The Olympics Goes Trans

I am not sure if this has been cunted already, if so then I second the cunting.

With all the arguments over holding the Olympics this year and the Japanese public against it, Covid secure, no foreign spectators it sounds like it will be a big flop.

So how to spice it up, well NZ have thrown a fucking great big Javelin straight into the arena by selecting a Trans weightlifter for their women’s team, apparently the rules allow this providing testosterone levels are under a certain limit, let’s ignore the fact that this thing was a Male weightlifter and has all the advantages of a male body after all he is actually a man as we know you can chop off the tackle but all the internals are the same.

It’s not gone down well with real female weightlifters and to my mind it just puts the Olympics straight back into same unfair competition status we saw using drugs to enhance performance.

The Olympic committee are cunts for allowing it, NZ are cunts for selecting a bloke to compete in a female event, just wait for others to start jumping on the bandwagon.

I won’t be watching any of the Olympics, they are a disgrace!

Nominated by: Sick of it 

97 thoughts on “The Olympics Goes Trans

  1. Do away with male female categories, that would be more inclusive, and only merit would distinguish the competitors. I mean, everyone is equal right? Chuck the raspberries in for good measure…

  2. New Zealand should put their prime minister in if there’s an equestrian event too…Horse faced, woke charlatan!

  3. Every female athlete who has spent a lifetime of graft, pain, injuries, poverty and sacrifice must be overjoyed about the fact a Man is going to win – not on merit but on gender advantage, due to being a Man in a Womens event.
    Men are NOT Women, Women are NOT Men.
    Miss Fox currently squeezing into leotard and frantically deploying combine harvester to shave caveman chest (how dare you! – the leotard has, er, shrunk in the wash – commenting on a Ladys weight like that, cads and bounders! ?), I foresee many medals for team GBLGBGTQ+..

    Sharon Davies has been very vocal about this and refused to be shut down by the Twitter mob. – DA

    • DA@ – Sharron Davies is correct – cheating by any other name is still cheating.
      Well said Sharron!

      Yep. Plus I looked down her top once when she wasn’t looking. – DA

    • Sharon Davies used to give me the right ‘orn. She’s still ‘in the bank’ now.

      • I think the lovely Sharron has a thing for dark, well hung meat. Tough cheese, old chap, unless you have a deep suntan?

      • I don’t need her to fancy me to have a wank over her. The cheeky bitch.

        What is she nowadays, the nob police?

  4. Why have they allowed this? Surely it would be classed as cheating the same as some in the past took drug enhancements.
    At least they have banned things associated with BLM, I think.

    • Apparently so. But wait for all the inevitable black power salutes/rainbow flags/Palestinian flags/turning back to home country flag/ etc. ad nauseum. And do you think any of the cunts which do it will face any sanction?

  5. I fucking love it.
    One of the results of mental illness and identity politics spreading like a tropical disease into the sports world.
    What a tremendous freak show.
    Hope for loads more like it.
    Reap the whirlwind you daft gender bender cunts.

    • Could of done with Shrek above earlier moving a piano.
      New Zealand is full of these types, why we sent them away.
      The siamese twins, elephant Man, wolf boy are all competing.
      PT Barnum sponsorship.

  6. I’d love to see the horse faced bitch put a load of ex women trannies in the All Blacks – let’s see how the Kiwis react to that!

  7. Low testosterone levels allow males to compete as Females?
    Watch out for GB laydees boxing team of “lucky Starmer” and Owen “fister” Jones being roughed up in the ring..

  8. Looking at that – “woman?” (she looks a bit like Kathy Burke – remember her?) reminds me that if only Germany had been playing us at Rugby last night Adolf Merkel would have put her swastika jockstrap for the second half as prop forward.

    Also, it was football, and too soft for her.

  9. On a more positive and sane note – at least the IOC have banned knee taking and BLM promotion at the Olympics.
    And any athlete who refuses to stand for the National Anthem of their Country should be barred from representing said Country ever again and stripped of all funding.

    • Do you think that would ever happen! Mind you, I’m glad to see that the cunt in the USA who started it all (Kapernick) has never again played NFL for a top team. Slily cunt.

  10. Posted once but it is relevant.

    The podiums at these Olympics will be just political platforms.

    • MP@ – unfortunately I have to agree – sport is currently the lowest priority in sport.

  11. I’m all for it. The Olympics are an expensive shitshow and I’ve belatedly come to the conclusion all sport is now PC shite anyway.

    I’d even allow unlimited freedoms on drugs, take what you like when you like and then it’s down to who has the best pharmacist; fine by me, I won’t be watching anyway.

    Harriet Kane, Jackie Grealish and Katie Jordan Henderson for England’s Wimminz Team

  12. The whole fucking Olympics show needs a fat cunting, I will start.

    I was talking to the Mrs last night and trying to explain that with so much hardship people have, and still are enduring due to Xi Jinping Chinky Flu and the Bud Bud Ding variants, this vanity parade of superior athletics should not be going ahead (I feel same for Euros, Wimblecunt and every other money grabbing, cunty sports event (because let’s face it, it isn’t about sport, it is about the DOLLAR!).

    Funny how there’s no money for this, or that, but fuck me when it’s sport, cunts trip over themselves (ponsey sponsors and Advertising cunts).

    Instead of spunking billions on a 4 week ‘look at me’ show this money should be re-directed to helping those who really need it and not cos some cunt wants to wear a medal cos he is from Afriiica and can prove he can outrun the police.

    Shame on you all Olympic cunts – athletes, the IOC and any cuntry who hosts them.

  13. Just don’t watch this freâkfest, watch Airplane or Kentucky Fried Movie or something else FFS, even Love Island if you’ve got a strong stomach!!!

  14. I wonder how may females that have transitioned to “male” will be competing in the men’s weightlifting?

    Truth is, top (real) female weightlifters wouldn’t come close to qualifying in the men’s, yet the average (real) male weightlifter could win the women’s, no contest.

    • Across all the various weight categories the advantage men have over women is around 30%, so the best heavyweight woman would be over 100kgs behind the top men in the same weight class.

  15. Trust NZ. One of the wokest nations on the planet. And that thing in the nom pic is obviously a man. It’s even balding.

  16. I wonder how many IOC officials prove miraculously immune to “pandemics” and get free tickets?
    A cure for coronavirus – rub yourself all over with money.
    Anyone else find it hysterical that athletes do their event then jam a mask on to be interviewed? ??

  17. Be more appropriate if the trannies competed in the Paralympics, mentals category.

    • Afternoon,RTC.

      I wonder if anyone actually watches the Paralympics ? I know they’re all very “brave” but tbh. they put me off my dinner. I’ve got a lot of admiration for mongs and spaccas and their achievements but I really don’t want to watch some Joey Deacon type hurtling down the ski-jump ramp in a shopping trolley…it would just be disrespectful as far as I’m concerned.

      • They’re taking about not having a Spaccalympics anymore and just having their events mixed in with the able bodied athletes.

        I remember seeing a spacca long jump once. Big bird spaccing out, big run up (slowly) and she jumped about 6 inches.

        But at least she was genuine. I hope she won, but I doubt it.

        Problem with the Spaccalympics is that there are so many categories of spaciness, and loads of them cheat and say they’re more spacca than they really are (so they have more chance of winning). The Olympics would take about 6 months to get through.

        But I too would be appalled at mongoloid shopping trolley ski jump events.

      • Are you still allowed to use the word “spastic”?

        The Spastics Society would be appalled!

      • “But I too would be appalled at mongoloid shopping trolley ski jump events.”

        Fuckin’ ell, I’d take out a Sky sub just to see that…

      • I remember once seeing a para Olympian being interviewed after competing in the 100m.

        Said he beat his personal best by 4 seconds. FFS.

  18. If the GDR were still in existence there would be some right gorillas in the women’s events (even more than there were before).
    The Stasi would be rounding up average male athletes and whipping the tackle off ?

  19. Top Cunting.

    Another day, another bout of “progressive” fuck wittery.

    Having said that, was a time when nearly every female competitor from the Eastern Bloc used to have testosterone levels akin to this fella.

  20. Well I`ll be tuning in for the 50km walk (race?) – which is, quite frankly, disturbing to watch.

  21. If they have some competitors from Thailand, it might balance it out a bit with some ladyboys.

  22. It’s cowardice. The cunt knows he can’t beat men so says he’s a wimmin thus potentially denying a real woman the medal she should rightly receive.
    Total cuntitude.

  23. I imagine normal Kiwis are horrified that their country is dragged through the dirt in this way but hey!….you voted for Jacinda Blairdoll so fuck you! No the real cunts here are the IOC freeloaders for allowing this wokie shit. There will be wokie political demonstrations by athletes and they will do precisely fuck all about it. Everybody knows it.

  24. The women competing in this weight category should boycott the event and tell the freak to have all three medals if he/she is that desperate….

  25. Up and coming female boxers are in for a rough time.
    Once it was just some tuppence licker you were sparring with nowadays its some confused bloke whos going to send you to the canvas to the screams of the public.
    It’s unfair
    Its bullshit
    And its unsportsmanlike.

    • MNC@ – Agreed – just give me 6 months to get a load of Olympic medals and we’ll ban it! ?
      I foresee many injuries because of this insanity.

  26. Fatima Whitbred. She used to give me the raging horn.

    When she lifted her arms to launch a spear I used to marvel at the tightly knit armpit hair.

    I pondered for days on what was going on around an inside that tightly stretched gusset.

  27. I think it is great, i hope for more men in lady events and toilets. What could possibly go wrong. Ha ha what a bunch of woke cunts, it will backfire spectacularly…….

  28. The England team take the knee in honour of George Floyd/Kaperneik’s viewpoint/black power movement. If it’s not about that, then I’m going to throw nazi salutes at four be twos, and if anyone complains, I’ll say that they need to get ‘educated’, because my version, which I’ve just made up – like they did, means ‘The Jews are fucking ace’.

    What’s the difference? Fucking none.

    Anyway, my point is that not only are they that doing that, they were wearing the rainbow shite against Germany. This sort of shite (tranny athletes) is what they’re promoting.

    And yet somehow, some still support them lol.

    Fuck off.

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