Sean O’Grady (2)

I hereby nominate Sean O’Grady as a grade A cunt. This loathsome cretin meets all my criteria for nomination, namely:
1. Is a marxist piece of shit
2. Assumes the moral high ground, irrespective of facts.
3. Has a shit eating smile and is a chinless inbred (ok that was ad hominem but indulge me my venom)
4. Pontificates about serious medical matters that trample rights that have been prized from the hands of a contemptuous elite over many centuries.
5. Writes for the “Independent”
6. Appeals to wokers, progressives and morons in general.
Sean O’Grady believes in medical tyranny and fulfils all the check boxes of being a clinical imbecile.

Nominated by: Conny Cock Quaffer III

Helpful link provided by: W. C., Boggs

He has tried to give a boost to this fading o;d Blairite trollop:

Look at the old tart – it’s Sunset Boulevard all over again (“I;m ready for my close=up now, Mr. DeMille”). The look of disain suggests she has just stepped off a reverse cowgirl from John Prescott.

I’d say O’Grady passes the test for an egregious cunt of the first water.

68 thoughts on “Sean O’Grady (2)

  1. Never heard of either cunt. The woman has risen without trace and will no doubt sink in the same way.

  2. I had no idea that this Addams Family reject was the Shadow Chancellor. In fact, i’ve never heard of her. Who the fuck is she?
    Just shows you how irrelevant the Labour Party has become…….nobody gives a fuck except a few champagne socialists like O’Grady, O’Shithead, Gaylord Owen and Polly Posho Toynbee. The Independent should be done under the Trades Description Act for the title alone. Mind you, you could say the same about the fucking Labour Party. When have any of those cunts ever “laboured” in their posh, privileged lives?

    • I imagine it takes considerable graft to become the cunts of epic proportions that these people are.

    • I didn’t know who he was either. Goes to show how worthless and obsolete Labour are. Everyone knew the old mob: Jim Callaghan, Tony Benn, Denis Healey, Shirley Williams, Michael Foot. And the other cunts: Satan Blair, Jack Straw, Two Jags Fat Cunt. People only knew of Jihad Corbyn, Abbott The Hutt and IRA McDonnell because they were a laughing stock.

      Now Labour are like where flies go in Winter.
      Nobody knows and nobody fucking cares.

  3. Unkle Terry oven for some baking potatoes, oh and shove this cunt in at the same time, save on the gas…be more economically viable that way..two for one

  4. After the nasty business in Germany in the 1930s-40s international law was made to outlaw forced and coerced taking of any medicine including vaccine. This cunt wants to make those who refuse the vaccine to be denied NHS treatment, a job and their children denied education. Well there we have it. In the end it all comes back to freedom or Hitler and little Hitlers. “Put that light out”. He should change jobs and be a parking attendant.

    • Thats the problem in this country.
      Too many architects.
      Not enough skilled jobs,
      Like Big issue salesman.

      • Definitely too many architects! Fortunately they are busy stabbing the shit out of each other which keeps the numbers under control.

  5. Lock the Marxist cunt in an iron box for 2 days.
    Then pretend to be the police come to the rescue.
    Open box and drop hand grenade in.
    Shut box.
    Go to the pub.

    • Simply perfect.
      That sort of attention to cruelty and mindless violence is a dying skill in this country Terry.
      Keep it up!?

      • I like the “go to pub” touch. A good work/life balance is very underrated.

  6. There’s not much that winds me up more than some posh, rich, middle class do gooder waving a sign that says “Refugees Welcome.”
    Oh yeah cocksucker? Let’s move the bastards in next door to you shithead. We’ll see how welcome they are then. Cunt.

    • Another North London, Islington wine circle twat. The sort of cunt with shades of Ed Miliband whom is stumped by the humble British bacon sarnie, the personification of the Empire in sandwich form, probably. The only time this M’tebh loving wanker will see a foreigner is a former Ugandan child soldier, now local council traffic warden, checking the residents permit on his Prius plug-in.

    • Wears a kimono for bed.
      Red or pink jeans to play out in.
      Thinks he knows best.
      Soft hands,
      Like fair trade falafel.
      Says “whoops a daisy” if stumbles.
      Drives a eleccy car.
      A grade A cunt.

    • If he had kids he wouldn’t welcome rapefugees. But he doesn’t look capable or even inclined.

  7. He has the look of someone who models dirty raincoats for a living.

    “Hello sonny, would you like to see some puppies?”

  8. You should have put ‘writes for The Independent’ as point 1, then nobody would have read any further about this cunt.

  9. I’d love to corrale a dozen Somalian ‘refugees’, i.e. ‘young children’ (with five o’clock shadows of course) and warmly invite them to live in the houses either side of this virtue signalling cunt.

    I’d piss my pants with laughter watching him become stressed and sweaty like a fat old gammon as the cunts fill his wheely bins with their shit, leaving him no space for his own recycling, dropping faeces and rubbish over the rear garden fences into his (no doubt) beautiful rear garden. Watching shady females come and go, along with dozens of male ‘visitors’ day and night. Loud music, rubbish piled up on the street, shouty Somalians. His wife and teenage daughter harrassed. Windows smashed and car damaged Lovely fucking jubbly.

    Refugees welcome – yes, please – come and live next to this cunt.

  10. The bogtrotters generally work against the greater good, anything to crush their supreme overlords on the mainland suffices, but this fucking weasel is an extra inbred fenian cunt with a massive chip on his shoulder!!!!

    • Believe me Capt, the same style of cunt is working to turn the fields of Athenry into the Swat valley. It’s shocking over.

  11. It’s quite incredible how the inner Nazi comes to the surface given the right conditions. Or the inner inquisitor. Same shit, different era.

    These primitive cunts don’t even care to think about what it is they advocate, think or say.

    Fucking lunatics.

  12. “Refugees welcome”.
    Sean O’Grady putting them up in his mansion then?
    Thought not.

    • He would probably get one from the same place as Lineker.

      “Yes one with an engineering degree or medical qualification please. Speaks good English, family tragically killed in a US drone strike and no terrorist affiliations. A gay would be good too as I have teenage daughters.”

  13. Im running a workshop where you can get in touch with your inner nazi.
    Also a Torquemada course for your inner inquisitor.
    Armbands will be provided

    In the interest of health and safety, steeltoe boots should be worn at all times.*
    *Boots not provided

      • Day1.
        8.30am breakfast.
        9am Ranting
        10.30am goose-stepping for beginners
        12-lunch and beer
        2pm intermediate ranting and manic staring .
        3pm luger shooting
        4pm dog handling or if raining panzer driving
        5pm teatime and beer

  14. # Refugees welcome.

    As long as you lead by example old boy and take one or two in yourself.

  15. Who the fuck is this scruffy mong? Did someone say shadow chancellor of the exchequer? Never heard of him. Looks like some twat they picked up at a train spotters convention.

      • Interestingly enough I saw a group of pushbikers this weekend who were all dressed in the same ridiculous lycra suits and bell-end helmets. I followed them for a while and every so often the one who was at the back would pull out (no hand-signal)and pedal like fuck to the front..they were in single-file and I could have overtaken but was quite intrigued by this new level of fuckwittery….eventually I got bored,put my hand on the horn (in case one of the Cunts decided to pull out as I went through) and went past.
        It was a fucking red hot day ( I was on my way to the Pub.)….what possible pleasure can these extraordinary people get from such an activity?

    • @ Fiddler.They probably derive pleasure from their sweaty, lycra clad ringpieces sliding back and forth on that hard saddle …..
      Back and forth …
      Back and forth …
      Faster … faster …. faster !!
      The filthy cunts.
      Definitely gays.
      Don’t stare, Dick.
      You’ll become afflicted.
      Be careful out there.
      Don’t want to read about an overturned Hilux with a slowly spinning wheel and a broken sobbing man with a shattered arsehole, abandoned in the heather.
      Evening, Dick.

      • Evening,Jack.

        I saw an adder sunning itself this morning while I was out with the Hounds…if you come to Northumberland in your mobile-home you must be careful that one doesn’t get into the latrine bucket…..which it undoubtedly will if I work out just where you’ve illegally pitched your wobble-box.

      • Won’t be long now, Dick.
        We’re coming ………
        We’re coming ………

      • You will have to bring some reinforcements and circle around like some wagon train in the wild west, Jack.

        Better hope there is a Terry-Thomas marathon on Talking Pictures that day and Fiddler is too preoccupied.

      • @ LL
        ” Circle around”…they’ll have to circle because most caravanners certainly can’t reverse the fucking things…. I remember laughing like a drain as I watched one jack-knife into a ditch when he was forced to try and go back a few yards to let a timber-wagon through.

      • @LL. As a committed pyromaniac, Ethel has devised a cunning diversionary tactic, namely, to fire Fiddlers barn. He’ll be busy for days, damping down.
        Hope he’s insured.

    • I said before you need to embrace the Lycra.

      The bicyclists are the way forward. apparently.

      A bit like electric cars, and all because Mrs Prime Minister Johnston has said so.

      • Mr. Johnson’ll be waiting a fucking long time before I take to a pushbike.

  16. He looks like he’s just found that piece of paper stuck to his back, and he’s jolly annoyed that no one had drawn an arrow on it pointing to his arse.
    A fucking limp cock lefty cunt cunt.

  17. Send him a couple straight from Dover. If it was up to me they’d fill his house with the cunts that are awaiting deportation.

    The below is taken from another of his articles from the independent.

    “What shall we do about the anti-vaxxers? A presumptuous question, I know, because they’re human beings, same as the majority of the population who choose to take the Covid-19 vaccines, and we’re all entitled to do what we will or won’t with our own bodies.

    But the time has come when the hard choices are looming closer. If we don’t want this Covid crisis to last forever, we need some new simple, guidelines: No jab, no job; no jab, no access to NHS healthcare; no jab, no state education for your kids. No jab, no access to pubs, restaurants, theatres, cinemas, stadiums. No jab, no entry to the UK, and much else.”

    Sorry can’t get the link to copy.

    He thinks it’s fine to arrive illegally with no papers and more diseases than you can shake a stick at but if you’re British with papers but no vaccine you’re not coming in.

    Writes for the independent but demands sanctions on those who dare to make independent choices. The cunt wants a dictatorship. There’s a push in the political world to tone down democracy to allow a faster response to emergencies such as a pandemic. What the cunts mean Is they look at China and envy the control there communist dictatorship government have of the masses.

    This cunt is a cheerleader for everything that’s bad for citizens of this country.

    • Cunts like him spouting utter shit like that makes me even more determined not to take the experimental gene therapy MRNA ‘jab’.

    • Plus this hard of thinking, Marxist arsehole hasn’t considered how his proposal would work beyond his fucking soundbite.

      OK deny NHS care. What if this person is at risk of a heart attack or stroke? Let them die? Really? What a caring cunt you are.

      Many Lefties are poisonous cunts. This spunkbubble deserves to drown in a puddle of his own piss.

      • Yep, what about smokers and drinkers. Let’s stop them getting NHS treatment then. Bet the cunt won’t suggest that.

  18. Is he about to stick that notice on Unkle Terry’s oven ?
    Maybe we’ve misjudged him.
    Good evening.

    • Thank you Jack
      He’s going in first with his little sign round his commie blek savage loving neck.
      Brittania Rules The Waves in the background.

  19. And the winner of this week’s Heinrich Himmler lookalike contest is……

  20. The cunt needs a tactical nuclear weapon detonated about his person.

    Instant vapourisation and death.

    Hopefully the fallout will also take out many of the rape-fugees the cunt seems so keen to welcome.

    What a piss boiling piece of shit this cunt is. Good nom.

  21. 520 illegal immicunts arrived over the Channel this weekend in boats and are threatening to riot unless they get housed in the Ritz pronto. And this cunt says their welcome? Their welcome alright. Welcome to fuck off back to whichever shithole they came from. Cunts.

    • They should be offered to the Drowned God before they can even set foot on this soil.

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