Civil War in South Africa

Okay, so it’s not quite all-out civil war, but it seems things are kicking off again in SA, and in particular Johannesburg.

Lots of BLM (Burn, Loot and Murder) going on between warring tribes (mostly black) either supporting the current president, Cyril Ramaphos’ tough stance on political corruption; and supporters of ousted president, Jacob Zuma, who has been jailed for refusing to testify over alleged government corruption and bribery under his watch.

The police are totally outnumbered by the baying mob, who have looted and trashed many shops, and supermarkets in the Gauteng region of J’Burg, a lot of which are owned by Whites, Asians and Indians.

Things are so bad that private security firms have been called in to protect shops and residences owned by the mostly white middle classes in the area, with some commentators suggesting this is the worst period of civil unrest since apartheid ended in the early 90s.

The thing is though, past and present governments/presidents since Apartheid ended have been black, and just like with other historic black African presidents (Mugabe, Mobutu and Amin) , they love the taste of power, money, bribery, corruption, murder and influence (the exact same things that were levelled at former white presidents like de Klerk and Botha) – until of course they get found out for being the chavvy scum they really are!

Plenty of black people (and whites) have died during this current period of civil unrest, but I don’t hear much noise coming from the libtards in the West, especially the BLM, the MSM, Rashford, Abbott, Sparkletits and all the usual cunts that see racism is all the fault of whitey.

Moreover, I don’t see any of these cunts getting on their planes and flying out to J’Burg in order to protest on the streets and stand shoulder to shoulder with their black brothers and sisters criticising black president, Ramaphos!

They choose not do this because you just don’t fuck about in places like SA. The police can’t control the mob, and therefore the safety of some BLM protestors and token celebs flying in from Heathrow, New York or Califuckyouia would be in doubt. Which is ironic because these are the same cunts who want to defund the police in both the US and the UK. In which case perhaps they should go to Johannesburg and learn a few hard truths of having no police around when you need them.

White Militias called in against lawless looters

Nominated by: Technocunt


51 thoughts on “Civil War in South Africa

  1. I left 15 years ago. I loved the country but it was clear that, once Mandela retired the ANC would revert to savagery and corruption. This violence has been instigated by the filthy pig Zuma and his supporters. The ANC is infiltrated with his corruption so completely that it is only a matter of time before this great country joins the rest of Africa as a failed state. I fear for my friends, of all races that are still there.

  2. I watched a Louis Theroux documentary about Johannesburg a few years ago and it seemed bad and lawless enough then.

  3. I heard the son of the Zoomer fella has been telling rioters to “loot responsibly”

    No, I’m not kidding.

  4. Ive seen photos of South Africa in the 50s.
    Thriving clean modern, like most other places back then.
    Not now though.
    As soon as Apartheid ended the cards were marked.

    The writing is on the wall there,
    Get out while you still can.

    • I just Googled “South Africa 1960s” and looked at the images – a little like an English city of the same time. I then Googled “South Africa 2021” and it looks like a still from a Planet of the Apes film.

      Civilisation is clearly on the downwards side of the peak.

      • Paul@
        Told you.
        From somewhere you could walk arm in arm with the missus going out for a posh meal,
        To being chased by a load of machete wielding bongobongos through the litter.

      • I got a true story of a friend being chopped up with machetes by a rampant gang just 2 weeks ago…not in south Africa, this in PNG. Fucking reptiles, including the police

  5. I take no pleasure in saying that it will get worse before it gets better.
    Maybe the Chinese will seize power. How will the west’s lefty libtards cope with that, rinky-dinks NOT being evil whitey??

    • Those cunts only wast in so they can wipe out the wildlife making their stupid fucking medicines, and they’ll probably eat what’s left.

  6. South Africa and Zimbabwe are both advertisements for the benefit of white rule. They shouldn’t be but they are. How, in the space of a generation, did the dark-keys manage to destroy two of the richest nations in Africa? Probably by being cunts that can’t resist the traditional African pattern of cronyism, corruption and incompetence. No sympathy for the cunts.

    • They are quick to blame whitey for ‘teaching’ them all their vices but never seem to credit us with the positive things we introduce like the concept of deep-frying chiggun.

  7. You simply can’t put a black man in a position of power, because him and those around him will abuse it and oppress their perceived oppressors. It’s about vendetta and avarice with these tribal types, certainly not democracy

    Barry o bummer was the epitome of this, remember his cronies wanting to change the US constitution so he could sit a third term?

    The only difference between racism and realism is the spelling. It won’t go away ever.

  8. A wonderful, beautiful country (especially around Cape Town/Table Mountain) utterly ruined by savages who have devolved into creatures that are less than apes. At least apes are nice (and endangered).
    Just glad I went a few times 15 years ago and even then (around Pretoria, for example) it was really threatening. That said, white South Africans (I have some in-laws) are pretty cunty. But then I suppose they have to be.
    Civil war seems inevitable; as long as the simians are only armed with sticks, bones and rocks, the whities should be able to overcome the horde.

  9. I have mentioned before that there has been an exodus of white cricket players from SA. Many have gone to Oz and NZ but some are here in the U.K. Fearful for their families, they are a welcome contribution to the international team’s of their new homes. I would imagine that this trend has been replicated in many other sports and professions.

  10. There is a clip doing the rounds (can’t link YouTube on my phone) of a black South African politician telling an angry crowd (of blacks) to find and kill whites and Indians (from the other day).

    Black lives matter?

    Get to fuck!

    I hope all the whiteys and Indians do leave (many already have) and leave the blacks to destroy their own country like the Zimbabweans did.

    Fuck them. Media silence on all this deafening of course. It’ll be whitey’s fault if they start to starve, of course.

    As predicted by those ‘evil white racists’ in South Africa, if you let the blacks run South Africa, it will become like all the other African countries dominated by them. Broke, corrupt, tribal and incredibly violent.

    It’s sad it seems to be the way, but it is what it is

    • Funny but they hate whitey, indians, jews, and anyone else whos industrious, hardworking,
      And productive.,
      Because theyre lazy feckless cunts.
      The politics of envy.

  11. Is this the same Zuma who had unprotected sex with an AIDS-ridden pavement-princess then later “had a shower” to avoid catching HIV?

  12. Are there any countries in Africa that aren’t shit holes run by cunts.

    There is one thing that black and brown in South Africa have in common their brother in the USA, BLM, burn loot murder is in the genes.

  13. The place looks a complete basket case.
    The only thing positive in Africa is HIV..

  14. It’s the same in the USA. Let them run states and cities and they fall into disrepair, violence and crime rocket,unemployment balloons, investment drops and good people leave. Why the fuck are they so incapable and useless?

  15. Self rule working out as predicted.
    It can’t be lack of money – the African continent has had trillions from the west.
    Can’t be lack of infrastructure and technology – “racist whitey” installed it for them.
    The cold but simple truth is that the African continent is a melting pot of tension and tribal savagery, and is 200 years behind the civilised world.
    The entire African continent has been for sale for decades, the Chinese have bought massive areas up from corrupt leaders and are now installing their brand of slavery – the lazy locals aren’t keen on this and there have already been reports of unrest against their new masters.
    My advice to any white person on the entire African continent is cash in and get the hell out of Dodge – this will only get worse.
    Then close the borders, let no one out and leave them to it, because they will never, ever change.
    And not a whisper from Saint Marcus or the MSM – the victims are the wrong colour to be newsworthy.

  16. Crack open some popcorn and watch the fireworks in HD from several thousand miles away ?

    • Indeed Big Chunky ! Its been a long time since we had such quality entertainment !

  17. It will happen here, in London in the next 15-20 years. I regularly get racially abused by gangs of young black men who know the politicians will let them do what they want because of fucking “black lives matter ” bollocks. Its just like the skin heads racially abusing blacks in the 1970s, this time however, like as in SA ,no one in power gives a shit and will do fuck all about it. Cunts.

    • How long before it comes apparent that they can’t do anything only fuck and make kid’s, they are even wank at crime as they always seem to get caught.!

  18. I can’t think of a more fitting end to the African Saga, as it slides down the shithole to its final resting place with the the other turds.

  19. And “Burn Loot Murder” want England to turn into a lawless state?Send all of those gobby shites to Bongo Bongo land.See how long they last before they crying for their mummies

  20. What a pity that Mandela’s vision has come to this. Can’t say I’m particularly surprised unfortunately.

    • GTC@ – Mandela was (with no pun intended) “whitewashed” by the worlds MSM and his crimes were put to one side.
      But Mandela was a socialist and a terrorist who did nothing as South Africa descended into chaos except fill his own pockets.
      He knew what was coming as soon as he died and his ability to unite descended into greed and tribalism when he did.

  21. As someone who was vehemently against apartheid living in Rhodesia, I now must admit that it was a necessary evil, as I watch South Africa burn it feels like the end of the honeymoon period for whites in Africa, its scarily similar to Rhodesia in and around the year 2000, but worse if anything, anyway it will be the UK in 30-40 years time but I’ll be in my cold grave by then frankly cunters!!!

      • Penis transplants?
        Lots of squinty eyed Rinky-dinks with 10” black cocks:

        “Hero baby, look at size of my chopper, aaah-so(les)

  22. Leave blackies in charge of anything and in a short time it will be fucked up, useless cunts, great big thick fuckers, all of them.!

    Not that I am liberal but is that not a bit racist?

  23. As long as the blacks hold power the country will turn to shite, thats not racist thats being factual.

  24. I had an acquaintance, the son of a Zulu chief, who told me lots of horror stories about Afrika.

    Some were almost unbelievable-until he removed his shirt to show me the scars on his back, where goons had whipped him to within an inch of his life, aged 15.
    Savage place?

  25. I watched a vid on brandnewtube, someone was filming three blek coppers loading up a police van with looted goodies and driving off! south effrica is fucked.

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