Whining Minorities

Whining minorities are cunts and so is anyone that listens to them.

I got up early this morning, and so for the first time in months I thought I’d put on the news (the TV licence has been reinstated since I moved in with the lass, I’ve refused to pay for it though).

….Big fucking mistake.

Sly news: blacks moaning about da polis and how policing has changed since fentanyl George got what he deserved. Apparently there aren’t enough black police.

So I muttered some racism and turned to the BBC….

BBC news: some Asian (a brown one) moaning about hate crimes against Muslims, then moaning about people saying that covid is Chinese, as it could cause more hate crimes against Asians (the slanty eyed ones).

Well with all this moaning going on I think I’m well and truly guilty of the hate part…. not the crimes though. Yet.

I muttered some more racism, turned off the telly and went back to my book.

That’s the last time I watch the fucking news.

Nominated by: DeploytheSausage

47 thoughts on “Whining Minorities

  1. Don’t like the western world and “racist whitey”?
    Fuck off back to Bongo Bongo land or sand rat City then.
    And as white people are an ethnic minority throughout the world surely it should be us whining? No – too busy earning a living, a bit more difficult than playing the victim but eminently satisfactory.
    Floyd was a piece of shit who got what he deserved.
    Ditto Sasha Johnson.
    My tolerance is at zero.

  2. These moaners can fuck off back to their earthquakes, poverty, killer spiders, gun culture, six months of snow, malaria and shit any time they like.

    Hoo-ee, what a bunch of cunts.

    • I have rtc… I wrote this nom before it started. Gb news is awesome, even the lass is getting a bit red pilled by it ?

    • Watched it for the first time today.

      A breath of fresh air. It’s not exactly ‘Seig Heil!’ stuff as pant pissers like Owen Jones claim, but a genuinely right of centre news channel. I’d like it to be more right wing, but it’ll do for now.

      It does seem extreme by today’s standards, but that just shows how woke the news media has become.

      GB News is probably about the same (politically) as watching BBC News or News at Ten back in the 70s/80s.

      I sighed a sigh of relief watching GB News as in ‘Ahhhhh about fucking time!’

      • Andrew Neil is excellent. I do enjoy Woke Watch, though I’ve already heard about most of it from lotus eaters dot com.

  3. When you hear the whining of these people on the BBC – especially Wireless 4, their lives so terrible in this country, you do have to wonder why they don’t gird up their loins, sing Negro spirituals and beg borrow or steal (more likely steal)M the money to0 go back to de islands.

    London news (both BBC and ITV television) is populated by nobody else except de minorities innit, often aided and abetted by professional n!gger-naggers like Lammy, Abbott and Butler.

    Nobody knows de trouble ‘arve seen. nobody knows my sorrow…………..Mammy!

  4. GB news is interesting, but as expected it is being slated by gen WOKEY and BAMEY and I see a load of advertisers do not want to be associated with the ‘brand’.

    I am sure it will be shut down in due course by some lefty cunt.

    • Probably by that meddling little p once Jolyon Maugham and his “Good Law” project. A barrister who sits on his arse attitudenizing about anything and everything \9especially Brexit) while in reality he knows fuck all tioll his “researchers” give him a crib sheet.

      • Joylon Maugham the fox-killing, anti-Brexit Guardian conttibutior? Cunt of the Year a few years back. Anybody that murders animals is a pîkey coward that should be burnt alive.

  5. If you are a heterosexual white male, you should not watch the news.
    It only serves one single purpose and that is to increase the temperature of ones urine to dangerously high levels.

    If you’re a sub saharan or a peaceful with a chip on your shoulder, then the mainstream news is no doubt a safe space in comparison.

    Up until a few years ago, the 6pm BBC news mixed with a bit of RT, Al Jazeera or whatever else here and there, were a regular staple.
    Newsnight (Paxman era) was something I didn’t like to miss either.

    Now I find most, if not all news insufferable.
    Apart from the occasional uplifting headline such as Sasha being shot in the head by one her brethren of course.

    Whining, entitled ethnics and the news are indeed cunts

  6. To be fair to these chippy ethnics, they have every right to whinge and whine.
    Why is that you ask?
    Quite simply-because they wake up in the morning and realise they are not white and the implication, therein.


  7. It’s a slippery path if you surrender anything to the peacefuls let alone bend over backwards to accommodate them.

    France is now firefighting to prevent Islamic Separatism within France.

    If I had my way there wouldn’t be any fucking Muslims in the UK.

    • Soi@ – If I had my way there would be lots of muslims in the UK.
      Being marched to the airport, at gunpoint.

    • @Sick of it.
      Islam should never have been allowed any form of foothold in this country or in Western Europe.

      Once the construction of mosques began that was the beginning of what has become the most slippery of slopes.

      The stupid bastards who decided this was a good idea at the time were obviously clueless deluded cunts.
      The stupid bastards today (Merkel, Macron, Johnson etc etc) who still think it’s a good idea are equally clueless deluded cunts.

      • All globalists and supporters of the WEF and its new Kalergi plan.

        Talking of Mudslimes, I noticed St Marcus of the Rash-thoughts doing his Muslim geneflections as he walked onto the pitch for Ebglandistan.
        Explains everything-the cuntfinder is now a fully paid up, bow tie wearing, mutha-fucka ???

      • Rashford is a total cunt.

        If his goalscorer exploits matched his anti-white virtue signalling, he’d be Gerd Muller.

        Unfortunately for St Marcus X, he’s more Ade Akinbaye.

        Useless fucking cunt.

      • There is no bigger cunt than an idealistic cunt.
        Deluded, yet consider themselves enlightened.
        Oven them all…

      • HJ@ – Merkel, Macron and Johnson are hoping that by appeasement they will be spared.
        How wrong they are.
        They have clearly never read one fucking page of islamic history.

  8. The ungrateful cunts dont know (or care) how fucking lucky they are to live in this country. Where else in the world could they take over the capitol without a shot being fired. I cant imagine the people of Tokyo, Istanbul or Lagos putting up with it. Were the stupid fucks for rolling over and letting the cunts in, in the first place.

  9. About a year ago I deleted all of the news apps from my phone and deliberately avoided the news on both the TV and radio.

    I can honestly say that I have missed absolutely nothing.

  10. I saw this vid on YouTube recently by some Yank, can’t remember his name. Anyway his thesis was that there isn’t as much whining, self victimisation and wokeism as most people think. What happens is that it is constantly highlighted and relentlessly repeated by the media, day after day, week after week. At the same time the media ignore and marginalise normal people and their concerns. The purpose, he argues, is demoralisation ……. to make you think these fuckers are everywhere and break your morale, make you want to give up and accept the seemingly inevitable. Rather like General Lee who used to march his men in a big circle, under the gaze of the enemy, to make them think he had three times more men than he actually had. They were beaten before they started……a little pressure and the cunts would panic and leg it.
    That’s his theory anyway.

    • Makes sense. None of the blacks, effniks or gays that I know whine about their situation. In fact I probably whine more than anyone else I know… apart from my next door neighbour, that is (not the gay one).

    • Well lets see what the last census reveals, if they ever dare release the details.

    • Fucking hell these cunts have no shame…. the women should just boycott the Olympics until these cheating freaks are banned.

    • why the fuck do they keep calling it a “she”. It’s a fucking bloke, ergo a “he”.

    • Included after the rules had been modified.
      Modified! Fucking sweet Jesus modified and some.

  11. When I was a minority I was chased away from my home by Panga wielding dar quays, so this isn’t necessarily true DtS, when I moaned I was told I deserved it for being a a pale devil, I’ve had the last laugh though cunters!!!

    • Yes, black-run Zimbabwe: another shining beacon of majority black rule. As an aside, I watched an interview with Ian Smith on youtube: the Rhodesian army had black officers, and Smith fully accepted that there would be majority black rule. He wanted to deal with the “men of talk, not the men with guns”. But that cunt Mugabe was one of the men with guns and took power. The rest, as they say, is history.

      • The World Bank* announced this week that nearly half of Zimbabwe’s population are now in ‘extreme poverty’ – because Covid, of course, nothing to do with decades of corruption and mismanagement, and in spite of the West shovelling aid at it in record quantities.

        *Also asking for a cunting.

  12. I do lean toward the view that the MSM are simply supplying propaganda to undermine morale and weaken the national fabric.
    The very few people of ethnic minority type that I know personally have nothing going in common with the vermin I see paraded about on the TV constantly.
    I’d have all Quislings shot at once and virtually all minorities booted out at bayonet point.
    To France preferably.
    To fucking learn them.
    Filthy parasitic CUNTS.

  13. Needy useless helpless cunts . All complaining about living in a country with limitless opportunities. Well fuck off back from whence you came. I guarantee NO ONE will miss you. In fact I believe the majority would give a huge sigh of relief.

  14. That bitch Sayeeda Warsi is always whinging for Islam.

    Next time she complains about so-called Islamophobia somebody should lecture her about the jizya tax that was levied on dhimmis in territories ruled by peacefuls.

    Peacefuls are the biggest bigots, sexists, racists and xenophobes out there.

  15. On a slightly different subject – I hear a lot of WOKEY, lazy, don’t work, lefty, ponsy, hippy, tree hugging, acid tripping, stoned cunts have made it to Stonehenge, despite the warnings not to.

    Perfect and opportune moment for a bit of ‘cleansing’ of our population.

    • Just saw this name of someone who is part of the Stonehenge ceremonies:

      Senior druid King Arthur Pendragon

      What a cunt? Who breeds these idiots?

      • The RSPCA (…Protection of Cunts and Arseholes…)

        The Romans were right to ban druidism from their conquests. A filthy, murderous, primitive version of shamanism, which would horrify its modern wannabe imitators.

  16. If black/brown/coloured people are uncomfortable with their ethnicity, it isn’t society in general they should confront with their grievance, it’s their parents.
    They should say “Daddy, why didn’t you wear a condom? Why didn’t you think of me when you were on the vinegar stroke? You could have pulled out and splattered mum’s tits, and I wouldn’t have been subjected to this miserable existence. It’s going to be at least another twenty years before people of my colour form the majority in this country. How could you have been so selfish?”
    On the other hand, they could just keep their moaning traps shut and make the best of it..

  17. The increase in Covid is down to certain groups refusing to be vaccinated.
    We all know that illegals on dingies get vaccinated.
    But those who’ve been harbouring illegals for years don’t want to be caught out as criminals themselves. So they don’t have the vax, and continue to live 18 to a house. No point in vaxing half of them
    Boris has used two methods in the struggle against Covid; Lockdown and vaccination. Both work appear to work where people comply.
    So if people don’t want vax, then enforce a lockdown on them. Paint a symbol on their doors. Curfews, Security tags. Call it internment. Put them all on an island, or better still a plane…

  18. ‘Enough’ says the little sign.

    We if it’s that bad Lionel Joseph (humbilly humbilly humbilly hoof ha!) then feel free to fuck off to Africa anytime you like.

    He fucking never will though, will he? ‘Gibsmedat honky man you dispek me blud?’

    These uppity tea swigging piano movers do my nut in sometimes.

    Fuck off.

  19. I have to take in “news” in small doses or else my bladder becomes a pressure cooker. After a few moments of exposure and some expletives shouted I realize that things are as fucked up as I figured. Mostly read tabloid sleb shit or columnists I trust. The rest is a blizzard of shit.

  20. What an excellent nom and a rant DPS! I quite enjoyed that read. Loved that “Fentanyl George” (nicked that )

  21. Yep all these minorities make me laugh with the winging, fuck em i say if you dont like it here fuck off back to you ancestral home,,,,,oh wait its a shit hole, what no Sky tv, no free heathcare,no free housing, no benefits handouts, now i see why they are here to take full advantage, the bit i dont get is the moaning about it.
    Also after Covid caused by the rinky dinks, Fentanyl Goerge [also nicked] and all the grief that the blacks have caused, not forgetting slightly tinted fuckers like Megain Sparkle banging on about being coloured, Terrorists Shammishitta Begum,Grendfall fucking towers, illegal immigrants, constant charity ads and various other groups of cunts who get on my tits,i can honestly say i feel the most negative towards the minorities that i have ever felt……………

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