Awarded for “services to racial equality” apparently. What did he do? End slavery? Get black people the vote? Have just seen the prick on the news talking about how he wants to educate people – fuck off you moron! This guy gets paid £300k a week ( A FUCKING WEEK!) to kick a bag of air about, no-one needs to be educated by an overpaid semi-literate halfwit trying to play at being oppressed.
These awards just get more and more ridiculous. Also, if he’s so woke what’s he doing accepting a title such as “Member of the British Empire”? Is that not kowtowing to colonialism? If they’re going to insist on giving cunts like Sterling and Rashford awards then I’m all for cancelling them!
If either of those cunts was awarded a knighthood, would they kneel in front of the Queen? Or do they just kneel for drugged-up criminals?
Nominated by: Seanie
The reality is that Raheem Sterling’s award of an MBE is for services to the benefit of Raheem Sterling. This is the guy who played the race card after a string of poor performances for England and made himself undroppable. The type who take the knee as an act of defiance against white colonialism but the gleefully accepts an award steeped in colonialist and empirical tradition.
Football’s answer to “Sir” Lenny Henry.
Having said that. He did buy his mum a house when he hit the big time. He would have bought one for his father too, if he knew who the fuck he was and where he is. Bless him.
He didn’t really know his father, he was shot when he was two years old, in Jamaica, the cunt isn’t even English.
Ffs that says it all. Now England are using fatherless foreigners. Not quite the 66 squad. How tragic to see what was and what is now. Where’s the vodka????
Let’s be honest. Most of them never really knew their fathers.
I didn’t watch but assume this fine fellow played last night?
Given the performance perhaps he should stick to fuss ball for a few more years.
Overpaid, overhyped, overworke underperforming wanker.
He did play, fucking useless
The closest he should ever get to the Queen is carrying her baggage on safari.
No he might spread reggie reggie sauce on her and chow down.
He played pathetic last night as well. Why Bignose keeps picking him ahead of Sancho fuck knows.
I hate that phrase ‘go away and educate yourself’, what you want me to go to evening classes, take an open university degree, no it’s if you don’t agree with me go away and bash your head against a wall until you agree with my point of view.
This cunt Stirling doesn’t even see the issue of his machine gun tattoo, his explanation regarding his father makes no fucking sense and the ‘tribe’ just see it has a endorsement of gun culture (ask Sasha what happens when you walk round looking like Che Guevara)
Stirling you are a cunt, MBE, ffs.
The gun tattoo is to remind him that his father was gunned down during Sterling’s childhood.
That makes about as much sense as a rape victim covering themselves with tattoos of cock and balls.
Exactly, that bullshit was cobbled together when there was a backlash over the tattoo and the FA got involved.
Or a Holocaust survivor having Arbeit Macht Frei tattooed on their foreheads
Work really does set you free on £300k a week. That’s fuck all. Everton FC’s owners were reportedly going to offer Rafa Benitez….. are you sitting down??… £1m a month. A year contract of £12m.
300k a week is 1.2 million a month.
I knew that but Rafa Benitez is a fat Spanish waiter.
I assume his memory is so bad he has to remind himself with ink on his skin? Eh? It’s like the thick cunts tattooing the names of their family on their skin. Just fuck off you pondlife.
The honours system is a fucking joke. The cunt hates whites and hates the country but still stays to get paid a lottery prize every week and accepts an award named after a system that he and his woke pals hate. Hypocritical unprincipled mong. At least stand by your blm principles ffs and refuse it. This creature probably hasn’t got the capacity to see what a pillock he is.
You can see him at a blm meeting spouting off about equality and oppression then getting into his Porsche, or whatever his type drive, and taking off and leaving the others to get the bus. Oh yeah and travelling first class.
The Queen should set the dogs on him when he steps up to accept it. Maybe he will give her a rap rendition in appreciation ?
Turnip head.
A Porsche designed and engineered by white Germans.
Correct Mingekick.
This cunt should stick to advertising PG tips?
He isn’t as bright as the real actors in the PG tips advert. ?
Mr Shifter would intellectually run rings around Sterling, and, hopefully drop the fucking piano on his head.
Watching how shite he was last night and still useless Southgate didn’t sub him. Looked disinterested and hardly broke into a sweat. My 12 year old son could replace him. Got 15 goals in 7 games for his team. He can run, tackle, pass the ball snd shoot on target, more than this little cunt can.
Don’t need lecturing from him either. Doubt he’s done much political or historical research in his life. Should be bloody grateful how much he earns and how privileged he is.
This wanker claims everybody hates him because “I is black.” Well there are plenty of black footballers and none of them get the kind of stick this shitbag gets. It’s not because “I is black” Raheem, it’s because you’re a flash mouthy little wanker. His explanation for his AK 47 tattoo is just laughable.
And let’s not forget that before the Chinky flu his idea of a holiday was to go to LA and drive around in a flash open top car, wearing big shades and a reverse baseball cap pretending he was a gangsta. This cunt has watched too many fucking rap videos it’s as simple as that.
I can’t think of anyone less deserving of a gong for “services to racial equality.” It’s a fucking farce.
Hypocritical, thick, useless cunt. Telling me I need ‘Educating’ because I don’t agree with YOUR views. How fucking dare you. How DARE you tell me what I should fucking think. Little cunt wouldn’t last two fucking minutes doing what I do, and, I’ll NEVER need you, but, one day, son, you might need me.
A cunt of biblical proportions.
When cunts talk about educating “them” I fucking bristle. I loathe them and detest the system that gives them oxygen.
The England football team really have gone woke 50% are foreign origin, Raheem Sterling and Luke Shaw are limp twisted benders, Phil Foden is a lesbian and Harry Kane has learning difficulties.
Harry Kane looks like the love child of old-man Steptoe.
Kane went to visit Erikson in hospital.
Said his speech was improving.
Erikson’s too.
He is a weapons grade cunt and is also a fucking pile of wank when he plays at half cock for his national side. Not Jamaica where he was born but England where he is so oppressed he earns a salary of over £15 million quid a year.
If Raheem is such a crusader for racial equality and social justice how comes he takes all that money from one of the most racist, despotic regimes in the world? Try getting into the UAE with an Israeli passport Raheem.
No, try getting in there with your black face. See what happens cunt! Don’t educate me arsehat, try educating yourself you knobfaced hypocritical wanker.
A tad unfair I think. I mean he did get the winning goal against Croatia only a couple of days ago.
Stop being so fair and reasonable.
Its not very Christian!!
There’s just no pleasing some people Miserable.
Also I liked his post- match interview where he said that Wembley was his local ground and ‘he knew’ he was going to score there.
Also his one foray into racism was an insightful one where the newspaoers compared a young black player buying a house for his mother as ‘splashing money on,’ and ‘hadn’t even played a first team game’ to a white player who it was just described as ‘buying a house for his mum’.
I thought that was an insughful thing to pick out. Plain to see.
Racial equality aka cultural Marxism
Republic is needed now before Hewitt the cunt makes us kneel for the knee grows when he becomes Wokemaster General of Englandstan!!!!
Having read your comments this morning. I’d say he should have been awarded for services to racial stereotyping, because he ticks all the boxes.
Absent father. Presumed dead and presumably killed by another dark key. Check.
Penchant for gangsta tattoos and clothing. Check.
Chippy attitude. Check.
Outwardly despises the country that made him a multi millionaire. Check.
Race card playing when things don’t go his way. Check.
Fucking honours system is a disgrace.
Oh and why do you never see him with a woman?
Like Raheem im fond of a banana butty!
And cant hold my breath for longer than 9 minutes.
We have a lot in common!
I too have prehensile toes and screech when denied fruit.
I also have thrown faeces in a rage.
Thats what I hate about racists,
They dont see that we are almost the same.
Accept im not rich
Or have a MBE
Or immune to prosecution.
I’d rather be a tramp than be him.
Fuck off.
Speaking for the tramp community,
I agree Terence.
Its like the end of days. Who would have thought that people would look to footballers for social commentary?
Fuck off, you thick tacky cunt.
The same people who see a criminal as some sort of hero probably.
Maybe this immature ink-stained twat would like to educate me on why he contributed about as much as a spectator to England’s cause in the last world cup.
Maybe the little cunt got an MBE for the following:
Smoking hippy crack.
Treating Liverpool FC like crap and selling them out.
Being a dirty little mercenary.
Acting all Big Time Charlie/Billy Big Bollocks around Manchester.
Being a virtue signaling media whore cunt.
Playing when he ‘can be arsed’ for both club and (especially) country.
Being a bluenose Gorton Globetrotters gun for hire cunt.
There’s a wealth of possibilities.
Was he one of the useless cunts I watched last night. I was a captive viewer, thank god for rugby. Great to see Soutgate was nearly drowned out by boos before and after the match. Over paid cunts, fuck off.
Booing for the ‘By the left, quick KNEEL’ ceremony, Harry?
Who takes this cunt and Rashford seriously, apart from themselves?
I (and anyone else with half a brain) don’t need to be educated by these out of touch overrated twats, who the fuck do they think they are, and who are they helping exactly, apart from themselves?
Gave up with football a long time ago.
And for continuing to take the knee, they can all fuck off.
I looked away whilst the set of thick wankers took the knee last night. I wish I’d looked away for the next ninety minutes. Heard the commentator say “England and Scotland standing together whilst taking the knee”. That isn’t physically possible you cunt. As for Raheem, the most overrated player I’ve ever had the misfortune to watch. Running into defenders with the ball, can’t cross for shit and runs around like C3-PO with his arms hanging out.
I looked away Bob and decided to watch something on Netflix instead.
Can’t stand watching cunts who support taking the knee.
Fucking wankers.
Really winds me up Willie. Browbeating bastards who are too thick to see the irony of it all. All for a drug dealing, house breaking, violent thug. Unbelievable.
When Sterling runs, it looks like he’s busting for a shit or he’s holding in a butt plug….
I’d never seen the cunt sing the national anthem until he got his MBE a few days ago. After that, big shit eating grin as he sang it.
Born in Jamaica to Jamaican parents (English my fucking arse!) and tells us how to behave in our own country, and to kneel for ‘poor oppressed’ cunts like him on £350,000 a week ‘wages’ and about the same again in sponsorship money for doing a hobby as a ‘job’.
And people wonder why we’re not seeing cars and houses flying England flags during this tournament?
And Lizzy can fuck off an’ all. She’s overseen all this bollocks. She didn’t need to suck these race baiting cunts off. She also gave Emily Rainsford Brent an MBE this week for the same reasons as Sterling. She was part of the women’s world cup winning team from about 15 years ago. Note the honky players were ignored this year despite many of them performing much better than her. And she and the other non white from that team (Isa Guha) are the only ones to land cushy commentary jobs (Sky and BBC).
White privilege?
Absolute fucking bollocks!
Great post Cunty.
To be fair to Her Majesty, anyone can recommend someone for an honour, usually, I think, the Cabinet Office. I’m sure if she had her way, she’d adopt Phil’s (RIP) attitude to this fuckwittery.
Fair enough DCI, I didn’t know that.
Still, I’m sure she has the power to say ‘MBE? I’m not giving that cunt the skin off my shite’ if she wanted to though.
Often wondered why Sterling, despite his obvious skill on the ball, more often than not tries to score himself rather than passing to a team mate in a much better position –
but you guys have finally provided the answer for me – it’s coz they’re white innit.
I bid 12 Guineas for the fellow. I need my back garden cut back. 300k a week what a cunt.
This knuckle dragger is the worst striker to pull on an England shirt, the sorry ch!mp Dwarf isn’t worth minimum wage, he seems to lack the basic human sense of balance, capering around like the trained Orang-utan from those piss poor Clint Eastwood films, he must have video footage of Southgate sucking off stray dogs.!
Well the comment here are insanely racist , so any valid points you make are completely destroyed by your own bigotry .
His AK47 tattoo is fucking retarded and such an idiotic mindless retarded thing to get .
His reason saying it’s because his father got shot is mindless , anyone that gets an AK47 Tattooed in themselves is a cunt , the amount of kids and innocent people butchered by that particular weapon is tragic , I’d actually like him to be forced to watch a documentary on the killing fields of Rowanda or other such places and then see how he feels after understanding that women and kids have been obliterated with that weapon ..and he has it tattooed on his body . That’s a fucking disgrace .
The comments here are also a disgrace , remember that there are so many black people that are very decent , intelligent and kind people . I used to get very badly bullied at school and who was it that helped ? My white school friends ? Nope , teachers , nope , it was a black guy that you guys would no doubt wrongly consider a thug or gang member , that stepped in and checked that I was ok while gripping those cunts round the neck , everyday he would say hi and check on me , if it was for him I honestly think I would of killed myself .