The other three plinths are occupied by King George IV and two imperial heroes, Major-General Sir Henry Havelock – who recaptured Cawnpore during the Indian Mutiny of 1857 – and General Sir Charles Napier – who served in the Napoleonic Wars and British India.
The Fourth Plinth was supposed to have an equestrian statue of King William IV but this was never erected due to insufficient funds.
However, since the mayoralty of the newt-fucker and leftie cunt Ken Livingstone, the Fourth Plinth has been used to display modern art, most of it disgusting crap. These included a mangled tree, an upside-down copy of the Fourth Plinth, and a statue of a pregnant spastic with no limbs.
Proposals for future temporary installations include “casts of the faces of 850 trans people most of whom are sex workers … a marginalised community that sometimes is unable to access social care”, a “jewellery tree” which looks like Katie Price’s dressing table after Harvey has rampaged through the house, and some Ghanaian grain silos. In other words, the usual woke crap.
Don’t expect anything decent soon, the people responsible for the shortlist on the Mayor’s Fourth Plinth commission, include Ekow Eshun, an effnick I have never heard of, and Jon Snow, the Commie 4 newsreader who complains about crowds of white people.
We do need a decent permanent statue on the Fourth Plinth instead of all this crap. As the empty plinth was designed for an equestrian statue, in honour of his outstanding public service as consort of Her Majesty The Queen, I suggest Phil the Greek driving a white Fiat Uno.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
and on a similar theme, there’s this from Kendo Nakasaki
MODERN ART is a cunt! And that includes Banksy and other dog piss that sells for stupid amounts of cash.
And so called “priceless works of art” are shit aswell.
Art theft is one of the most awesome crimes ever.
Hail and support all those who have broke into galleries and made off with painting that cunts are willing to pay millions for.
What would be the icing on the cake is if the theives would return them with huge childish cock and balls drawings all over em!
A statue of st George being kicked in the bollocks by st greta screaming how dare you, you have stolen my publicity
I bet that somebody is currently trying their best to get a statue of The Fresh Prince of No-Air on it as we type. Probably Dawn Buttlard, flAbbott or Lamb chops if he can pull himself away from white race baiting at the radio station. Anyone hero worshipping Big Fenty is a cunt.
A statue of Joshua Leakey?
Last person to be awarded the Victoria cross.(2015)
Or something patriotic.
Zulus getting the bayonet at Rourkes drift?
A sailor clubbing a Frenchman to death at Waterloo?
A frenchman riddled with arrows at Agincourt while two laughing english archers have a biscuit?
“A frenchman riddled with arrows at Agincourt while two laughing english archers have a biscuit”
A third Englishman is laughing now at that comment!
And a 4th?
Vote now!-
I voted for the Ghanaian grain silos.
This is even better-
Worth every penny ?
Wait until it’s auctioned at Sotheby’s it could be a masterpiece worth millions ?
Fucking brilliant! 13 grand for an invisible art work. This man is a fucking genius.
Now who wants to suck my invisible 14 inch cock? 50 quid a pop you cunts.
They’ve been done. I’d sell them my complete invisible collected works for only £10,000.
Can’t wait for it to be nicked by the invisible man.
The rockets clearly out as it’s phallocentric and the jewellery tree is white and cruciform , so won’t do either (the fact that’s it’s literally a load of rubbish is neither here nor there
The obvious choice is the POC towering over the ‘European’ but if you choose that it is disrespectful to trans people, Ghanaian grain farmers and lumpy people
What a nightmare , they will have to rotate
I voted for the rocket
Hhhmmm, bet you did.
My comment on the question why did you vote for that one…. ‘Because it’s the least offensive’ ?
I voted for the dark key sat on a log.
It reminded me of flies on dogshit.
I chose to “self-identify” as a Sexual Tyrannosaurus.
Meat breathe and little phlidomite arms?
13 grand and it’s probably a fake.
I like the rocket.
Maybe it’s a retro ICBM.
There should be a big stone tablet on the top of the plinth with the words “Real Men are far superior than Women, homos/lgbtqp and Snowflakes” written on it!
That would be good for a laugh.
Fuck off!
They should locate that ‘Ed Stone’ of Ed Millibands and repurpose it by carving this into the reverse, presumably still blank. I wonder what happened to that stone? I hear his brother is masquerading as a do gooder at some international rescue charity. Maybe he could utilise his thunderbird team skills and find it while he trousers a substantial wad of cash
Would that be E Y ‘Toad’ Therapist Milliband?
I only ask, as overseas aid charidees seem to favour therapists and diddles…
This must be the third or fourth nomination for this achingly shit art idea. My personal favourite was the chubby thalidomide lesbian with no arms on the fourth plinth. No really.
How about a statue on Henry IV before he battered the Frogs with an army a fifth of the size? Alternatively, a massive statue of Henry VIIl having a big shit next to a bonfire of Catholics?
Henry V battered the frogs.
Everyone’s battered the frogs.
My mistake, Lord C.
Bolingbroke may have been a usurper but at least he sired a decent, though short-lived, king. Henry V still niggles snowflakes to this day for executing all the horse-eating prisoners.
A good idea would be a gallows.
Art in this country is as constrained as anything in Stalin’s Russia or corporal hitlers Germany. A small group get to say what is and what isn’t acceptable. Duchamp turned a urinal upside down a hundred years ago. This boring shit just does the same thing over and over and over again. They have nothing to say or show. It would be a joke and a laugh if it was funny, unfortunately the cunts have a stranglehold on culture.
They should have made that Theresa one a ‘Theresa May 17.4 million impromtas’ made with casts of faces of the 17.4 million voters the treacherous bitch shit on with her democracy denying antics. I hear Biden is coming to meet the Queen at Windsor Castle later this year so I hope they put up something Joe approves of as he gets a guided tour of the city, free of protests or inflatable blimps his predecessor was faced with.
I suggest they commission a magnificent new statue of Cecil Rhodes for the fourth plinth
And to appease the alphabets have him ploughing his house boy Christmas.
Well said. I’ll second it.
So my burning cross installation has been rejected again? My crusader holding a saracens head aloft also? I don’t know if it’s worth continuing with my sculpture of an overturned dingy titled the benefits gained through sailing?
They could resurrect the big plastic N woman’s statue from Bristol, I am sure suckdick would approve, just paint it white and call it white privilege ?
Diane Abbot with a giant chiggun drumstick rammed in every hole.
Idi Amin dressed as Queen Victoria.
Hehehe, just picture that!??
‘De noo bes statu”.
With apologies to Alan Coren’s legendary book – “The Further Bulletins of President Idi Amin”.
Not wearing my glasses I read that as Admin dressed as Queen Victoria.
Either for me
Idi Admin is new to ISAC from the Uganda office.
I think we need a ‘then & now’ piece to celebrate the government successful demise of the British fishing industry. On one side representing the ‘then’ / 70’s, a trawler in the process of it being broken up after joining the EEC. On the now side, a border force frigate towing its latest catch from the channel into Dover. Seems people trafficking has been legalized by our government right in front of our eyes and the media is silent to their crime
Just the fishing industry. How about the demise of all fucking industry?
You are indeed correct sir. I expect when all UK is officially sold out in its entirety, Nelson’s column will be replaced by a statue of chairman Mao. At current speed, I expect this to happen in sequence with the completion of their ‘belt and road’ initiative’ set to be completed somewhere around 2048 to coincide with some Chinese centenary celebrations. They’ve got their paws into everything here now and our government has also decimated manufacturing leaving us dependant on their cheap mass produced tat.
As it’s near parliament a huge steaming turd.
Redundant, parliament already is a huge steaming turd.
How about the scene from Zulu with the Stanley Baker looking at a pile of zulus they have just dispatched ” rear rank fire, front rank fire…advance”?
Do you know the name of the first Zulu killed at Rorkes Drift?
Will……he was called. The order was
Fire at will.
A copy of the Taj Mahal?
Must keep our new overlords happy.
Personally I’d like a 50ft statue of Field Marshal Montgomery surrounded by ceremonial bronze effigies of dead Jerries and Eye Ties.
Get to Fuck.
I’d like to see a statue of England great, wokie warrior, Taxdodger and BBC stalwart Lord Gary of Linekunt. I would go there every day and spread bags of bird seed around thus ensuring it was permanently covered in pigeon shit.
I imagine visiting football fans from the northern wastelands would gather there to gob and piss on the cunt , thus allowing Cressida’s Finest to keep an eye on the cheeky chappies.
Makes sense to me.
Sadkhunt would probably have it boarded up the night before match days
Funnily enough Suckdick has warned Jocks to stay away from Stabistan for the game against England. Why? They will be spending money in hotels, boozers and even the public transport system that the little P*ki has tried so hard to destroy. Funny he’s not so fussy about thousands of wokie cunts pouring in to support BLM, the fucking EU, to slag off Trump or to block traffic and smash windows in support of Greta the Moonfaced Mong.
More Jocks, less fucking wokies and Peacefuls I say.
What a poisonous little bastatd he is. He doesn’t want money to be spent and made in London during the euros but he would happily let lefties wreck it. Fuk off khan you evil little cunt. Wtf voted for this odious wee twat?
Just watch for this poisonous little cunt rolling out the red carpet for Biden when he comes to go sit the queen later than s year. Also prepare for the MSM to condition the public to give him a heroes welcome. The bastards won’t replicate anything they did with the Trump visits. They will welcome him like a Messiah when they should in fact be publicising the facts surrounding the 45 years in politics and influential positions he held in that time while doing the square root of absolutely fuck all for America and it’s citizens. They think he’s gonna come up good now, they better have a rethink
It should be a miniature statue of Khan having a piss. He’s been pissing on London for years.
Did you mean a statue of miniature Khunt or an even smaller miniature statute of miniature khunt?
It would be a 25ft statue of Unhappy Richard with a 0.05 inch penis to ensure that he is in proportion.
A giant Macaroon. They can have their cake and eat it.
Should be an 800 foot statue of Enoch Powell with the words ‘Should’ve listened, you silly cunts!’ attached to it.
Statues and landmarks are great.
Until now.
I want things that represents my country, my heritage, not some grovelling to Johnny come lately.
The Angel of the North
The vimto statue
Cobdens statue in Stockport where if you stand at the side his thumb looks like hes got his winky out.
Frank sidebottom in Timperley.
All these I remember fondly.
I don’t want some fuckin tranny in bronze or some fuckin planet of the apes reject.
The cunts.
Couldn’t agree more Miserable, we need to preserve the statues of our heroes because we ain’t going to put putting any more up. Bozza gawping like a cunt with his flies open? Magic Grandpa looking like he’s queuing for a loaf of stale bread in 1970’s USSR?
The Angel of the north looks like a rusty turd being crucified.
How about Blair in a Statue of Liberty pose?
“Give me your third world scroungers, your Islamic terrorists, Bulgarian cabbage pickers and your Nigerian telemarketer scammers, welcome all”.
Fuck the Angel of the North. Gormley is a woke cunt who wants Rhode’s statue to face the wall. Bury the fucker upside down with just it’s feet showing.
For me it has to be Tony Hancock’s ‘Aphrodite At The Waterhole’
How much more British can you get?
Hehehe ?
It looked like Sylvester Stallones mum, Jackie!
Churchill, Powell and Thatcher.
With a big sign in front saying “fucking try it”.
How about a tribute that isnt racist?
The Lee Enfield rifle!
Slaughtered whitey in the Boer war and blacks.
So diverse.
Have a bit of Afrikaans underneath saying
” Ebony & ivory died together in agony.
God bless the British Empire ??”
Ebony en Ivory
saam in pyn gesterf
Ken Livingstone would probably vote for a statue of Adolf Hitler.
How about moving Sasha Johnston’s onto the fourth plinth? free up a hospital bed. Chippy tart is always having a pop at whitey.
RSM Hollis deserves a statue put there, and left there. Most cunts will never have heard of him, which is shocking when you see the cunts who get the label hero by the morons of today. He was the only infantryman that won the Victoria cross on D Day. Imagine the size of his balls when you needed colossal nads just to get off the fucking boats. He took out an enemy strongpoint single handed, using a sten gun and grenades, a position that was holding up the advance inland. Later that day, his platoon came under fire from a well sighted machine gun position and he sorted that out too.
Contrast that with today, as cunts get called brave for calling themselves ‘them’ like some feeble twat with a multiple personality disorder. Whenever I see some prick say ‘ok boomer’ I think of the zero potential for heroism or selfless sacrifice that the people they mock thought nothing of.
I loved it when Tracey Emin lay in bed drinking for four days, and then the shitheap she left was proclaimed as ‘a work of art that confounds society’s expectations of women’, with some barmy cunt paying two and half million sovs for it at auction.
Truly, you couldn’t make it up!
Come on Ron, it was festooned with used johnnies. Well worth it.
How about a white flag…..?
DCI@ – No! – It will only encourage Frenchmen! ?
I remember some years ago in some long forgotten town in Krautland I saw this public display of “art”. It consisted of the town square filled up with 1500 identical plastic rabbits all in nice little rows. Fuck knows what the “meaning” was supposed to be.
I remember thinking that if this was England a load of drunks would kick the shit out of them overnight. No wonder they lost the war. Cunts.
I think an Israeli flag fluttering in the breeze would look good in the caliphate of Londonistan, it would certainly get people talking .
Although space would be limited, I would like to see the entire white population of the UK (probably less than 10 million) bending over and being rogered up the arse by the cunts who make the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (aka SAGE). By the way, here’s a list of cunts whose advice we’ve been forced to follow. I think ‘War and Peace’ was less long.
How ironic that the header states ‘
transparency data yet goes on to say… “Permission to publish names was requested from all participants. Those who did not give permission have not been named”.
Any cunt wishing to remain anonymous should be removed from the group and of contribution to the group’s / sub groups in any form. You for they aren’t being held accountable, they can’t influence decisions which are ultimately impacting all of our lives. It’s like that cunt Ferguson who allegedly got axed from sage but has still been drip feeding him s research & modelling opinions to sage from the position the cunt still holds at Imperial college or is it king’s college? I get these two bunches of corrupt gates funded cunts mixed up. These cunts along with all their ‘thinktank friends’ and PR and media organisations are the root of all fucking evil and they are all funded by three government using tax payers money while the working man is being forced to stay home, stay skint under a guise he is protecting the poor NHS while his job / business goes to fuck and his family home gets repo’d
Prof Khamlesh Khunti. How apt.
Just at realise sed that cunt Neil Ferguson is on the list at and it was revised earlier this year. Yet we were all fed the bullshit he was gone from sage following his breaking of lockdown rules when he went out shagging.