PTSD at Daughter’s Birth

I know, its my own fault for reading this bullsh*t, but it was the link to the Bloody Bollocks Corporation from the GB News item on IsAC that caused it.

First of all there is no prize for guessing which boxes are ticked in respect of this ‘story’ nor of course is it of any surprise that the BBC even entertain it. But PTSD? Oh come on FFS.. what the hell is remotely ‘post traumatic’ about this?

Ok, the wife got ill. She recovered. She didn’t die, her fanny didn’t explode into tiny pieces with some Alien popping out, you all had a difficult time. So what? No real harm was done in the grand scheme of things. How much more pathetic mileage will these wimps take from these experiences that normal folk take in their stride?

My firstborn’s birth was traumatic, wife had blood clots in legs and lungs and had a dreadful time, but all was forgotten when number one lay staring at the ceiling after eventually being expelled from the birth canal and pinking up nicely. This is despite me being the one that spent some 8 weeks trying to hold down work and dealing with a new born and the Mother-in Law while the wife was stuck in hospital not actually knowing which side her luck would be on.

I never went crying to the media about it that’s for sure. PTSD is what the likes of Soldiers endure, proper trauma from seeing people blown to bits. World War 1 conscripted men not knowing if they were walking in stinking piss and blood sodden mud or their fellow regimental chaps rotting faces after being shelled or sniped by Fritz and Co.

I said in reply to a nom earlier this week that I was grateful never to have been pushed into National Service nor suffered the endurance of War, but this shower of shit born in the last 20 years or so might benefit from a bullet in the wrong place or a real life changing catastrophe and make them realise just how irrelevant their mental elf whining really is.

PTSD? Not in the true sense. Cunt? Definitely.

PTSD at Birth of Daughter

Nominated by: The Eternally Grumpy Cunt

43 thoughts on “PTSD at Daughter’s Birth

  1. Those lads who flew for Bomber Command , went ashore on D Day etc must be turning in their graves.

    • My sentiments exactly. Im hardly a hard man, a gentle soul like Mr Fiddler et al, but this nonsense really made me see red.

      • Just read this.

        My best friend had a stillborn. This cunt wants to try that one. What a fucking disgrace of a person. Tough times indeed but PTSD.

        The didn’t even recognise shell shock at the end of WW1

        In just 100 years it has come to this.

    • Aye but they had backbones and guts and morals and dignity.
      This laughable Harvey Moon is a contemptible cunt.
      Fuck him.

  2. Just another non-story.

    Our 3rd born almost died in uterus but we didn’t go running to the press.

    It’s like the celebs who are bravely battling one thing or another like they are the first to have experienced it.

  3. As a man Rule 1 .stay in the waiting room with a cigar. Rule 2 if you are forced into the birth bloodbath stay at the head end. I have passed this knowledge down to all my daughters.

  4. Half the fucking country will have something or other, Stress, anxiety, trauma, long fucking Covid.

    There was a report on the news last night which made me laugh, remember in the dark days of first lockdown, people being told not to be afraid to go to A&E, numbers were down to less than half of the normal numbers attending A&E. Now they are fucking whinging because they are getting overwhelmed with record numbers heading to A&E, probably with PTSD because, well it’s tough out there ?

    Soft cunts!

    • Dull cunts need to understand that A&E doesn’t stand for ‘Anything and Everything’ and start taking responsibility for themselves. And it says ‘Emergency Ambulance’ on the side of my fucking bus, not ‘Checking Over As I’m Too Fucking Bone-Idle To Go To The Chemist To Buy Paracetamol Ambulance’, you utter time-wasting cunts.

      • DCI@ – Well said Sir!
        A&E – ACCIDENT and EMERGENCY – if it ain’t don’t go.
        And seconded by my young chum the massively gay South African cardio thoracic surgeon.

  5. I was present during the birth of my daughter. I cut the cord and got a blood splatter up my arm for the trouble. Didn’t bother me at all – doesn’t bother me now 13 years later. But if there’s some compo going, then I’m game. Could be a few quite to be made here…

  6. I would opt for the cigar/ chain smoking outside rather than watch that. No sireeee bob. Not me. Not on your fucking Nellie. Oh no no no I don’t think so……and so on.
    We seem to be surrounded by feeble needy people all under 35 or so. What happened to make them like this? Answers please because I’m at a loss.

  7. I couldn’t agree more! Having seen the picture of him and his daughter I think I now have PTSD!!!

    Good afterloon and fuck off!

  8. I’m really not surprised so many have PTSD nowadays when something like not having broadband for 15 minutes is defined as trauma.

  9. Probably wants a medal for sticking around beyond the third month of pregnancy.

  10. Fuck me hasn’t a baby been born before?? The cunt had have PTSD if he got his worthless head filled in.

  11. My parents lost my brother when he was 2 weeks old to a heart defect, making me an only child in effect. They didn’t run of crying about PTSD, although it had a profound impact on them. Millennials and the yooff of today are spineless attention seeking cunts. They can’t wait to run of and cry about PTSD at the drop of a hat so they can be mollycoddled and pitied. Useless cunts – I really do despair.

    • If one of these Millennial pansies were to stumble on ISAC and read it, he/she/it would immediately breakdown and collapse, such would be the strength of the PTSD attack they would suffer.

  12. Here we go again…….the fucking mental elf again courtesy of the poxy BBC. This was five fucking years ago for fucks sake, get over yourself you great fucking Jessie. The emasculation of the British male continues, softening us up for fuck knows what.
    I notice the Peacefuls don’t have mental elf problems, except when wokies are finding excuses for them after they’ve blown up a bus or stabbed some random Infidels in the street.

    • He hadn’t written his book, imaginatively titled ‘Dad’ five years ago, which our publicly funded broadcaster is advertising now

  13. Hes just after a hand out.
    Doesn’t look so traumatised in the pic?
    Smiling like its his school photo!
    I’ve seen my kids born, lambs born, etc
    Not traumatic!
    Bit of blood and guts,
    How would he of gone on 100yrs ago in the mother country?
    Scooping a missionary’s heart from the cook pot for his dindins?
    Soft as shite motherfucker…

  14. I think these so called issues cunts have nowadays are caused by the knowledge that there are issues to have. We never had PTSD in my day. Or gays, lezzas, sex changes etc., they never existed in most peoples normal day to day life so we just got on with it. If we were pissed off or upset with something or someone we just got on with life, maybe we moaned at a mate over a beer or two but that was that. These namby pamby twats will cry and bleat over a broken finger nail. I absolutely blame the internet and the media for giving these silly bastards the oxygen of publicity. I loath were UK humanity is heading, I no longer recognise what a ‘modern’ human is. Cunts the lot of them.

  15. Maybe his wife had a massive smelly cunt? Or perhaps she did a massive fanny fart and put the midwife through the window?

    Or the dark keys’ baby was a right ugly cunt?

    We just don’t know the full story you nasty people 🙁

    • Cuntybollocks@ – The “massive smelly cunt” normally disappears as soon as he hears the Woman is pregnant..

      • Not true.

        Haven’t you seen all those Gillette adverts yet?

        Dark key dads obviously dote on their kids. It must be true, they’re selling plastic fucking razors.

  16. It is traumatic for the Woman (but if it was that bad why do it more than once?), but it would be a damn sight worse in Bongo Bongo land where the only Male around after conception is the witch doctor or some medieval lunatic who wants to r*pe a newborn child in the twisted belief that it will prevent catching AIDS (Horrific but completely true).
    PTSD my arse – some lazy mare refusing to do the housework or make the tea because she goes around giving birth should be the issue here! ?

  17. Statistically, UK based feargals are more prone to mental health issues than whiteys. When my son was born at 29 weeks, he was put into an incubator and was on oxygen for 6 weeks. It was fucking touch and go for the little mite. We are convinced the oxygen and premmie birth were responsible for his profound autism that he suffers from now.

    When my daugther was born a couple of years later, she stopped breathing in my arms after 5 mins of being born. I summoned an NHS bystander who looked at me and told me he wasn’t a nurse or doctor – useless cunt. I ran with her to the next ward where a nurse got her back quickly. That was messy pants time.

    PTSD? Oh, fuck off. As a parent you just get on with it for the sake of your kids – they need your strength and reassurance, not some great wet pussy blubbing about how he can’t cope. The PTSD was probably caused by too much weed smokin’ and Dixy Fried Chiggun.

    • Maybe he went to KFC and it was closed? He’d have gone full PTSD and started smashing the place up.

      Would’ve looked like a scene from 2001.

  18. They should have a special room in hospitals for bruvvers to relax with a spliff innit fam?
    Man needs to chill out. Easy now.

  19. I still have ‘Dreams’ about the first child I watched die despite efforts to save the poor little fucker. I would have swapped positions with him if I could. I can still hear the parents screams.

    Screaming in with a 7 day old in peri-arrest, wondering if we should get the helicopter to meet us half-way as we weren’t sure he would make the journey. That’s stressful, not watching your missus give birth even if you were down the goal end.

    As Guzzi said, the generation that fought in World War 2 must be shaking their heads wondering where it all went wrong.

  20. PTSD is for soldiers, not some teenage gamer or soft cunt who didn’t get the right latte in Starbucks.
    It trivialises it.
    Being told No isnt a hate crime
    Just because something is distateful doesn’t mean your scarred for life.
    It means your spoilt and weak
    Get off your arse, dry your fuckin eyes, and crack on like mankind has been doing all over the world for thousands of years.

    • MNC@ – Amen to that Sir! ?
      If the road is not rocky and long there is no enjoyment in the sit down and cup of tea at the end of it – nothing good comes easy and nothing easy comes good.
      Whitey created the modern world, and snowy and wokey are trying to steal it by cwying.

      • ‘triumph over adversity it what castes a man, early mornings, cold water bathing, tempers the steel’

        From the ‘art of being Miserable’
        All good bookshops rrp£24.99p

  21. Only reason he has PSTD is because he was still around when the child was born.

    • Thanks SD telly is covered in coffee now!!! Choking for five plus minutes. Brilliant observation, choke, splutter.

  22. The fact he’s still living with his kid after a few years, is almost as surprising as finding a Scottish person still alive over the age of 50.

  23. His missus carried the child and nearly died giving birth, but he’s the one that’s traumatized?
    What a soft cunt…

  24. When are men EVER going to learn!? Neither hell or high water would have convinced me to attend the birth of either of my two daughters. To men who are bullied into doing so I say resist with every fibre of your body. The maternity ward is no place for men. I was fortunate in that the Mrs (God bless her) didn’t want me there either. But to mock the guys that ARE coerced into sitting through this experience, or God forbid, even HELPING out(!) is taking it a bit far. At least this guy admits it was a traumatic experience. So many of my mates come out looking like a ghost, and don’t recover for days, and then tell me it was a ‘FANTASTIC’ experience which they wouldn’t have missed for the world. Lying CUNTS!

  25. He fits the woke agenda, mental hellfuck, over appropriation and he’s Finga Lik’n Chiggin BLIK! A fucking bullshit double down media perfect storm, IN’IT! !

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