(Ee bah gum, is the cunt on the right, as they both rebuild Britain their way! – Day Admin)
A Diversity-Is-Our-Strength, goodness gor blimey, cunting please for this allegedly tarry fingered M.P – all of 31 years old – who has found herself, like Claudia Webbe and that old tart from Peterborough before her, in the dock for being naughty:
Now these wimminz have several things in common, not least that they become Labour M.Ps as ze party promoted AWS,/BME/BLM principles, if you can dignify them thus.
Of course, this lady only did what is alleged because of her “controlling husband”
Ah the patriarchy. I am sure Jess Phillis and de sisterhood will lend their support – if they are not wearing them themselves.
With hundreds of fuckers arriving every day by small boat to be pandered to, we are going to get more and more shit like this sitting on the green benches.
Labour MP in Court for Alleged fraud
Nominated by: W.C.Boggs
Quelle surprise, the bitch got off. There seems to be less honour amongst the ruling class, since we were culturally enriched. Oven.
Fuck me! Poplar and Limehouse? Tower Hamlets? Snaresbrook Crown Court? This is practically Islamabad so of course she got off. Who do you think was on the jury?……Ali Baba and the forty thieves that’s who!
What a fucking country.
It’s a pretty gruesome shit-hole over in the East End. Perfect for Labour. They could stick somebody in a bin bag with a pillowcase wrapped round their head and they’d be voted in. Oh. They did.
I have only this to say
As a nation we are totally and utterly fucked.
Send them back via their deflated dinghies.Brown water rats.
Britain is a black hole for these corrupt cunts, we just keep taking them in, nuclear grade cunt,
Funny that – whenever they get themselves a “job” as an MP it’s never down to a controlling Husband, but as soon as they caught with their filthy little fingers in the till it’s a “controlling partner” or “mental elf ishoos”.
It is not – they are crooked little rats who state their “religion” allows them to rob and rip off non muslims.
I am surprised there are any Labour MP’s NOT in Court.
This is what you get when you import, hire and appease shit.
I cannot see how she can remain an MP, if she is unable to see what is going on within her own home, how can she be able to grasp the issues involved in running the country.
I would like to know the composition of the jury and wonder whether her ‘ controlling partner’ is going to have his collar felt.
Guzziguy@ – Claudia Webbe has still been getting her pay and expenses even though she is no longer in the Labour party.
This Country is turning into more of a woke joke every day.
Claudia Webbe’s QC was rushed to hospital on the first day of her trial last March so it is due to resume in September. It is strange that there was no press release regarding his medical condition especially as he is a chap from warmer climes and the BBC are forever telling us about their health issues.
I have to agree with you Foxy, we are fucked as a nation and the cunts are taking the piss on a daily basis.
This type of behaviour has been going on in council housing departments for years. Most cases nowadays involve our cultural enrichers group. I think that it is true to say that there has always been a smidgen of corruption in these departments long before the take over began. Of course now with the woke ethic, equality and uman rights the situation is much much worse cos blind eyes are turned to obvious criminal actions, allowing this sort of crap to fester.
When the allocation of social housing was changed to a needs system that really was the end of any fair allocation of properties. The reason this was done was so that houses could be given to those in greatest need, of course easy to guess who that was, usually an ethnic arrival with a family their need trumping those of a local family who may have had generations in the area. Much easier to fiddle a tenancy a strong need pushes you right up the queue especially if you are well versed in the rules and the majority of people working in the department are your friends.
Bb@ – In my time in the Civil Service I had some contact with housing departments – it amazed me that pretty much everyone working in housing (and their Families) all seemed to have Council houses.
And how people who had been in the Country two Months could get a Council place but people who had been on the waiting list a decade could not.
I do wonder why any country would impose mass immigration upon itself? Then I think maybe one or two countries may commit cultural suicide but can’t believe multiple nations would go down the same path.
Is their a common denominator I ask myself? White western democracies, these are the countries that all came to the same conclusion around the same time, lack of bus drivers? Only one sane answer mass immigration and the introduction of multiculturalism?
Every country that’s gone down this path has seen the same results but still governments of all hues continue to force mass immigration upon their citizens.
There are only two possible conclusions. Either mass uncontrolled immigration is the only way modern western democracies can survive or they have been somehow manipulated by hidden hands to commit suicide and embrace peaceful invasion.
We’ve been lead to believe it’s a necessity and embracing our diversity is a great thing, but WE are not diverse and we’ve never been asked if we wanted this, due to immigration policy we are not we any more. Anyone questioning mass immigration has been demonised.
Even more sinister is the revision of history to fit the present, we maybe the last generation that knows the truth about or history and what’s been lost.
The irony is that this mass immigration policy coincided with the period where we were told the average Briton “has never had it so good” or in game show parlance “look what you could of won!”
I’ve read and heard of many studies telling us the great things mass immigration has done for us but I’ve yet to see a serious independent study on what we could have achieved without it.
Sorry to rattle on but it seriously pains me that we are where we are and have allowed this to happen.
For me the answer is simple.
It’s easier to turn your country into an open sewer than have the guts to stop it.
Claudia Webbe’s QC was rushed to hospital on the first day of her trial last March so it is due to resume in September. It is strange that there was no press release regarding his medical condition especially as he is a chap from warmer climes and the BBC are forever telling us about their health issues.
I have to agree with you Foxy, we are fucked as a nation and the cunts are taking the piss on a daily basis.
Duplicate post and not even pissed yet!
The point that you raise is overlooked in this ‘Diversity is our strength ‘ shit. We, the indigenous people of the U.K. were never asked if we wanted diversity. I know that the white population of the country has Irish, Scots, Welsh etc plus a few continentals but the current imports are so different to the native population and contemptuous of our values that the majority cannot be seen an assets to this nation.
Coudenhove-Kalergi (conspiracy theory apparently – another one of which is palpable fact)
Global pact on safe and orderly migration – signed in 2018 by the Conservative Party government
( basically translates as: anybody from any 3rd world shithole who comes here, is entitled to stay and receive every possible opportunity and handout available)
Good eh.
For me, the rot sat in during 1972, when Ted Heath took pity on Idi Amin’s Pakis and let all the bastards into BRitain – I can see now the photograph of a load of the bleeders freshly arrived at Heathrow with a rictus grin on their chubby faces.
By March 1973 (I think the vermin arrived June ’72), one of their number had bought the “Lewis The Tobacconist” chain (I don’t know if this company existed outside London, but there was a branch at virtually every London Underground station, and major overground terminii). An arse-licking newspaper article tried to pretend at the time, that the poor fucker came here with nothing, and virtually spent 18 hours a day cleaning shit houses and labouring to buy the chain.
I didn’t believe it then, and I don’t believe it now. It is as unlikely then and now to have that sort of luck – a bit like the Chinky billionaire who has bought himself 4 houses at Hyde Park Corner to build “a palace” (as stated in “The Standard”) recently, or all those Russian “oligarchs” – more than likely they are just good old fashioned criminal money-launderers.
How the fuck to you become a billionaire or even a millionaire in a Commie shithole?
There was a petition against the signing of that shit that exceeded the 100,000 signatures to trigger a commons debate and those bastards threw it aside like a piece of trash. Oven please for petition committee cunts Uncle Terry… https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/232698
There was so much wrong with this post I’m scared you exist. Please moan that I deleted your anti-semetic and totally racist non-sensical bollocks. Please. – DA
“Please moan…Please.”
Go on then seeing as you asked, it’d be churlish to refuse such gracious invitation.
“There was so much wrong with this post…”
Mod not unexpected but… where is the lie? … everything I link to is ALWAYS from their own mouths, from their own scriptures and from their OWN published texts. Do you ever peruse the Haaretz website at all? Chabad UK.org’s pages maybe? The J.C.? It’s there in plain sight ffs. Look on PayPal’s or the A.D.L.’s own websites and there it is…” strategic partners.” and they’re openly rubbing your nose in it by crowing about its potential to “…combat white supremacism.” …the new ‘greatest threat to democracy we face!!’
I bought a couple of “White Lives Matter” tee shirts over Fleebay, that purchase will have been flagged: I did a google-earth/street view search of the seller, turns out it was a backstreet mosque in Manchester! That search will have been logged and probably flagged too.
“… your anti-semetic …”
I do get a bit fucked off correcting Americans in particular about the pronunciation of “anti-sem-E-tic” when the word is “anti-sem-I-tic”. Why do they do that? I mean they don’t say; so and so is a “semete” do they? Point is, as I’ve said previously when you toss the ‘anti-semite’ grenade into a discussion you have to ‘clear the decks’ and define your terms….
An ‘Israeli’ is not necessarily a Semite (90+% are Ashkenazi/Khazar) nor necessarily are they a ‘jew’ per se (be that ultra orthodox, merely observant, affiliated or staunchly non-secular) nor are they de facto Zionists. They vary in the degrees of adoption and can be all or non of the preceding… much like christians … or muslims. Trouble is these descriptors are all too casually interchanged in pursuit of lazy argument or cheap lo-cost insult.But I’ll say this much, one of the biggest victims of Zionism thus far have been jews themselves! Look up the sinking of the S.S. Patria for example. Who (apart from the incidental 55 british sailors) were the target and why?
“…and totally racist…”
I love how people who complain about being labelled racist are equally casual about throwing the term about themselves, this is adopting their self-destructive glossary and just playing into the game. This is nothing to do with ‘race’; this is absolutely to do with a particularly powerful, heavily leveraged, sociopathic religious sub-sect of judaism called Chabad (Kushner is pictured wearing an Chabad bracelet)…as I said, I refuse now even to acknowledge the term. The word is a consciously ill defined and thus a deliberately mutable device of Trotskyite origin (dated from a pamphlet he authored in 1927 from memory) Again, when you toss the ‘R’ grenade you have to define your terms but it brings us back to the point of the thread, how has this Begum woman even got to the position and status she has? – affirmative action, equalidee, fuckin’ leftees, mass immigration, demographic minority within the next 50yrs yada fuckin’ yada… how have we got to the point where we are FORCED to ‘tolerate’ what is now an open and undeniable wholesale and co-ordinated, cultural attack on the West? You can only achieve that degree of soft and actual power in the modern world through gas tight control of the media. This they have and that fact simply cannot be denied with a straight face. Plenty of folks bitching about it but none seem keen to find the directing hand/s. That’s just masochism to me. But let’s lift it up a level and get it out of the dialectic left/right swamp…
What are the meta-politics here? As Admin of IsaC you know full well the degree of online censorship that has arisen of the past 18mths/2yrs or so. Cunters on here rail daily about the collapse of Western society, its structures and its values, they are right to do that. How many posts from newcomers say that they’ve ‘found a psychological refuge’ in its scope, content and insight. Most cunters in my estimation seem to reside on the leading slope of the Bell curve and from personal experience and accumulated wisdom they realise that the ‘incident slope’ is steepening and wish to put the brakes on before it’s too late. They are right but where’s the brake pedal? They know the media in all its broadcast forms is THE key element. So… to know where to apply the braking effort one needs to know who in ACTUALITY controls the media… and so we descend back immediately into the swamp of tropes… “The media is controlled and censored by Zionists?… oy Chops how can you say that, that’s just a stereotypical ‘trope’ …banned… thus proving that point. As they are wont to say over the pond, derrrrp…
Cunters not infrequently reference the peedough-filic trait in the Musssleem community and cite the ‘prophet’s’ fucking of his 9yr old ‘wife’ as precedent for their behaviour. So tell me this; how does the scriptural sanctioning of intercorse with a 3yr old sit with you?
Perfectly happy to link the specific talmudic texts that repeatedly condone this? (it’s actually 3yrs and one day, as prior to that age the rabbinical judgement is that the hymen will self repair thus preseving her ‘virginal/matrimonial value’… phew, so that’s OK then…) Did you even know this? A few red tops have fleetingly called out the musleems but none will ever dare to relate this group’s despicable predelictions and scriptural ‘justification’.
That is wrong at every level and when you find these blatant discrepencies, hypocrisies, misdirections and outright fucking lies you just have to start digging, s’what I do. I read books, I drink coffee and I know stuff.
Edited to remove the direct insult. You know the rules. Apart from that, I’m letting this through as you obviously put a lot of time and effort into making your points – NA.
“Edited to remove the direct insult. You know the rules.”
Oops, apologies, I forgot about the ‘naughty words’ nanny filters when I referred to myself as an “anti-semitic little p – – – k!” In future I shall leave that to others.
“Apart from that, I’m letting this through…”
I’m obliged and for which Chops offers DA and NA a gentlemanly tip o’ his brightly polished pickelhaube… I joke! I joke!!!
“…as you obviously put a lot of time and effort into making your points – NA.”
I’ll not lie NA, and I’m not being patronising or ironic here, that sentence actually meant a lot. That you acknowledge and respect that is … uplifting, it distinguishes debate from crude argument. Yes I do the deep digging, it’s a time vampire, it’s dispiriting, you encounter the very basest of human moralities and motivations but I have no option. I hate being bullshitted but moreover… I have two young lads that I have to equip to face this dystopic future when I’m gone. The schools won’t teach them so it’s up to me/us and the likes of IsAC.
I’m a geo-political ‘bog snorkeller” and I dive in filthy and polluted seas NA so I can make no apologies for the smell! but … just look what I found at the bottom 😉
I read an article a few years back when Al-Labour were trying to push the windrush into the public eye as a scandal. The article pretty much summed up that Britain did not actually cry out to these cunts for help in solving a bus driver shortage and the only difference between them and the dinghy mob of today is that Alan Johnson destroyed the landing cards & identification of these cunts for them.
Just like today, the media fed the public a load of shite to appease their arrival. They used the guise of ‘labour shortage’ to justify and bullshit the masses as they couldn’t exactly say ‘look at how much they contribute to our society’ that they do now we’ve suffered decades of invasion.
I shudder to think the MSM propaganda people fell for? Probably comparable to the bullshit of today where if the news show video footage of doctors & nurses scurrying around in a hospital, people believe the spoken words such as ‘experts say, a study shows, it has been confirmed by experts’ but they don’t tell you the original of the study or who these fucking experts are and what field they are actually experts in.
You could run that hospital type footage accompanied by an oral statement ‘experts say the NHS will close if UK temperature rises more than 1.5° in next two years and gullible cunts will believe it. I get it from my parents all the time… “It was in the news, they were filming in the hospital”.
Trying to explain that these cunts use stock media footage for clips shown in news reports and that the clips weren’t actually filmed that day is like trying to get blood out of a stone. The MSM should be forced by law to out a date stamp onto all photography & video used.
My dad was arguing with me the other day and I finally shut him up by asking him how the girl that hoofs it to the bison piss pond for water in the charidees advert is still the same age on the as she was over 4 years ago and she hasn’t aged a bit visually and she still passes group of older girls coming towards her from the pond with no fucking jugs or water container between them.
Media are and have always been deceptive cunts.
Hasn’t she waved her ‘r’ card about yet?
If she got caught with her greasy hands in the till, she should get time like any other cunt would.
A Stanley arrived in the UK in the 80’s with 6 pounds and within a week was a self made millionaire.
.6 pounds of the finest heroin you’ll ever see.
I bet she used some bullshit claiming had she informed the housing association that she would have been subjected to a beating from her hubby due to infringement of some cultural/ Sharia law bollocks.
Tower Hamlets is an absolute fucking magnet for fraud by councillors and department management. I think we should erect a statue of every cunt that’s commited fraud there and put them all around parliament Square to remind MP & lords cunts on route to the daycare centre of the scum they have brought into our streets. If only there was enough space for them all. Google Tower Hamlets council fraud and you will find stacks of crooked council staff caught over last few decades.
I’m presuming that the cunt won’t have been forced to pay back the fraudulent obtained rent just shy of £65,000 now?
Friend of mine changed jobs and moved into social housing assignment. Many a heated discussion we had about who got preference. A very left and right argument continued until after about a month his views had changed dramatically.
He left the job after a few months saying he couldn’t handle the way social housing was dished out. Not worked since and took an early dart. Salford……the future.
What a fucking mess we’re in!
The Mudslime and Dinghy Sahara Savages are not far off running the place.
Another 100 years and the country will look like Pakistain.
A barrel of stinking rats.
Fuck Off.
Sorry, but I reckon they already are. We may have some utterly useless, blonde, white pile of shit at the head of government but it’s the local government which runs the country and they’re all brown. I wanted to build an extension on my house but all I was allowed was a single storey to the rear, about 20×10′. When I sold the house it went to some fucking peacefuls. I looked at google earth and there is now a 2 storey extension back and side plus a fucking granny annexe at the bottom of the garden. No preferential treatment there, I’m sure.
How very true M63 a whole host of planning law transgressions now appear to be the norm in any area with a large number of ethnics. Likewise the planning depts are full of the cunts. Could there be a connection?
In my area, those cunts are buying up large sandstone properties, multiple generation occupancy then they extend the shit out of it to maximum permissible on the plot. They then move to another property and do the same leaving the empty property to become Minas Care Home.
I will toss myself off a multi storey before I subject myself to suffer in the hands of these cunts or bleed me dry of any inheritance for my family. Bad enough they are robbing our culture and society today. The future is set to be a cunt on current course.
Couldn’t give a fuck. I doubt whether her behaviour as effected many British people.
The last time I looked the many were WHITE. 87% white.
You see cunters here’s the thing, these cunts have no interest in preserving Britain’s history or culture because it was built by white people. I mean wtf would they want to protect and maintain a culture not created by them( the keys and carpet fliers)? They wouldn’t. Now because they hate the fact that they live in a country not built by them and every street name,every monument and statue is there to remember whites , they want to wreck it. Make no mistake folks we are in a battle for the preservation of our country and the politicos seem fairly keen on destroying it too, no matter what they say. Look at their actions don’t listen to their words.
There’s no country in the middle east would stand for this for a nano second therefore it’s up to the good people of Britain to protect it because the elites and minorities want to alter it. Remember if whites become a minority the problem is solved because we are the guardians, the ones who want to preserve nationhood. Make us a minority and national identity dies and they will have achieved their goal .
The creatures in the header are the enemy. Every time you see one remember they hate you. Every time you go into one of their shops you are entering enemy territory.
There is no unity with them because we are opposite ends of the spectrum and you cannot have unity without a common identity and a national affiliation. Integration means there is no difference between the members of the group. Diversity is division.
We are at war cunters , every day . Remember that.
I’m not suggesting this post comes close to advocating race war. However, it’s very very close to doing so. Dial it back a bit please. I have no desire to censor people. – DA
One of the best and most accurate posts I have ever read.
Too true Uttercunt. Add to this the Labour Party aspect and we are truly fucked.
The left, Labour, Momentum, Communists, BLM and Extinction Rebellion all have one thing in common, tear down Capatilism and redistribute wealth.
This peice of shit was doing this, taking our hard earned taxes and redistributing it to herself.
And what a surprise that she works for the most corrupt council in the country that is full of peacefulls and has had more than its share of court cases and vote rigging by postal votes all centred around the leader of the Council.
Priti Patel is about as useful as a chocolate teapot in stopping the influx and so the options are to hang on to your ankles and kiss your arse goodbye along with this country or vote for a party that is prepared to make a stand against this shit influx, no matter how small that party may be now, because it will grow if supported.
The amount of shit that has happened while we are all distracted by Corona virus bollocks hasn’t even yet been fully discovered but it will seem like fuck all when you see what goes on while we all distracted by climate change bollocks coming next.
Build back better? My arse. The only truth in that three word catchphrase is Mopheads acknowledgment that the country has been destroyed to a fucking mess that needs built back again. It won’t be built back as the Britain we knew though. It will be like Macrons ‘building back better’ of Notre Dame cathedral.
Build it and they will come.
Bravo, Uttercunt, bravo??????????
When you consider that out of only 650 cunts in Parliament there seems to be a disproportionate number of them getting on the wrong side of the law, I may be wrong but the majority seem to be on the left Scot Nazi and Labour and for Labour it’s the BAME.
Anyone called Begum is obviously guilty!
When’s the next Guy Fawkes going to come along.
We need him more than ever.
He failed in his objective. Cromwell, perhaps?
My post should have read – A much more successful Guy Fawkes
SNP is riddled with corrupt crooks from MP’s, MSP’s right down the chain through to the local councils they have control over and many of them have faced court prosecution. The state broadcasters SnpTV and Al-Beeb Scotland do not cover them for fear of retribution from The Krankie. The justice system overseen by Humza Youslees (recently moved to health minister role having been shit at minister for Europe & international development, transport minister & justice minister) looked after his flock / the accused too. Sturgeon should be in the dock for her lies and her teamwork with Humzas predecessor, Jeanne Freeman, her fellow ‘Shipman Sister’ who both oversaw the hospital & carehome culls in Scotland.
Another corrupt politician.
Another untrustworthy criminal peaceful.
Another day in the UK
Fuck off
When you have corrupt cunts from corrupt shitholes don’t be surprised they bring all this shit with them. I fucking hate the cunts in charge of this country.
As my grandad used to say,”Never trust Muslims or arabs”.
My dad worked in Abu Dhabi for ten years. A very fair man but bitter experience taught him never to trust the locals.
A guy I used to work with called them Sesers, ‘can never trust a SESer’
SES being 786
I’d just give them all a Bedouin tent instead of a house…they want to act and dress like they’re living in some camel-driver sandy shithole that should keep them happy….or better still… just give them a one-way ticket to a camel-driver sandy shithole.
Fuck, imagine the he hysteria? They kick off bad enough when put in the ex shipping container accommodation.
I bet the cunts waiting over in Calais wouldn’t refuse to get inside an open one given the chance though. It’s no surprise they complain so much about our shithole housing when you see the mansions & stately homes they sold up to fund their journey here. They all get shown pictures of Buckingham palace and they think that’s an example of the council house awaiting them.
Note to the Crown Prosecution Service……don’t put Peacefuls in court in Londonstabistan. You will lose.
Save it for whitey. (not the bummers obviously).
She got off then. What a surprise. She’s free to carry on enriching our parliamentary process. Laverly.
Sorry, was busy. Approved all your posts. – DA
Thanks DA.
Funny little problem, this!
It’s a WP issue with dual logins/IPs. Not sure if we can fix it but there’s usually one of the team around (yes there’s more than two of us ooh spooky how many of us are there?) – DA
You will be hard pressed to find an English name in Southwark crown court listings ?
Or luton.
Another scrounging piss taking curry rat called Begum, is it catching?
Shot has a habit of floating to the surface?
F U ?
Liebour Press Release:
This victim of right wing, gammon, extremism is totally innocent of all wrongdoing, ever. Fact. The woman is a saint and should be the subject for a statue to be erected on the fourth plinth, a BBC spokey-wokey person said.
Liebour is proud to announce that Ms Edward Izzard is to lead a campaign to lobby His Glorious Effulgence the Khan Kunt, for the rhree billion pounds that such a worhty edifice will cost. It is sure to succeed. Fact.
Note for Editors: ‘Liebour is not anti-Semitic at all’,said Sir Qweer. There may have been some old cunt who used to run London who loved Hilter but he is nearly dead already. Fact.
I bet she is one of those Pak-a-mak cunts who goes into a shop wadded up, and tries to get everything on the cheap. ‘Me no speaky Engerleesh! Me no understandy English money! Me give you two pound!’
‘No, the item costs twenty quid. Now fuck off, you haggling parasite!’
You surely mean Walk in, but waddle back out? They rarely haggle over the price. https://youtu.be/KLwMxtM1L7c
What’s their fascination with Snickers down the knickers & Babybels? I hope the shop staff bin everything these cunts put down their undercackers and sue them for losses? Imagine unknowingly buying these Babybels if put back on the shelf?… https://youtu.be/FA0ZrJPMRCo
Why does this camel rider feel the need to rebuild Britain when the likes of shitholes such as Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria are crying out for major reconstruction?
Her little sign should say “Destroying Britain for the few and not the many”.
Stinky little brown shit.
With MPs like this we are rapidly going down the shitter. When they have robbed, stolen, destroyed everything Whitely has built they will still be unhappy
I have seen the future and it is Zimbabwe. I recently read a book in which one of Mugabe’s henchmen was quoted in 2019 – he said “if Rhodesia had been like Zimbabwe is today, we would never have fought for it”
These cunts will destroy everything until there is nothing left to steal or destroy
Act now, people – or we will be the new Zimbabwe – fuck, we already have BBC looking like ZTV
Sigh no advocating race war please. – DA
At least we can now refer to obnoxious Stanley men as “Begum’s husband”… She said it herself, so it must be true!!
Also, one of the newspapers carried an article predicting the demise of Northern English accents within 50 years (or maybe by 2050?), hardly surprising looking at the shite-coloured demographics…
I note your comment DA, but I wish to point out that I have never advocated “race war”
As a daily reader and occasional poster, I try to base my comments on facts. The alleged corruption shown by MP Begum is part of the slippery slope to destruction. If our MPs lead by this example, then we will be Zimbabwe, a lovely country destroyed by corruption from its “Leaders”
The actions I have taken are – write to my MP, the BBC, some Newspapers and leave the Labour Party in protest.
I repeat I do not advocate race war – it would solve nothing. Rooting out corrupt politicians is the only answer, by all legal means.
Over………………and out