Wasting time and resources at the public expense.
An investigation is to be launched into forced adoptions in the 50s 60s and early 70s.
‘Hundreds of women forced into giving up their babies for adoption have called on the prime minister to issue a government apology.
Many did not go on to have more children and have said the loss caused them to lead a lifetime of grief.
They want the UK to follow Australia, which in 2013 became the first country to apologise for forced adoptions.’
I dont underestimate the trauma this caused. But.
What is the point of this breast beating? It wasnt any present day politicians responsible. What the fuck have they to apologise for?
We get more and more of this token bullshit such as the vigil for the poor woman murdered by an animal in London. But what the fuck is the point?
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
It’s a big pile of arseholes. I rarely apologise for things I did do, no fucking way would I apologise for something that has nothing to do with me.
I agree – that and “public enquiries” which the public are not invited to, which the politicians predetermine the outcome of, and which the public pay £millions in taxes for.
Guess which cunt launched the daddy of all public enquiries? That’s right T Bloody Liar:
The Bloody Sunday inquiry took 12.5 years and cost the taxpayer around £191.5m.
I’m sorry but I don’t feel the need to apologise.
What about some Compo for them ? That would certainly fall on deaf ears
It should of happened in Liverpool. The home of blame and eternal compensation claims.
I would imagine the residents of Self Pity City are furiously looking for some home grown victims as we speak.
I now realise that for most of my life I have been a complete and utter cunt. I accept that being a cunt was a cuntish thing to do, and I promise that in future I will try to be less of a cunt going forward. Your continued support is important to us, even though you are all cunts, so any future cuntishness on my part will first be approved by a committee chaired by Diane Abbot and Gary Lineker. I apologise for any distress caused by my complete and utter cultishness in the past, but as you are all cunts may I respectfully suggest that you all go and fuck yourselves you dirty rotten cunts.
Thank you.
“Going forward” always reminds me of the final chorus of Scott Joplin’s Treemonisha (actually “Marchin’ onward”).
Marchin’ onward, marchin’ onward
Lootin’ to that lovely tune…
I am going to mass now and we will say during the Creed ‘through my fault, through my fault, through my most grevious fault’.
Maybe they should add that to the taking of the knee, striking the breast 3 times-‘mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa’.
Funnily enough, only last night I was comparing white guilt about slavery to the original sin nonsense, as both require you to feel guilty and acknowledge your blame for an act that happened way before your lifetime, you had nothing to with it, and wouldn’t agree to it if you were given a choice.
Pure nonsense.
I never understood why whites should feel guilty for slavery, they were only half the problem. ( the Blacks themselves being the other half )
Perhaps we should have a Black and White joint mass apology, and then we can get on with the business of modern trafficking. ( the next big grief )
Always whining aren’t they?
Just issue them with one of those baby dolls that pisses its draws.
2nd chance for them.
Dont lose this one.
I had a Tiny Tears. I beat it up and threw it across the room.
It’s only honkies that are told to apologise for the past deeds of others.
I’m waiting for the peaceful community to apologise for the terrorist attacks and rape gangs they turned/are turning a blind eye to.
Or the dark keys for their culture of glorifying gang violence and blaming whitey for everything, even for their own criminal acts against members of their own community.
I think I’ll be waiting a while though.
Instead of issuing random apologies why not save time by issuing one big one?
“We apologise for everything that has ever happened…… Ever”
Followed by, “Now fuck off and get on with your lives”
I never cease to be amazed at the bottomless pit of Wonga available to pointlessly investigate / apologise for ancient history when at the same time the fucking blancmange can’t even fund a sensible post-Covid education recovery program or even fix the potholes.
But then the penny drops….. the only beneficiaries of these show trials are the £1,000/hr lawyers trousering all the moolah. The House of Cunts is of course choc-full of these leeches looking after their own profession. See Dame Kweer.
And don’t get me started on the incredible waste of money we’re about to see to stage / protect next weekend’s G7; Greta’s Glasgow Gathering; a Royal Yacht that even Big Ears and Baldy don’t want…….. this is the sort of extravagance that even Worzel would approve of.
Aircraft carrier$…..H$2…. $tonehenge tunnel…etc etc
A new Ministry of Apologies should be set up. That cunt Gove could be Secretary of State. His sincerity could not fail to impress the aggrieved.
This and preceding British governments have been as weak as fuck and not representative of the people who voted the useless counts in.
Farage reckons 20,000 illegals will arrive by boat this year, post Brexit why the fuck is it still happening when the majority of the electorate voted Brexit to stop this happening.
The ECHR is totally responsible, get us the fuck out of the agreement and get back control who comes in and who we can get rid of. Not some fucking out of touch twattish judge who cares more about the human rights of sub standard filth over the human rights of the people that live here.
Fucking cunts.
The government should apologise to the British people for buying the freedom of slaves because the blicks of today don’t appreciate it so was a complete waste of money.
They should apologise for importing the windrush generation and the mass immigration for south east Asia which has caused problems for 70 years.
They should apologise for allowing the boat crews crossing the channel when they promised to stop it happening.
I’ve said it before on here and elsewhere – but I wonder how all those ungrateful cunts that came to Britain via Windrush and slavery, would have got on with their lives had they had the choice of staying put back home?
If there hadn’t been a British Empire, and no commonwealth, and no occupation of other countries, and no slavery at all, the generations of dark keys we see today in Britain most certainly wouldn’t be here. Instead they would back in their homeland not knowing anything different.
But would they be happy with their lifestyle compared to what they have now in the UK? Would they have access to all the benefits, freedoms, technology etc back home as they do here?
They keep banging on about slavery and killings etc, but they never seem in much rush to “return home”
Oh and as far as BLM is concerned, well I’m pretty sure gangs in a lot of African & Caribbean countries don’t give two shits about BLM. They’ll just carry on killing their own kin regardless.
And we are still sending money to Africa, the BLM and co never seem to mention all the overseas aid this country dishes out.
Governments don’t give a shit because they don’t care about responsibilities for their own actions. Which in a way is where society is also heading.
Handing out a few “I’m so sorry!” tropes is just an empty gesture. And they won’t care about having to fork out a few million in compo because its not their money but the Public’s.
Expect future apologies regarding WW2 and the bombing of German cities; or the arrest, capture, torture and imprisonment of known IRA terrorists. Might even get an apology out of Blair for the Gulf Wars, but I doubt it.
We’re living in a new age of The Apology. Every man and his dog seem to be apologising for either doing something or saying something from ages ago, that has somehow entered the public realm via social media.
The only people who don’t feel the need to apologise are the accusers, the entitled and the “oppressed” and the Woke, because they’re all above the law, and whatever they say or do, should never be judged otherwise they will either:
a) bleat about it on social media
b) hand out the usual “ism” cards to shut people up
Sorry if this post is a bit on the long side. But I am entitled, so fuck off!
Spot on Techno.
I am married to a Japanese lady, and as you know the Japanese are noted for lack of apologies. It’s just not in their nature to show weakness.
Regarding Mrs Stroker, true to form I have never received an apology from her. To be fair though, have only been going out with her since 2002 so still early days yet.
Interesting Willie, all part of the Japanese national psyche to preserve face, as in WW2 where surrender was a form of disgrace and dishonour. It might explain the relative lack of public interest in the #MeToo movement and BLM bollocks, no need for any soul searching, guilt and self-loathing.
Sounds like she has the whip hand, Willie! You obviously haven’t thrashed her hard enough!
This is an Asian thing. My wife is Chinese and also refuses to apologise for anything, even when she knows she’s in the wrong. She just blames me instead. And apologies will never be forthcoming from the Chinese Communist Party, even though they have more to apologise for than just about any organisation on the planet. They will however blame other cunts for their fuck ups, like the Gang of Four.
“Western imperialism” always gets an outing from the CCP or the ayatollahs.
The thought of the fantastically fit and slim Japanese Mrs Stroker with a whip perhaps as a dominatrix figure has given me the horn and got me thinking.
Not decent and innocent thoughts by the way.
In 50 years of being together, my wife apologised to me for the very first time today.
She said she’s sorry she ever married me.
Remember, parrots can live long, long lives. Percy parrot turned “er indoors” into a gibberish wreck in less than 24 hrs, last Christmas. The cats are still suffering from PTSD-every time a colourful Jay swoops down, they scamper for cover?
Mrs Blunt deserves a peerage if Doreen Lawrence proportions, for putting up with that fowl mouthed, over-sexed pesky ?.
Morning General. He’s already telling me how much he’s looking forward to visiting you next Christmas!
He’s perfected a great wolf whistle and won’t listen to me when I tell him he can’t do that in your garden because it’s now a sex hate crime. He’s already in trouble with the police because he’s been upskirting the local totty.
Fantastic post Bertie.
Although made in jest, it pretty much sums up my position.
Luckily for women, they have something most men want. And they know it.
As my wise bext door neighbour often says, my wife is lucky to have me and would have gone back to Japan many years ago if not happy with things.
Your next door neighbour Willie is wise beyond words!?
Are you sure it’s not your mistress?
Why the fuck would anybody want or accept an apology that they know deep down is completely insincere and is nothing more than virtue signalling.
Soft cunts.
When this green ecoshit from this government comes into effect in 2030 and we’re no longer able to buy petrol/diesel cars, and gas central heating boilers will be banned, I wonder if Boris and Princess NutNut will be around to apologise for the monumental catastrophe that will soon follow when it becomes apparent the National Grid cannot cope and half the country is on energy rations, while the other half are all stuck on the motorways with dead car batteries!
But of course he won’t. He’ll be in the House of Cunts claiming his £900/day attendance allowance, while Princess NutNut jets around the world with her environmental advisor Dame Greta Thunderbirds in tow, and telling everyone we still need to do MORE to save the planet, before jetting off to Martinique for a well-deserved 3 month break!
Don’t forget that the rest of the world will be pissing themselves laughing. Albania will overtake the UK as a manufacturing giant by comparison.
Perhaps the best way we can make amends for slavery and colonialism, and solve the immigration issue at the same time, would be to provide massive subsidies to enable KFC to open shops all over the third word offering free bargain bucket sand unlimited beans. Job done.
I wish to apologise that my great grandfather may have done something unpleasant 130 years ago. I don’t know what it was or even that he did anything that needs apologising for. But I’ll apologise just in case. Now I’ve apologised I can go on being a cunt in the here and now.
Now all you need to do is pay the compensation.
That’s where I draw the line, Moggie.
Just so long as “lessons have been learned” MMCM…
Lessons have indeed be learned CC….never to apologise again !
I am waiting for the Church of England to apologise for suggesting that God, Jesus, Mary Whatsherface, Adam and Eve, were all white heterosexuals enjoying white privilege back in the day!
Moreover, the Bible is a racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic pamphlet, which actually encouraged slavery, and should therefore be destroyed!
Oh, and the CoE itself should further apologise for amassing its huge fortune/wealth it has acquired through various capitalist activities at the expense of more humanitarian values, but still expect handouts from the Plebs!
The CofE is actually making great progress in the wokification of the Bible. Expect new dogmas and apologies shortly.
God – Now known as Them, and is a trans-sentient being and aspiring architect
Jesus – Also known as Umbongo Jesus Estivez, from Kentish Town.
Mary – Lesbian feminist and Ooman Rights Activist
Adam – On the verge of coming out. Currently working for Uber
Eve – Black person currently a checkout person at Aldi. Doesn’t like snakes much
I have just discovered from my Ancestry UK, that a very early ancestor of mine was abducted and sold into slavery by some cunt called “Marcus” who flogged poor ancestral 5 eyes to a cunt called Hadrian. I demand an apology from some Italian Cunt, and I want compo backdated to 80AD for my trauma , loss of erectile function, and loss of sleep. (£20 million would suffice )
Apologising for something I have not done?
When are the Families of the innumerable victims of islamic p*edophiles and murderers receiving an apology from a Government that allowed and encouraged these filth in?
I wish it was in the past but the invasion continues apace. In 20 years this country will be 40% muslim and run under sharia law.
Macron was in Rwanda recently and apologized for France´s behavior during the massacres in which Hutus and Tutsis went at each other with machetes leaving tens of thousands dead. France was not the colonial power and Frenchmen were not involved in the killing so why was he apologizing? This reminded me of the comment by an Israeli soldier after Israel was accused of not preventing the massacre of Palestinians in a refugee camp by Lebanese militiamen. He said, “Christians kills Moslems and the Jews get the blame.”
Totally agree with this cunting, I’m sick of hearing about the government appoligizing for bygone shit from before they where born, or stuff the should refuse to say sorry for, Grendfall towers is top of my list, if these people weren’t sponges and had jobs, or stayed in their own country’s it wouldn’t have been a problem, women who got pregnant out of wedlock in ww2 or football fans, or soldiers in Northern Ireland, fucking egg and spoons whose ancestors were shipped over from Africa 300 plus fucking years.
The government in my opinion don’t ever have the right to appoligize for this shit and why should they, and what fucking difference does it make anyway, its like me appoligizing for my neoghbor because he’s a noisy Porto cunt, it means fuck all, so bollocks to it…
Next thing the government will be appoligizing to Shamishatta Began and her terrorist brothers in arm for not being nice….. I would love to leave the UK perminantly but where to go, and of course I can’t afford to, so I’m stuck here…
Appoligies for that…