The ECB are a pack of cunts for suspending the England cricketer Ollie Robinson for some ‘inappropriate’ tweets he made as a teenager.
This young man has just made his debut for England taking several wickets and scoring 42 runs in the first innings. However, despite making a grovelling apology and regretting his actions, the woke brigade has decided that this is insufficient and suspended him from international cricket whilst they investigate his comments (for fuck’s sake, how long does it take to ‘investigate’ tweets which have a maximum of 280 words?). In the meantime, Robinson will have to undergo the humiliation of “anti-racism and unconscious bias training and get involved with ECB projects working with minorities”.
The following cunts are the members of the Board of the ECB:
• Ian Watmore
• Baroness Valerie Amos
• Katie Bickerstaff
• Martin Darlow
• Alan Dickinson
• Tom Harrison
• Ron Kalifa
• Barry O’Brien
• Lucy Pearson
• Scott Smith
• Brenda Trenowden CBE
• Jim Wood
None of the above, apart from Lucy Pearson (thanks, Dickie Dribbler – DA) has ever appeared in an England XI, so other than their diversity training, what qualifications do they have for running our national summer sport?
Ollie Robinson, you are welcome to post your thoughts on ISAC but stay away from Twitter! And hopefully, you will be back in the England team faster than a Bob Willis bouncer.
Nominated by: Hard Brexit Cunt
and this from Dick Dribbler
It also looks like Robinson is not the only England player subject to a historical twitter witch-hunt. Latest news:-
In the past I’ve mused on the idea that one day one of us could be taken to court for comments on isac…. tbh I think I’d quite enjoy being in the dock as the prosecution had to read out usernames and comments from esteemed cunters to the court.
…I doubt the jury would be keeping a straight face for long.
No apologies either… “yes your honour, I stand by my encouragement of black and white cunt’s plan to suck the sweetcorn out of Dianne Abbott’s bumhole. I am an accessory to the crime and it was worth it”.
The average IsAC contributor is a fair minded person who dislikes bullies , hypocrites, thieves and bigots . There is little wrong with the vast majority of us although some do appear to have near permanent erections.
I’ve often wondered myself when Old Bill would come knocking on the door after tracking my IP address to a certain abode in east London. As it has not happened (yet), I assume that the objects of our cuntings have the misfortune of never perusing this magnificent site.
In response to Admin’s note and Dickie Dribbler’s due diligence on Lucy Pearson’s career, I would like to point out that she was a wimminz cricketer which doesn’t count.
A further step into the New Dark Age. Salem eat yer heart out!
Looks like twatter is not only bad for your brain, but bad for you full stop. Stop fucking twattering and get cunting.
Smugcunt@ – I have been permanently suspended from Shitter for alleged “hate speech”. (No loss TBH – it is an echo chamber of the vacuous and the vile).
Having a different opinion is now officially hate speech.
Jack Dorsey needs a good hiding.
I’ve seen the second tweet. The “offence” is the single use of the word “Chinky”, which looks to me like it’s used in an affectionate way as it’s a reference to some bird he fancies. What a bunch of limp wristed fa**ots these wokies are.
Doubtless those who sit in judgement of the lad are willing to have every note, letter, tweet and email that they have ever produced scrutinised for sexism, racialism and any other perceived ism.
Frank Zappa introduced us to The Central Scrutinisor in Joe’s Garage over 40 years ago. FZ was something of o prophet.
And we all thought that we had beat the Nazis in the last scrap!
This sends a dangerous precedent. Anything you have ever posted to whatever site could be dug up by some sad woke cunt and reposted via Twitter and used against you as a form of hate crime!
Doesn’t have to be about race, but homophobia, sexism, transphobia, hatred towards the Democrats, Biden… absolutely anything in fact, that the woke won’t forgive you for.
If you posted something on Facebook under you real name 10 years ago, calling Natalie Portman sexy, or Graham Norton a raving tart, then you could face a public reprimand/humiliation by the Woke.
Freedom of Speech? Don’t make me laugh. This is Project Fear 2: Judgement Day, all over again.
Isn’t the offence “reposting” ? Fucking hope so
It’s the new gulag. Turns out you don’t need actual gulags or the Berlin Wall.All you need is a compliant brain dead population “ educated” in indoctrination centres. All in a Tory controlled state.
I wonder what kind of sad cunt finds some random cricketer and decided to trawl through 10 years of tweets to find a single comment they don’t like, and then grasses them up to ruin their career….
Absolute scum of the earth. People like that deserve …. Well…. Best not to get myself banned… let’s just say it involves a cheese grater, some chilli sauce, some nutcrackers and 240v of alternating current.
My response would be “fuck off – come at me with your whining shit and I will kick your fucking teeth down your throat”.
Sasha Johnson threatens to kill white people – Twitter does nothing.
A whitey posts the word “Chinky” years ago and they want him burned at the stake.
It will be fun when the 99% majority finally lose their patience.
But not for all.
I read somewhere that she has been banned from Twitter, but you are right she should have been investigated by plod for the Hate crime of advocating violence
She got street justice init bruv.
Complete bullshit, nothing worthy of comment for a Twitter post.
The ECB should just issue a statement, ‘nothing to see here’, play on old chap!
Might I confess that when I was seven, I said the word ‘nîgger’ out loud and it was wrong.
It was whilst singing Elvis Costello’s Oliver’s Army and I’d messed up the entire tune.
? I don’t like cricket ah, oh no, I love it ah yeah?
Nothing racist about cricket or the players, even the kaffirs excel at cricket
The tweets wheren’t even that bad at all.
If I were chastised for things said online I’d never be employed again.
If I had my way the entire ECB would be flown over to fucking Chad, where they would stripped naked and handed over to the Janjaweed. Of course, for this to happen all necessary PCR checks and proof of vakzine paraphernalia necessary for visiting an Amber country would have to be in place. As a short term Covid compliant measure, I would be happy if they were taken to Brixton and handed over to the Yardies for machete practice.
Insensitive and racist tweets from 10 years ago For fuck sake
I remember the actor from The Flash show who played Plastic man/ralph digbey forget his name got fired for tweets that we not close to be described as racist he never even said the nword just said Al sharpton was a cunt.
And one of the soyboy screenwriters saying words matter or stupid bullshit and he was banning “white supremacist” fans of the show who dared to complain what a absolute cunt
My last two comments going to moderation ffs
God I can’t wait til summers over this muggy heat wave is a fucking cunt and its not even July yet
The main cast threw him under the bus and everything, it was absolutely despicable and cuntish behaviour on their part
I don’t do twattertime and the like but I want someone with more spare time on their hands than feasibly possible to go through every single celebrity and politician and sports star and find a similar thing then all at once release them and by this standard they should all be cancelled and sacked.
Wishful thinking.
Sigh. I suppose that means we won’t be seeing the name Biggus Cuntus on any England teamsheet anytime soon.
Ollie should just tell them to fuck off and stick their England shirt up their collective woke arse.
Yes he should and wouldn’t it be fantastic if he did.
However, put yourself in his shoes. Forego a glittering and potentially highly lucrative career and stack shelves instead….?
He should tell them to fuck off and refuse to debase himself. To fuk with grovelling to these virtue signalling, woke, feeble ,cowardly pc cunts.
Fuck off you cricket twats.
This Is just is not on!
Its just not cricket!
When is someone caught for historical texts/emails going to refuse to apologise?
Say ‘fuck off. It were a joke’
Or ‘yeah I meant it and im not sorry’.
Fuck the brainwashing course and fuck the working with the cunts.
Id rather be sacked.
When one of us goes to court for something weve written,
No tears, no apologies, no!
Head held high, backbone ramrod straight,
“Go fuck yourselves.”
MNC@ – You hold the Judge, I’ll work the body – they’ll never take us alive!
Hopefully the Judge will be related to Sir Fiddler – he’ll let us off and give us a quid each for chips! “Tarry Toots you say boy? – Bring my bloody gun”!??
Ollie should tell them to fuck it
Very soon I see the downtrodden masses adopting Bad Vlad’s response “we will kick your fucking teeth in, you cunts”
I think I got that more or less right…………
Vlads definitely a hardman for a ducky bandit.
The qu££r without fear!
Bloc head.
Do they employ some cunt to trawl through people’s social media shit? Fuck me – what a load of absolute wank. Fucking hell – I’m glad no-one ever dug up things I said and did in my youth.
Apparently, as long as you send anything offensive to someone, like a friend, plod can’t use it against you as it is “privileged” information, i.e. only for you and the recipient. I assume the problem with social media shit is that it is open to all, as is this site (although I’m too fucking old to care. Could do with a few years in a nice open prison, tv, 3 meals a day, etc.. I suppose I would have to join the Aryan Brotherhood, but who cares?)
I see Doris has waded in supporting the lad.
If he wasn’t fucked already, he really is now.
It’s a load of shite. His suspension is all for show and just to shut the woke cunts up.
The real cunt here is the fucking melt who trawled through a decade’s worth of social media to find something to offend them.
Boil whoever that was in their own piss and throw what’s left to the pigs.
I’d tell them to Fuck Off and never play for them again.
If I had his talent I’d embarrass the soft cunts by playing like a lion at County level only.
Every institution in this once mighty nation is riddled with traitors.
Michael Vaughan on Ollie;
‘You can have a period in your life when you don’t have the right views… He is under this scrutiny. He can be rehabilitated’.
The ‘right’ views? Rehabilitated? What is he, a fucking Nazi war criminal?
Fuck off Vaughan, you mealy-mouthed BBC gobshite (and take that jug-eared wanker Lineker with you).
Fucking hell.
If anyone needs rehabilitating it’s these woke nazis.
He can certainly fuck off. How can someone born in Manchester play for Yorkshire?
Piss off Vaughan, you fuckin’ wanker.
“Right views”; “rehabilitated”. Ffs, we live in very disturbing timesand this fucking bollocks bollocks has to stop. Why not just brainwash the cunt like ‘The Manchurian Candidate’ or in Vaughan’s case, ‘The Mancunian Cuntidate’.
1944 UK: Home of Winston Churchill, the ferocious Tommy, the stiff upper lip, the salt of the earth working man, and a great sense of humour.
2021 UK: Home of the snowflake, the sniveller, the grass, the sneak, and the offended by anything humorless cunt.
Britain is finished.
Indeed Norm, this country is finished.
It’s gone downhill slowly since about 1964-5 ish, and gone downhill rapidly the last twenty years. The last couple of years it has slipped into the realms of utter stupidity, and beyond.
We’ve gone from world leaders to woke whittlers.
This country is in a truly lamentable state.
I wonder if the majority of ‘normal’ folks will have had enough soon,- to the point of civil unrest?
I sincerely hope so.
I think that I’be mentioned before that quite a few of the intake at a particular London medical school in 1972 were using expressions like, “jus’ look at the little black sambo !”
“Fuck off you bl@ck Dago shit”, “ do I have to examine that n1g n0g?
The more intelligent and perceptive students predicted that in 40 -50 year’s time some Neanderthal gorilla with lips like two obese slugs mating, and mad bulging (I’s a raping you wid ma bulging yellow bloodstained eyes) would overdose on a self-administered shot of fentanyl and keep shouting out “ I can’t breathe “ in front of some disgusting BLM faggot with a camcorder.
Most people didn’t see that coming!
Let me see…. 4 Wimmins on the board, token diversity per chance?