The World Cunt Organisation, otherwise known as the WHO have decided that they are going to designate Covid variants using the Greek alphabet,
They say it’s to simplify the names rather than the B……. numbers which us mere mortals don’t understand and to avoid using ‘Country names’ to prevent discrimination and stigmatisation.
We had a county variant, the Kent variant and it only took the Frogs minutes to shut the border, not that I blame them, we should have slammed the fucking door on India weeks before it finally went on the red list.
Country or origin of the variant is Important so travel can be restricted to/from that country, can’t really stop travel to Alpha or Delta and people are going make the connection anyway.
Fucking WHO, waste of time, space and money.
Nominated by: Sick of it
(With that logic does this mean we can no longer ask for an “Indian takeaway” or a “Chinese” in case it causes offence? – DA)
I don’t recognise this new lineup! What happened to Roger Daltrey? Won’t be fooled again?
This has all the hallmarks of not wanting to give offence so changing the name from Indian to Delta. Too late, the moment they mention Delta I immediately think Indian so there worthless scheme has failed ?
Fuck off!
This is exactly what these useless twats are capable of.
They’ve no idea how to combat this disease or deal with any other health issues. The limit of their combined efforts is to disguise the source by encoding it with Greek letters. Now it’s more difficult to avoid and ostracise the less than sanitary nations, which in turn helps to spread the disease, but that’s ok as long as no-ones feelings get hurt.
Boris will level up the sanitary situation in all of these shitholes as he ‘builds back better’ with UK taxpayers money. Meanwhile small UK business being crippled by bogus draconian Corona laws will go under and people living see their jobs & homes.
I’m sure I will struggle to meet any of such gullible I mean generous Brits who would not be happy to go live in the gutter in order that a pajeet gains a toilet to replace the pot they currently piss in. The cunts would still pipe the shitters out to the Ganges anyway so it will just save them making the trip to empty the piss pot. When you hear a paj saying they are going to the bank, it’s the river bank they are heading for.
This lack of exercise will create an obesity problem which will need the services of UK master dietitian Bob Geldof to sort out.
What is Chinkie flu know as? No letter see Kent is Alpha…..
Better call it the Andromeda Strain. Fucking cunts.
You were supposed to have been overcome by so much MSM hysteria and bullshit to erase any thought or connection to the country of origin. The media don’t ever mention that Chyyyyna variant do they? It’s the only fucking variant anyway. The rest are nothing more than mutations we see with every virus which also usually weaken as the mutation number increases.
In February, there were nearly 700 ‘variants’ known yet we only hear of half s dozen drip fed to us one by one by the media messenger boy. Why is that? Note they are never anymore harmful than the prior one despite claims from BBC that pajeet variant is between 30 & 100% more transmissible. Doesn’t sound very accurate or scientific figure to me. Sounds like bullshit modelling or more likely just a mere opinion of Some TV doctor crank like that cunt Hilary or the radio cunt Dr Prank-karnia. It probably started at 30% and every so called media cunt added another few percent on so appearing to quote his own opinion and not repeat an other cunts opinion. This thing is mutating faster than these dumb cunts can calculate and more to the point, the demise of deaths and hospital admissions reflect every mutation is weaker and not the boogeyman they tried to bullshit you with on the day first announced. They are gonna run out of naming letters fast so they will probably name them like the storms we get now. Cunts.
A tanned type, a bog trotting cunt and a wimminz, we are in safe hands fellow cunters!
Now where’s my kool aid?
Daft cunts would probably rename Ebola “running water disease”!!
I’ve got absolutely no time for these jokers , maybe if they pulled their finger out when this shit was kicking off in wuhan we wouldn’t be in the mess , oh sorry, maybe if they would have pulled their finger out when this shit was kicking off in B123.24.01.90210. We could have avoided this shit show
If its all going greek does that make Boris the Omega man?
White hair, pink rat eyes,
Translucent skin etc.
As a Alpha male this couldn’t be Beta.
Good film, that, MNC, with Chuck Heston. Had a mixed-race relationship in it before it was mandatory.
Aye DCI, anything with Chuck in is good!
But my favourite line is when he says to David Lammy
“Get yer stinking paws off me
You damn dirty ape!’
I don’t give a rat’s behind what the variants are called as long as the relevant authorities take proportionate measures when dealing with them, which they never do.
If restrictions aren’t fully lifted on the 21st, the government can wave goodbye to the cooperation of the British public.
What amazes me is how many people are so blind to the fact all restrictions penalise UK citizens while Boris has given foreigners a free pass / loopholes to exploit as we suffer. The worst being the way that the cunt has pandered to Chyyyyna continually from the start despite it being the country of origin of this.
Rewind to 2020 when this virus surfaced. The government cunts knew about this way ahead of media release and I’m betting probably back into 2019 as I had dealings with government departments HMRC & dwp miraculously postponed indefinitely in early January and my GP also issued a medical certificate to me for three months duration mid January when I had previously received one every 28 days for years prior. There were no changes in my condition or treatment to warrant this extended certificate. I found out in February why.
Anyway, he dithered & delayed locking the country down from Chyyyyna arrivals. They were all spilling in return from the Chinese New year celebration which in 2020 was on 25/01. Boris knew of Wu-Flu risks. Then he put on flights & coaches following China lockdown bringing potentially infected people back here when China was trying to stop anyone leaving.
He did it again this year at Chinese New Year. Remember he announced a quarantine system where you had to isolate in £1750 hotel over two weeks before the start date of February 15th? Chinese New year was on the 12th February. Bear in mind countries were getting put on red lists giving those abroad around 24 hours to scramble and get rip off cost flights to get home before 0430. He had quietly gave the Chinese people in UK advance notice they could go to China to celebrate and had 3 days to return after celebrations. The media were silent on this
Claims if non compliance of quarantine resulting in up to £10,000 fine were also bullshit applicable to UK nationals only. Foreigners sauntered through international arrival gates of UK airports without even a temperature check never mind Covid testing. Boris & Hancock wouldn’t fucking dare even detain a Chinese national for questioning over this virus. One call to Chinese embassy from anyone detained would result in Boris getting a call on his mobile direct from Beijing HQ where the shite would start running down Boris’s lying scrawny legs.
The only cunts Boris is tough on is us law abiding UK cunts. Johnny Foreigners continue to get not only a free pass but the welcome red carpet gets rolled out. Times up on June 21st, enough is enough. The data has never looked so good, the vulnerable are vaccinated protecting the NHS from overwhelming and further age groups are also vaccinated. His own bullshit goals have been met again. The goalposts only get moved if we acknowledge them moving them again. Cunts. Rant over.
If restrictions are lifted on the 21st, then there will be another major peak. Mystic Komodo is certain of this. Mystic Komodo doesn’t like the emerging figures for twice-vaccinated victims of the Indian variant, or the fact that appreciable bumps in the case rate have invariably escalated massively in the past. We have such a bump now. I will be happy to eat crow if there isn’t a largish spike in a fortnight or so.
Putting my prediction in now that there will be some sort of contrived drama as to will they? won’t they? with lifting the restrictions. It has already begun over the past few days.
Of course come the 21st, “The Eton Mess” ? will announce that restrictions will be lifted in an attempt to look like he is the one that has saved the day, when it was going to happen anyway with or without him.
@komodo They are doing their best to make suitable data. As test centres are all empty and being avoided by all except those with actual symptoms, Hancock has resorted to German playbook 2020 where authority actors publicly collected samples from sewers in the streets claiming to identify outbreaks. All our piss and shit diluted by thousands of gallons of water and cleaning products they say on TV advertising kills Corona and Matt is gonna say he’s locking down areas xyz based on fabricated bullshit. I’m waiting on the cunts appearing on streets with leaf blowers filled with harmless smoke cartridges ‘killing the virus’. He is probably telephoning all his chums looking for landscaping contractors with the equipment required.
The WHO was set up precisely to deal with what has happened. £ billions later the corrupt cunts fall at the first hurdle. We need Nuremberg style war crime trials with these cunts and the slit eyes in the dock.
These cunts are nothing more than a cash collection agency and Boris is Spafford more money out to these cunts than we gave to EU cunts. A new cunt agency appears almost daily and that fat lying useless turd falls over himself giving away billions and f taxpayers money overseas. There will be no fucking financial gain of leaving the EU and don’t be fooled by the foreign aid cut bullshit. Every cunt that collected will get their money AND MORE via new bogus organisation, agencies and charidees.
Here is a link to announcement of latest spaffing and organisation for your radars, I give you the Global Partnership for Education. How many cunts can you spot in this article? Also why are there more than 7 cunts at this G7 meeting? Why is that jug eared cunt and his horse face wife? It’s a fucking UN / WEF meeting. Bet there are IMF, UNICEF & Soros, Gates & BLiar foundation cunts present too…
A hopelessly corrupt organisation.
Another charity case we shouldn’t send a penny to.
Set of cunts.
Yes again more pc crap ti prevent the truth and the truth is it’s the Chinese virus because it came from China.
Fuck the WHO. We should stop funding these lying corrupt cunts like Trump did.
Boris is a spineless shitebag who will do exactly what the crown tell him to do. This cunt will NEVER reassemble Churchill in any way. The cunt is giving away everything from this country financially, culturally and morally. The cunt has an absolute cheek to call himself British or a representative of our country’s government. I laughed like fuck when this prick ordered the painting of the new colours on the plane and the addition of a union jack.
Who would ever have thought we could have ever seen in our lifetime a bigger cunt than Theresa May walk through the doors of No10? He not only did it but raised the bar tenfold. Those tears of Theresa make sense now. She knew her plan was continuing and was only crying on her exit because Graham Brady and cunts at the Tory party wouldn’t give the barnacle even more time to cling on squat in No10.
The alarm bells started ringing for me immediately right at the start when Boris made sure the bells of big Ben didn’t bong to give us the ultimate signal point of celebrating our EU departure. He allowed the bullshit ruse that nobody knew where ‘the clapper’ had been put after it was removed. Seriously?
The cunts knew exactly where it was and it could have been refitted easily. Even bullshit costs were given as justification that even if they ‘could find it’ that it wasn’t financially viable to do. Fast forward 4 months and him, Hancock and his mates are awarding contracts for easily over 20 times that to import cheap chinky face masks & other disposable ppe?
The lying cunts used the media to bullshit us it would cost £500,000 to make Ben bong and despite crowdfunding they wouldn’t allow it full stop. An insider even said that it would only cost around £50,000 and if I remember right, funds raised soared past 300k. Was that fundraising a con too knowing how much the public wanted to hear those bongs?
That’s when I realized I had been cunted for voting Boris after voting May and knew a total sellout would soon develop.
We couldn’t hear the bells signal a new era beginning for Britain but fast forward a few months and Hancock is spaffing 1.3 million EVERY MONTH to Portakabin for temporary buildings for their dirilect Covid test centre? Add the cost for daily rent to local councils for use of town halls etc who don’t use Portakabin?
That nice cuddly Covid vaccine advert where the nice lady tells you they will “contact YOU when YOUR Covid vaccine is ready for YOU” is costing around £94,000 a day (more when the government announce a new age group in rollout and advert gets used more) of your / taxpayers money. £94k may not sound much but add it up over duration of this? People are losing their homes because they have lots at job and can’t pay their monthly mortgage payments which are a fraction of this?
Here you s a link to all government spaff transaction amounts over £25000. I bet as much gets spaffed in undeclared sums smaller than £25k. The amount on these lists used for Covid or Covid vaccine PR is astonishing. No other cunt seems to be getting money right now. Chummery is in plain sight if you look for it…
Every time it’s mentioned on the BBC, ‘the Delta variant first seen in India’, yep that’s a lot simpler than ‘the Indian variant’
Wankers! ?
And thanks to the fucking incompetence of Boris, the Delta variant is now rampant in the UK…. Monday 14th June, ‘the end of ALL restriction will have to be delayed until July 12th at the earliest’.
I wrote to my MP to tell him my thoughts on allowing the Indian variant into the country!
Flights full of pajeets have arrived non stop midweek at airports such as Manchester airport with customers flying in for treatment at Manchester Royal infirmary (locals call them Flight MRI because virtually all health tourists on board). Coaches or private cars take them on to the hospital where they get treatment/ surgery then fly back home at weekend. Small print in government home office state that any cunt coming here for medical treatment is also exempt from quarantine procedures. These cunts got into hospitals while UK cunts stayed home and died. No cunt was getting into hospitals yet they told us they were full. Yeah full of health tourist cunts. Link to latest ‘get out of jail free’ card…
Looks like ‘Freedom Day’ is getting put back.
Must admit, for the life of me, I didn’t see that one coming.
Freedom Day – Straight outta North Korea
You didn’t get the memo?
Freedom is only for the billionaire class and their lackeys. Jetting off everywhere in their private jets and their yes men (politicians) breaking all the other rules they imposed.
Welcome to the Disunited Serfdom of Great Britain and NI. Sponsored by Klaus at the World Economic Forum and China.
Billy Goats is balls deep with the WHO.The biggest private contributor annually to its budget after the US government.
You have to wonder what he expects in return.
The link below from the WEF in 2020 shows the contributors.
We need to have a legally binding referendum to leave all these cunts. In, UNICEF, wef, imf etc etc. No more taxpayers money to charidees either. Let people decide themselves and donate their money to causes they believe in. No more government cunts matching Sims certain charidees raise either.
I didn’t see any of this shite on party manifest. Never voted to give Boris right to pull any of this shit on us.
According to this article Billy Goats and Georgy Schwartz are pulling the strings at the WHO and it is totally corrupt. In Africa,Billy Goats is viewed as Satan’s right hand man after his vaxxines killed and injured more than he cured.
Why not trust a man who can’t fix viruses in his own Windows operating system but reckons he can vax the world? Cunt.
It was fine with these cunts when it was ‘the UK variant’ but as soon as we got a few umbungo and Jonny foreigner variants…nnnnoooooo! Raaayyyyyycisssss!
Just wait until they bullshit you with their fake UFO’s in the sky claiming we are under alien invasion with planet zog variant etc
Greetings hominids of Zio-slave planet Earth!
@CC When they say ‘take me to your leader’s, I’m sending them to see Gates & Schwab first and I will tell them how devious the lying cunts are and not to trust or believe them. Once they’ve offed them cunts I will put 10 downing Street and the Whitehouse into their satnavs. An alternative en invasion could be what we really need to rid the cunts currently controlling our clown world.
I agree with the lettering to avoid stigmatising countries. But I suggest the prefix is changed from COVID to the Chinese Plague.
My theory is that, if a politician is too corrupt for the EU (and that bar is set so low a limbo champion would have trouble getting under it), they join the multinational quango that is The WHO. The backhanders must be fantastic. Imagine how much the slitty eyed bastards must have bunged them to stop any bad publicity about inventing the WuFlu. Imagine the dilemma: 20 billion yen in your back pocket or stop a world wide pandemic. That’s what’s known as a “2 second dilemma” (the two seconds are used up deciding which “pocket” the bung is going in!).
Whatever they fucking call it, Different forms of the Kung Flu ( yes call it what it is ) will keep coming just like Flu Variants mutate every year. It’s never going to go away. The Cunts might as well lock us down for the common cold.
Why aren’t the Greeks offended.?
JRC@ – The Greeks are reported to be “very philosophical about it”..
In the sense of the Stoic, Epicurean or Platonic schools?
Couldn’t they just name it Wuhan Variant No. 1, Wuhan Variant No. 2 and so on?
Wuhan Variant alpha, Wuhan Variant beta, etc
The WHO is not fit for purpose, I do not believe a word they say, and I further believe they are actively and dishonestly following a prearranged agenda which is nothing to do with health and everything to do with control.
And – what a FUCKING SURPRISE – after fabricating YET ANOTHER “variant” the hateful fat bastard pretending to be Prime Minister is now threatening to delay – yet again – ending restrictions on the 21st.
“Three weeks to flatten the curve” turns into 18 months and these CUNTS will never free us until we seriously lose our fucking tempers and start frightening them into action.
Because so many compliant frightened cunts think the government have their back.
Double jabbed, masked and locked down.
Fucking gullible cunts
I’m looking forward to the ‘summer holiday tales’ from all those who took the jab because Boris said holideeeees to bennydom would be on the menu for them. Tales from the unexpected indeed. Wanna go abroad on holideeeees? Then take the jab got, come June the Falklands and Tristan da Coona are all yours. I bet if people started booking flights for these places, the grappling hands would fuck them right onto that red list and rape wallets for a£1750 quarantine stay on their return. Try getting home for 0430 from Falklands islands when Gav the cunt makes announcement giving two days notice.
I will name a variation under B.B is for BOLLOCKS.Gas them all.Gas The SAGE and Onion party.Gas Public Health England.Gas the O.N.S.Twats.We are forever stuck in a loophole.
Im surprised to hear the continued mention of Public Health England in the media when I’m almost certain Hancock said around this time last year that it was being disbanded and a new department was being created. Don’t tell me cunts created new department, jobs for their mates etc but have kept PHE too? I sense the grappling hands of cunts at work
I think theirs an anti lockdown march in London on the 26th June. I never been on a March in my life but i will be on this one.
We are rapidly loosing our freedom.
I agree with Vernon , this is all about control.
FF@ – See you there Sir! ? – KBF (Keep Britain Free) are a good source of info regarding what is being arranged, when and where.
This is a fight for survival, and it is now time to pick a side.
The easiest thing everyone can do right now is throw the face nappies in the bin. Pointless political obedience training that does fuck all to stop nano sized particles (but might let you inhale synthetic fibres of the mask).
Half the country are still wearing them and each one basically marks that person out as a total mug.
No wonder we’re not ‘getting freedom back’. Stupid spineless cunt public.
Spot on bcc.
Every cunt needs to be out every single day, not on just one. Once the media cant escape from reporting we are all behaving like it’s 2019 then normal will return. Bosses will get every cunt back to work again as if you can walk safely in crowds of hundreds of thousands of strangers, you can work safely in an offic e or factory with 50 fellow cunts.
Also these fucking polls of people ‘favouring continued lockdown’ need ended. They are clearly hanging about outside hospitals to poll staff finishing tik tok shifts. The less these cunts have done since Feb 2020, the less they want to do. Either open up our hospitals or sell the fucking lot of the buildings and assets and pay all the staff off. Money from buildings & land can be returned to us taxpayers and we can then afford to go to the private hospitals that seem to be operating like it’s 2019. Don’t want to work cunts can stay home and run the fucking dwp universal credit gauntlet and let others fill the post they leave. Teacher cunts are the same, get to school & teach or find some other mug stupid enough to give you money for fuck all. Get your greedy fucking snouts out of taxpayers purse and fuck off. Lazy bastids.
Forgot the greedy bastards are just like MP’s with their expenses, they seem to have managed to get ‘blue fucking light’ discounts from every retailer on earth while prices for rest of us go up. Fuck those hypocrite nurses playing along with this shit who then go shopping in Tescunts with the same grubby contaminated overall they’ve wore for the last 12 hours in the hospital they claim are fucking bursting with cunts infected and dying with virus. Either they are fucking thick cunts or they think we are. Fuck them. Cunts
Thanks for the info Vernon ?
WHO, IMF, UN, World Bank, WTO, etc.. are basically the proto world government.
Emperor cunts.
Rope for the fucking lot of them following outcome of Nuremberg trials
Perhaps I’ll go and get a Delta takeaway for dinner tonight. My local Alpha takeaway was closed for three weeks during January because some of the staff had got a dose of the Kitchen Sink flu.
Hmm – if the WHO are so clever can they explain why “variants” and “mutations” can travel around half the world without appearing to infect anyone until they arrive in the UK, or where the flu disappeared to in 2020?
Also variants are like Greta Thunberg, they only appear in countries who have money are rich and have governments happy to hand over taxpayers money to these UN / Soros/ World bank etc ran extortion rackets
When I hear another variant announced, I immediately imagine Boris, Hancock whitty & that cunt van tam all singing along at their latest attempt…
?The game will never be over
Because we’re keeping the dream alive? CUNTS!!!
The Epoch Times refers to it as CCP – Chinese Communist Party virus.
Thats what it takes s, every mutation leads back to Wuhan.
I had a quick look into this naming convention stuff and here’s what I found.
The CDC call the original variant ‘the original Wuhan variant’ quite happily in their editorial and list variants of concern in a table under various boffin naming conventions:
– with a letter and numbers (Phylogenetic Assignment of Named Global Outbreak Lineages aka Pango convention e.g..B.1.1.7
– GISAID naming convention e.g GRY
– Nextstrain naming convention e.g 20I/S:501Y.V1
They put the new Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta assignations in there too.
So it seems to me that it is the shit stirring media calling variants Kent or Indian etc. Is that right? Happy to stand corrected. Whatever side of the issue you are on (virus is not real, real, not that bad), it seems sensible tor authorities to avoid whipping up bigotry as well as everything else that they’ve created in their pandemic response.
An yes, the WHO are a big pile of rubbish, stacked sky high with pigeon shit on top and gulls on it.
Did the naming not become a pro lemon solely because trump kept calling the virus for what it was? The lefty snowflake media tried accusing him of being racist by claiming he was referring Ng to it as an ethnic description despite it being solely due to country of origin. Now every country is pulling the same shit..
Whilst Trump did say the virus came from Chyna and was blasted for it, the CDC still call the original variant the ‘Wuhan variant’. Naming took a turn this year after the advent of the ‘Indian’ variant by which time Biden was in and Trump long gone. It seems the authorities want to avoid stigmatisation in general though there are plenty of reports that the virus may have been bought and paid for and accidentally leaked!!! Nothing to see here!
By the time of the Indian variant we had also had the South African, Brazilian and Kent variants – the names were all coined by the media, were they not?
Yeah the media is naming them after countries of origin which if they truly originated in them would be ok however the virus originated in China. These variants seem to crop up in different countries where infected people haven’t even been to the country the new variant is named after./ claimed to have originated in.
I’m no scientist but what’s the chances these mutations of the original virus are just the evolution of the virus and it will mutate into the same strain in every country where the virus is present? Could the scientists and media be absolutely bullshitting us by the assignment of country names to generate fear and secondly distract the public? You notice when variants appear, it always generates some hysteria and the talk about restrictions on travel get brought up by media which then seems to trigger brainwashed public to forget all the previous bullshit and focus on the ‘latest variant’?
I notice it in my neighborhood everytime a new variant appears. My neighbours say the exact same stuff they said about original virus except the country name is changed. To begin with its the fear over how deadly & how much more transmissible it is then after a week of the government fear, they get the government assurance of how the super vaccines are soo good they are effective against new variant. Then government tell us cases are on the rise and they are concentrating testing at a specific area which increases positive tests of all variants but the media report it as increases in super new variant from country X which generates public fear again?
It seems the same tactics being pulled on us in a wash, rinse & repeat fashion or turn on fear, turn off fear, turn on back off…. New virus, turn on fear, etc etc?
I’m smelling behavioural science at work the more I think about it based solely on the effects it has on my elderly neighbours who also believe everything on MSM without hesitation. My opinion is China variant only variant and it’s mutating like every virus known to man in all countries at different speeds based on things like temperature/ weather, population etc?
Could some countries quickly skip a mutation without knowing they had it if they were not testing a lot of people or what if some countries use early intervention treatment like Hydrochloroquine, Ivermectin etc when people show symptoms and this suppresses virus possibly forcing it to mutate? Where as in the UK where if you call with symptoms they tell you to self isolate without treatment so you are left under attack with nothing but your own immunity fighting it for 14 days or you get to become by it and hospitalised? I’m r if we believe the story that you can have the virus without symptoms at all, would it be the case the virus would know it wasn’t defeating your immune system and so wouldn’t mutate at all and just look for a new host to infect?
So many possibilities and I think the governments & media are continuously shapeshifting, causing confusion and withholding the truth and facts so that people with common sense have difficulty in working out the truth?
In the words of Private Frazer “we’re all doomed” . Anyway fuck it. I’m having me a Delta takeaway tonight.