Phone Camera Bad Samaritans

Phone camera bad Samaritans

In this age of smartphones everyone basically can record video. This can be good to show wars/protests that the media don’t want you to know about and I’m not talking about that.

I’m talking about things like this. You’ll find dozens of the things on the net. People happy to record and watch, even cheer on fights and muggings and do nothing even though they’re RIGHT THERE and could help stop it but they don’t. Instead they upload the shit for views and ‘cred’ most of the time.

Nominated by: LazyBiscuits 

59 thoughts on “Phone Camera Bad Samaritans

  1. Twats. None of these cunts could fight sleep but they still insist on causing trouble. Just go home and read a book ffs.

  2. I saw a video a few month back of this young man who had been in some sort of serious accident and was semi-conscious and – get this – his mates (three of the cunts) were filming him on their phones. Imagine the last thing you see as you are dying at age 20 is your spazzy cretinous mates filming you slip into the abyss.

    • If it had happened to one of the other ‘mates’ the injured one would doubtless have been filming the dreadful episode.

  3. I’ve seen it on airplane evacuations some cunt filming it, you are in front of me with camera you are getting decked and trampled to death you cunt.

    Cunts who film shit rather than intervene get my goat.

      • 100 years old if content is right wing, under 10 years old if left wing as children are the target demographic of left wing politics.

  4. There’s a video from the other week of an air stewardess getting her teeth knocked out by a mental cunt. Number of people happily filming? Dozens. People who chose to help? One.

  5. Don’t. These cunts wind me up and send my blood pressure to stroke-inducing levels. At what point do you think it’s acceptable to film some poor fucker who’s having possibly the worst day of their life plus us that are having to deal with it? What makes it worse is that they get pissy and accuse YOU of being rude when you tell them to stop filming. (I MUST be on YouTube, somewhere…). And carefuly edited footage of police, too, that only show the copper arresting them, but avoids showing the ten warnings to behave and the constant goading and initial assault of the copper prior to this. Utter and total cunts.

    This Kraut is a hero in my, and probably every emergency service worker’s book:

    Society? I loathe it. An excellent cunting and I nominate it to The House.

      • Imagine the team storming off when they get booed for kneeling at the Euros?

        I predict it could well happen. There are some proper ‘uppity’ types in the current squad. Wokegate is shit scared of disagreeing with them on anything, for fear of losing his job for ‘waycism’.

        If they walk off he’ll back them up. And we’ll get knocked out and probably fined by UEFA (quite rightly too).

        It’s political, Bignose! That’s why we don’t want any of it. And BLM are anti white Marxist cunts!

    • Isn’t it just!
      It’s amusing me that the fuckers can’t see why!
      Along with protestations that it’s not a political statement, they see it as entirely the fan’s fault either not wanting to Know or needing “education” in order to see the error of their ways.
      The one thing that the whole matter has confirmed to me is that professional footballers are as thick as pig shit in order to understand the complexities of the World outside their tiny bubble!
      That abject simpleton Southgate must rate as one of the worst England managers ever. The slimy cunt greases upto the FA and the media on a scale never seen before. I hope the cunt gets absolutely fuckin’ steamrollered at the Euros.

      • Absolutely, a bunch of numbnuts footballers would be the last place I’d go to looking for education. Doubt if any of the cunts could spell the world

      • This got me thinking about what the National sport would be once the Mooselimbs took over.
        My guess is an explosive 5000 metres championship.
        This is a race that’s never completed. The winner is the runner whose body belt explodes first. Bonus points are added for how many of the crowd you take out with you!
        No doubt Gary Lineker will survive to hand out the awards.
        All other suggestions please on a postcard.

      • Gold cup open dinghy race?
        Benefit fraud pentathlon?
        Underage grooming marathon?
        The hundred metres is hard wearing fuckin flipflops.

      • I hope to umpire this excellent sporting event if I may.
        By calling in a preemptive air strike.
        Gold medals all round.
        No survivors.

      • Bloody hell Miserable, your imagination knows no bounds!

      • It would be great if we could get Stuart Hall to help out with the dinghy race!

      • ‘hhahahahaha,hoohhooho,
        And, and, hahaa haaahaha!
        He, hes fallen over board!!

        Stuart Hall

    • Do the cunts know how pathetic they look? Of course not walk up behind them and stamp on the Achilles tendon. Bunch of slime bslls, kope they get hammered. Some how rigged it to play most games at home, the cunts would get a right booing abroad.

    • Great news.

      Memo to the FA, Wokegate and his band of double barrel name snowflakes – Don’t bite the hand of the demographic that bothers turning up to watch your turgid fucking shit of an excuse for football.
      I’d rather attend a funeral than watch this England team. And that’s without the kneeling for the new St George.


  6. Plenty of phone cameras catching booing the taking of the knee today 😀

    Fuck off burn loot murder, the jig is up, We’re all on to you 😉

    • “The Jig Is Up”?

      You are Nigel Farage & I claim my £5 voucher off a subscription of “Country Life” magazine.

  7. There was some cunt in Minneapolis who took a 10 minute video of a poor innocent man being murdered because he was black. Perhaps the dull cunt restraining the poor innocent man could have rammed the phone up the filmers arse? Would have saved grief, riots and murders.

  8. McDonald’s at night on a weekend attracts trouble for some reason,
    Iittle chavvy wannabe gangsters.
    The staff their must dread it.
    Are the dicks filming it for kicks?
    Or as evidence for the police?
    I worked at McDonald’s id be tempted to powder glass into their burgers the orrible little cunts.

    • I bet every fried chicken shop at 11pm is a microcosm of everything that is wrong in the country today.

      Out in the Peaks today Mis?

      • I was LL.
        I had a bad experience though!
        Eating outdoors, the missus, daughter, dog, and a member of staff stood talking to us,
        And im eating my Sunday roast,
        When a piece of roast beef lodged in my throat!!
        At first I thought, ‘dont panic’
        Tried to swallow a few times,=nowt.
        Coughed, not happening.
        Eventually I managed to swallow the fuckin thing but my missus said my eyes were bugging out?
        The poor bar lad looked worried, doubt his arms would of encircled me for the Heimlich maneuver!!
        But today colours seem brighter, smells sweeter, and im not as venomous.
        Proper death for a Englishman though “choked on roast beef”

      • Aside from facing down a French column at Waterloo or charging a Nazi pillbox on a Normandy beach, there is no finer death for an Englishman. The pub might have even given you a little memorial plaque.

  9. It’s amazing how mad and violent black people are. Hyde park, planes, who new?

  10. Cunts who film bollocks on their phones annoy the fuck out of me.

    In an old job a few years ago on the dreaded staff Christmas do’s there was this one particular loathsome middle management cunt who sat filming colleagues getting pissed, dancing and whatever else, like it was something incredible and that they hoped could embarrass these same colleagues the following January.
    Except nobody really gives a fuck you cunt and while you were busy sat filming every cunt, the rest of us were making the most of the free alcohol, food and any available office fanny.

    Having said that, I’ve just been filming my whippet letting his legs go on the local field.
    Difference is, I’m probably the only one who will be watching it back and not all the cunts on Twatter or Faecesbook who claim to be my “friends”

    • Id just like to go off topic to wish the Sparkle Hewitt’s congratulations on the birth of their new daughter Liverspot.
      Well done the pair of you.
      Sure with your wisdom impaired she’ll grow into a well balanced, even minded productive adult. Ahem.

      • More money making opportunities for Sparkletits……more photos to sell, more Oprah interviews about the joys of motherhood……..eventually followed by the ones about post natal depression and her bleedin’ mental elf.
        Sadly, the beginning of the end for the Halfwit. He’s surplus to requirements now, soon be on his way back home to grovel like the wokie little weakling he is.
        Fuck off cunt.

      • “Lilibet” (Elizabeth) named after the Queen apparently.

        Another fucking insult.

      • I thought that RT. There’s something wrong with it. Almost prizing the queen towards them. For their own ends of course. It’s Meghan manipulating again. So calculating.

      • See its turning one against the other that Narcissists are about. In the family. I know from experience.

      • Calculated to divide, without a doubt Miles.

        Utterly cynical.

        Hopefully Brenda and Jug Ears will see through it.

      • The Hewitts recently dubbed the royal family racists. So why would they name their daughter after someone they considered to be racist?

      • A classic cynical publicity manoeuvre. Sparkletits must have signed up to a new PR agent. Sid and Doris Bonkers will be pleased but every other cunt will see right through it.

      • I just read a comment elsewhere that they might as well have called it ‘Damage Control’.

      • Named after Her Majesty, after they slagged the royals off on Oprah? What a smear of slime wigga cunt the Markle Locust really is.

      • Now the Locust has dropped sprog Mark II. it’s time for the firm to sign that death warrant….

  11. Fucking annoying when your out and about or eating and some cunt decides it’s ok to point there phone in your direction and indulge their inner Spielberg. Then there are the ghouls who film bad shit going on so they can post it to social media instead of helping out like a normal human fucking being.

    Can we be surprised though? Just read an article stating the BBC are going to make a drama out of the jimmy Savile story……….let that sink in, the BBC are going to make a drama (entertainment) out of Jimmy Savile’s life.

    No fucking hope for the world is there.

    They even brag about it on their own website, like the cunt worked for ITV most of his career.

  12. World seems to be full of phone mongs.

    Phone mongs on the phone in a busy street/near a place of danger
    Phone mongs taking pictures of themselves
    Phone mongs looking at pictures of other phone mongs on the internet
    Phone mongs on the phone during a social occasion and being anti-social because they’re on the phone
    Phone mongs filming anything that happens rather than looking at it with the naked eye

  13. I remember going to a restaurant and there was a family of fat cunts who never looked up from their ‘phones in between stuffing their fat, cushion-like faces with gargantuan quantities of tuck. Not a fucking word was spoken between courses, just all four of the bloaters staring at the screens. I was tempted to tell them to ‘Google’ ‘Diabetes’ as we left but feared they’d eat me, too.

    The fucking Desponds.

    • Gene:

      A few years ago, “Er Indoors” & I, took a few younger family members for a day out at the zoo.
      On the way home, I asked: “shall we have a meal out”
      They suggested some “chain” that did did carvery pub meals.

      It was “Chav-fucking-central”???

      On the table next to us was a family (Mum, Dad, Daughter, Son in law). They made the “go-lightly” family from Beadles About look like Ethiopian famine victims.

      They were eating four plates piled high with meat, veg and giant Yorkshire puddings, like farmyard animals.?

      We were still eating a starter of salad, whilst they were going up for “seconds”. When we went to the carvery, they were waddling down the aisle to their table:

      I would say the Father and Mother were 25 plus stone, the daughter was labouring back to the table with a 12 inch plate of food, piles 18 inches high (no exaggeration!), whilst the mother was uttering, in a nasally whine: “make way, pwegnent woman, make way, pwegnent woman!!”

      As they past our svelte group, I couldn’t help myself: “It doesn’t show!”

      We spent an uncomfortable 25 minutes, barely eating our mains, whilst they simultaneously chowed down and “glared” at us?

      • Cunts like that are the future, CF. We need a swift ‘About Turn’, sharpish.

  14. It was some cunt filming that caused the world to implode last year by recording the arrest of George Floyd. Selective editing helped sell the murder narrative. Not so much seen of the cunt monged out in his car, or of him resisting arrest.
    Probably made a fucking fortune selling it to the media too.
    The cunt.

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