The Schools Report

Noddy Holder didn’t age well.

The schools report and the hole that Labour carries on digging.

In what was obvious to all but the Labour woke, under-achievement by schoolkids has been linked to geography not race. Left behind white communities suffer most.
Oh dear no, we cant have that:-

Kim Johnson, the Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside told the Guardian she disowned the report and had submitted her own alternative version, which was voted down by the Tory majority.

“I’m not happy with quite a lot of information contained in it,” she said.
“I’m not happy about the whole section on white privilege. The inquiry cherrypicked data. I think they were trying to create a bit of a culture war.”

The culture war has been created by the left looking for victims and identity politics, not the fucking Tories. This fucking harpie sees her sole raison d’etre (who says were all thick on here) slipping away.

Keep digging that hole you pathetic cunt. You have just lost a few more seats in the industrial areas that actually were left behind. I hope the thick Scouse cunts who voted for this fucker take note.

The picture perfectly illustrates this chip on shoulder cunt who only got selected cos she is blackish, innit.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by: Komodo

May I add a related bit of black supremacy, please?

Nice to see The Gayness and The Blackness waving their handbags, though.

59 thoughts on “The Schools Report

  1. What a fucking abomination. Wtf ever happened to normal looking people? Did this thing go on holiday to Chernobyl?

  2. Talking of gayness and blekness I just saw the English and German teams taking the knee – wearing rainbow armbands. I want both these cunt teams out.
    I’ve switched off as I don’t give a fuck .

  3. What the fucks that above?!!
    A downs kid with Robert plants hair?
    Or mr Miyagi with a perm?
    Whod take notice of that fuckin mutant?!!
    Oh and reparations for blacks?
    Deduct board and lodgings
    That cruise your grandad enjoyed,
    Wear and tear to chains & manacles etc
    We’ll send you a invoice.
    Turns out YOU owe US!

  4. Looking at that Labour wench, you can understand why there are so many homosexuals in the PLP. She looks horrible – but probably doesn’t smell as bad as AnalEase Dodds – but then a polecat doesn’t smell as bad as that old tart.

      • Naw its that bloke from Twisted Sister if hed been dropped off a ladder as a baby.

  5. Fasten that in a straight jacket then push it out to sea.
    Or down a well.
    No more bullshit spouted.
    The demented cunt.

  6. When your in a cult you cannot see anything beyond ” the truth” .If you have been “taught:” the truth in schools and University and see that truth as critical thinking you havnt had an education. Your a fucking simpleton.

  7. This relates to the last nom about Sir Kweer and the Labia Party.

    They have fetid mongs like this creature in the nom who can’t stop bleating about institutional racism whilst ignoring the really disadvantaged people right in front of their eyes.

    She needs to get to Specsavers as it’s clear there’s something wrong with her eyes. They filter out the colour white.

  8. Results not what you wished for?
    Change the results!!
    Seems to be the Lefts answer to everything all over the world.
    Worked down t pit from 6yrs old
    Crippled in a cotton mill loom at 8yrs old
    Lungs fucked from mustard gas at 18yrs fighting in WW1.
    Died of consumption in a slum at 30.
    Tb killed me at 35yrs old …

    The voices of white privilege need to be silenced…

    • Afternoon MNC…just what the hell is that monstrosity in the picture?
      Is it part black? Part ch1nk?
      A black ch1nkie?
      A blinkie.

      • Afternoon Thomas,?
        Not sure?
        Like its climbed over the fence at area 51!
        A Roswell type.
        Im as you know, not a fussy man Thomas.
        Dont need to be models for me to enjoy them,
        But thats beyond the pale!
        Bill cosby would take his own drugged drink rather than tamper with it.
        Makes you wish you had cataracts doesn’t it?

      • Not really. If I had cataracts I wouldn’t be able to perv on that luscious horndawg Emily Thornberry.

  9. Surely that is an alien life form that has attempted to infiltrate.

    In her case, make up is futile.

  10. I am surprised any kids go to school in Liverpool, thieving cunts.

    What is happening in Seattle, Pride apartheid, white gays at the back of the bus ?

  11. This is what Kweer Charmer has in his arsenal. This fucking creature represents the citizens of Liverpool. She is effectively saying that only blacks in Liverpool are disadvantaged. Nothing to do with the decline of local industry, containerisation on the docks and so on., which is geographical and affects huge parts of the UK. It has to be race. White Scousers dont suffer in the same way. And these cunts voted for her.

    • Well CC, blacks don’t need help to be disadvantaged, they are more than capable of fucking their own lives up, a black scouser must be hell, chip on the shoulder overload i would say, the white scoucer cunts are bad enough

      • I knew a Scouse Somali at university.Imagine those levels? Lazy fucking cunt. He had to resit year 1. He was (unsurprisingly) given chance after chance after missing deadlines for assessments. Always had some fucking excuse (‘Me mum’s ill’ etc.) In the end they kicked him off the course, but only towards the end of the year after he’d creamed his full grant. If I’d have missed one paper I’d have been booted off the course in a fucking heartbeat
        Oh yeah, remember him saying he doesn’t feel anything positive towards Britain, the Queen or ‘anythin’ like dat lah.’

        Yeah, we only have his freeloading family a home, education, healthcare, safety from war and free money, the cheeky fucking cunt.

      • I used to work at a really good college in Manchester City Centre. But, after Satan Blair got in, the place was filled with Nigerians, Eritreans, and Somalifilth. They got indulged and they got away with all sorts of shit, and this was 1998!

        Disadvantaged my arse. Whatever these leeches wanted, they largely got. And they always had excuses when they flunked or didn’t turn up. I made my opinions known and I – and a couple of others – were labeled as White Anglo Saxon Protestant. So I told them to fuck off and I resigned.

    • White working class Labour voters should have wiped their ballot papers on their shitty arses. It’s the only language most politicians understand.

    • Hey, hey, make good slaves doh dont dey doh?
      Gizza quid for a lawyer like?!

  12. Good for her. She’s doing her bit, to ensure that Labour never get elected again.
    Well done.
    You horrorbag.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Evening Jack, would you have a go on that surprisingly fit bird that Matt Hancock’s been knobbing?
      Of course, the thought of him having his little tassel in there first is somewhat off-putting.

      • I’d go for trap two, just to be on the safe side. After sending in B+WC to do a bit of intimate cleansing.
        Good evening, Thomas.

  13. I’ve seen that smug smirk before.

    From every female libtard after they ‘make their point.’

    My personal favourite after an unasked for chat (she asked me for my opinion) was with a conversation about the fact that gypos rob. I just told her I thought they were, for the most part at the very least, trouble, going off my own personal experience. I said their robbing, animal cruelty and getting their kids to leave school at 12 was a cultural thing.

    Her reply was a huff, and a pointy shouty (something like) “No, it’s not cultural, actually. I have a degree in cultural studies so I should bloody well know!”

    I just told her that her degree is worthless if that’s her learned opinion.

    But she still had that grin like in the photo. Now she’s knocking 50, no kids, single, drinks a bottle (or two) of wine every night. Tries to get off with any old dark key, arab or desperate honky on Tinder every day.

    She’s a fucking cliche. Sad, really when you think about it.


  15. I have a Scouse nephew and for his last birthday I put a tenner in his nan’s purse.

    • Hello Spoons!
      How you fareing?
      Hope your well?
      Looking both ways crossing the road?
      I remember Sonia, litte excitable ginger Guinea pig.
      Just having cornish ice cream,
      And a cup of Earl Grey.

      • Dearest and mighty admin, please don’t ban the lovely Sonia. 🙂
        Bonnie can bog off though hehe.

        Good evening MNC. I am doing rather splendiddly-dooddly. I hope you and yours are as well. Same goes for fellow ISAC members and admin.
        Had a nice walk, a spot of lunch. Nothing too energetic. 🙂
        I keep myself alert when out and about more so since that incident.

        Cornish ice cream sounds a right treat. Especially that Kelly’s ice cream.

        Earl grey tea, MNC? You are captain Picard from star trek and I claim my 5 space pounds. 😀

        All Sonia nominations shall be binned after her dismal Eurovision 1993 performance of ‘Better the devil you know’. However, you can continue to talk about the ginger one from Girls Aloud. – DA

      • Tanita Tickertape. That’s a blast from the 80s.

        Music to commit suicide to.

        We at the admin team would like to reassure anyone not to commit suicide, if you need help then ring a suicide hotline. Not listening to Tanita Tikaram would probably help to reduce this urge. – DA

    • Day Admin continues his scandalous attacks on the lovely Bonnie.

      A Northumbrian landowner of my acquaintance will be turning up at Admin Towers with his horsewhip soon.

      As I said before, a bounder and a cad.

  16. As a lover of a decent joke I thought I’d share this.

    A young couple taking a stroll come across 2 dogs shagging.
    How does the male dog know when she’s ready the girl asks?
    All in the feromones and smell etc. says her boyfriend. The animal kingdom is all the same.
    Further along the lane the same question about 2 horses followed by the same answer.
    Then a bull and cow and same reply from the lad.
    He later drives her home and kisses her goodnight.
    Returning to his car the girl shouts after him.
    By the way get yourself a covid test.
    Why? He says.
    Because you’ve lost your fucking sense of smell.

  17. It just demonstrates the world we live in.

    Presented with the FACTS they reject the FACTS because it doesn’t fit in with their agenda.

    Then they manufacture some bullshit to try to sell to the masses.

    If you tell a certain demographic they are victims then they will play the victims, and eventually believe they are the victims.

  18. Looks like a Rachel Dolezal type, i.e. that daft sow in the good ol’ US of A, who pretended to be black, but she was born white.

    Anyway, fuck off you scouse race-baiter.

  19. I keep a photo of that woman on my mantelpiece.
    It keeps the kids away from the fire.

  20. The Wikipedia pic is even more distressing. Got in on the back of the antisemitism ruckus, btw. Replaced Ellman* when she took the huff and left. Every cloud.

    * Ultra Zionist. It wasn’t about adherence to Israel. of course.

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