The Chinese Communist Party
On the occasion of its 100th birthday there is no better time than now to cunt this monolithic monstrosity and it’s xenophobic leader, Xi Jinping.
To give you an idea of the mentality of the CCP I only need to quote the dear leaders stirring speech delivered this week to the party faithful- “Only socialism can save China, and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China. We will never allow anyone to bully, oppress or subjugate China.
Anyone who dares try to do that will have their heads bashed bloody against the Great Wall of Steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people.” Sounds as if Xi has been reading the speeches of Adolf Hitler for inspiration.
The CCP has a stirring list of achievements to its name – The Cultural Revolution; The Great Famine; The rape of Tibet; The Tiananmen Square massacre; More executions than any other country – sometimes in public; 65 million dead.;
An oppressive surveillance state; An oppressive system of social credit; Bird flu; Coronavirus; Maoism; corruption and cronyism; debt enslavement of the Third World – to name but a few.
As you know I am married to a Chinese woman and know China reasonably well. In China I have only ever encountered friendliness and kindness from ordinary Chinese people. I love the country, the people and it’s incredible history. But there are some bad apples and these are the fanatical Communists.
Sometimes they rail against my wife for marrying a Westerner and ask what’s wrong with Chinese men – she tells them their breath stinks and they have tiny dicks. And that’s what’s behind all these CCP hysterics – they feel inferior and are terrified of losing. That’s a dangerous mind set.
The CCP’s control over China is absolute. China might look like the West on the surface but you don’t have to dig very deep to find the terrifying presence of the CCP. China was liberalising but under Xe it’s turning back to the bad old days of Mao.
The CCP – the Chinese Cunts Party. It’s not going to end well.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Xinnie the Pooh basically IS the modern version of Hitler.
China banned Winnie the Pooh because of Xi’s insecurities.
I know. South Park referenced that in the brilliant Band in China episode a few years ago.
I would like to hang out of the back of that !!
Saucy soldier …… ??
For a moment there I thought you were describing how the UK will look in the next few years. And even though I say that tongue-in-cheek, it really can’t be too far from the truth!
As for China – they’re unstoppable. Russia is going backwards, and the US is kicking itself in the balls on a daily basis. The EU couldn’t organise a pissup in a brewery, and that leaves who else to go toe-2-toe with the dinks?
Yup. State capitalism implements the changes required by capitalism even more quickly and efficiently than the free-market version. It doesn’t have to woo the media; it effectively owns the media. It doesn’t have to worry about public opinion – it creates the opinion and makes sure the public holds it. The complete reversal of the economy from agrarian to multi-industrial? Just decree it and it happens. Lot of dead peasants? Shit happens and, you know, omelettes. Concentrate on making those Western dinosaur companies extinct.
We’re getting there, but it just looks nicer.
Incidentally, some of the nicest, cleverest and most human people I have ever worked with/for have been mainland Chinese academic types. If I had to be married, I’d seriously go for a Chinese girl. Charm and style.
And bossiness. Take it from one who knows. Bossiness with style though.
Just to reiterate admin – my cunting is not for China but specifically for the CCP. There are many Chinese that hate the CCP as well. ?
Alas, my wife is not one of them. In her Gucci clothes and with her Lois Vuitton handbag, she still describes herself as a communist ?
Well of course, there’s no way the poor can afford to be communist.
An well-deserved cunting MMCM and an excellent summary of the evil crimes of the CCP.
If anyone here is interested in reading more, I recommend the trilogy of books by the Dutch historian Frank Dikotter on the massive damage and human cost inflicted by the CCP during Mao’s rule: The Tragedy of Liberation, Mao’s Great Famine and The Cultural Revolution.
Excellent book recommendation HBC and disturbing books.
Come on ACWCC, it’s OK to admit you have a tiny dick, we’re all friends on here LOL.
Your grandmother didn’t seem to mind, but having to dig her up first was a right pain – DA
China, ruled by Ming the mirthless is the world’s best manufacturers of Christmas cracker toys and steel like marsipan.
All bluff.
Tanks where the treads fall off after 5miles,
Fighter jets that aren’t waterproof.
Fuck the CCP.
Stick to manufacturing viruses .
We invented the fork.
We’re miles ahead.
That’s a good one!
I read that the boss there had purged the militaty so much they are far more fragile than they appear. A bit like stalin did. And economically they are in a real mess. Good. Evil bastards.
The Vietnamese gave the Chinese army a bloody good hiding in the late 1970s despite being a fraction of the size.
Don’t mention the Uyghur Muslims.
I just did but I think I got away with it…
Ace cunting as ever MMCM, most surprised to hear your missus is a Commie!
PS – phwoah! That Chairman Meow doesn’t half give me the fucking horn!
It’s not a tranny, is it?
A tranny…..
I can’t believe the Chinese military would allow such a thing, she can invade my bedroom anytime ?
I’m surprised to Ruff. Ex Young Pioneer. Communist in name only, I think.
That’s not your wife in the header pic is it?
If so I would like to apologise for my inappropriate state of arousal.
Too late Ruff. I’m deeply offended. But not surprised.
I expect them to become the world’s only Super Power in this century.
Doesn’t bode well in most respects at all.
The Yanks are doing everything wrong once more with Uncle Joe doddering about appeasing everyone in sight.
The Russians would be a force to be reckoned with but for cataclysmic corruption combined with vodka and assorted lunacies.
The EU couldn’t find their own arse with a searchlight and a mirror.
I suppose the only good thing about the Bat Flu Brigade is that they won’t put up with any Camel Riders and their filthy mess.
Good fried lice as well.
Fuck Off.
Couldn’t agree more MMCM
You should never judge a country by its leaders or what you are told, your opinion should be formed by those people you meet from that country.
Before visiting Japan for the first time I was warned about their past and some of the things they did. Have found the Japanese to be the most warm, honourable (not in the Prince Andrew way), friendly and polite people I have ever met.
For example my wife’s father flew to the UK in 2006 for the sole reason of meeting my mother for the first time, presenting her with a Japanese gift, and saying his goodbyes, returning almost immediately back to Japan. My mother died less than two weeks later.
Regarding the Chinese, have met and know several Chinese families albeit not from mainland China, but from Hong Kong. Incredibly kind and polite people, like the Japanese their children are polite, respectful and hardworking.
I have had the pleasure of visiting France on many occasions, both on holiday and for business as we had a Paris Office. Found the French in Paris and elsewhere very friendly, in fact more so than the people in the UK. Macron on the other hand is a fucking cunt.
The CCP are nothing more than aggressive bully boys who will take anything they want. I know tensions between China and Japan are always high. the dispute for ownership of the islands was many years ago agreed by both countries should be decided by independent tribunal and whilst China lost, they continually provoke Japan with their naval manoeuvres.
Possibly the nomination should more correctly read The CCP?
That’s how I nommed it Willie. Admin changed it to China.
Cone on Admin – change the title to CCP. Be a sport. ?
We shouldn’t forget their music – honourable Chinese melodies such as:
Hehehe ??
Good old George.
Nice one WC!
The media continually peddle us with stuff about what bad cunts these country leaders are. I wish we had a leader who looked after our best interests.
I don’t believe half the crap about Kim Jong Un and Colonel Gadaffi was a good cunt who even gave his people free gas & electricity. Imagine Mophead giving us free electricity after he’s cut off our gas supply for Greta?
I’d rather have Saddam fucking Hussain in No10 than the present cunt, his predecessor or any of his current cabinet members.
Why do they continually peddle fear about other ‘boogeyman’ bad countries and the need to invade those who are thousands of miles away from us ‘to keep us safe’?
These countries have no intention of their military invading the UK, they just use civilian mercenaries sent on cross channel dinghies. But that invasion is ok according to our government.
Fully agree with you Bob.
Chairman meow? I would give her the tonguing of her life, then she could trombone me
Kim Jong Un’s girlfriend is a bit of alright too IMO.
I will wake up dead in the morning for saying that.
It takes two to tango.
Who gave the Chinese all the global industry so they could become wealthy and powerful (at the expense of their environment, farmers, culture).
The west financed and enabled this monster. We have ourselves to blame – how ‘cheap and convenient’ all that tatty plastic crap is now, eh.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Industrialisation in China developed totally separate from the West, although it would be fair to say they copied /stole much of our technology.
Rubbish. Where did the investment and demand come from? The west.
You don’t just build entire manufacturing industries on a whim, especially if you’re a poor dank swamp of a country, and hope to get a return.
Global interests dictated and directed that growth, not China.
Further to that point, this is why groups like Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, 300 Committee, and all the major industrialists are all white Anglo/American/European men.
China is owned, just like everything else on this rock. And they will end up an irrelevancy like Russia the moment these globalists have finished having use for them.
China is owned by globalists? I bet that’s news to them…..
On a related note, I was watching a video about the early Japanese attempts to develop the transistor, not long after and amid the wreckage of WW2. They had only the materials and instruments they could scrounge from the ruins, so it is hardly surprising they eventually accepted technology from the vastly less constrained US. Having got that, they correctly decided that the future lay with consumer products, and everyone my age has probably owned a Jap transistor radio with germanium junction transistors.
While Japanese companies used transistors to produce consumer goods, US semiconductor companies mainly supplied transistors for military products. However, as the military demand for transistors was far behind civilian demand, civilian electronics offered a much bigger boost for the transistor industry. This is the most important reason why Japan’s transistor production exceeded that of the US in such a short time period.
This continued with further semiconductor developments, and the Chinese adopted a similar strategy on an even more gigantic scale to ace the Japanese out of the market.
As to copying technology, once it’s out there, it’s anyone’s. Patents? Just ignore them if you’re big enough.
Copying is only part of the equation. Blueprints and trade secrets mean fuck all if you don’t have the machines, the expertise, the financing, to implement it.
It’s a whole ecosystem. It doesn’t just ‘pop up’. There’s more going on behind the scenes.
@ Komodo
As demonstrated by J Clarkson and co
TY, WS. Melamine in Chinese milk powder was a massive issue, for sure, god knows how many people suffered. This would mimic higher levels of protein than the milk really contained, in tests. Adulterating food and drink is universal, though, either to increase sales with synthetic but poisonous flavouring and colouring (see also “Indian” restaurants) or simply to stretch expensive ingredients a bit further and maximise profits. 1985 Austria, for instance…
As suggested above China is state capitalist rather than Marxist-Leninist; the normal rules of commercial grifting apply.
PS, Not sure I need advice on fakery from a fake farmer…
I watched the ceremony live on the China Global Network channel which is a propaganda outlet. It reminded me of films of the mass Nazi rallies. It was made even more obscene by by taking place in Tiananmen square, where hundreds were massacred in 1989, beneath an enormous picture of the Chinese Hitler, Mao Tse Tung.
As for the Chinese themselves, there are communities of them in virtually every country in the world that make no attempt to integrate and feel superior to the local people. I had a Chinese girlfriend once and her parents despised me because I was not Chinese and genuinely thought they were a superior race. No wonder so many people distrust them.
Those Nazis certainly knew the power of a film.
“You don’t want to hang around here too long – you’ll get slitty eyes”
Prince Philip’s advice to a group of British students in China, in the 1980s.
Today they would give you Kung Flu as well
Anyone east of Lowestoft should be treated with the utmost suspicion.
Get To Fuck.
East of Lowestoft?. Been there lately? Pull the border back a bit, please. East of Thetford, at least.
I’d love to see them start something and get their arses handed to them on a plate.
Sneaky cunts.
Good afternoon.
The Chinese are the most openly racist people on earth.
They fear we “white ghosts” and really would get fucked up in open combat against NATO.
Bad skin, bad teeth, small dicked fuckwits?
That’s where your wrong sadly, enlightened capitalists that we are, we’ve moved the production of many of the key parts of our arsenal to China. Who do you think builds half of the parts in our fighter jets? Brews up rocket propellant? That and approaching China is near impossible, what with the hypersonic missiles on its coast and the impassable terrain all around it!
Our only real hope is to decouple our economies, return manufacturing to the west and hope they topple their own government.
What parts of our fighter aircraft are made in China? Serious question, as I doubt it, but never say never.
I know someone who was working in the aviation industry, specifically turbine blades, and the associated materials. Some Chinese jet engine firm offered them a fuck load of business, but it was dependent on them revealing the spec of the Rolls Royce blades, which they also had a hand in manufacturing. They told the cheeky Chinese to fuck off.
So much for globalist puppets, eh?
They produce some microchip tech in weopans and guidance systems-hence concerns about “chip-in-chip” technology, or so I have been told….
Circuit boards for the UKs new F-35s, various lesser parts that have proved almost impossible to source at scale from the West, propellant for our Hellfire missiles, the glass for night vision equipment, vast amounts of telecoms equipment, the list is nearly endless.
Good on Rolls Royce for being switched on enough to know that the Chinese cunts would ignore any ownership rights and quickly outproduce them. Sadly shit cunt Americans like Obama signed off on China getting access to the same powerplants used in their submarines and carriers, so every small victory is pretty much wiped out.
You’re right about the circuit boards, I just looked it up. They were supplied by a UK company which has since been bought out by the Chinese, but they contain no chips, just boards, so are not a threat at this stage. That’s the thing about the Chinese, they can just but up these small successful suppliers, and they have access to the market and the tech.
Fucking sneaky cunts.
Re. military sourcing: right up to the start of WW1, the Germans were buying Parsons’ steam turbines from us, and we were buying Krupp armour steel from them. Military procurement knows no borders….
The Chinese are the most openly racist people on earth.
They fear we “white ghosts” and really would get fucked up in open combat against NATO.
Bad skin, bad teeth, small dicked fuckwits?
Metoo Jack.
If they pay attention to history theyll not mess with Great Britain.
We spanked their fuckin arse proper for them once before.
Do it again if they mouth off.
Cheeky cunts .
I reckon many snowflake woke folk will be very offended if China do decide to mess with us. Unless they are too fucking thick to even realise without being told.
Perhaps we will be told to stand outside our front doors and make a ridiculous physical gesture (like breaking wind) and hope they go away.
Or we could always ask our “Heroes” Rashford and Sterling to sort it out for us. Fucking wankers.
A bloody good war should sort a lot of things out.
These blue minks should be owed after the mass murder that was/is Covid 19. But Boris will act like nothing ever happened and continue to lick Chinese arse. They are too embedded in everything now: business, sport, film, you name it. The world – sadly – is their’s….
Nice cunting. It just goes to prove it doesn’t matter what label you put on the system. Call it capitalism, communism, anything you like, the result is the same. The people at the top fuck the people at the bottom.
Saint Greta Thundercunt is at it again Whats the first that comes to your mind…
Wonder what the CCP would do with Greta and her global warming bullshit Make her into a Chow foo mong perhaps?!
First thought:
Second thought:
Ghost face: white face=bad
Third thought:
Greta has discovered cock.
Black cock?
How dare he! … Whiteying up is waaaaaaaaycist!
Meow? Wow!! more like
I hate cats, but that’s one pussy I’d happily stroke for hours… finger lickin’ good!
It would have been much better if Lord Halifax had been Prime minister.
Er… What?!
I think he’s trying to say that he wished the nazis had won WW2. Halifax was one of the only possible candidates for PM other than Churchill, and although not an appeaser, suggested capitulation at one point.
Lord Haw Haw’s idiot bastard son /grandson I presume.
I know about Halifax GJ, but had the nazis won we would have been ruled from Berlin. Whether that would have been better or worse than rule from Brussels I’m not sure.
Well I definitely wouldn’t be here if they had won. I was a bit of a wheezebag child due to asthma, which thankfully fucked off in my twenties, but it would probably been enough to euthanize me if the nazis were in charge.
Thankfully Winston told them to fuck off, and the world, as shit as it can sometimes be, is infinitely better than it would have been under those cunts.
It’s a no-fucking-brainer.
ISAC definitely wouldn’t be here either if Hitler had won.
IsAC would not be required if great uncle Addy had succeeded ?
It started before Brexit, when the liberal left called anyone who contemplated voting to leave the EU was a Nazi, then Trump came along and he was called worse than the Nazis, now with the hated covid restrictions, those right of centre politically are comparing the government to the Nazis, the police are like the stazi, they have more freedom in North Korea, I wish we had a leader like Putin, etc.
Shit though the last 18 months have been, and I hate the bullshit, incompetent, over cautious politically vapid and corrupt bollocks we are enduring at the moment, but to compare it with any of those mentioned above? It shows a very poor grasp of history and world affairs in general. Gadaffi a good guy? Fucking serious? I agree he was a necessary evil in his country as it kept the factional population in check, as did his brother in arms Saddam Hussein, but nice guy?
We laughed at the hysterical twats opposing a democratic vote, and now its fucking everywhere.
Very well put.
And our “Dear Leaders” in the SAGE and Onion party want to turn the UK into a Communist state.Full oven please Unkle Terry
Just remembered when they reproduced BMW’s X5 and the courts wouldn’t stand up to China. I’m actually surprised BMW tried taking them on…
I bet she’s only a parking warden (without portfolio)…
And what better way to celebrate the 100th anniversary than to unleash Bat flu on the west to cripple their economies and make the Chinese even more dominant?
Who gives a fuck of you kill a few hundred thousand of your own along the way. The great leap forward killed millions
Mao would be truly proud…
Dirty Chinese bastards.
Guzzi – “The Vietnamese gave the Chinese army a bloody good hiding in the late 1970s despite being a fraction of the size.”
The P.L.A. are a paper tiger and the Japanese are itching for the chance to take up their unfinished business with the Chinese over Taiwan…
There goes CCP’s Taiwan dream
Japan’s deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso has spelt out his country’s policy in the event of a Chinese invasion over Taiwan. While delivering a speech in Tokyo on Monday, Japan’s second-in-command was quoted as saying, “If a major incident happened (over Taiwan), it’s safe to say it would be related to a situation threatening the survival (of Japan). If that is the case, Japan and the U.S. must defend Taiwan together.”