers want to highlight the colour of someone wrongly accused skin or race, then fair play if they also tell me … Five black men today were accused of a street mugging … Four black men were accused of robbing a corner shop … one black man was accused of rape…. Two black men were accused of stabbing another black man ….
By the evening news bulletin, they had it down as ‘three men’ … maybe someone had a word in their ear.
Usually I am up for a bit of student minx naughtiness a la xhamster etc.
But jeebus effin wept, even after 8 pints I would be hard pushed to find anything in that lot which give me a panhandle.
Why do woke birds always look like mingers, munters and swamp donkeys?
In general English posh totty take their brains from their mothers and their looks, legs, broad shoulders and deep voice from their fathers. Horrible creatures actually ?
Yank posh totty is mainly all chinks now so the USA have let the yellow devil become their masters from within too ?
The nom pic looks a lot better NOT zoomed in. A spectacularly average looking lot. Is that the Zeta Zeta Zeta (zzz) sorority?
The one down the front at our left side (the one with the Wizard of Oz wicked witchy face) is a lazy slag cunt as she still has her fucking pyjama / nightie on. She knows no cunt will want to be infiltrating her as she has that peaceful look about her in addition to her witchy face.
The one in trousers in the front row seems to have 5 cocks.
I only know about 4 black holes :
The black hole of Calcutta
“ “ “ “ Fatima Whitbread
“. “ “ “ Tessa Sanderson
“. “. “. “ Meghan Hewitt.