The Pulitzer Prize and how low it has sunk.
Darnella Frazier, a teenager who filmed George Floyd’s murder in a live-streamed video that quickly spread worldwide, was awarded the Pulitzer Prize on Friday.
A moronic cell phone snapper who stood filming a fellow black while he was restrained, pretty obviously in distress, who did fuck all to help, is awarded a Pulitzer. A despicable black halfwit, more interested in her fucking phone than a fellow human (ok, debatable in St George’s case)
Is it woke? Rewarding callousness? Bandwagon jumping? Or is it cos she is black, innit?
Fucking disgraceful.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Jeremy Beadle was robbed. He was doing this decades ago.
Remember when that cunt nearly had his lights punched out in Kettering.
The Pulitzer – like the Noble Peace and Literature Prizes has become a woke joke.
A Pulitzer for a non-journalist who happened to be in the right place at the right time? Where’s the investigation that she put into it? Where is the well crafted, compelling journalism?
Mark my words the Noble Peace Prize this year will be posthumously awarded to Chiggin George.
Bit like when Obama won the noble peace prize for being half black. Total bollocks that demeans for ever the true ethos of these awards. From now on the Pulitzer has the same value and meaning as a stamped dog turd, stinky, annoying and best forgotten. The joke is on them wankers
They should just have done with it and create a new Noble Category for worthless dark-keys who have made fuck-all of a contribution to anything except race baiting. They could call it the Noble Chiggin Prize.
Interesting ISAC thought for the day. Have you wondered why there is no Nobel Prize for Astronomy? I have. It’s because Nobel’s wife was shagging an Astronomer and Nobel formed an irrational hatred of all astronomers because of it.
Short list:
Shola Mos.. whatever her name is
As a previous Pulitzer Prize winner I find this nomination offensive 🙁
However since I won it, for been brilliant at everything, it seems they now throw the prize out to any bugger with zero talent who’s only credentials are being able to hold an iPhone the right way up!
Fuck off!
To me ,the pinnacle of the Pulitzer awards era was the Ernie Pyle time.
He was a rather folksy writer but had a huge following and did much to maintain spirits of the troops and their families back in the USA.
Not content with being at the front line in the North African and Italian campaigns, he went to be with the soldiers in Okinawa where he was killed.
His contributions make Darnella Frazier’s efforts look like what they are- fuck all.
Yeah cheers love, that video really helped society the world over. Dark keys stopped killing each other and there was no looting or racial violence caused by filming a violent criminal drug addict overdosing on a deadly drug, while resisting arrest. BLM also donated their massive donations to helping black people in poverty or those needing legal assistance.
Oh wait. They’re killing each other in record numbers and the leadership of BLM did fuck all but buy themselves mansions. Racial tensions are the worst they’ve been since the 50s and every non white is collectivising to claim more sheet for their own.
Great job, cunt.
This talented female POC deserves all the adulation that comes her way.
Without her talents we wouldn’t have been treat to 27 police officers injured in mainly peaceful protests in London.
We wouldn’t have seen the future president of the US and the opposition leader in the UK kneeling and begging for forgiveness for their skin colour.
Without this gifted lady we wouldn’t see millionaire sportsman raising a black panther fist in solidarity.
But this is, once again, another case of giving prizes, honours or jobs due to being black.
Yes, you only got the prize/MBE/job because you’re black. Personally, I’d find that patronising and downright demeaning.
Sadly, it seems the dark keys are quite happy to take advantage of such things. In fact, one could say they are actively seeking such advantages.
Watch the BBC for a few hours and you could easily think you’re watching Nigerian television. It’s getting fucking ridiculous now.
I’m seriously considering looking for a plastic surgeon who could turn me into a dark key. Seems a fucking great gig nowadays.
Mutual admiration society, like the Oscars, Baftas etc. The admissible categories of what was once journalism have multiplied exponentially since the ward was founded. Not getting a Pulitzer prize is becoming the exception. Historical note ( thx ,Wikipedia) the Chicago Tribune, one of the best and biggest US papers, declined to participate until 1961. They also thought the prize a ‘mutual admiration society’ .
I agree. The Pulitzers, the Oscars, the Nobel Peace and Literary Prizes, the BAFTA’s. Just circle jerks for cunts.
Give her a township necklace, and a good sjamboking
Don’t they now have separate black awards that the whitey’s can’t enter like the MOBO’s – might get myself some black up and sneak in this year – “Surprise!”
You’ve been framed for goons and ghouls. Pulitzer just fuck off.
The woke media lemmings will tell us this was stunning and brave, all the cunt did was point the fucking phone at something that happens thousands of times a day.
******* “Black man resists arrest” *******
Nothing to do with anything remotely connected to journalism and everything to do with social media driven narcissism.
It helps to build a ‘ black history ‘ of clever, famous, successful people, who will be mentioned in the same breath as Darwin, Einstein and Isaac Newton, by dickheads who think they’re of equal worth.
Barack Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for launching the most drone strikes of any President on Afghanistan and Pakistan. Yet The Donald got sweet fuck all for at least trying to negotiate with North Korea. If The Donald had found a cure for cancer, piles and the clap, the MSM and wokes would still fucking nit pick on the poor bloke.
Obama got the Nobel Peace Prize for nothing more than becoming President.
Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Journalists are cunts.
Take the phone off the cunt and watch it’s contribution to international journalism collapse.
Fuck me what a pile of junkies shite.
Once again, I’ve been educated by the ISAC site.
Always thought a Pulitzer was a handbag-size, yippy dog that wanked up people’s legs. But in reality it’s a prize that is gi en to pointless humans who are about as much use…
I’m going for the Pulitzer next time. I’ll film a black, trans, phaggit, dwarf, retarded, cripple in a wheelchair getting assaulted by a white man with a Trump shirt. All staged but advances the narrative for sure. Title of the video will be “How white people celebrate Pride month”.
Fuck off!
If I supply the wheelchair can I do the beating, happy to make a contribution to project funds.
I thought it was Jon Snow’s tree hanging wife
I can almost top this one. The head of Border Farce is getting an OBE for……wait for it…..”services to border security”
???? Please somebody tell me i’ve slipped into a parallel universe for fucks sake!
I for one enjoy the fact that Black girls are skilled in the us of their video phones, it gives me great amusement watching them show off their giant asses and huge udders on Pornhub.!
Thanks to her cellphone video capturing skills She inspired a generation of American blacks to burn loot and murder