Robin DiAngelo is an American academic and the high priestess of wokedom. As an academic she specialises in the pseudo-sciences of critical discourse analysis and “whiteness studies”. She is the author of the regrettably bestselling book “White Fragility” and has gone into businesses selling diversity training courses to corporations.
DiAngelo’s central thesis is a lamentable one totally lacking in empirical evidence. It’s the idea that whites are inherently defensive about their status as white people and lash out with hostility when their perceived racial superiority is threatened. Scratch the surface of any white person and a savage racist will appear. This “white fragility” , DiAngelo writes, “is a state in which even a minimal challenge to the white position becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves including: argumentation, invalidation, silence, withdrawal and claims of being attacked and misunderstood. These moves function to reinstate white racial equilibrium and maintain control.”
An offender does not even have to be white. Non-white immigrants, she states, although they might not feel white and have stronger ethnic attachments, will have a “white experience externally” as long as they “pass as white”.
Not only “bad people” are white supremacists. We all are. We need to purge ourselves through daily exercises. As whites we are too privileged. It will be a struggle. Shades of the daily floggings Medieval Christians gave themselves to exorcise original sin. Whiteness is the contemporary original sin.
In arguing that white supremacy describes a socio-political system of domination based on racial categories, DiAngelo sees no issue with relying on this very same system of racial classification to justify her arguments. In short, she’s a racist.
Arguing that race and whiteness are social constructs and taking skin colour as the marker to define race is not that different from the 19th-century biological racism that linked race not with the colour of one’s skin but with blood type or the shape of one’s head.
Prior to the likes of Di’Angelo we were moving towards greater racial equality. I really couldn’t give a damn if a person was black or white 20 years ago. I never really noticed. Theories like this have heightened racial awareness and have therefore caused more racial tension, not less.
DiAngelo is a race baiting cunt.
Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
As for the header picture, It isn’t hard for white people to talk about racism but it seems very hard for tanned people to listen without then calling white people racists when they hear their opinion, no matter how moderate and understanding!
Play the white man is a phrase used in parts of Britain meaning to be decent and trustworthy in one’s actions.[1] The phrase is commonly used by natives of the Yorkshire and the Humber region.[2]
Come in cunters play the black man.
DiAngelo is obviously and out and out racist. She knows she is and is utterly ashamed of herself . What a cunt. According to her all white people are racist and cant do anything about it. Well the obvious answer to that is to not give a shit wether you are, or are not racist. How to bring people together. Its working out really well.
I can tell her ‘why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism’. It’s because they’re sick to fucking death of being pestered about it.
I’ll repeat something I’ve said before. What I hear people saying more and more is ‘I didn’t used to be racist, but I am now’.
If Robin tried to scratch my surface she’d pull back a bloody stump.
The bullshitting cunt.
Labelling……that’s all it is. It’s an old trick used by authoritarian governments throughout history. You label somebody as being mental and naturally they object, perhaps even forcefully. Well that’s exactly what you expect a mental cunt to do ……..diagnosis confirmed, the label well and truly stuck. The Nazi re education camps and the Soviet gulags were full of such people.
You are a racist, that’s your label. If you deny it there’s your white fragility right there you cunt. You are defending your white supremacy by claiming it doesn’t exist, therefore confirming the racist label I invented for you in the first place. It’s a circular argument used to control the weak minded.
That’s why the corporates bung this bitch and the other grifters $20,000+ a day for their “training courses”. They want to instil fear…..fear of the label. Through fear comes control. It’s a great trick and this slag has made a fortune from it. The power of mass hysteria.
Too true Freddie.
And just as bad are the “White Fragility Workbooks” which proliferate off the back of this cunts mad ramblings and are also designed to make a quick buck. They contain daily exercises for poor fragile whiteys to work out their In built racism. These books contain pearls of wisdom like “every white person has a myopic view of racism”. And dark-keys don’t, I suppose ?
A total pile of cunt and a money making fraud.
Honkeys are say approximately 10 percent of the global population and that number is rapidly dwindling.
When you combine that with the fact that the Honkey man is openly fair game when it comes to blatant hatred and discrimination which gets worse by the day, you could end up with a situation akin to the 4×2’s in 1930s Germany.
That’s the plan Herman, always has been.
I am currently drafting my book, “Why I am no longer listening to Black people about race”.
Hope it will outsell that Eddo-Lodge cunt.
Wish me luck!
You’d get about 25 years if you tried that I reckon.
Change the black to white and no problem, innit blud?
I wish those afflicted with severe self loathing would just top themselves, quietly, without any fuss. Unfortunately, cunts like this aren’t truly self loathing, as they see themselves part of the solution, and that the rest of the white race need to come up to their standard.
Probably make more people racist than Hitler ever did.
I just don`t know which way to turn.
Go white ?
Robin DiAngelo, who is white, charged the University of Kentucky $12,000 for a two-hour “Racial Justice Keynote and breakout session.”
There is an expectation for Tony Bliar to be joining the circuit any time soon.
In a couple of months, I expect him to have added considerably to his property empire.
Another load of boring crap, yes there is discrimination, it is everywhere not just colour, religion, politics, regional.
Try being a follower of Christ in a Muslim country, well and truly fucked.
All this crap is always linked back to slavery, the cunts just can’t let it go!
See here Robin if I do have white privilege then fuck you, it’s mine and I don’t need to be purged.
Using racism to fight racism. If anything about that makes sense it escapes me.
You certainly come up with the goods MMCM, great post again !
White fragility..a fact, and one that needs the urgent attention of all elected leaders and in the absence of political action….the gun will regrettably provide some solution.
Racial violence is ( and has been ) ever present, and the enforced amalgum will within time seek its own answers.
Thanks Five Eyes ?
What happens when the race war kicks off. Will these cunts be happy then?
Not suggesting in the slightest you were doing so, but we don’t advocate race war here. Just making a point – DA
But if there WAS a race war,
Whod you think would win?
And would it be ok if I took bets on it?
WordPress – DA
Sorry DA it was meant to be a rhetorical question. Apologies
Don’t talk about racism…and you’re a racist trying to suppress it according to this type of ‘academic’.
On the other hand, talk about it and view everything through the lens of race – which is what she proposes – then you’re going to be classed a racist for bringing it up continually.
No wonder most sane people just try to steer away from the topic. It’s a no-win situation.
Whatever happened to just treating people as individuals regardless?
Race baiting shitbag.
I love how they want to ‘talk about race’. Talk? Bollocks.
I notice Raheem Sterling MBE keeps saying ‘England start talking’. No explanation is given for the short clip on the telly, but I’m guessing he means ‘we need to get talking about race.’
This is how that would go.
Me: Ok let’s talk about race.
RS: Sure. I is wanting to educate the peoples now innit. Happy to help.
Me: Quite. Well, blacks make up about 7% of our population in the UK. They are about 20% of our prison population. Poverty is given as the reason, but other groups in similar poverty, such as whites, Chinese and Indians are not as representative within these crime figures per capita.
I feel black crime and the high levels associated with it, are definitely cultural, and maybe even genetic, sadly. I say this due to the glorification of gangster rap music and its derivatives. Young blacks are more likely to idolise gang leaders within their areas. Many studies have shown blacks have a lower threshold for delayed gratification and violence. Even when taking identical levels of poverty with other races into account.
I feel that black people need to look at their own communities and take more responsibility for what goes on within them. Fathers need to take care of their kids and you all need to stop voting and supporting race baiting politicians. They prey on your weakness, and garner lucrative careers for perpetuating your victim mentality and racism, yes racism, towards white people. Do you agree?
RS: You need to listen and be educated innit?
Me: I’m all ears. Can you disprove any of my comments?
RS: I ain’t got time for no racistisms. I’m reporting you to the social media and the bizzies innit.
Me: Well, you said you wanted to talk, didn’t you?
RS: Err..George Floyd. DAT be raycis n sheet. Bye.
I’m rather torn on this one. It very much pushes the rules, but you make your points. Try to tone it down a bit in future perhaps please? – DA
Hairy muff
The Matt Hancock affair has made my year.The memes and jokes are brilliant.
I think im suffering from white fragility, and id like to put a claim in.
Does in come with a blue badge?
Racists calling non racists racist.
History has repeatedly shown that when you push reasonable people too far there are spectacularly bad consequences.
Self Hating White is the correct label. SHW. Make it viral. It works for the Israelis (SHJ–), it can work for us.
I guess that’s why there are so many non whites who are running student unions thanks to the young white self loathing cunts.
It doesn’t wash with the older generation.
Good to see Weatern Spring still online, been a while, good stuff.
Ideologically, Murican academics seem to be the festering, shite-encrusted “anus mundi”
I just ignore cunts like this as they have fuck all worth saying or listening to. Cunts like this are causing division.
If this cowardly turd wants to apologise for being white let her. I NEVER will.
Oh yeah btw cunt we ARE better. Most of what you take for granted was made or discovered by evil old whitey. Don’t believe me then go and live in Africa?!
Fucking mutt.
Thanks for not using a picture of her face. I googled the cunt and have just spewed my ring.
Robin is a man’s name.
I don’t perceive white superiority I know it. As does everybody else.
A friend of mine announced he was starting a new business
oh great a mechanical workshop or bakery?
no me and my right-on wife are offering online diversity training (true)
Oh for fuck sake
6 months later
How’s the business?
No calls yet, thinking of redesigning the website
Mate I don’t think that’s the problem
“…A friend of mine … offering online diversity training.”
Not for fucking long I hope!