My White Privilege Card

I’ve had this card since I was born. Everyone on the telly, in business and in academia keep telling me how useful it is.

My family are all honkies too. I think this means our privilege levels are through the roof?

Well, it appears that this card has not given me or those close to me much, if any privilege at all. My mother is keen on all that ancestry stuff, and it seems most of my ancestors were either in workhouses for the poor, child labourers or blown to pieces in wars. Most died young. My family kept looking for the white privilege we’re told that we all have, but we still haven’t found it.

I’ve had to work myself half to death just to get a reasonable standard of living. Nothing fancy mind. And it takes me 60-80 hours a week of my time. I’m told my city needs to become more ‘diverse’ too. There are too many of us whites you see. Too many whites is bad. Too many blacks is great. This card is shite.

If I want to enrol on a part-time master’s degree course, I’ll need to be much better than any dark keys who apply. If they’re anything like close to my academic level, they’ll get that place at Oxbridge, not me.

If I want a promotion…well it’s the same again. Deshawn has only been here a year and constantly fucks up and is a lazy cunt to boot, but the dark keys need a ‘role model’. Wait your turn, honky man. Once all the dark keys are happy, that is.

I’m told that I and my people are the problem when it comes to things like crime. I mean, just look at the cases of George Floyd and Stephen Lawrence. Well, how could you miss those stories, right? Then I look at crime statistics and see that whites are much more likely to be killed, assaulted or raped by blacks than the other way around. This never gets mentioned. White crimes are highlighted, and the much more prevalent black ones are either played down or hidden altogether. Is my card faulty or something?

I can’t even watch my football team without them kneeling for black people and demanding I do the same. I’m told that we are not needed in the media. I hear words like ‘hideously white’ being used by our MPs and this seems fine. Again, this white privilege card seems to do nothing.

Millionaires like Michael Holding and Lenny Henry tell me off about my privilege and the oppression they suffer at my hands. Mr Holding, who spends his time in his large properties in the Caribbean during the UK’s winter months, and his summers watching horse racing and cricket in Blighty. He’s telling me I’m privileged and that he’s oppressed? He must be right though, he’s always on the telly and his word treated as gospel.

No, I’m taking the damn thing back. It’s useless. But that black privilege card?

Now you’re talking. I hear there are mad enough plastic surgeons out there who can make you black.

If I’m not on EastEnders, all the adverts or reading the news within a week, I’ll eat my privileged white ringpiece.

Fuck off.

Nominated by: Cuntybollocks

54 thoughts on “My White Privilege Card

  1. It’s definately a career move to be black on the BBC – even daytime TV – Jay Blades – the “philosophy stoodent” gained a gong in Her Majesty’s birthday honours list, and Garden Rescue with Charlie and the Rich Brothers have now been joined by an eye rolling black woman with grey hair and a poofter who has a feminine timbre in “his voice”.

    With the demise of Little Richard last summer, Cliff Richard is enjoying a new career dressing himself up and blaking up and he is now appearing as Big Dick.
    Sue Barker says he should be sued under the Trades Description Act

    • I was watching sky news in the hotel room this morning. Not one Whitey presenter for an hour interspersed with adverts that I’m not the right demographic to buy their products.
      Disenfranchised much ?

  2. The official Beatles website now has a page titled ‘The Beatles and Black Music’.
    Where some wasn’t even born at the time BAME woman named Meshell Ndegeocello (no, me neither) is doing a four part series “A Shot of Rhythm and Blues: Exploring The Beatles and Black Music” on The Beatles Channel.

    Which is basically going to be telling everyone that all the Fabs legacy is down to blacks and that they owe their success and legacy to them. I know both McCuntney and Starr have been sickeningly pro-BLM in recent media appearances. But to make out the whole band (including the two dead ones and George Martin) and their entire 60s output are indebted to BAMEs is fucking ridiculous. But it’s there on their own website. In other words, the Beatles have taken the knee. For fuck’s sake…

  3. Brilliant – should be compulsory reading in every fucking school and institution in the land.

    What really gets me is that it is other white people who are doing us whites down and promoting (in the most place) fucking useless and lazy blacks.

    • M’lord so true, the traitors within are the worst of the worst. They do not seem to realise that every concession, every look the other way is a further step towards the loss of everything our ancestors sweated and died for. If nothing else how can these traitors be so ungrateful.

  4. Good nomination and well-expressed C-B. It’s a huge advantage being a ‘person of colour’ whether it’s an Afreekan tan of merely the swarthy hue of an arăb. It’s as if meritocracy itself has been cancelled. Don’t bother being conscientious, just play da raace card when tings don’t go your waay. Soon we’ll have to sit at the back of the bus.

  5. It’s going to be a hoot when Marcus Rashcunt gets a knighthood (because he will).
    One thing’s for certain, it’s not going to be for scoring goals. The useless sack of shit. He’s never scored 20 or over in a season and he never will. Absolute crap.

    • I’m sure you’re right Norm.
      I suspect that the people that do the nominations won’t have realized that it is others who think up the initiatives and do all the work – he just puts his name to it. Surely nobody imagines that he actually thought up the content of his letter to govt? –
      Hell, the twat probably has difficulty counting past ten without taking his shoes off!

      • That’s what annoys me about him, Cassandra. He’s supposed to be footballer and a goalscorer. But he’s neither really. His apologists and fans will give it ‘But… But he’s only young, he needs time’. Rashford has been a first team player for six seasons and he has only passed the 20 goal tally twice (OK, he has done that, but only in the last two years and there was a long break for Covid for the last one). His bullshit tales about how his mum had two jobs but couldn’t afford a loaf of bread are also irritating. But not as nauseating as his knee taking and his black panthers salute. He probably has no idea who they are or how nasty they were and he’s also arguably too stupid to care. I agree, that he is a clueless pillock who is being operated by some PR people. If he has trouble kicking a ball into a net, he won’t be capable of much else.

      • Of course when I point out that Rashford has never scored 20 league goals in any season, that’s correct. His highest tally in the league is 17. He only managed to bag 22 in all competitions five years after his debut in 2015. Yet he’s touted as the world’s most valuable/expensive player? Absolutely laughable.

  6. I am a minority where I live and always have been (southern Texas). Latinos (or Meskins as I call them) are the majority and I grew up feeling like I wasn’t as accepted into certain circles because I was white. I didn’t let it bother me. I just moved on and did what I needed to make my way. Like Mr bullocks who composed this great nom I too have had no white privilege card issued and if I have it got lost in the mail. I have found no info on line for getting it re-issued either. Meanwhile my way through life is more uphill than my dark key counterparts. Maybe reparations will come to my posterity?
    Fuck off.

    • In 1991 I was on a road trip round the USA and ended up in the bar KingsX in El Paso for an evening ( pulled a cracker who looked like Jamie lee Curtis) she said exactly the same back then she lived in a flat infested with cockroaches, made my skin crawl opening a cupboard and seeing up to five roaches scurrying about. No white privilege then no white privilege now

  7. One of the best nominations I have read on ISAC. Well thought out and extremely well written.

    Spot on CB, absolutely nothing to add.


    • That’s exactly what I was going to say Willie. Fantastic nom and CB would get an award if he wasn’t white.

  8. A very fine cunting indeed.
    It’s almost a miracle that centuries of heroic adventure,astonishing hard work and unparalleled achievements can be undermined,belittled and subverted in 25 years.

    Anyone who buys into this festering mess of woke PC propaganda is a coward and a traitor.

    Oven the cunts and wipe the slate clean.

  9. Don’t like “racist whitey”?
    Don’t stand for it you poor little things – go back to Bongo Bongo Land or Sand Rat City and complain all you want.
    I will not hear you, or care.

  10. The Dark keys are a wise and noble race who carry themselves with a quiet dignity”, said no one, ever.

  11. My Welsh council estate was steeped in white privilege. My forebears who died young in wars, mines, steelworks and the potato famine were also rolling in the fucker while oppressing the poor dark*es and profiting from their misery.
    This has led me to be structurally, institutionally and oppressively racist.
    Dem poor macaroons.

    Had to edit your post. Word filter etc – DA

  12. If only we can convince dark keys that gravity beez razist. Then we can all watch them to float off into space.

    After all, dark keys stupidity even defies the laws of physics.

    • They wouldn’t float off anywhere, their bones are as dense as Solid concrete and would stay rooted the the floor, that is why when they venture out into deep water they sink quicker than a ship’s Anchor.!

      • Like Time, the English invented Gravity.

        I believe the Greeks invented concepts (such as time) and gravity just exists? The theory of gravity however was English so I’ll give you that one. – DA

      • Admin – England created the time zones by putting the Meridian line through Greenwich in 1884. Everything was subsequently set to that. Therefore, we invented Time.

        The Greeks invented short haircuts, Halloumi Cheese, badly-built temples, and “brown love” with your male chums.

        You’re confusing time zones (and GMT) with time as a concept which has existed since at least the Greek/Egyptians. Otherwise the Gregorian calendar which we follow couldn’t have existed until 1884 which is clearly did prior. – DA

  13. I read that the ” Go Straight to Jail” card is to be removed from Monopoly sets because the Dark-Keys say that it is racisssstttt, mocks the death of George Floyd,is a reminder of colonial oppression and disses da commmunniddeee….I suspect the real reason is that it shouldn’t have been in the “Chance” pack but in a ” Nailed-on,100% Certainty” pack in Monopoly sets owned (probably stolen) by Coloured families..

    I feel like Chiggun tonight.

  14. Yeah my “white privilege card” was pretty wank also.

    Granddad down the pit till 65. Dad ditto died of emphysema coal dust in his 60’s.

    My mum worked in a factory and cleaned houses.

    I worked down the pit for 14 years until Maggie shutting them energized me to go to college and become a teacher. Now retired. Yes wasn’t I and my family lucky?

    No laying about claiming to be picked on because of my colour or lack of work ethic. “White Privilege does not exist those who say it does should be dragged back to a dark colour country and asked the question why the fuck did this country stay in the dark ages???

    Were the population all lazy thick or did it fail because of a white man thousands of miles away? Answers on a postcard free privilege card to the winner.. Cunts.

  15. This is the most blatant racist nomination I have ever seen, by denying your white privilege you are racist, by not acknowledging that you are personally responsible for all the racism in the world you are racist.
    You are responsible for slavery, yes YOU!

    Kehinde Andrews
    Oppressed Professor of (Beautiful) Black Studies.

    PS, Go away and EDUCATE yourself

  16. What did that cunt Jay Blades do to gain recognition? The only recognition the cunt should be getting is the laziest cunt in that repair shop.

    Not only is he the laziest cunt in the shop, he also keeps others back from doing their work. Just check out that unmarked leather apron’ next time the cunt dons your screen. Oh and on the subject of ‘screens’, don’t follow his advice on ‘screening’ around highly flammable liquid storage with wooden fencing materials either. He should keep his fencing methods for things like stopping the bison pissing in the water hole.

    I wonder if he advises Trellick Tower residents to store their fireworks right next to their gas cooker?

    This proves the guy is an absolute weapon and a danger to any cunt viewing any programme where he offers advice…

    • What did he do Bob? You are right, absolutely fuck all. Just hangs about with real craftsmen – taking all the credit. Just like that Marcus Rashford – see post above.
      Just like a load of other hypocrites – I’d have more respect for him if he told the palace to stick it up their ass.

      • Cassandra@ – Jay Blades is very good at being partially black and wholly useless.
        “Philosophy student” – “if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to witness it do I still get my giro”?
        If he appeared in my workshop with his laziness and shenanigans he would receive a booted invitation to leave!
        Lazy shiftless sod gets job due to hue..

  17. I had white privilege myself, but most white people haven’t had any sort of “privilege” by skin colour, being a white person in 2021 (especially a heterosexual one) puts you below bacteria on the world order!

    In the words of the Rolling Stones;

    ?Under my thumb, whitey, who once had me down, Under my thumb, whitey, who pushed me around, it’s down to me, the way you kneel when your grovelling up to me, change has come, you’re under my thumb?

  18. Very good nom CB.

    Myself and my siblings were practically dragged up on an almost exclusively Honkey, poverty stricken Northern housing estate.
    The old man was often in and out of work like many other (white) fellas unfortunately.
    Though he did try hard, it seemed every factory or major employer in the area spent the thick end of 2 decades having severe staff cut backs or were closed down and or demolished.
    Me and my brother used to lay in bed in winter watching condensation rise from our breaths in a damp ridden bedroom.
    No central heating for us despite our obvious privelige you see.
    When it came to schooling, this particular priveliged white kid spent a fair few stints on the old free school meals which invariably meant having to produce a card with a number on in full view of every cunt in the dinner queue.
    A slightly humiliating experience for a 13 year old combined with the fact we had fuck all else material wise when compared to some of the genuinely priveliged white kids at that time and interestingly enough, not something the couple of black kids in my school year had to endure either.

    This is in no way meant to sound like a sob story or anything like it. I loved my childhood when I look back and I genuinely wouldn’t change any of it because I think it helped prepare me for life as an adult.

    However – White privelige!?!??
    Don’t make me fucking laugh.

    • This incident wasn’t covered by those BBC cunts, naturally.
      The religion of peace does not belong in the civilised world. It should be wiped out.

    • You could behead them and piss on their corpses and that still wouldn’t quite be justice.

      As appalling as sexual violence is, you can’t help but think it poetic justice if they’re currently being given a taste of it by 300 Spartans.

    • This is the sort of evil shit that will fetch a new Hitler.
      I wish I would live long enough to see the vermin destroyed.

      This is in no way related to Terry’s post, but I’d just like to politely remind you all about the rules. Because some of you are skirting a bit close to them. – DA

    • She made one vital error that set off a chain of tragic events… “she had gone to the Omonia area of Athens to get her mobile phone fixed”. Never relax around asians or blacks.

  19. “Fucks up and is a lazy cunt to boot.” That strikes a chord Cuntybollocks. Along with several others I was recruited into a computer services company in ’96. It soon became apparent that the single sam beau amongst us was fucking useless and a lazy cunt.The company’s response to a series of embarrassing and expensive cock-ups was to promote him! He soon acquired the soubriquet “Do nothing N***.” It was obvious that senior management was terrified of being accused of racism if they got rid of him. He carried on for another twenty years in this sinecure, doing fuck all, never responding to any communication, being kept out of harm’s way and not working Fridays. Eventually he departed, I don’t know the circumstances but I doubt he was fired.

    • We had a cunt like that. Useless, never there, sickies all the time, avoided work, licked management arse, got promoted. Unfortunately for the argument he was white. Just saying. The cunts are always with us, and that is as much a management failing as a racial one.

  20. Quite apart from anything else, that is a superbly crafted cunting. I’m a bit stymied – I can’t think of anything to add to that.

  21. White Privilige, Barack Obarma and chief of staff General Colin Powell…….

  22. I’m watching the Tour de France. Not a choco in sight. The spectators are all white privileged cunts. The cyclists the same. The commentators the same. I love it. It’s the only sport left not to be poisoned by the kfc munches.
    If you went to a blek county and said we need more diversity you’d be called a racist. And which politician said hideously white? Anyone got this cunts name?

    • The Tour is to tough for the black colored cunts and I don’t see any of them queuing up to participate but it’s still racingist . They just love lazy shit and they wonder why whitey doesn’t respect them and there lazy culture. Fuck em and ignore them . one might see the odd fucker that deserves respect but not enough, just bandwagon shit stirrers.

      • I love watching the Tour de France. The scenery is absolutely stunning at times.

  23. Oh, and apparently tennis is too white, too male, too posh and needs more diversity.

    But who has told us this? Why, the BBC, of course.

    Is that why woman (well, technically) and black race card pulling personage, Mighty Joe Williams hogs the sport and wins all the time?

    Why don’t the Beebscum just say tennis and Wimbledon is too English and be honest about it? Because that’s what the cunts mean. First Doctor Who, now Wimbledon. Are the BBC trying to kill off everything that makes them money?

    • The women’s grunting isn’t particularly male; and not yet overrun with overt trannies.

      Incidentally. The ladies have started bringing racquets to their grunting tournaments. Cheating tarts!

  24. “We must realise that our Party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them to the program of the communist party.
    In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the n*gro minority against the whites, we will endeavour to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the n*groes. We will aid the n*groes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment.
    With this prestige the n*gro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause”.

    “A Racial Plan for the 20th century” – Israel Cohen, marxist communist, 1912.
    The plans were laid a long, long time ago.

    We don’t advocate or suggest race war on here. See the rules. Tone it down. This is the second time I’ve had to say this in a week, there won’t be a third. – DA

  25. DA@ – Neither do I – it was a directly quoted piece of historic interest and relevance.
    And – with no discourtesy intended – if the site rules are there for all that’s OK – but feel free to take a read of a post recently directed at me:

    “Vernon, you are a fucking idiot.
    I’ve no idea how old you are but I’m betting you are under 30 and have not had the vaccine.

    Whilst I wish no harm (an approach you don’t seem share) it would serve you right if you caught Covid and spent weeks on a ventilator before dying slowly and painfully.

    The one positive of such an outcome would be to remove a complete and absolute fucking moron from the gene pool. I sincerely hope that you never get the chance to breed because we already have enough fucking idiots in the world without producing any more.

    Vernon Fox you are an total cunt. And I see from the comments above that you are not alone.

    Christ give us strength. Anyone who believes your shite is a cunt…”

    Was this post to me not an outrageous breach of site rules?

    I agree it was a breach. In fact all of us at IsAC agree that and I apologise about what happened (and how we handled it) as it was totally unacceptable and led to us removing certain types of posts until we could ensure personal attacks were stopped. However, that doesn’t change the context of what you just posted in line with the same rules. Quotes or not, I’ll guarantee you anyone who posts that would get the same warning. Same as if anyone personally attacks you (another rule violation) they will be warned or binned. We’re a fair place welcome to all, but there are rules. – DA

    Rules stand, no more even quotes of race war or they’ll be binned – DA

  26. Get yourself some blackup or a heavy tan and the opportunities will be tripping over themselves to get to you.

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