The New Woke Times recently printed a montage of innocent looking Palestinian children on its front cover saying they had been killed by Israeli military action in Gaza.
Accompanying the pictures were biographies on some of the children, saying they were hoping to become doctors, engineers, etc. It was guaranteed to make for sad reading. Except all was not as it seemed and the New Woke Times had, as usual, neglected its homework.
For instance, one photograph was found not to be the 10 year old girl in the picture but an anonymous unconnected 2015 one trawled from the internet. Twatter was of course the source.
It was the revealed that one of the young boys depicted was in fact a radicalised child soldier in the Al-Mujahedeen Brigades, a ruthless Gaza terror group. A simple internet search showed him aiming rocket grenades and wearing the terrorists headband.
Another boy was revealed as the son of an important Hamas commander. There are pictures of him on the internet wearing combat fatigues and firing a heavy weapon.
There is also a sick picture of him riding a horse holding an assault rifle. The boy and his father had been killed by an Israeli drone strike, no doubt whilst engaged firing one of the 1000 a day rockets that were launched into Israeli civilian areas.
But it gets better (or worse) as it was revealed that many of the other children depicted had been killed by Hamas rockets fired by the incompetent rag-heads that went of course and landed in their own territory.
The death of any child is a terrible tragedy. But the evil ones here are those that indoctrinate them and use them as child soldiers and put them on active duty in the firing line and use them as human shields. This practice is internationally recognised as a war crime.
Why do the Mudslimes do this? Because they are savage religious fanatics who think it’s an honour to die for Allah and to sacrifice others. It’s the modern equivalent of child sacrifice.
Then the Israelis can be blamed for targeting innocent children and gullible woke lefties in the West will swallow it hook, line and sinker. Just like the New York Times who failed to do any basic research and took the bait. Hardly Pulitzer Prize journalism.
Hamas and the New York Times – both cunts.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
So many people fall for it though. Secretly the Palestinians rejoice every dead child, the more innocent the better, as it is propaganda gold that earns the more support and money. Why else would you fire rockets from a school knowing there will be swift retaliation?
Leftist western media is an anti semitic cess pit filled with Hamas’ shit. Mr Hilter would be proud.
Yeah no Jewish people in power within the media to stop them. Oh wait…
I presume you have names.
New York Times was founded and still has majority shareholders the Sulzberger family.
Stands to reason they’d be anti-semitic then… ?
The Sulzberger family were originally Jewish but are now Episcopalians.
Interesting read that.
So there are Jews working in the media. Just as there are Muslims and Christians. You’re point being?
He said most of the media is anti-semetic. It’s not.
And Joseph Levy has been dead for 130 years. The Telegraph is owned by the Barclay Brothers. Both Christian.
He said “Leftist western media” not “most of the media”.
Hello CS/Ajax ?
Well there is Al Jazeera to be fair. Must have taken you ages to write that deleted post btw.
About four or five minutes in total (I time these things). Copy/pasted from Wikipedia. Scroll down to
>Business and the professions
Clean up, add emoticons: done!
This comment has taken exactly ** (see below) seconds, since you appear interested in these things. Now I wonder why it was expunged.??
The plot is indeed thixotropic…
** 83
Thixotropic? As in a viscous fluid that becomes less viscous when shaken? Interesting metaphor – but I don’t see the connection?
Think of a tin of Dulux™. I leave the rest to your fecund imagination.
Whenever I think of a tin of Dulux with my fecund imagination, I am overcome with emulsion.
Hahahaha ?
Thats ace.
Just nuke the fuckers and have done.
It’s the usual lazy journalism that starts with a prejudice and then distorts the facts to support it.
In addition to the new anti-Semitic blood libel about Israel other examples are –
BLM are tolerant freedom fighters.
Brexit voters are stupid.
The EU is a benign organisation.
The West is structurally racist.
Lockdown is good.
Lockdown opponents are evil.
Orang Man is bad, etc, etc.
This is the opposite of journalism. Or, if it is journalism, it’s from the Dr Goebbels school of journalism.
It’s no wonder the Israelis are armed to the fucking teeth and on a permanent war footing. They are hated by the Peaceful loving cunts on the left and the good old traditional Nazis on the right as will, no doubt, be illustrated in this thread. Both these bunches of cunts cry their crocodile tears about the poor Palestinian children whenever it kicks off. May I suggest Israel adopts a new national anthem often heard in the dark depths of Bermondsey……….
?No one like us, we don’t care.? ??
I can’t remember who is was, but some Israeli politician or spokesman recently said ‘We’d rather be alive and unpopular, than dead and pitied’
The New York times is full of shit . Turns out hydroxychloroquine is a perfectly good remedy for covid and has nothing to do with drinking chlorine. The Don right again.Like the Guardian its not a news paper, its a propaganda rag like Pravda or the Volkischer Beobachter. And fuck the “palastinians” All cunts.
An excellent cunting. I had a stand up row with a doctor,yes a doctor, and his virtuous wife in Edinburgh. They were asking people to sign a petition to support Palestinian freedom. The cunts were flying their flag. During the confrontation the good doctor informed me he was a doctor who had been helping Palestinian children. I pointed out that some of the worst criminals in history were highly qualified people including doctors and that Hamas put their weapons next to civilian areas so when Israel retaliated there couldn’t help but be civilian casualties.
There’s no end to these do gooding deluded lefty Muzzie supporting anti semites. I called him and his ghastly wife a couple of well off middle class nazis and left the cunts in my wake. I’m sure some cunt filmed it and it’ll be on YouTube or some other site.
Excellent work Uttercunt. I look forward to seeing the movie.
“Free Palestine” from Hamas and Islam. Job done.
Given that most of Gaza is a civilian area, from which there is no escape, where else would they put their missiles?
Personally, hope someone nukes the Middle East, preferably when Blair visits it. I have no more connection with Israel than with N. Yemen, fuck the lot of them. But if you’re having your historical property ripped off by a bunch of mostly FSU Hebrews I certainly sympathise. And that is what this is about.
‘Historic Property”. Now that’s a tangled question. How far back do you want to go to establish “proprietary rights”?
Israel’s victories against the Arabs do not constitute stealing land. The land of Israel that is within the armistice lines resulting from the 1948 war was legitimately acquired by Israel in a war of self-defence. Judea & Samaria and Gaza were also legitimately acquired by Israel in another war of self-defence in 1967 when several Arab armies congregated around Israel with the objective of destroying it. Israel later gave back the vast majority of that land in a peace agreement with Egypt, it voluntarily relinquished Gaza, and it voluntarily agreed to allow the Palestinian Authority to administer a large part of Judea & Samaria. Arabs have at every turn made the wrong decisions, leaving them with less land, and even now that the Palestinians have had a chance to show their administrative capability in Gaza and parts of Judea & Samaria, they transformed Gaza into a terrorist base and they chose to fund terrorism from it by electing Hamas instead of more moderate Palestinian leaders.
No escape from Gaza? When Israel voluntarily left Gaza in 2005 and evacuated all Israeli settlements, it imposed no blockade on Gaza. The blockade was imposed by Israel and Egypt only after Hamas in Gaza started attacking Israel. The purpose of the blockade is to stop Hamas and other terrorist groups from obtaining weapons with which to attack Israel and declare a new Islamic state like ISIL. The legitimacy of the blockade was even recognized by the United Nations.
Israel also Israel provides for the regular transfer of non-military goods into Gaza from Israel and through Israel, even when Israel is under attack from Gaza. Every day over 800 trucks enter the Gaza Strip carrying food, medical equipment, fuel, building materials and more.
In 2005, the Palestinians of Gaza had a choice. They could have used their newly acquired territory to build a strong economy in that coastal fertile land or they could have used that freedom to fight Israel. The fact that they chose the latter is not Israel’s responsibility, and it is not too late for Gaza’s Palestinians to choose a different path for theirs and everyone else’s benefit.
Sorry for the history lesson but these things have to be put in context.
There’s plenty of unpopulated land in Gaza where they could place their missile sites, but why do that when they can deliberately endanger their own people and then scream for sympathy afterwards? Standard Hamas tactic, been doing it for years and will continue to do so, until the international community and media call them out and hold them to account.
Some world class postings on this thread. The only thing I would add is that Corbin and Livingstone are both cunts.
Virtually the whole of the middle east would wipe Israel off the map given just one change. They have every right to defend themselves. Loss of innocent life is awful but Israel know full well that they would be wiped out. Until the, “12th of never”, peaceful’s stop wishing all the Jewish people dead this won’t happen.
chance. cunt..
All Islamic countries are shackled to it, held back by it and doomed to fail because of it.
Hamas has it’s aim the destruction of Israel so no understanding likely there.
There is a much worse disaster than Palestine going on in the Yemen. A proxy war between Iran and Saudi. As far as I know, the Yemenis havent lobbed any rockets at Tehran or Mecca, yet thousands of muslims, including many children, die at the hands of 2 Islamic armies. I wonder why the muslims and their virtuous lefty fellow travellers arent protesting this? Why arent they driving round Bradford threatening people because they happen to be muslim, as they have in Golders Green where a lot of Jews live?
Fucking hypocrisy.
Muslims killing Muslims, no one gives a shit, but if a Palestinian suffers a nosebleed, it all kicks off.
One million Chinese Uighur muslims in prison camps, thousands of Rohingya muslims killed in Burma etc etc
But if they can’t blame the Jews, they don’t care.
Bottom line does wank like this sell papers and make much moola, correct of course it does money matters more than many.
So what are the NYT getting upset about, the deaths of innocent children at the hands of the Israeli military, any mention of Hamas using the kids as shields.
Muslims are cunts
MSNBC , CNN the fucking Squad what a bunch of COMMUNISTcunts. Wake up America, civil war is looking petting good at the moment.
There’s a real problem of what to do with indoctrinated kids. Obviously, the perfect answer is to give them Shamima Begum as a mum but unfortunately it doesn’t always work out like that. Apparently, the camps in Syria etc are full of the next generation of pedo-worshipping suicide bombers…