The Olympics Goes Trans

I am not sure if this has been cunted already, if so then I second the cunting.

With all the arguments over holding the Olympics this year and the Japanese public against it, Covid secure, no foreign spectators it sounds like it will be a big flop.

So how to spice it up, well NZ have thrown a fucking great big Javelin straight into the arena by selecting a Trans weightlifter for their women’s team, apparently the rules allow this providing testosterone levels are under a certain limit, let’s ignore the fact that this thing was a Male weightlifter and has all the advantages of a male body after all he is actually a man as we know you can chop off the tackle but all the internals are the same.

It’s not gone down well with real female weightlifters and to my mind it just puts the Olympics straight back into same unfair competition status we saw using drugs to enhance performance.

The Olympic committee are cunts for allowing it, NZ are cunts for selecting a bloke to compete in a female event, just wait for others to start jumping on the bandwagon.

I won’t be watching any of the Olympics, they are a disgrace!

Nominated by: Sick of it 

97 thoughts on “The Olympics Goes Trans

  1. There was a case in Yankland recently of some gym or something where a geezer was wondering around the women’s changing rooms with his meat and two veg on display. Obviously complaints were made but they were told that he was within his legal rights as he identifies as a Wimminz.
    Basically they were told to suck it up, the cunt could do what he liked. Welcome to the wacky world of the wokies!

    • There is a simple solution, if all the women (real women) just boycotted the place they would have to take some action or loose income.

      • This has been going on for yonks in one form or another, I suppose Sick. Remember all those eastern bloc ‘women’ competitors back in the 60s and 70s? Jesus, some of those could have clattered King Kong.

    • That’s one of those situations where, one day, in the not too distant future, one of these fre4ks gets stabbed to fuck.

      • There is a solution. Just make changing rooms solely for the use of ‘biological women’. There can then be changing rooms for ‘trans and the terminally bewildered’.

        I would love to see the trans brigade get a real angry froth on when they are excluded, as they are certainly not ‘biological women’ and they will never fucking well be, despite all their protestations.

  2. Splitarse athletics have been fucked up for years anyway. The world records from 100 – 800 m have all stood for over 30 years due to roids, even the African gender bender Caster Semen can’t beat them and apparently she’s got a couple of knackers in her abdomen. And a massive cock.

  3. Hopefully it accelerate the demise of this quadrennial vanity project for the politicians. Like most people I have no interest in sport and I object to the taxes I pay being spent subsidising it.

  4. Now I have had luncheon I feel a little more charitable. and I would earnestly advise this, erm, lady to get on the books of the Starmer Modelling Agency. He already has Emily Thornberry, kept busy modelling corsets for Ambrose Wilson (quality clothing for the more matronly figure), AnalEase Dodds for rubber underwear and Yvette Cooper for the navy blue PT Knickers in the “Junior Miss” range at Asda.

    If she feels this is too static there are also Starmer Studios, which turn out “artistic and beautiful lesbian erotic films”. Not too late to put her name down as an extra in the orgy scenes in their upcoming production of Lesbian Lavatory Lust, which stars, of course, lovely Jess Phillips and the Louis Armstrong-type voice of Kate Gteen.

    Yes – if you are an ugly misfit, boy does Keir have a job for you!

    • WC@ – Expect to see Dame Keir mincing around in an England football shirt anytime soon..
      I am looking forward to Labour “snatching” defeat from the jaws of victory in Batley and Spen tomorrow, and Abbott to “grab” all the pies.

  5. CC, I remember that Ernest fella in that show what looked like a helicopter version of Knight Rider, Air Wolf.

    • He also starred in ‘Ice Station Zebra’, ironically the film had an all male cast.

      • I saw him in a film the other night with Lee Marvin!
        Emperor of the north ..i think it was called?
        Ernest killed a tramp with a hammer.
        Charming fellow.

      • He was Kirk Douglas’s dad in The Vikings. He was thrown to the digs in the end.

      • But they allowed him to die with his sword in his hand like a good Viking.

      • He was good in the Poseidon Adventure as well Miserable. In fact he had s good gig in that because he always seems right behind the girl in hot pants crawling through the ship’s wreckage .

      • I liked him Miles.
        He was good in the Vikings and that film the other night with Lee Marvin.
        He had a ‘comb over’ but it sort of suited him?
        Not many men can pull off the comb over,
        But Ernie did!?

    • Domonic Santini in Airwolf! Police could do with that thing to deal with protestors.

  6. I remember the old days before Blairtime when “Tranny” was a radio or a van.
    These nutters used to be laughed at – they are now regarded (by some) as sages and pioneers.
    They are not – they are just cheats who are not good or brave enough to compete against other Men.

    • Would you agree though, Mr Fox, that wimminz are, for the most part, the primary and most enthusiastic proponents of this woke bollocks and who were (until it affected them directly) perfectly fine with a coward and a freak calling himself a woman?
      Hoist on their own petards.
      Fuck them.
      All the wimminz athletes should simply refuse to compete against this chap.

    • I think the rot started when Channel 4 “discovered” tranny potter, Grayson Perry, who liked to put a floral frock on when he threw a pot. For some reason he was cool, they were cool and if we don’t think that groteseque was cool, we are uncool and described as “haters”.

      I loathe the Eddie Izzard school pf camp exhibitionists and all it stands for. And what does it stand for? – just about anything.

      • Glad I’m not the only one who thinks Grayson is a cunt. Lady C thinks he’s great for some reason. And his fucking dyke of a wife. Apparently, the daughter is also a lezza, so must be genetic. Aktion T4 please.

  7. Haha this is amazing. I’ll tune in just to see the looks on all the (actual) women’s faces.

    Will be even funnier when a woman tries to lift the same weight and her elbows explode.

    Go woke, go broke.

  8. Serena Williams has been competing in the Olympics since 2000 so this NZ weightlifter is no trailblazer. Maybe the suits in charge were afraid to ask.

    • I think you are confusing putting up a Gorilla into Women’s tennis v the tranny cheats. Easy mistake to make, but felt it needed qualifying.

  9. The Olympics are a bag of shite. Could be interesting if the non racist Delta Variant goes all horrorshow.
    The 100m race for a ventilator should be a gripping contest.
    They’ll be dropping like flies.
    Hope they’ve stocked up on Rainbow ? bodybags.
    Get To Fuck.

    • I would like to know why we haven’t got a nailed on gold for the fencing team. We literally have thousands of stabby yoots on our streets who are handy with a 2ft machete.

  10. OT but is that it for noms today?

    Last one’s due at 5pm. We’ve had to limit them a bit as nobody is nominating anything but Harry & Meghan. Which nobody needs to see everyday ad nauseam. If anyone wants more daily posts it’s simple, nominate them. – DA

    • Somebody should nominate cunters who aren’t cunting anything. The lazy bastards. I would cunt something but I have a glass of Dog on the Tuckerbox wine, so I’m feeling far too sociable.

      • I’ve just cunted. Everything annoys me, I’m a grumpy twat so I can always think of something to complain about.

  11. I have to agree with this nomination. I saw a programme on one of the documentary channels, can’t remember all the details, about a tranny, apparently a good-looking specimen, who started dating a fella. This happened in the US of course. His ex-girlfriend got jealous, attacked his new girlfriend and got beaten to a pulp. They might be recognized as women but they still have the strength of men.

  12. What is the difference between that ‘thing’ in the pic and a walrus?
    One of them looks like a walrus, smells like a walrus, farts like a walrus and has whiskers like a walrus.
    The other is a walrus.

  13. I wonder if any women who transition into men, will opt to compete in the mens’ events?

    No, thought not?

    Cheating cunts.

  14. Today I identify has a trans wimmin so i can go in the real womens changing rooms for good look and a wank, tomorow i’ll trans back to a man till the next time I need to expel the penis paste, thanks for the excuse wolksters.

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