The BBC Jobs for BAMEs Only (48)

This time they’ve banned white people from applying for a £18,000 ‘trainee production management assistant’ job with its Science Unit in Glasgow.

The position is “only open to black, Asian and ethnically diverse candidates”.

BBC Job Discrimination

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t blatant racist shit like this against the law?

Nominated by Ruff Tuff Creampuff 

74 thoughts on “The BBC Jobs for BAMEs Only (48)

  1. The BBC is becoming darkie territory – even the Wireless 4 news – two of it’s readers Neil Newness(?) and Viggy Allis(?) sound as if they were about to say fe, fi, fo, fum and de delivery sounds sombre and stilted – they need the beat of the bongos innit man.

    The British Black Broadcasting Corrporation

    • Been catching a bit of R4 recently Mr Boggs. I think I know who you mean the fe fi go fum guy. It is the most stilted English. Then there are the American voices. Black ‘yoof,’ voices, srong regional accents. My point- the last type of voice you would expect to here now? BBC English.

      • My sister listens to R4. One day droning on about covid. Followed by the greenhouse emissions of the NHS. Followed by cis, trans whatever athletes. No wonder there are record mental health issues. Bunch of cunts, play Motorhead!!

  2. They pulled the same shit a few years ago, RTC, got away with it too despite complaints! Marxist, pea dough ring complicit, white self loathing, woke worthless trash ??

  3. It sure is RTCP, but these cunts will have some slippery employment lawyer to dodge past this.

    What did make me piss my stained underpants this morning was the part of that press release where it cited under-representation.

    Maybe I am watching the wrong BBC, but whenever I do watch it all I see is asian or bleck presenters. OK, close your eyes and most sound English, but unless they have all had long holidays in very hot countries recently and nicely tanned I’d argue there are more BAME’s on the BBC than honky’s..!

  4. The plus side is that it saves white people having to turn up for interviews where they have no hope of getting the job, regardless of their abilities.

    This shit has been going on for decades.

    30 years ago councils used to open advertise positions where only black and Asians need apply.

    • Agreed.

      In Japan the employer is permitted to specify the person they want for the job.

      For example them can specify Japanese Male aged between 25-30 years of age.

      Whilst RTC rightly suggests this practice is illegal in the UK, as you correctly say it does save time and does away with people attending interviews who have zero chance of getting the job.

      Doesn’t get away from the fact that to get on at the BBC you have to be a woman, or gay, or be non white, or a dŵ4rf or disabled. Or a combination of these.

      • Mind you, between 98% and 99% of people living in Japan are the Japanese.

        Hardly any immigration (not really permitted), combined with fantastic parenting, high standards, hard working people, rule making followed and respect for your fellow man (or woman or whatever), the net result is total harmony.

        Non immigration good- too much unskilled scum- bad.

  5. “All men are equal, but some are more equal than others”
    – George Orwell

    I met his adopted son once. Called me a liar and then demanded I apologise for lying. I told him to fuck off, so his wife and himself got up from the dinner table and fucked off. Great fun as it was the captains table on a cruise ship. Total fucking cunt, right up his own arse…

  6. They are advertising several positions nationally, with the same wording.
    Of course, they could have said:

    “We particularly welcome applications from…..”

    The cunts are so blatantly anti-White British values.
    Fuck the the BBC?

    • Does the ad stipulate that you must be a soy latté drinker, and a subscriber to The Grauniad?

      Well cunted, sir!

      For some reason WordPress is flagging your posts today. Nothing wrong with them, you might want to logout and login again or clear your cookies. Thanks – DA

  7. Fucking eggplants make up 0.7% of the population in Scotland. They make up about 3% of the British population. 96% of people in Scotland identify as white and in Britain it’s about 86-87%.
    Fuck the BBC infact fuck em all . These chocos are getting preferential treatment in all walks of life. It’s getting to the point where there are no whites on tv. I’m sure I saw a commercial the other day with several effnicks and not one white. It’s out of control. Maybe if all the whites rioted, like these cunts did last summer , we would get our country back? Let’s face it the cunts are being rewarded for trying to wreck our country.

    • When I was growing up in the east end of Glasgow in the 1960s I never, repeat never saw a black person. There were a few Pakistani bus conductors and that was it. The first black person I ever saw was a West Indian years later in Sheffield. I haven´t been back to Glasgow for a long time but I can´t imagine the streets are filled with African-Scots – with science degrees to boot.

      • They’re not. Scotland is remarkably choco free. Brixton on the other hand is like Nigeria.

  8. I cheer myself up if I get slightly down in the dumps by remembering that I have nothing at all in common with the Quislings and homosexuals at the BBC.
    They do not represent anything I would describe as British.
    They are a complete disgrace.
    A filthy sham.

    • True UT. The BBC doesn’t represent the silent majority. We, the people, are getting more pissed off day by day. The BBC is finished it’s just a matter of time.

  9. Yes it is legal. There is some loophole they wriggle through…..something about balancing up their diversified intake or some such bullshit. You can bet they’ve had their fancy lawyers all over it….all paid for by us naturally.
    Bunch of fucking cunts.

    • If they hire more than 3% of blacks, we can sue for under-representation of whites.

      I wonder if that would work ?

  10. Listening to Radio 4 these days is like listening to Phil Cools “Lenny Henry impression”, a varied selections from “myncing fayreies” all the way up bantu patios, but a WASP is now as rare as rocking horse shit at BBC,unless they are unashamedly Marxist cunts of course!!!

    • Exactly SC, there’s no benefit to employing “bliks” anymore as you they’re lazy but you have to pay them the same, I used to pay $5 a week with free board and bag of rice to mine, starving now, poor cunts!!!

    • It’s Equal Opportunity, as long as they can do the job. Why the fuck not. This equality shit gets right on my tits.

  11. This sort of diabolical apartheid in reverse has been going on for years at the Savile Shelter.

    I recall when there were auditions held for Doctor Who a good while back. The Beeb insisted it was for ‘black female actors only’ and the cringeworthy Bill The Black Lezza Wonder Horse was born. But there wasn’t a whisper about in the media and no cunt complained.

    But, had it been an audition that wanted white and attractive actresses only – as opposed to only black and ugly ones – there would still be a snowflake mushroom cloud shimmering on the horizon to this day.

  12. “This is not a job but a training role”.

    What are they training for? A job.

    • With an £18k salary. So therefore it must be a ‘job’ surely?

      What planet do these cunts think we live on?

  13. I thoroughly approve of employing sams. At work they all call me ‘suh’ and ‘baas’, unlike my paler colleagues who are more likely to go with ‘Oy, cunt!’

  14. Haven’t you all noticed that the MSM and films on Netflix are over represented by Fuzzy haired types .

  15. Affirmative action, positive discrimination, dress it up however you like, its anti-white racism. I was going to say you wouldn’t do this if it was a heart surgeon or an airline pilot as lives are at risk but then remembered United Airlines in the US recently launched an action plan to make 50% of their pilots women or people of colour.

  16. What ever happened to white jobs for white workers, or was it British jobs for British workers ?

    There was some cunt (well they are all cunts) in the House of Commons wanting to extend the deadline for EU citizens applying for settled status, ffs, there have already been Five and Half million, what happened to the figure that there were only about 3.5 million.

    With all the EU lot, dark types and peacefuls, white English or White British will be a fucking minority in a decade.

    The BBC are cunts!

    • “…white English or White British will be a fucking minority in a decade.”
      Nah Sicky, that Rubicon is scheduled (on current demographic trends) to arrive around 2070-75. Seems a lot more immediately threatening if you think of it as another 10 parliaments from now.




      “The BBC are cunts!”
      Can’t find fault with a single word of that.

  17. Anyone remember that crazy period in history where people got jobs because they could do them?
    “Diversity, inclusivity, quotas”.
    Dress the words up how you want but this is in its essence racism against white people.
    Where are all the highly paid “professors” and protest groups to call this out?
    I wonder how many highly paid individuals in education, politics, the police etc feel the same as me – my bet is a hell of a lot but they dare not raise their concerns as they will be “cancelled”.
    Time for a collective effort from all to stop this madness – society is at the fulcrum and it’s time to resist or slide into darkness.

    • Just imagine people able to do a job (well) actually being employed on merit it would be like the industrial revolution all over again. Oh what great strides our nation could make without having to fill vacancies based on anti white racism. Well said vernon

  18. Man comes along – “Yes I’d like to apply for the position.

    BBC selection commitee – ” Sorry bruh, you’s da wrong race innit”

    Blatant discrimination.

    There’s no way you can tart it up as anything else.

    There’s no other way it could be tarted up.

  19. I yield to no-one in my contempt for Radio 4, which has been exhaustively cunted above, and earlier. If it isn’t gaggles of wimminz giggling at each other’s tedious opinions, it’s Nigerian authoresses, “poets” of any shade or stripe, proselytising homosexuals, and the allegedly literary output thereof, the Archers, which has not been cunted lately probably because it is completely unlistenable, and the news slanted in favour of black rioters and looters. Anyone expressing the thought that we’ve had far too much of this shit and please make it stop, is a far-right extremist.

    BUT…but. This story is linked to the Daily Mail, RTC. And Private Eye this week, parts of which are still just readable without chucking up, points out that:

    The Mail group will soon be taking on the tenth recruit to its two-year Stephen Lawrence Scholarship in Journalism scheme. The advert for the role makes it clear that it is open only to ” an aspiring journalist with broad interests, and a black, Asian or minority ethnic background.”

    They came for the Mail then, and nobody even noticed.. The pandemic of woke, very likely caused by a mutated mouse parasite, is now out of control.

    • Oh, and the BBC is offering 18K. The Mail’s paying 20K and giving the cunts two years’ training.

  20. Put it this way though, they certainly weren’t invited to job applications to the KKK, Stormabteilung, SS or circa 1941 Hugo Boss uniform models.

  21. It needs someone with the will and the money (for a good QC) to test the Act by taking the BBC to court on discrimination grounds. Unless this happens, cunts like the BBC will get clean away with pulling this shit forever more.


      • Not CS?

        He might do mates rates if we’re nice….

        Oh shit – I’ve used the n word again!

      • Nice and Tidy, RTC?

        Although I had been told last year to expect to be “promoted” to silk, I was disappointingly passed over yet again; the “Emva Cream” remains tantalisingly out of reach. Not my area of expertise, in any case. Sorry!

        You don’t need a QC, however, to advise that any such ideas of class actions under Equality legislation are destined to fail until such time as the Corporation has recruited up to the relevant quotas.

        Contrary perhaps to appearances (for the casual viewer or listener) employees of the BBC are still overwhelmingly white. The vast majority on the payroll are “invisible” researchers, assistants, producers &c – and these people are almost exclusively white, as I expect you already know.

      • Actually I don’t. How would one go about obtaining the racial profile /breakdown of BBC staff /employees? Afternoon CS.

      • Tünaydın¹, efendim. You ostensibly have an Internet connection, RTC, so if interested, a good way to “go about obtaining the racial profile /breakdown of BBC staff /employees” might be to Google it.

        A 0.002 second search found this, although I’d approach those figures with a measure of scepticism. That glossy 2017-78 .pdf is of the BBC’s own confection. There is plenty more information, but 0.002 seconds was long enough.

        My point was, and remains, that the Corporation is well on top of this stuff from a legal perspective. Even Karon Monaghan (One, Two, Cherie at Matrix is the wrong QC, btw) would not take on such work, as it would be unethical to egg on a paying plaintiff. Unless it was for sporting reasons, and pro bono, that is.

        ¹ interestingly, in four years in Turkey I never once heard this word actually used. It becomes “iyi akșamlar” from around 5pm, prior to which it is simply “iyi günler”

        Hi CS, hope you’re well. However, I’ve got a deep philosophical quandry for you. Who’s your favourite cast member from Scooby Doo? I mean you have the hippie analogue, the generic nerd stereotype, the butch one and the attractive girl trope. – DA

      • *2017-18

        **also, you do hear “günaydın” for “good morning”, but never tünaydın – curiously

      • Tün is an archaism for ‘night’ which probably accounts for it being very rarely used today for the afternoon. You might find it more often in Germany, where it means ‘fence’, to the confusion of the gastarbeiter.

        Good to see your Turkish-reference filter is still working well, btw.

    • If this rubbish was reversed Whitey only need apply it would be straight into the House of Lords and into the Supreme Court
      When is this rubbish going to end people should be employed on their ability to do the job not the colour of their skin BBC not fit for purpose scrap it ASAP ??

  22. Positive discrimination. I fucking hate that expression with a vengeance. Whoever thought it up should be hung, drawn and quartered then burnt at the stake. A far more accurate term would be preferential treatment. According to the Collins dictionary, discriminate means: “single out a particular person or group for special disfavour or favour”. Just adding ‘positive’ to it doesn’t make a blind bit of fucking difference to the meaning of the word. Apparently, Positive Discrimination is illegal under UK Law as it is still discrimination and breaks the Equality Act of 2010. Here’s an example which surely the BBC advert has broken: “Hiring a BAME employee to fill diversity and minority group quotas over a more qualified non-BAME employee. This is positive racial discrimination.”

  23. The BBC has form in this having also recently advertised for a BAME only candidate for a position as a trainee solicitor.

    There is a stupid exemption under the EqAct allowing positive discrimination in training roles. But if all trainees are going to be dark-keys and Bames, how are whites going to get the training? In future all professionals will be dark-keys. Expect standards and service to go down the tubes.


  24. Technically this is illegal under article 14 (I think) Human rights Act 1998 no matter what shit the bbc spout about inclusiveness, diversity the wording of the article is very clear any discrimination due to race, religion, disability bicycle type, etc is illegal As Human rights Act usurps any other law proof of which being the number of terrorist scum, and other dross walking our streets the bbc should be given a swift kick in the balls and get on with producing television for the masses who pay their fucking wages. Some may think that some legal eagle would leap at the chance of the massive legal aid bill typically generated by Human Rights cases in this case it seems the answer is no . Bollocks to the lot of them

    • “..the bbc should be given a swift kick in the balls”
      You’d be in for a long search finding them.

  25. Legal, not legal, doesn’t matter, who’s going to challenge it?
    Fuck em.

  26. Very archaically indeed (and therefore effectively irrelevantly) you are partially correct, Komodo, but more partially you are, I demonstrate, way off.

    Although your etymological assessment is convincing in that argument, Komodo, the idea that tün is to “tünaydın” as gün is to “günaydın” implies “tün” means darkness because “gün” means light (as in güneş meaning Sun) sounds convincing. It may even be correct, though I expect that the analysis of “tün” necessarily being an opposite to “gün” is stretching etymology to an unnecessary limit.

    However, you acquire much egg on your chin when you attempt to generalise from “tün” (dark, TR) => “fence” in German. No, no, no: Zaun (fence, German) is indeed the same root as “town” in English, and “tuin” (= garden) in Dutch. These words simply connote the concept of “being enclosed”. A town, a fence, and a garden all have in common the notion of enclosure.

    Turkish “tün”, which may or may not connote “darkness, sunlessness” is utterly unconnected with tuin/town/Zaun meaning enclosure.

    All good clean fun, though, and I haven’t got a Scooby Doo about cast members (whatever they may look like) from Scooby Doo, sorry DA

    How about your favourite Spice Girl then? I’m a very equal opportunities question asker. Kinda liked Ginger myself back in the day.- DA

    • My memory of The Spice Girls is the same as my memory of Carven «Ma Griff» perfume. I remember the name and the hype, but I don’t recall the sound or mutatis mutandis the smell

      Haha never change CS, you’re funny. However I will point out there are other admins who don’t speak latin or French and can’t understand irony in other languages. – DA

      • Çok teșsekuler. Bizde, eine se’nız. En önemli bir şey, herzaman kapatılmıștır… sizin için bir az zor.

        Ama… hayat zor. Hayat, sanielı, çok zor!

      • (that is an Ulus Ankara, dialect/argot ca 1999)

        I’m having some deep fried, battered prawns shortly served with gherkin/caper/sharp mayonnaise (=tartare) sauce and a Scotch Bonnet chilli remoulade. Smells divine, but I know ill regret it tomorrow. Also, some brown shrimp in nutmeg butter on hot snippets, smoky lamb chops from this afternoon’s braai and pan-fried halloumi about to come through. The Too Pepe, Bombay Sapphire and Wray & Nephew have been flowing freely since 8 ish.

        A good evening, although the guests are of limited imagination. Good contacts though. Just had a pee in the kitchen sink for anonymity… Back to the fray and the titbit now.

        Mmmm. Just arrived and looking succulent and goid.

        Firstly, they’re capers as you never just have one. Secondly shrimp (which as you’re English you’ll know are referred to as prawns in this country) and nutmeg sounds confusing. Just make a ceviche or a lovely bisque? Who eats pan fried halloumi any more? that’s very 2008. Are you running a nandos? Also Bombay Sapphire is worse than value gin. Buy Plymouth Gin instead and I think you spelled ‘good’ as ‘goid’. I do hope you enjoy your fictional meal.

        And beyond all welcome to another subject I appear to know more about than you. – DA

    • Wow, DA. Your bizarre (and wrong) critique makes you sound more pissed than I am. Impressed!

      More than one caper? (yes, a small jarful). It’s still “caper sauce” (and not “capers” sauce, though).

      Shrimp/prawn/nutmeg confusing? Not when you buy pots of brown Southport shrimp with a thick layer of nutmeg butter. No ceviche or bisques; these are chilled, potted brown shrimps and very tasty they are too. Was £48/kg, I got five tubs (@60 gramme each) for £12. Pleased.

      Bombay Sapphire is OK for £16 litre from Morrisons, and I love squeaky fried halloumi to clean my teeth.

      All very good scran, but fkn dull company tbh

      It’s okay CS I still like you – DA

    • Also misspelt Tio Pepe.
      And I am happy to clarify with regard to the shrimp.
      Brown shrimp warmed gently in salted butter, nutmeg and black pepper, then left to fridge cool and congeal, is dish subsequently served cold, on hot toast.
      Known as ‘potted shrimp’ and a great British culinary delight.
      I am a pedant and a cunt.

      • “<>”
        Then a polite word of advice.
        Don’t change the eatery, just stop eating alone.

    • @ Admin -“tün” appears to be a trigger word for the generation of voluminous bollocks. Better have a word with WordPress?

  27. Science and Black Africans goes together like
    A french kiss at a family reunion.

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