Politicising Football On and Off the Pitch

Mostly peacefuls of course, but a few non peacefuls at it too. After the kneeling shite, the excuse was that, ‘Its not political. It’s a humanitarian issue.’

Well, just as I said, those chickens are coming home to roost now. These cunts can’t just get on with the game, they’ve got to spout over every cause (or non cause!) going. Their excuse for waving the Pally flag? ‘Humanitarian issue’ of course.

Now Israel may (or may not) have been heavy handed, but I do know that Hamas are cunts who fire rockets into Israel and use kids as human shields. These are not good people.

And the only reason cunts like Mo Salah gob off, who by the way, has been seen refusing to shake the hands of Jewish players, is because it’s peacefuls getting a kicking.

He, like other peacefuls, doesn’t give a shiny shite over any other people getting blown up.

I bet these twats all said the square root of fuck all about the countless terror attacks by their mob.

No fuck these cunts. But this is what you get, English football and media, for allowing political issues to be brought into sport under the guise of ‘humanitarisnism’.

Fuck them all.


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


..and on the subject of politicising football, this from mikdys

The ridicule of “taking the knee”

Once again, surprise is expressed at the wider public not blindly supporting this nonsense:


This was at a football match, not a dinner party for bourgeois Antifa supporters, do the promoters not have a clue about the demographic of their audience? They ought to pack up running football events and switch to croquet. Good on the fans for calling the stupid cunts out.

As for fascism. fascism wouldn’t allow this farce to travel over its borders never mind roll on week after week supported by a left wing media. For fucks sake even a centrist government would take a stand and certainly stop things like the desecration of historic monuments.


And here’s another one from Cuntybollocks

Social worker and left wing activist (and sometimes team manager) for the England football team, Gareth Wokegate, has been at it again.

With some fans now coming into the grounds, it seems, as many expected, many are not supportive of the ‘take a knee’ bollocks.

The knee taking was roundly booed by some of the 7,000 crowd at Middlesbrough the other night.

And he’s not happy. It’s ‘not political’ (BLM support and knee taking) according to Wokegate and if you don’t agree with him, you need ‘educating’.

Let’s look at those two points.

1. BLM is a political movement which lobbies politicians and the media to facilitate social change in line with policies that they (BLM) support. BLM now has a political wing in the UK (‘Taking the initiative party’) with BLM bigmouths like Sasha ‘watch out for uncomfortables’ Johnson at the helm. BLM and its political offshoots want to change government policy to suit black people. These policies directly impact on non blacks and many do not agree with BLM, as their message is frankly, ‘racist’ and Marxist in nature.

So you’re wrong on that one, Bignose. It’s obviously political.

2) Next, we need educating do we? See point 1 to educate yourself then read on. We know that this (knee taking) started due to George Floyd. We know his ‘murder’ was not racist. That is a legal fact by the way. We know BLM are horrible cunts, whose leadership suddenly seem to have started buying mansions. We know their leading mouthpieces, who claim whites are the big threat in terms of violence, are getting shot in the head at the hands of their own. We know black on white crime is much higher than white on black (per capita).

There’s your education, cunt!

Fuck off!



90 thoughts on “Politicising Football On and Off the Pitch

  1. Get used to it Wokegate, there’s plenty more coming your way. This is the cunt who said the Brexit vote had “racist undertones”. Who told you to say that brightboy?…….Sir Gary Crispmuncher by any chance?…….another brain dead, money grabbing arselicker who parrots exactly what his paymasters tell him. You are way out of your depth Wokegate, somebody is gonna have to carry the can and I make you the number one dimmo stumbling into the spotlight. You thick fucking cunt. ?

  2. You can tell goofy Southgate is a dopey tit; the gormless, simpering expression tells you all you need to know.

    Fuck knows how taking the knee has been associated with BLM or even black people. Racism was not cited as a motive for Chiggun George’s swift dispatch as far as I am aware.

    Southgate looks like Dave Grohl on crystal meth.

  3. Who really gives a flying fuck what these thick cunts say and do about matters as deep and complex as Israel and its never ending battle to protect itself from cowardly peacefuls.
    The ordinary white working class bloke can see it is just virtue signalling bollocks from a few tree dwellers and trendy white media whores. The fact that some people tried to applaud the knee shit goes to show that the prawn sandwich brigade and twitter mongs are still attending games and should be routed out, it’s a working mans game, it’s not for lattè drinking pooftas.

    • Indeed. Go on any fans forum website ( pick any 3 or 4 clubs you like, it makes no difference) and you will see what real fans really think of this knee bending bollocks. These wokie cunts spent 4 years after the Brexit vote telling us how thick and racist we are and offering to give us another chance. All they got from that was the Jellyfish in no 10 with a massive majority. Now they are doing the same thing all over again. Do these wankers never learn? You can’t tell us what to do and you can’t tell us what to think. We are patient enough to tolerate your nonsense but if you keep pushing it who knows what you are going to get. Just take the money, entertain us and keep your fucking mouths shut ok?

    • Agree with all of that but sadly, it appears the game hasn’t been for the normal working man for some time now. Try singing “Who’s the bastard in the black?’ or ‘Hark now hear, the angels sing’ (with its anti gayness theme) at the grounds today. Or maybe ‘Get yer tits out for the lads’ when a female singer walks onto the pitch ore game or at half time. You’d be out on your ear and banned for life.

      I got told at a premier League ground (Arsenal) to sit down and stop swearing at a game a few years back. I think I shouted “You useless fucker!” at some player who’d missed another sitter.

      Everyone just sits there politely applauding and spending £8 on a hot dog at half time. And two grand or so on a season ticket to watch a bunch of woke anti white shitheads finish mid table, in front of the worst fans in the country.

      Football is dying on its arse (in England anyway) because of the posh cunts and wokes getting involved. And it deserves the death it will get.

      • Had a similar experience at White Hart Lane, but actually back in the late 90s. I think it was versus Leeds Utd and I was right at the front behind the home goal. Called out a few sarcastic insults to the ref and Brian Dean. About their hair cut and lack of good looks respectively. Basically abusive but inoffensive put downs. The ref, Paul Durkin, actually heard me and chuckled.

        Along comes a doddering old steward who told me to shut up or I’d be ejected from the stadium. Apparently some new bint steward 20 feet away had reported my ‘behaviour’. So I asked this cunt what I’d said that would be cause for being ejected. Of course he couldn’t tell me. I then made the point that if I didn’t know what the problem was, I couldn’t modify my ‘behaviour’ to stay in line with their expectations. Needless to say that argument went over the old git’s head.

        Half time came and both he and the bint were nowhere to be seen. After the game I saw the old duffer again on the pitch. I pointed at it and gave the finger wag indicating it should come over for a chat. He actually looked scared, turned around and walked away. At that point the stadium ejection threat was useless and he knew he’d get an earful for being a pedantic, spineless little bitch who overstepped his authority for no discernable reason.

        Little example I know, but the start of a trend I saw at football stadiums where the punters are all supposed sit quietly in their seats, applaud politely when their team does something good, and tut when they don’t. It’s a football stadium not a church, FFS.

      • Another time I was at a Luton v Watford game with my mate. For those who don’t know, these two clubs hate each other. I was in the feisty corner enjoying the banter and abuse being directed at the close by but segregated Watford fans. One of the Luton loudmouths started up a chant. “What do we think of Watford?”, to which we all replied, “Shit”. The next line being, “What do we think of shit?” and we all shouted, “Watford”. Funny, but hardly over the line abuse-wise.

        Steward comes over and tells him to shut it or he’ll be ejected. Reason stated, foul and abusive language. So he modified the chant to, “What do we think of toilet?”, reply “Watford”. Then, “What do we think of Watford?”, reply “Toilet”. Clever avoidance of using any profanity while still getting the point across. He was ejected. I shit you not. THAT started a fight.

  4. I totally agree with the 2 cunts in the photo and I look forward to them fucking off to the Gaza Strip and enriching the local Israelis with their vast intellects.

  5. I suppose there’s no surprise in sportsmen/women climbing onto the “woke” bandwagon….actors,musicians.minor members of the royal family and,of course,politicians are all at it,so why not ?

    My generation ( 50-70) is to blame. It is my generation that has allowed this insidious indoctrination to creep into all aspects of public life. It begins in the schools…my generation was too busy having a good time to really care about their children’s education and were prepared to let others influence their offspring’s mindsets..easier to just turn a blind eye than to take a stand and an interest.

    I don’t really give a fuck about a bunch of footballers “taking the knee”…it is merely a result of my generation’s preference for picking up child benefits rather than taking a real interest in their children’s education.

    Galatians 6:7 – Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap

    PS….Teachers are the conduits of evil.

    • ‘My Generation’ yes indeed. We didn’t want to grow up and take responsibility. As it goes on to say in the song-‘hope I die before I get old’.

    • “Conduit of evil” – I’m going to change my username to that.

      Cheers, Dick

    • DF@ – Perfectly eulogised – the marxists crept in as the liberals loosened the reins.
      Perhaps the uninformed bandwagon jumping footballers should see what the Palestinian bastards do to Israeli soldiers (Women get it the worst) when they go into Israeli land to kidnap them.
      And some of the leftist hooray Henry “supporters” who have stolen the working Mans game.
      “Liberal” parenting creates cunts.

  6. A news item from the other day. Yes that was a poor choice of head of Diversity at Google-

    ‘Google has removed its head of diversity over a 2007 blog post that said Jewish people had “an insatiable appetite for war and killing”.

    Also later on- ‘an insensitivity to suffering’.

    That was drunken old Mel’s charge wasn’t it. To the police officer-‘the Jews start all the wars’.

    The Jews ‘there is history there’ discuss.

    As a traditional old antisemite we always looked to history. Take for example the expulsion of the Jews by ‘Good’ King John. There MUST have been a reason. Probably control of money. I don’t think the many expulsions in Europe were ever to do with being ‘Christ killers’ or ‘Desecrating the Host’ or all the rest. It will have been about money.

    (this is s guess because I cannot find a balanced history now of why these expulsions happened. It has all been expunged)

    Whereas the new antisemite (who fiesnf know history ( the left wing antisemite just sees the The Jews as controlling things through Capitalism (which I reject).

    That’s why the Left champion unthinkingly the Ragheads. It’s in large measure to be against the capitalistic Jews.

    I confidently predict there will be another orgy of killing in Gaza in 2026. It’s usually about every 4 or 5 years.

    How it is done. The Israelis will provoke the Palestinians. It will quickly escalate. There will be talk of a ‘ground invasion’ which never happens. A ground invasion to sort the problem out see. But no, it will be just bombing not to conquer or anything just to punish. Not really for any strategic gain, just punishment.

    That’s why they always get kids.

    Speaking of children. The ‘Children of God’ is exactly the right term. They are like children. Sometimes very good, but sometimes very very bad, spightful.

    We are all like that but the Jews more so.


    • Oh the subject of the Nom. They should have been banned whoever unfurled the Palestinian flag.

      • ‘Hamas are cunts who fire rockets into Israel and use kids as human shields. These are not good people.’

        That is said on ISAC with such assurance. Hamas uses children as human shields. Same as ragheads throw homosexuals off tall buildings.

    • Miles@
      Yep, in the middle ages jews were allowed to trade/ moneylend on permission of the King,
      Who taxed them and filled his coffers for the costly crusades.
      Once the monarch had run up a bit of debt he wouldn’t feel inclined to pay the Red sea pedestrians back.
      Check out what happened in York.

      • So the ‘Good ‘Christian King John exploited the Jews for his own gain. I just don’t think its true. It will have been the Jews disrupting the economy.

        It ain’t good to have a community of people in a country controlling money.

        You’ve got the wrong end if the stick Miserable if I may so. . The Crusades were a fine thing! Christendom was worth fighting for!

        My plea is for people not to always see the Jews as the suffering ‘innocents’.

        It’s s little bit racist in fact

        Its like all the injustices of the world have caused by the white Christian male.

      • Oh Im not against the crusades Miles!
        Any slaughter of Muslims sits well with me.
        King John wasnt a particular pleasant king,
        If you remember hes always portrayed as a villian in Robin Hood stories?
        Because he taxed everyone to the limit.
        The Knights Templars made a fortune during the crusades had their HQ at Temple Mount.
        Unfortunately they were burnt at the stake by a envious king of Spain with help from a pope.

        Racist? No one could ever accuse me of racism Miles!
        My record speaks for itself ?

      • MNC@ – The Jews were in the habit of “clipping” (cutting small slivers off every coin they got which is why we have milled edges on expensive coins today) which was an incredibly serious offence back in the day – this was a regular occurrence but was also used as an excuse to rob and kill the innocent as well as the guilty.
        But I was a tad insulted when Esther, my visitor from Israel, rudely refused my gentlemanly invitation for a spot of sightseeing from Cliffords Tower..?
        Touchy Shebrews..

      • Miles you are an anti-Semite. Not exactly very Christian.

      • Are you serious about Jews disrupting the economy in the time of King John, Miles. The Jews then were a minuscule presence in England and they were almost exclusively poor. The idea of them disrupting the economy is absurd. There is not a shred of historical evidence. There were a few that engaged in money lending because it was the only activity they were legally allowed to engage in, usury being forbidden to Christians. They were targeted, as they also were under Edward I, because of religious bigotry, conveniently stoked by the king and the barons so they would not have to repay their loans.

        The Israelis provoke the Palestinians? Oh – so lobbing hundreds of rockets into Israeli streets and calling for the destruction of all Jews is not provocation of Israel then? Once again Israel is the only country in the world not allowed to defend itself.

        The Jews are like it more so you say. Take a deep breath and think about what you just said. All humans behaviour is problematic in some way but the behaviour of Jews more so is what you are saying. If that’s not blind, illogical anti-semitism then I don’t know what is.

      • Yep, well said Marvellous.

        If Israel were left to go abaaaaht (copyright B&WC) its own business it would do so with no territorial threat to its neighbours. It’s a modern, democratic nation with generally well-meaning and law abiding citizens. But Israel’s jealous and warmongering rag head neighbours just want to perpetuate a decades long conflict because they refuse to buckle down to modern reality and prefer to nurse grievance as a means of justifying their pathetic existences.

      • But who funds the NGOs helping to export the peacefuls from Israel’s backyard to Europe?

      • I thought all religions and people were guilty of cuntishness but it seems some people are on eggshells when it comes to criticism of Israel or 4 x 2’s.

        (for the record I hate peacefuls and have no particular issue with the state of Israel)

      • The above conversation shows how the Catholic Faith was compatible with Nazi ideology.
        Gott mit Uns.

      • @MMCM
        I’m antisemitic or anti -Jewish or whatever in the tradion of Chesterton, Belloc who at times were very admiring of the Jews but openly stated there was a problem with money but wanted to sort the problem out. They wanted to sort it out because they both believed in Jewish reasonableness. They believed with good faith on both sides in a spirit of frankness, solutions could be found. Belloc’s ‘The Jews’ is all about that. How can we to ‘lessen the friction’ between Jews and Gentiles he repeats again and again.
        You couldn’t get a kinder person than GKC. But he’s labelled an ‘antisemite’. But many of his quotes were WARNINGS of dangers ahead. He said in the early thirties -‘no-one knows better than me the precarious nature of the Jew in Europe’.
        In ‘The Problem with Zionism’ he predicted all the problems we see now in the ME.
        I am not black hearted (and neither were they) with a hatred if the Jews.

      • You left out the part about The Final Solution, Miles Eichmann!

        Now go and compose another nom about christian kindness, visions and how we should all love one another. I mean who better than you to try and teach us morality?

      • But Chesterton was writing 100 years ago when anti-semitism was more “respectable”. I speak as an admirer of Chesterton, but on this he was reflecting the common prejudice of the Edwardians. Miles, you are a thoughtful and intelligent poster and a man of deep faith. I respect that and enjoy the perspective you bring. But this notion that Jews are all multi-millionaire bankers and capitalists is nonsense. The Rothschilds are the exception, not the rule. For every alleged millionaire banking Jew there are at least a thousand or more ordinary Jews, labourers, office workers, teachers, doctors, scientists, taxi drivers, shopkeepers, shop workers, nurses, engineers, secretaries, etc. There are considerably more Christian and Muslim bankers and millionaires than Jewish ones.

  7. Its about time people started throwing bananas onto the pitch again. Thatl fuck em off.

  8. Fuck palestine
    Fuck football.

    Its not about showing solidarity the lying cunts.
    Its a act of submission.
    When the average fan is called Giles and from Surrey but supports Man U (couldn’t find Manchester on a fuckin map)
    Of course the rot will set in!
    Clubs allowing players to make political statements like Palestinian flag waving with no repercussions?
    Fuck me.?
    I’ll eat my prawn butty standing up thanks.

    • MNC@ – Can’t really add to that.
      Good form! ?
      The FA fined for wearing poppies, no action against the sand rats waving Palestine flags.
      Says it all about the agenda being pushed really.

  9. I’m pretty sure 99.9% of footballers would struggle to show you where Palestine is on the map let alone have any idea of what’s been going on in the Middle East since 1948 but that won’t stop them piling in with some political platitudes , it’s utterly despicable how Sky and BT amongst others have allowed sports to be hijacked for political agendas, the players are the dim witted pawns being manipulated by outside influences and peer pressure, useful idiots who are being used to carry and legitimise the unsavoury Marxist ideology of BLM , this week we saw England manager Southgate saying the fans who booed players taking the knee didn’t understand why the players are doing it? He is absolutely fucking right without having a clue why!! Daft cunt ……….

  10. Gareth Southgate has a suspiciously large nose and is a greedy,grasping Cunt (remember those pizza ads)…. he probably doesn’t eat pork either.

    I believe Mordechi Goldfarb-Finkelstein was his original name.

      • Oh yes. I have an excellent Jewish accountant,nice enough fella…I never invite him to my home of course…his tribe are like magpies and I,of course, have a vast collection of highly valuable “shiny” objects…..plus the Hounds are dreadful racists…fuck only knows what they’d make of some Fagin character eyeing up our treasure-trove.

      • Ha ha ha ha ha!

        I have an image of the character from Herr Goebbels propaganda masterpiece, “Der Juda”, doing your tax return:

        “Oi vey Dick, ve can claim for dis chain oil, rope and kerosene, vut I doubt HMRC vill believe five large white crosses from Alabama are necessary pieces of equipment for der tree surgery workings! On vey, my life already!”

      • He did invite me to attend his son’s Bar-Mitzvah, General. I naturally refused…I had no desire to see his son be welcomed into adulthood by them sacrificing a Gentile baby and drinking the blood…..plus they probably expected a donation towards the catering.

      • Your donation can be deducted as a business expense, didn’t he tell you? Are you sure he is even a heeb and not just some myopic charlatan in a plague doctors mask.

  11. Wales will probably take the knee in the Euros which start soon. I mention Wales because their games are in Baku. England play at Wembley. The jocks at Hampden Park.

    I don’t think the locals in Baku will go for the ‘kneel for the niiggn0ggz’ shite.

    Will be interesting to see the reaction there.

    And Russia, Hungary and Romania are hosting a few games I believe. Try kneeling there you cunts!

    • Morning RTCP

      Seen it before but just watched it again
      BLM Gary obviously isn’t racist
      He’s a well read and well adjusted individual with some brilliantly thought out plans for the U.K.
      I’ve just taken the knee and raised my fist ?

  12. Interesting how these twats haven’t protested on the pitch about the appalling modern day slavery in Qatar, hosts of this year’s World Cup!

    Thousands of migrant workers (mostly black) earning peanuts building these hugely expensive stadia for rich cunts, big corporate sponsors, broadcasters and pampered footballers.

    All of the above have jumped on the woke bandwagon apart from this. Not a peep from them about the many deaths and appalling living conditions for these mostly black workers.

    I guess they don’t want to ruffle their own comfy nest. Cunts!

  13. The Euros ? Fuck me try finding a European in Englands starting eleven. I’m English but I’m following the Jocks. (Mrs K is from North of the border). Can’t and haven’t watched an England game for years. Why? They’re all cunts.
    Won’t be excited if England win it, which they won’t.

    • The politicising of football has been going on for decades throughout the world as it’s a platform at major tournaments for the world to see. The Olympic games are just the same so it’s nothing new. Problem now is that ‘guests’ are not brought in to line when they misbehave in certain parts of the world and run riot. Paul Pogba is a shit footballer and a shit-stirrer. A toxic cunt who needs to book his next holiday to North Korea.

      • Swap Wogba for Ronaldo-at least that cunt performs consistently.

      • Swap Wo.gba for Ronaldo-at least that cunt performs consistently.

  14. Great nom and well cunted. ??

    Millionaire footballers are empty headed cunts.
    Bending the knee is a cunt.
    BLM is a cunt.
    Southgate is a soppy cunt and a distinctly average cunt of a manager and player.

    A big and special thank you to the fans who continue to boo the fuck out of the leftist political gesturing.
    It would be interesting to know how many subscribers have given Sly and BT cunts the boot since this crap began.

    A special shame on you you utter cunts to the certain clubs who continued to overtly promote Burn Loot Murder more than others by continously having huge fuck off banners draped across swathes of empty seats (naturally) by the corner flags and behind the goals for the entirety of the season. Basically to ensure any cunt watching (kids especially) gets the anti white message.
    Mentioning no names in particular ahem… (Arsenal and Leicester City)

    Cunts of biblical proportions.

    • No surprise there, both clubs in cities that are not much more than blek and stanley colonies.

    • Arsenal have been totally subsumed by wokeness and are now whipping boys for Wolves, Aston Villa, Everton and Burnley, ffs. Utter cunts.

  15. Yet not that long ago the England team were fined for wearing poppy armbands because FIFA say they do not allow any nation to convey a political, religious or commercial message!

    FIFA = Fucking Idiots Fucking Arseholes…The hypocritical cunts!

    Good moaning and fuck off!

  16. The only way this will stop:

    -stop supporting the clubs.
    -don’t buy season tickets
    -don’t buy shurts or other merchandise

    -the main one-cancelled subscription(s) to SKY/BT sports, letting them know exactly why.

    Accountants run football clubs, not players or managers?

  17. Wokegate is a typical middle management, gutter crawling, arselicking incompetent wanker who only got the job because Fat Sam couldn’t resist a bulky brown envelope. I will never forgive the cunt for throwing away that semi final against Croatia. It was there for the taking, anyone could see what needed to be changed and he stood there like a knob scratching his fucking great hooter.
    Apparently in the first knock out round we will play either France, Germany or Portugal. Fuck me! Is it worth turning up ? When it comes to football tactics Wokegate could be outsmarted by Graham Norton. Fortunately Ireland didn’t qualify.

    • Wokegate is a perfect nodding dog for the FA. A Frank Spencer of a manager. Clueless cunt who got the job because the FA couldn’t find anyone cheap to do the job. Hippo-Head Allardyce wouldn’t have lasted long as England boss with his route one football and lack of tactical knowledge. All the best candidates for England manager are and have always been overlooked because they have a backbone and speak their minds.

  18. Fair play for the fans booing.BLM want throwing into your mobile oven Unkle Terry

  19. Top ‘early doors’ cunting.

    That spindly cunt Southgate will be delighted when we get knocked out of the Euros because it will serve us right for Brexit, and be a deserved legacy for our colonial past. The beardie bellend is a serial loser who got lucky in the last world cup, Put the knee in and prepare for a humiliating exit.

    England 5-1 to win, ha,ha,ha. Cunts.

    Good morning everyone.

  20. I think this will be Wokegates last chance saloon.

    If England take the knee (which the cunts will), I hope the get smashed in every fucking game, the stupid cunts.

  21. Don’t watch the shit. I don’t (apart from Leeds goals on YouTube old habits die hard). I’ve played football got my coaching badge. The one that counts not the several mickey mouse fucking ones these days created to bring the Fools Association more revenue. Fuck off down to the local non league, Sunday league and enjoy a largely woke free couple of hours. Cancel Sly sports let the whole thing implode. Cunts.

  22. What is all this shit with supporting Palestinians, they are all cunts, dick head footballers waving the flags, cunts should be flogged.

    Pogba, French N*ger, fuck off back to France or your shithole of origin and take that other soot with you, whoever the fuck he is ?

    That Paul Mason is a complete twat, the next time an asylum seeker blows people up or stabs someone Mason should be shot as well.


    • Well said.
      The waving of Palestinian flags is cuntitude on another level.
      Not sure who the other one is btw SOI.
      They all look the same to me.

      • During the latest bit of bother between Israel and the rag heads there was an interview with an Israeli who lived in a town very close to Gaza.

        He gave his opinion about indiscriminate firing of rockets from Gaza

        ‘The whole place needs bulldozing into the sea’

        Don’t know how they allowed that to be broadcast on the woke mainstream TV. ?

  23. England play again tomorrow….. I’m hoping for more booing of the knee. The more Wokegate thinks we, the public ‘don’t understand’, the more it needs to be rammed right back down his throat. Apparently the squad is now ‘going to have a discussion’ about the way forward which I predict will be some other millionaire virtue signalling like holding hands (ffs!) around the centre circle.

    I’ll stake my mortgage on England crashing out early against the first decent opponent and not making the Wembley KO games. This safety-first numpty of a head coach will stultify any remaining flair and independent thought the players have, but hey, at least he looks presentable and is achingly politically correct. Kane can be relied upon to con a few penalties and free kicks as we labour ponderously to that 89th minute 1-0 winner against whoever. Steve McClaren was a colossus in comparison.

    • Harry Kane is a cunt.
      Semi mong politically correct spunkbag with a trendy faux Jafaican/London accent.
      Winner of a golden boot of penalties.
      Fuck off.

    • Supplementary thought…… could you ever see Greavsie , the Charltons or any of the 66 heroes for that matter holding hands, kneeling etc . No thought not.

  24. The nom should be football fans, as by continuing to pay for subscription sport tv, ridiculous overpriced shirts and other tat, you continue to support them financially.
    Maybe if we moan a little bit online they will come to their senses, ooh look, this years home shirt, only 70 quid, bargain.
    Heard the same when Sky sports came along and made it pay per view, yet here we are. Such is the fanaticism with the sport, no one will walk away from it when it pisses them off, and nothing seems too expensive.
    I’m so glad I was never afflicted with it, in the same way I’m glad I was never afflicted with religion, which sometimes football resembles, in its blind loyalty.

    • Good point Gutstick.
      As a lifelong football fan myself I fucked off any subscriptions some time ago and can only hope many more do the same.
      As for overpriced continually changing replica shirts and the likes – well that’s just exploitation of the gormless as far as I can see.

      • The nearest I get to this level of enthusiasm is with music, and I go out of my way to avoid learning about the artists, because if I read something I don’t like about someone who’s music I love, that’s it for me, as it sullies the art in my opinion.
        Football should be the same, thickie kickie ballie, yay! Let’s go for a pint. Nothing more.

  25. What good is it them kneeling without dark keys kneck to kneel on?

    Call me old fashioned but what happened to the good old days when you could have a pint or 10 watch the game and finish the evening with a good pakki bashing.

    We used to look for them in the dark to give them a sporting chance. An island of gents we were.

  26. Shows what I know. I naturally assumed the booing was an apolitical statement expressing disapproval of the rampant stabbing epidemic we are in the grip of. You know, expressing solidarity with the white players over all the white victims of black knife crime in the UK.

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