Benefit Scroungers (2)

She could be yours as long as your savings are less than £16,000.

Lazy,stupid, ugly Munters are Cunts.

Here she is.typical of her type…. a brood of “on the spectrum” feral rat-brats, a “gimme,gimme,gimme” attitude,a “partner” with an ability to shoot his crack-addled spunk up the most revolting of slack meat-holes….and,of course, a demand that taxpayers foot the bill for her slovenly lifestyle.

Put the bitch, her benefit-sponging brood and her sperm-donor man
out on the street and demolish the house for fear that she overcomes her upset,moves back in and drops another whelp out of her slack clacker as she bolts to fill in the latest claim form.

Nominated by – Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler

75 thoughts on “Benefit Scroungers (2)

  1. The lack of self awareness is absolutely fucking unbelievable.

    Clearly genuinely they believe they deserve an upgrade.

    Utter cunts

  2. Great cunting Mr FF.

    I have long thought that so called ‘Benefits’ should be renamed ‘Hand Outs’. This is an accurate description of the transaction involved. The term ‘Hand Outs’ would apply to anything other than state pensions and child benefit.

    The chipper cunts on their way to collect their ‘Hand Outs’ would thereby be constantly reminded that they are lazy fuckers.

    Good morning Mr FF, good morning everyone.

  3. Rather see white baby factories, than African, Asian or Peacefuls, Lord Fidler.

    Having said that:

    Who the fuck can afford 8 kids?
    Er indoors told me about a local girl who whelped her first, aged 15 and is now mid 30’s with 10 (ten) kids?
    Her “partner” and she, work “very” part time hours at the local supermarket-just enough for maximum government assistance.

    The best bit? They live in a smart, very modern three story town house (council) and have two brand new cars-a large van based people carrier and an estate car.
    The kids have all the latest gear (gadgets, phones, lap-tops, stylish clothes) and they have regular decent holidays.

    When the state enables people to opt out of working and taking full, personal responsibility, like this, we really are, as a society, fucked.

    What cost to the tax payer, annually, for these mega-broods?

    • Very true Cuntfinder general

      I think Sir Fiddlers hatred of the peasant class is so great that it makes him lose sight of the bigger picture sometimes

      I wish he would cunt this covid corona hoax instead because the lies just keep forming into bigger lies at this point Long covid ffs btw who the fuck names their kid Athena should be a law against naming children after roman gods or goddesses

      • Oh wiseguy eh? Well you are right Lazybiscuits good eye m8 Athena is a greek goddess but my point still stands

        Regardless the roman mythology of gods was really just copy and pasted from the greek ones I remember reading in some cuntish mythology book

        Jupiter was for example basically had the same attributes and powers as Zeus and like Poseidon god of the sea is the greek equivalent of the roman god Neptune and so on and so forth

  4. What a miserable looking cheese string. Ingenious dress though, with that built in bib to catch all the rogue crisps and cocopops she fails to shovel in.

  5. “Sometimes she’ll have seizures in the night and we have to call an ambulance out which then wakes the others up, which isn’t ideal.”

    Terribly sorry, you fat, ugly, in-need-of-a-wash old trout, we’ll try to be quieter, next time.

  6. Sew her gash up then oven.

    Then to the pub for a nice ploughman’s and a pint of Aspall’s.

  7. The welfare budget annually is well north of 200 billion.
    It never ever decreases.
    Unless you have paid the equivalent of 10 years into the UK system then it should not be available at all.
    Unfortunately it breeds the type of vermin that need gassing.
    Plus of course it’s the biggest lighthouse in the world if you enjoy continental travel and dinghies.
    A fucking rotten mess.

  8. At the end of my mate’s street there are four big houses which were owned by a housing association.
    They sold three and have some kind of sub-let arrangement with the council on the one still owned.
    My mate says the cunts currently occupying are always there. Never leave in the morning to work or appear to do anything productive.
    My mate said once a week an old biddy turns up and delivers a huge box which is obviously some charity parcel.
    He said “I can only assume it’s full of booze, fags and weed because they always have plenty of that”….

  9. opposite me is a couple and she’s supposed to have MS.
    she’s in a wheelchair, they have an extention built, a live in carer and a huge camper van all payed for by Joe Public.
    One morning at 5.30 i walked the dog and saw her running in the camper van with a bucket of water.
    Fucking scrounging bastards.
    No wonder this country is broke

    • That reminds me of the cunts that we have to take into hospital, pre-arranged by a HCP, that say they can’t walk, but, unbeknown to them, we’ve seen the bone-idle cunt walking, through the fucking window.

      “You’ll need a chair’, they bleat

      “No we won’t, we’ve seen you walking, these eyes aren’t painted on”…

      They usually look like this trollop and always have at least one fucking (newer than mine) car on the drive, too. Always a pleasure when you get another job and have to drive away with the sirens on – the look on their faces is a not-so-guilty pleasure.

      • Gene-I would be sacked on my first day on the job-I don’t know how you chaps manage to bite your tongue, with cyberspace like these?

      • *from cunt to cyberspace?

        ?, you have excelled yourself?

      • Gene-I would be sacked on my first day on the job-I don’t know how you chaps manage to bite your tongue, with cunts like these?

    • One morning at 5.30 i walked the dog and saw her running in the camper van with a bucket of water.

      I read your comment, Fenton, as well as those of others and am broadly in agreement with the “cut and thrust” of much of it. However I am somewhat at a loss to envision what exactly you saw at 5:30am.

      Do you mean this supposedly wheelchair-ridden, MS-afflicted, “benefits-scrounging” woman was in fact holding a bucket of water whilst running on the spot inside a camper van? Was she using a Peloton™, or similar? Is this perchance a new Olympic event?

      Or did you mean she was running towards the camper van at 5:30am with a bucket of water in her hand (or on her head maybe)? Did she spill any of the water?

      Those scenarios seem so pppreposterous – I fear I may have overlooked the obvious. Kindly enlarge: it all sounds most curious.

      • More importantly I think you’ve missed a key question, how did he know it was water in there? ?

      • I think we can be reasonably certain water was involved, Lazy Biscuits. Unless Fenton’s camper van woman’s bucket was full of mercury, hot ashes or perhaps xenon gas – water molecules will definitely be present in the bucket as solid, liquid or gas.

        Many more serious questions arise such as:
        ¶ can we be sure it was a bucket and not, eg, a top hat?
        ¶ is it definitely a camper van?
        ¶ can we be sure it’s the same woman? She may have an identical twin, for example

        … as well as minor quibbles like
        ¶ why was Fenton’s dog up so early? Does it have a problem?
        ¶ how does Fenton know for sure that visitor is a carer?


      • I can see the Daily Mail headline now: “benefits cheat caught at dawn with a bucket of xenon gas! You couldn’t make it up!”

      • No, we’ve both got it wrong. It wasn’t the benefits wheelchair woman who was running with a bucket of water in the camper van … it was Fenton’s dog.

        Assuming the dog is female, that is actually the literal meaning of the sentence I quoted above. Presumably Fenton was training his dog for Crufts and he also occasionally shows her at local fairs, carnivals and other large gatherings performing her bucket of water routines.

      • One morning at 5.30 i walked the dog and saw her running in the camper van with a bucket of water.

        Maybe the camper van didn’t have toilet and the stink of it was so overwhelming that she was running to ‘slop out’ as it were.
        Just a thought.

      • The story loses a bit of innocence if you think of it as a man “walking his dog” outside a disabled woman’s house as she was pissing in a bucket then ran away.

        I’m not suggesting this happened. ?

      • I read Fentons line several times and could not discern the real meaning. I hope Mr fistula returns to explain, I am mildly curious

      • ‘I walked the dog’ so the dog walk was over. Then he says-‘and saw her running in the camper van with a bucket of water.’
        Now the question is that the dog or the woman supposely suffereing from MS?
        If it is the dog the only explanation can be that he had some kind of immediate mystical vision of his dog -‘running in the camper van with a bucket of water.’
        If it is the woman I simply do not see how she could be running IN a camper van with a bucket of water. Running on the spot maybe I suppose is a possiblility. Yes maybe holding the bucket of water to build up her body strength. That fits in with her having MS. Seems a strange way to exercise though.
        I believe I know what has happened. Fenton meant to say that he saw her (the woman)- ‘running TO the camper van with a bucket of water.’
        She had been caught short and was running to the camper van for privacy so she could have a shit in the bucket.
        I have done my research on this. Camper vans do not have toilets.

      • If you want specifics Les , This supposedly wheelchair bound scrounger was running into her Camper van holding a bucket of water in one hand and a mop in the other . If she can do that then she can’t be disabled.
        Or did Jesus pop round that morning to perform a fucking miracle ???

      • No, Miles, your research is defective. Not only DO camper vans invariably have toilets but it is the fitted toilet itself that defines it as a “camper van”.

        They also almost invariably have seats that convert into beds, built-in kitchen facilities and are often quite well kitted out with fridges, cookers, audio visual systems – and the largest (as here) can be lavishly appointed with an opulent Peleton gym.

        Otherwise they are not actually camper vans but simply regular vans containing a selection of basic camping items such as sleeping mats and bags, CampingGaz stoves, folding chairs, water, buckets &c.

        Also, Fenton’s “… I walked the dog… ” does NOT imply the walk was over; the structure of that entire sentence suggests that at 5:30 in the morning the dog was in the process of being walked AND the woman was running. Neither of these activities is suggested as having ended at 5:30am but to be ongoing at that time. Quite the opposite, Miles.

        Canine MS is at best a red herring and the rest of your analysis, per the above discussion about a fitted toilet being present, is therefore utterly implausible.

      • Ours comments just crossed in the pipes, Fenton!

        Thanks for clearing up the mystery so definitively.

  10. This is typical of uncharitable cunts like Fiddler. The man is a fucking disgrace.

  11. Child benefit should not even be a fucking thing. Why should I pay for other people’s cunting kids? Can’t afford ’em? Don’t have ’em then, you cunt. Cunts on the dole having 10 kids for money and a bigger house need their benefits stopping. I see she’s claiming for ‘spacciness’ for some if her brood too.

    They’ll pay for my pension you say? I’ve paid for me fucking own and then some. And her brood will be like her. On the dole with 10 kids.

    Cunts like this should have their kids put up for adoption and be forced to work off the money they’ve stolen from the taxpayer. I’d put them all on treadmills at gunpoint, to generate electrical power for the national grid. At least they’ll also lose weight too and be less of a burden on the health service.

    Just thought I’d point out that I am not her social worker or a member of Momentum.

    Fuck off.

  12. I am starting a campaign to get Granny Rayner installed as the official saint of the unmarried mothers of the world. She certainly knows how to work the “expenses” scam which is just the politicans word for “benefits”

    We will have a little medallion pressed, like a St Christopher, with a pregnant skank standing against the wall of a pub or club with her legs open wide and a pair of knickers round her ankles.

  13. No more benefits. The soup van comes around three times a day, and if you don’t like turnip soup, get a job.
    If you want to smoke, get a job.
    If you want to get pissed or stoned, get a job.
    If you want a big TV, and sky to watch on it, get a job.
    If you want to live in something bigger than a bedsit, get a job.
    If you want to vote, get a job.

    Sterilise the fuckers, it isn’t fair on the kids they bring into the world, or the world that has to pay for them from the cradle to the grave.

    • Routinely arrears payments are made well in excess of ten thousand pounds,more money than many working people will ever see.

      Indeed a long running exercise by Whitehall has paid out 700 million in arrears of sickness benefit,now known as ESA.
      The whole thing seems to be like playing the lottery and bankrupting the country simultaneously.
      Simply an outrage to the workers of the country.
      Nobody gives a fuck.

  14. No doubt the plumbing problems derive from this corpulent whale-alike attempting to take a shower, without attempting to ventilate the place, hence the mould.

  15. The benefits system are a way of life for freeloading parasites like this and not a safety net. Its almost mandatory that two of the brats had to have autism and epilepsy but at least she isn’t starving.

  16. I often see these sort of cunts moaning about their (free) housing.
    Mould, peeling plaster and paper and so on. Not enough room. The council havent cut the lawn.

    These are problems we all get. And we do something about it. It isnt usually difficult.
    More room? Limit family size or work to get a bigger place.
    The bone idle entitlement of these cunts is breath taking.

    • It makes me laugh when the media roll out some ‘woman of colour’ in a flat with mould on the wall, here is an idea CLEAN IT OFF, I am sure these fuckers grow the stuff to get a better place
      The people presenting this stuff must live in another fucking world.


  17. The simple solution is to evict these cunts and put them up in a tent city on a flood plain with no bennies. I give it maximum one month before their back back / long covid / mental ‘elf ishoos miraculously disappear.

    The welfare funded housing they are given gratis can then be occupied by people who actually work for a living.

    Did you know, the Poles have a saying’ There is no work that shames you’.

    Perhaps that should be posted outside every dole office in big neon letters.

    • The Hun also had a sign saying: “Arbeit macht frei” ( work makes you free), over some gates.
      Can’t remember where I saw it though! ?

      • Great Uncle Addy chose that phrase-it was a toss up between that and “Welcome to Butlins”-he thought Butlins was too scary?

  18. Some one once said to me that if they put sterilising agents in slices white bread it would solve the problem. I know all you fine cunters are strictly wholemeal top of the range type of bread cunts.

    • Surely that should be stella, tattoo ink, weed, Iceland ready meals and Primark clothing?

      9 carot heavy gold chains with diamante spangled dollar signs should be infused with depleted uranium as a precaution.

      • Those too. Greggs, KFC, Lambrini, monster/red bull energy drinks should be included also.

  19. That picture…?

    To the tune of the Sandpipers song ‘Guantanemera’

    ‘Fat Mona Lisa! You’re just a fat Mona Lisa! ‘

  20. Looking at the gut on the slag she is probably incubating a few others in there.

    I wonder what the true cost this lot are to the state, it probably runs close to 6 figures, maybe she, and her sperm machine should think about starving kids in Africa, if it wasn’t for irresponsible people like Wayne and Winetta we could keep the 0.7% ???

    Move in with 4 kids, bang out another 4 and cry not enough room, maybe Halfwit and Sparkle should have a word ?

  21. Lovely isn’t she? Miranda Hart on a good day. Tits down to her ankles, a few spare tractor tyres round her middle and a face like Biffa Bacon’s mum.

    What’s not to like?


  22. I bet she’s got fibromyalgia, the illness of choice of fat , doss cunts because it is hard to prove you haven’t got it.

    Only fat lazy cunts seem to get it

    Unrelated, but can people stop nominating Euro 2020 stuff please. We have a thread for that and I’m getting tired of deleting them. Thanks – DA

    • Euro 2020, they think it’s all over, it should be but it just keeps on giving ?

    • ” There’s people on the nominations page, they don’t know it’s all over.
      They do now. “

  23. Just as bad as the hordes from Eastern Europe who work the system and claim every fucking kopek.

  24. Oh you need some cleaning or repairs doing?

    Do ’em your fucking self you entitled lazy cunts, like the fucking rest of us?

    How about that for a mad concept? Too crowded? Fuck me, there’s this thing called ‘contraception’.

    Most people would’ve seen a problem with having another kid when the bedrooms ran out.

    Mind you, I see that the media do focus on honky families doing this. I can tell you now, that peacefuls do it much more regularly. And with more fucking kids than 10 too.

    Media say fuck all though.

    Why is this? The mind boggles.

  25. Sooner these wankers get benefits than the rubber boat hoards invading our Country ??

  26. @Mr Fiddler thank you for confirming for me that clacker IS in fact a synonym for a minge! I’ve been using the word for years and people just look at me funny……….. it must be a regional thing that’s local to where you’re from I guess.

  27. Reckon you could fry chips in the grease you’d get out of her hair. If he hair’s like that I imagine her minge is like Grimsby on a 30C day.

    The old workhouses and unmarried mothers homes weren’t a bad idea. You had a roof over your head and food and water but it wasn’t desirable. Want to afford a house to buy/rent and you had to work. Give them the basic essentials in communal living arrangement. Will soon wipe out the scroungers and be a support for those that genuinely need it.

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