The Schools Report

Noddy Holder didn’t age well.

The schools report and the hole that Labour carries on digging.

In what was obvious to all but the Labour woke, under-achievement by schoolkids has been linked to geography not race. Left behind white communities suffer most.
Oh dear no, we cant have that:-

Kim Johnson, the Labour MP for Liverpool Riverside told the Guardian she disowned the report and had submitted her own alternative version, which was voted down by the Tory majority.

“I’m not happy with quite a lot of information contained in it,” she said.
“I’m not happy about the whole section on white privilege. The inquiry cherrypicked data. I think they were trying to create a bit of a culture war.”

The culture war has been created by the left looking for victims and identity politics, not the fucking Tories. This fucking harpie sees her sole raison d’etre (who says were all thick on here) slipping away.

Keep digging that hole you pathetic cunt. You have just lost a few more seats in the industrial areas that actually were left behind. I hope the thick Scouse cunts who voted for this fucker take note.

The picture perfectly illustrates this chip on shoulder cunt who only got selected cos she is blackish, innit.

Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Seconded by: Komodo

May I add a related bit of black supremacy, please?

Nice to see The Gayness and The Blackness waving their handbags, though.

59 thoughts on “The Schools Report

  1. Are they letting people with Downs run for public office now? Fucking things you kearn on here

  2. The “left made up of mainly middle class and a few guilty upper class” have never forgiven the British proletariat for not rising up and revolting. Instead of manning the barricades we preferred to raise families, enjoy the explosion of consumer goods, afford a car!!! Grammar schools gave us the chance to rise if we wanted. Overthrowing the system was a minor thought for many. The moment the “left”realised that not many wanted to play was the moment any interest in the White working class vanished faster than mist in the Sun. About this time an increase in immigration occurred, changes in the law led to a great slackening of the bounds of perversion a whole host of minorities, causes and so on became available to nurture and foster. These endeavours proved successful we now have a party which is basically at odds with the majority of persons whose ardent support allowed the party to exist in the first place. Amazing what a few years can achieve.

  3. Labour have no intention of ever getting into power – they much prefer the “well paid extremist” role.
    I think if they get hammered at Batley and Spen on Thursday it’s curtains (pwetty lacy ones of course) for nasal Rod.
    Labour are now at the stage where they have around as many politicians in Court as they have supporters.
    But they are still being very, very well recompensed for their shitshow.
    Anyway, back to that “work” thing – me and my fkin white privilege! ??

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