Sheffield University and Darwin.
I know I recently cunted Sheffield “University”, but they’ve been at it again and I think it important to draw attention to their antics. Not content with dismissing Newton as a white saviour that deserves cancelling, they have turned their attention to Darwin because he held “racist views” and allegedly used his theory of natural selection to justify white male superiority. This is despite Darwin’s support for the abolition of slavery, which he called a “sacred cause” and said that it “makes one’s blood boil”.
The “university’ has also told staff and students to no longer call our greatest scientists “founding fathers”, “idols” or “geniuses” and to avoid “hero worshipping” scientific figures. Presumably because no white man can be a genius or a hero and references to patriarchy must be avoided. I presume that from now on we can only have “founding mothers”, as long as they are not white.
This “university” goes on to preach that this practice treats them as “white saviours” and erases less privileged scholars. The “whiteness and Eurocentrism of our science” must be dismantled, they declare. Who are these less privileged scholars? Darwin explained evolution and it accepted because the theory matches the observed facts. Privilege has nothing to do with it – Darwin was right and that’s that.
The “university” goes on to say that “science cannot be objective and apolitical…….the curriculum we teach must acknowledge how colonialism has shaped the field of evolutionary biology and how evolutionary biologists think today”. Unscientific garbage. Scientists teach evolution because it’s a scientific observation which has been proven to be correct.
It’s correct that evolution has been occasionally abused to justify racist doctrines. The Nazi’s famously did this. Isn’t the correct approach to say that evolution is correct as a scientific theory but it has been abused by some disreputable scientists with an ideological agenda to push? In other words, treat students as educated adults that can work out the truth for themselves. University is supposed to teach critical thinking after all.
A word of advice to any aspiring scientists. Avoid Sheffield “university “. You are likely to emerge from a course there as scientifically illiterate.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
Seconded by..who would have thunk it..Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine:
If I might just add something further here.
It’s correct that the situation with Darwin is a bit more nuanced. He did regard whites to be advanced over dark-keys and men over women. But that, I’m afraid, was the accepted attitude of the day. Why draw attention to it? It’s the science that matters. A scientist is simply the conduit for a discovery. It matters not a jot what his personal beliefs are and he stands or falls on the science, nothing more.
Who gives a shit. Fubk em.
We truly are entering a new Dark Age.
A momentous cunting MMCM.
Are the scientific views of Sheffield poly “settled”? If you send your cherished children to this indoctrination centre you deserve all the hatred coming your way from your own offspring.
More woke bollocks.
The march of cultural Marxism and all of its lies and insanity continues on its way, virtually unopposed, through the education system.
These brainwashed and self loathing students will be in political power 15 to 20 years from now.
Happy days.
Terrifying isn’t it? As Ruff says, a new Dark Age.
It’s a ‘Dark Age’, alright. I sometimes think I’m watching Ugandan television because whites are so rare in commercials. Remind me I’m not?
Whole situation sounds like a Creationists paradise!
I would just mention one point, MMCM, I don’t think evolution has been proven. There is strong evidence, yes, but proven no.
Fair enough TBRILW. I recognise it has its detractors. And disagreeing with it on rational grounds is ok in my book…..but not because Darwin was a typical Victorian man.
I will add not proven 100% rather than not proven, MMCM. If it was indeed proven 100% it would’ve solved a lot of arguments!
As for Darwin’s ‘racist agenda’, white males are superior to everyone and that has been proven! So read em and weap, woke 😀
Weap? Water evaluation and planning?
Fuck off!
There is no way Ian Blackford is my superior.
Ian Black-pudding isn’t a real man.
He’s a tubby custard cunt, hung like a minnow.
What are the other competing theories at the moment? Lamarkism??Creationism?? Anything else?
It doesn’t really matter what are competing theories are, in much the same way as what started the universe, the Big Bang or the beardy fella. There is either 100% proof or there isn’t.
Without 100% proof you can only go on evidence. Both sides ridicule the others evidence so without a 100% proof it boils down to faith in the evidence, on both sides.
It were Radio Gnome Invisible aided by the Pot Head Pixies. Everyone knows that.
I arksed what other theory would you hang all the evidence on!
So which one?
As I am not religious there is plenty of evidence about Darwin’s theory. If I was a creationist I would be happy with the evidence that God did it. As none of them have been proved 100% either side can lay claim that the evidence is in their favour. As I have already mentioned, but it seems I need to mention it again, it all boils down to the faith you have in the evidence provided.
By the way, you don’t “hang all the evidence on” anything when you can’t prove something 100%, you just go by the evidence provided when it comes to determining a solution/answer.
RTC, I kept this on the QT because of Caught Boring and what would probably turn out to be his incredibly dull Gong memoir, but I probably have almost everything Gong ever made on vinyl. My collection did indeed start with the Flying Teapot. I also have some of Steve Hillage’s stuff.
On vinyl I have Camembert, Radio Gnome Pt.1 and Shamal. Most everything else on CD.
You’re right, forgot about CS…. we’ll really be in for it if he reads these posts! ?
Sheffield Hallam is the Sheffield of Northern universitys. Total shithole.
Why am I constantly thinking Nick Clegg while reading through this cunting? Weird. Anyway all these universities and colleges such as Kings & imperial are indoctrination centres and are nothing but breeding grounds for future cunts. Just look at the so called expert corona bullshit dripping from the orifices of these places. The clues are there.. cunts
This shit is getting ridiculously out of hand.
I would love to see how many of these lefty fuckwits would dare walk through Burngreave after dark.
If they did I think they would change their mind very quickly with regard to who are the REAL dangerous racists (and r*pists).
Darwinism has no explanation as to why the black and muslim nations of the world have not progressed one iota for 100,000 years.
Islam has yoked it’s adherents only for a few hundred using ignorance and evil.. However there is an explanation for sub-saharan Africans that lies in genetics and the Neanderthal and other early human genes that they lack. Which is very Darwinian.
This shit will not end well. The collapse of western civilisation is upon us. We are clearing the way for a straight fight between the RoPers and the fiendish yellow people. My money is on the latter to win without the need for penalties. .
The yellows are not savvy enough to create an effective COVID vaccine though. Their one is pretty crap by all accounts. It took the UK, US and Germany to come up with the best vaccines. Maybe all is not lost after all.
the yellows did come up with the virus itself to be fair
That’s true. You’d think they’d know how to cure it then? Cupid stunts.
I agree with Sheffield uni on this one, and it should be taught that white colonialism does dominate the world of science, because without it, there wouldn’t be any fucking science, or do they think that Wakanda is real?
Without the likes of Darwin, we would still be grovelling in front of one of the different coloured buckets of shit called religion, without electricity, thinking the world was flat.
Darwin was only looking at the evidence when he referred to racial inequality when it came to intelligence. At the time of the industrial revolution, where the modern western world was born, in Africa, they were pumping out ten kids each, in the hope that one or two would survive the famine that pumping out ten kids creates. What has changed?
is it so radical to think that humans living under different selective pressures over tens or hundreds of thousands of years could have evolved differently?
Imagine a scene, albeit hugely unlikely, whereby the white working class, the so-called white-underclass, and many other white people who don’t feel “white privilege” applies to them, suddenly downed tools in unison and said “Enough is Enough!”
Millions of ordinary white people from all different social backgrounds, decided to stop going to work, stop going to school, stop going to sports events and concert gigs… and just went on strike, protesting in the streams that “White Plebs Matter”
When it comes to rewriting or papering over history to suit a political agenda – look no further than a quick Google search of European people history, US inventors, white women and children (mainly all of African descent or white women with sub saharan male partners)
Hardly a white straight male in sight.
I have mentioned this before so apologies for that but what the fuck is all that about???
Maybe Technocunt could offer an explanation to this absurd fake information Internet cuntishness because I’m fucked if I know.
‘Whites more advanced than Dar kees.’
Unfortunately all the evidence points this way.
Nobel prizes? Top level scientists? Africa? American blecks? The Caribbean? The Bell Curve (discredited because it doesnt fit the agenda, despite ranking Asians as highest IQs)? Criminality? Technologies? Gross stupidity? (Africa again) Literature? Colour over merit? (see Oscars, Brits, any number of prizes, casting in dramas and adverts, etc etc.- All work on affirmative action which has worked so well in Seffrica, reducing it to ruins)
And best of all the chips on their shoulders.
They call it DEcolonisation, when in actual fact its just plain old colonisation in progress. They have to subvert the white civilization through poisoning children’s minds coz they know that they’d lose in a straight up fight.
These people suffer from an inferiority complex because they know deep down that they are inferior.
Small Man Syndrome.
‘I’ve achieved fuck all in my life and I’m unlikely to be remembered, even by my grandchildren. But I’m BETTER than the scientific genius Charles Darwin because I once ate at an Ethiopian restaurant.”
Apparently, the Biology Department at Fiddler University only uses the racist bits from The Descent Of Man.
LMS or Little Man Syndrome it is known as here.
You can spot them a mile away on the Internet as they are always pretending to be big and strong 😀
An ethiopian restaurant. I shudder to think!
What tip did you leave? “try banging the rocks together you fucking baboon”
Blacks were just the prototype, whites are the real deal.
Not sure why the prototypes were black, now that is a mystery.
Of course these plastic professors at universities choose to forget the abject poverty the mostly white working classes suffered over the last 300 hundred years, especially during the Industrial Revolution.
Yes, there weer jobs aplenty, but working conditions were appalling, as was the pay. And of course there no unions back in the day either. So the paymaster overlords could treat their workers like scum knowing full well there would be plenty more down the line to replace the weak and unprofitable.
These “experts” also seem to forget the many millions of white plebs who were conscripted to fight in the various wars over the last 200 years, not least for WWI, and in part WWII. These innocent men were forced to fight for king and country (The Establishment, in other words). And if they didn’t they would end up with an envelope in the post with a white feather inside, denoting cowardice.
The survivors were momentarily labelled “heroes”, but before you could say “Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener KG, KP, GCB, OM, GCSI, GCMG, GCIE,” they were forgotten about, and forced back onto civvy street to fend for themselves.
But none of that makes for good history, so will soon be branded “inaccurate” and erased from the history books!
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” (George Santayana, 1905)
Or as Winston Churchill put it in 1948:
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.”
I don’t know enough about the Darwin Awards to know whether a corporate entity has ever been a recipient but it would be ironic, not to mention funny as fuck, if this dispenser of toilet paper degrees became one by ‘woking’ itself out of existence.
Anybody fancy hiring a bulldozer and a crane with a wrecking ball and demolishing this piss pathetic excuse for a university?
Or abolish state loans/grants for economically useless courses.
Saving us money and eliminating the woke at the same time.
As a Sheffield resident I can tell you that this is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to idiocy, wokeness, lefty claptrap and other assorted bullshit. The ‘City of Sanctuary’, a stupid cunt Mayor who ‘bans’ Donald Trump from entering our city. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again so long as I’ve got a hole in my arse, the residents of Sheffield would vote for the embalmed corpse of Kim Jong Il if he wore a red Labour rosette.
Yea same here. In Hull everyone moans about the roads all being dug up and turned into cycle lanes, yet EVERY SINGLE election they all vote liebore….
…you get what you fucking deserve.
Election or Selection? Makes you wonder at times.
I tried to read the guide and gave up on it after 2 minutes; ffs it is ridiculous. I would like to tell the non-entity who wrote this that you can thank Britain for the inventions listed below that have benefitted everyone on the planet and they have nothing to do with racism or colonialism:
Laws of Newton
The Telephone
Then I would like the author to read this claim that 40% of the world’s discoveries came from Britain and no doubt I would watch it vomit on the spot, in the manner of a reverse Little Britain character:
Sheffield Uni, founded in 1828, at the peak of Empire. Put that in your diversity pipe.
Quite simply, white Western European’s are the pinnacle of Humanity.
Africans and Sand n##gers are the low hanging fruit.
Every bloody thing’s racist now. See –
In such distinguished company, I am proud to be a racist
Good to see you back K, I trust you are well rested?
No change here on the tinfoil front, if anything it’s got worse…
Thank you, RTC. Well and doubly vaccinated* – hope you are the same. I’ll try and ignore the hattery from now on – part of the ISAC deal, I suppose. Freedom of speech is freedom of speech, and that’s a declining asset almost everywhere else.
* I have not yet turned into a 5G mast…
Oh no, ffs!
Tell your kids NOT to go to sheffield university.
I have in front of me a list of candidates with what on paper look like promising employees.
Wait a minute! They went to Sheffield?!
They can fuck right off !!!
One of the attractions for embracing the woke (for “academics”) is you are right on with your students thus increasing your chance of leg over with those you take a special shine to male/female. Another advantage is job security, toe the line your career is fine; and again promotion is quicker if you take it up the shitter in many cases. With all these degrees like coracle building and law, stage lighting theory and Botany the job market is most competitive for teachers of said subjects so a total embracing of the woke ensure that the lucky have a bloody good salary and a half decent pension.
True, dat