Transgender Barbie Kardashian

The Irish have been patting themselves on the back again for being the first country to allow transgender people to legally change their sex on a whim, even getting new birth certificates in the process. No hormone therapy or surgery required. No psychological profile required. Let’s see how that’s going.

An 18 year old piece of excrement named Barbie Kardashian has been using these new rights.

Barbie was born a boy. He named himself after his favourite tv star. In 2012, when he was 10, Barbie violently attacked his mother. He was taken into care but continued to hatch detailed plans to get at his mother in order to injure or kill her. His mother had to flee to another part of Ireland to escape him.

Whilst in care he continued to prey on female members of staff and was found with a list of females he wanted to attack. When he was 17 he brutally attacked a female care worker who was driving him somewhere. He gouged her eyes, tearing her eyelids in the process, and refused to release her whilst biting and tearing clumps of hair and scalp from her head.

Barbie expressed regret at this attack- regret that he had not killed the care worker. He said it had been a pleasure to hear her scream. He spent a few months in detention for this. He was also found not to be mentally ill !!

Here’s the catch. Barbie identifies as female under Ireland’s woke sex change laws. After he was released into the community residents were warned he/she/it was dangerous – but described him as a “teenage girl”. This thing looks nothing like a girl. It looks like a male freak in clown makeup.

The thing from Limerick is now facing trial on four counts of threatening harm to women. It’s currently remanded in the female section of Limerick Jail. If convicted, it will serve its sentence with women – a sex he so obviously respects and admires. It’s going to be like Christmas Day for him.

These are the same laws the “progressive” minority want for this country. When woke fuckstickery gets in the way of common sense this is the result.

Stupid cunts.

Transgender teen charged with death threats

Nominated by – MMCM

(A LEGAL DISCLAIMER (probably not needed but just in case). This person is, as far as we know, not at all related to, and far removed from, that well known celeb family, the Kardashians. We believe he changed his name to Kardashian at a young age in “tribute” to Kim Kardashian – Day Admin)

Also you might have noticed the Covid thread is back on the sidebar. Please restrict your posting/nominations about such a subject/vaccines etc to there. Otherwise they may just vanish. – The whole admin team.

77 thoughts on “Transgender Barbie Kardashian

  1. Male is Male, Female is Female.
    There are no other sexes, just these two – and as we all begin Female in the womb and then some turn Male all us Men need immediately congratulating on our “stunning and bwave transition”.

    • Looks like the joker from the Batman films !!
      Maybe she inadvertently walked straight into a combine harvester?
      Silly Cunt ……..

  2. From Munster!!?
    Looks like one of the Munsters.
    See Barbie goes for the ‘natural’ look?
    To be fair hes nailed the crazy as fuck part of being a bird,
    But hes still just a puddled bloke.
    Fit right in with the Kardashians theyre all freaks too
    Good luck with the hitlist Barbie!
    You fuckin head the ball.

    • MNC@ – Methinks this is a result of Thatcher hoofing all the mentally ill from specialist facilities – they went on to breed freaks like this!
      I wonder who is getting sued when the first “transgender prisoner” seriously injures or r*pes a Female inmate?

      Already happened Link – DA

      • Only a matter of time, and my money is on Barbie being the first to misbehave.
        Just needs the love of a good man to set her straight.
        A firm hand to guide so to speak!
        Maybe one of our single cunters?
        Got you a date!!??

      • @MNC….I’d smash your well-worn Country-Cream backdoors in afore I tackled yon.

  3. There is only one humane cure …….

    Lock it in an airtight room, throw key into river.

  4. I find this quite entertaining. When it turns to shit, the do gooder woke cunts will say, “lessons have been learned” and carry on as if fuck all as happened. You reap what you sow.

  5. I’m totally gender neutral on this individual. It’s obviously mental, it should be locked away in a max security mental unit and given whatever amount of sedatives required to keep it quiet. It should only be in the company of actual women when strapped to a sack barrow with a lecter mask on it’s face in a straight jacket with its feet chained together.

    I’m sure this being suffers tremendously from so mental illness but it’s a danger to people unfortunate enough to come into contact with it.

    The controversial thing I’ll say is anyone who decides they are a different gender should be given a thorough mental health assessment for their own good as much as anything.

  6. Throw Barbie on the barbie.

    Cook until very well done.

    Feed it to the pigs.

    Serve tea and cream/jam scones.

    Luvvly fucking jubbly.

  7. Fuck’s Sake…..I don’t mind a bit of lipstick on ma dipstick but I don’t think there’s enough Bushmills in the world to persuade me that putting my dingle anywhere near that rat-trap of a mouth would be a good idea…male,female or anything in between,it’s safe from my amorous attentions.

    • People say “aww, theyre a bit mental”…
      Or “well they suffer poor mental health”..
      So fuckin what?!!
      Wheres the rule you have to pity nutters?
      Well im not playing!

      Fuck em, the daft cunts.

      • Most aren’t real Mentals….they’re just spoiled brats who have been allowed to think that the world revolves around them….everyone could cater to their wishes.
        I honestly think that most of these people just need to be told that they will not be indulged in their attention-seeking fuckwittery… they need to pull themselves together and face the fact that it is impossible to “change” sex.

      • They can go in wimmens toilets and changing rooms nowadays,
        Ogling muff and titties,
        And root through the lost property, all soiled knickers and bras.
        Yet I get a suspended 6month sentence?!!!
        Fuckin joke this country.☹️
        And the last time I use CS as my legal defense too.
        The berk .

      • Its like the whole racism racket, there is a whole industry out there to keep promoting every “ism”, dishing out labels and indulging the chancers who know how to play the system.

      • It’s like when Prince Charles said that he fancied being Camilla’s tampon….I’m fucking sure if I was heir to the throne I’d have bigger ambitions than being a jam-rag up that tired old flange.

      • What a disastrous comment for a future head of state to have recorded.

        He’s a stupid cunt for saying it, someone’s a fricking cunt for recording it, someone else for publishing it.

        It went into folklore, keeps getting dragged up and it gives me no happiness whatsoever to hear it.

    • I like a bit of lesbian prison porn but I’m not sure that Barbie getting done up the wrong ‘un by Rose West would really get the gonads pumping.

      • Barbie looks a bit like the Joker?!
        How about her getting something to grin about with Di Abbotts batcave?
        Upto the nuts in guts


  8. Chucky strikes. This retard will be a danger until it expires so why no hurry it on its way?
    A quick cap in the napper and problem solved. Safer all round I’d say.

  9. Flamethrower the cunt, like they did in The Thing, which still wasn’t as ugly as Barbie. Probably better behaved as well.

  10. Hot fuck, what a fucking mess. Whoever found that creature not mental needs sectioning themselves.
    It would have to change its name to Barbie Q if it had attacked my sister and got away with it, because I would have torched the fucker.

  11. That repulsive mutant is an abomination, and should never be seen again ever.
    And the Irish government want shooting. Useless in 1939, and fucking useless now, the cunts.

    • Worse than useless in 1939. Denied the allies ports or airspace but was quite happy to refuel a uboat or two. Even worse, those Irish lads that crossed the border to join the fight against the Nazis were ostracised when they returned, couldn’t get jobs, treated like shit. The Irish government only apologised for this despicable treatment of its own citizens in the last couple of years.
      Fuck them.

      • Aye well said.
        Should have occupied it and kicked any collaborators into the Atlantic.
        The dirty cunts.

      • The micks sent the Germans a letter of condolence after Hitler topped himself. Fact.
        What a bunch of odious cunts.

      • Eamon De Valera was a nasty piece of work. An Irish American – the most fanatical an unhinged hate filled bigots in the Irish diaspora. He was quite content to help the Nazi’s if it damaged the UK. That’s all that counted for him. He couldn’t see further than the end of his nose.

      • I think you’re right there MNCM. The diaspora more radical than the people there.
        Especially the Americans. We got a visit from a FBI man tracing his ancestors when young. Visiting the ‘auld country’ he was.Mind you my mother enjoyed all the talk of ‘home’.
        There’s a good essay by Chesterton ‘back in the fog’. About his feelings when he was in Dublin.

      • Thanks for the link Miles. I like Chesterton but that looks like a long read.

        One of the most shameful things De Valera did was to treat young Irish soldiers who decided to fight with the Allies (probably because they were ashamed of their governments neutrality) as deserters. Technically they were deserters, but it was felt that they were dealt with in a particularly harsh way.

      • I have a theory regarding the Irish support for the Nazis, after the British who do they hate the most? Pikies! Hitler despised gypsies almost as much as the Jews and was actively eradicating Romany culture as part of the final solution. The Paddies saw an opportunity to solve the traveller problem when Britain was defeated, plus Germans have an insatiable appetite for potatoes, the mainstay of the Irish economy and potentially lucrative export commodity. Quite how the population starved on an island of lakes and rivers full of fish is inexplicable. Didn’t it occur to anyone to plant a few carrots and swedes after years of blight?
        You won’t read much about the lack of imagination and resourcefulness in Irish history books, instead it was all our fault for getting them addicted to spuds and encouraging the rural population to lie around drunk all day. Irish farming in the 19th century: plant spuds, get drunk on poteen, dig spuds, make more moonshine and eat spuds. Fuck them, they deserve psycho-barbie.

  12. @ Admin Team – it is stated at the bottom of the nom:

    “Also you might have noticed the Covid thread is back on the sidebar.”

    Not that I can see it isn’t.

    Shurely shome mishtake?

    Hmm it is on mobiles… hmm. Well consider it an amnesty until it’s fixed. – DA

      • #MeToo Dick. If I never read another Covid thread it will be too soon.

        Personally I’m bored shitless of the things and the way they seem to permeate into unrelated posts. Hmm just noticed I picked your posts to edit today as they were they basically the most recent one to add to. Don’t please go all x about it, it’s literally the last post I saw on the list. – DA

      • Que? Never mind, am a bit foggy today, had to euthanise a member of the family yesterday.

      • The link is not on the sidebar, yet. Covid 19 shit is dictating the way we live and therefore is a cunt.

      • Big Brother says get the jab and thou shall be free, come unto the the great vaccine centre and bare your arm.

        Damn, it’s got me ?

  13. Transgender Barbie will be a fucking shit new series on Netflix very soon. That cunt Sean Penn will be able to play him/her/them as he has been double jabbed.

  14. Now, I’ve just read this for the first time and not checked if it’s true, so the following are my honest opinions assuming that it is all true. Which it may not be. I think they say ‘allegedly’.

    1. Around 25% of serial killers cross dress (male to female). The media will not tell you this, but detectives know all about these weird mental cunts.

    2. This cunt in the nom needs looking at with regards to missing persons.

    3. The cunt us definitely mentally ill and needs taking away from society for the rest of his life. I’d suggest a loony bin, but they got rid of those. My other solution (see 4).

    4. Electric chair the cunt.

      • Evening Willie,
        Not keen?
        A danger to all women, and not on anyones babysitting list.
        But if your going to be a woman at the very least learn to put on makeup properly!
        Bit more Audrey Hepburn
        A little less Alice Cooper.

      • Saw Alice Cooper at Wembley 1972.

        Killer tour.


        Roxy Music were opening act.

      • Not a fan of Alice but massive fan of Roxy Music.
        Sent you a link above Ruff, ?

  15. Fuck the lefties and fuck the human rights groups. A bullet in the head is what this cunt needs. I will gladly do it.

  16. It’s real or original name was Alejandro Gentile so it’s doubtful he is Irish but probably has an Irish passport.
    He won’t last to long in Limerick prison with the women either he’d be safer in the men’s but I hope he gets his wish just for the shock he is going to receive and the face of the Scream he will be gifted.

    Regarding other points made , yes De Valera was a cunt to the Irish people on many levels with the help of Catholic Church as his enforcers
    Many Irish who fought in the First and Second World War were young and did it for wages and a way out of the grim existence that the State of Ireland was in
    My own were in both

    • I worked with a couple of Old Irish plasterers back in the 80s and one was sent out to Burma and the other was an air gunner with Bomber Command during the war.

      I did ask them both why they joined up and the little gunner said he thought he had a better chance of getting laid as an airman lol but he got through a tour and said when he looked around the base he was the only one left from the original mob that walked through the gates.

      The other guy said he always hated officers but one saved his life in hand to hand fighting with the Nips in the jungle where he was wounded and he was sent back to Blighty and after he recuperated the war in Europe was over and his job was then delivering documents around Postwar Germany.

      He said he hated it when he was demobbed as a Bar of Chocolate and a Pack of Cigarettes from the NAAFI could buy you anything in Postwar Germany

      Both were smashing guys and I was really honoured to have known them.

  17. Makes me chuckle when I read moaning and groaning about cyclists, emails, the state of the nation etc then a nom like this gets posted.

    A clearly degenerate backward mentalist nutter that should not be allowed to consume oxygen, but what’s worse? this ‘thing’ or the politicians and those in power that allow and encourage its actions to become the norm?

    • Yes I agree, there special and that they can achieve their every whim and fantasy about themselves all through the fucked up providers of shit laws and human rights ,mostly for free.
      I would like to take this opportunity to tell Barbie that your fucked up and looney tunes and a vicious cunt but clear enough to take advantage of your fucked up social workers ,tirelessly helping you to achieve the face of an over inflated pack of sausages with lipstick on
      Yes the cunts who help these cunts are just as bad

  18. Slow hand clap for remanding this dangerous and disturbed person in a women’s prison. Where were you when the world went mad? A question you won’t get asked but will ask yourself!

    • I don’t know how to answer, it’s gone that bad
      I Myself, all I can do is remain as sane as possible
      But it’s getting harder to
      There’s still a few animals left out in the yard
      Calling on the dogs

  19. WTF, Seriously ! Looks like something out of a Stephen King movie, IT springs to mind.
    There are only two sexes, not 100 genders. If you put a flower pot on your head and call yourself a walrus that is not a new gender, you are just mad and need some electro shock treatment.
    Get it into your head there are two sexes and this also consists of same sex attract people called homosexuals or bi-sexuals.
    If you describe yourself as trans then that only describes your walldrobe.
    If you put peices of shit like this in women’s prisons the it will be like putting a fat hungry kid in a cake shop. Women will get raped and abused. Better to boil this cunt in a vat of piss straight after sentencing.

  20. Fuck me can you imaging how the words Barbie Kardashian sound in an Oirish accent, coupled with the fucking sight of that buffalo wearing lipstick.
    Horror film material right there, just do a biography on this cunt, it will scare the living shit out of people……

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