MSM (9) & White Lives Don’t Matter

Another cunting for the MSM and whatever the fuck they are trying to achieve. Fucked if I know unless it is civil unrest war etc.

Below is a story of a white man taking a walk around his neighbourhood who was shot at random by a B lack man no doubt disadvantaged and oppressed by whitey, not. Sadly this shit happens all too often in the states and even over here, though here appears to be more B lack on B lack shootings but the colour only seems to come out if the perpetrator is white.

My point :- apart from fox news the only reports I found on a two page google search was on Yahoo news, read by maybe a dozen or so and Granthshala news , (never heard of them before possibly Asian? who cares).

Not CNN Not Sly Not BBcunts etc. If this had been the other way around I am 100% certain that all 3 of the above and many others would have been all over it like a rash. Racism, White privilege discussions, debates and then onto the riots then followed by lets bend both knees or maybe lie flat on the floor like a worm or some other daft stunt shit.

What are the cunts playing at, What are they trying to achieve? and why the fuck do they show such total imbalance?

Atlanta Police

Nominated by: Everyonesacunt

21 thoughts on “MSM (9) & White Lives Don’t Matter

  1. Deliberate civil unrest is exactly what these bastards want.

    Aided and abetted by their useful idiots who are too stupid to realise what damage they are causing.

    Step forward Gareth Southgate and the England team

  2. If a white bloke had shot Sasha Johnson we would see the media camped outside the hospital giving us hourly updates on her condition….

  3. I suppose it’s a bit like the Press not mentioning that “lockdown” must continue due to a Govt. refusal to close borders, ethnics refusing to stick to the rules and the belief that the whole Country must be treated like prisoners in order to keep “everyone safe”.

    The Press should report the other side of the coin to keeping “everyone safe”

    • I’ve said it a few times. They don’t want loads of dead peacefuls (they’ll get called the dreaded ‘r’ word you see), so will lock every cunt down forever, rather than letting the cunts take their chances.

      Once every cunt has had the offer of being vaccinated twice, there is no reason to continue locking every cunt down. Well, there is the government’s eyes and it’s to protect the effniks.

      Get fucked.

      • Aye the same sort of site as airport security.
        British family off to Palma?
        Shoes off belt off full drama when everyone knows it’s the Stanleys and Sand Niggesr that then the full treatment.
        But that would be racist.

  4. The thing is, middle class institutions like newspapers NEED white patronage-who do they fucking think buys their shit?

    Fuck the MSM-I read that GB news has already grabbed four times as many viewers than Sly news, over double the BBfuckingC.

    • GB NEWS could become a great channel but alas they are regulated and monitored very closely by Ofcom who will side with BBC and SLY .
      They are already having their advertising revenue pulled because of some shady left wing bunch of Cunts. (There is a nom covering this very subject, due to be published in the next few days! – DA)
      Yes and this is a democracy we live in, apparently. Private companies and government organisations all kow towing to the new order of woke self appointed dictators.

    • I’ve been watching Gb news for the first time today. Its like a breath of fresh air and no chiggun chasers yet.

      • I am not actually bothered what colour the presenters are as long as they are delivering the different perspectives the MSM are refusing to acknowledge!

        A shrewd move would be to make sure there are plenty of tanned presenters on there anyway and no doubt that hasn’t escaped Brillo’s attention either.

      • I have said many times that being British doesn’t depend upon your colour,it depends upon your state of mind.

      • And that is a fine philosophy, GG.

        I don’t care for out and out racism myself! I don’t complain about it, what with the freedom of speech Isac affords, but it actually does this site no favours as it has the potential to negate, by association, the sensible stuff written here to the moderate observer.

        The race baiters, the Sasha Johnson’s, burn loot murder, ungrateful dinghy economic immigrants, etc etc..they can all go and fuck themselves and England is better off without them, not because of their colour though!

  5. Perhaps the demented woke commie rats are hoping for some entertainment their idiotic bias will fetch when everything and everyone goes feral.
    Or perhaps they are just cowards.
    Fuck em.

  6. It is like the concept of fear of loosing your job being confused with loyalty to the boss or company.
    There is fear among the members of the MSM that if they stray from what is perceived ‘correctness’ they will be sidelined, cancelled, removed, victimised, ridiculed, accused of promoting hate’. Best to keep quiet about anything that upsets the new balance or keep the reporting to the bare minimum.

    The BBC are masters at telling half the truth, if you don’t tell lies half the truth is enough.

    It’s a fucking disgrace!

  7. Black lives certainly dont matter to black people. Why should I give a shit. I think were getting a divorce.

  8. So desperately bored to do with anything to do with race and so called racists.

    I consider myself and most white people in the UK not be racist in the slightest, and to adopt the attitude that we are, is frankly becoming fucking tedious.

    There are some racist bastards out there IN EVERY COUNTRY but don’t paint the whole of the UK as such.

    In my opinion those doing the continual lecturing and demonstrating have a far greater problem with racism than whitey.

  9. To build up something the way you want, you first have to demolish what is there now.
    Capitalism, free speech, private ownership, privacy, small government are all henderences to the power and control that the left demands.
    The history of the world is oppression, tyranny, serfdom, etc. That is normal. Things are simply returning to normal after a few decades interruption.

  10. I don’t claim to be an expert on America in the slightest but it seems to have endemic issues with race and poverty far, far, far more pronounced than here. CNN is American, not a news network for the world.

    The UK has its own issues to sort out. Watching CNN is not helpful.

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