Politicising Football On and Off the Pitch

Mostly peacefuls of course, but a few non peacefuls at it too. After the kneeling shite, the excuse was that, ‘Its not political. It’s a humanitarian issue.’

Well, just as I said, those chickens are coming home to roost now. These cunts can’t just get on with the game, they’ve got to spout over every cause (or non cause!) going. Their excuse for waving the Pally flag? ‘Humanitarian issue’ of course.

Now Israel may (or may not) have been heavy handed, but I do know that Hamas are cunts who fire rockets into Israel and use kids as human shields. These are not good people.

And the only reason cunts like Mo Salah gob off, who by the way, has been seen refusing to shake the hands of Jewish players, is because it’s peacefuls getting a kicking.

He, like other peacefuls, doesn’t give a shiny shite over any other people getting blown up.

I bet these twats all said the square root of fuck all about the countless terror attacks by their mob.

No fuck these cunts. But this is what you get, English football and media, for allowing political issues to be brought into sport under the guise of ‘humanitarisnism’.

Fuck them all.


Nominated by: Cuntybollocks


..and on the subject of politicising football, this from mikdys

The ridicule of “taking the knee”

Once again, surprise is expressed at the wider public not blindly supporting this nonsense:


This was at a football match, not a dinner party for bourgeois Antifa supporters, do the promoters not have a clue about the demographic of their audience? They ought to pack up running football events and switch to croquet. Good on the fans for calling the stupid cunts out.

As for fascism. fascism wouldn’t allow this farce to travel over its borders never mind roll on week after week supported by a left wing media. For fucks sake even a centrist government would take a stand and certainly stop things like the desecration of historic monuments.


And here’s another one from Cuntybollocks

Social worker and left wing activist (and sometimes team manager) for the England football team, Gareth Wokegate, has been at it again.

With some fans now coming into the grounds, it seems, as many expected, many are not supportive of the ‘take a knee’ bollocks.

The knee taking was roundly booed by some of the 7,000 crowd at Middlesbrough the other night.

And he’s not happy. It’s ‘not political’ (BLM support and knee taking) according to Wokegate and if you don’t agree with him, you need ‘educating’.

Let’s look at those two points.

1. BLM is a political movement which lobbies politicians and the media to facilitate social change in line with policies that they (BLM) support. BLM now has a political wing in the UK (‘Taking the initiative party’) with BLM bigmouths like Sasha ‘watch out for uncomfortables’ Johnson at the helm. BLM and its political offshoots want to change government policy to suit black people. These policies directly impact on non blacks and many do not agree with BLM, as their message is frankly, ‘racist’ and Marxist in nature.

So you’re wrong on that one, Bignose. It’s obviously political.

2) Next, we need educating do we? See point 1 to educate yourself then read on. We know that this (knee taking) started due to George Floyd. We know his ‘murder’ was not racist. That is a legal fact by the way. We know BLM are horrible cunts, whose leadership suddenly seem to have started buying mansions. We know their leading mouthpieces, who claim whites are the big threat in terms of violence, are getting shot in the head at the hands of their own. We know black on white crime is much higher than white on black (per capita).

There’s your education, cunt!

Fuck off!



90 thoughts on “Politicising Football On and Off the Pitch

  1. I wonder how many of the millionaire footballers who were running around waving the Palestinian flag are moving there?

  2. Those cunts who say refusing to take the knee shows racism are hilarious.
    What about the black players who are refusing to take the knee (and there are a few)?

    Of course, the virtue signal whoring is expected of thick as pigshit look at me clowns like Pigba and Rashcunt. I am ashamed to say that they wear that red shirt. If you hear a rumbling noise tonight, it’ll be Sir Matt and Big Duncan turning in their graves.

    • It’s a sad state of affairs that only a small number of black players are calling this out for what it is.
      The white lads are grovelling shithouses terrified of the reaction from Twatter that they’d get if one of them had the balls to stand up.

      As for Man U, they’re about as far down the woke path as you could get.
      Although in their defence, one slight positive is that despite the cuntish messaging banners emblazoned over the seats, at least Burn Loot fucking Murder isn’t one of them.

      • Here Here…and I’m a half-caster by the way… but would be claimed as an African American if I became a US citizen.

  3. Why don’t footballers stick to what they’re good at, namely: Gobbing all over the pitch, spit roasting naive 17 year old bubble heads, drink driving, saying ‘Obviously’ a lot in interviews and becoming Pundits, getting on my tits whilst spouting shit on Match of the Day.

  4. The silly wankers are holding that rag upside down anyway.
    They probably couldn’t even point to Gaza on a map.

  5. Any game or pastime where idiotic Bell Ends like Pogba are idolised is a non starter for me, I used to play jnr Football back in the day when the game was true and the tackles were tasty, cunts like him would have been off before the refs kick off whistle had died down, Big Ron Atkinson had the correct assumption of his kind.!

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