Media silence of Sasha Johnson

Media silence of Sasha Johnson hypocrites.

The shooting of BLM racist and Nazi Sasha Johnson was big news a few weeks ago. Without a pause for thought the mainstream media were suggesting she had been targeted for her BLM activism. Within minutes Diane Abbott had taken to Twitter to condemn what she considered to have been a racist attack (as cunted in a previous nom). BLM hinted darkly at the many “death threats” she had received due to her activism. Snowflake loons were quick to congregate outside Kings Hospital to pray for the recovery of the hate-filled bigot and Che Guevara impersonator.

But the narrative didn’t play out as planned and it soon became apparent that this was a blek on blek shooting. Arrests have now been made and some blek thugs have been charged with conspiracy to murder, suggesting that Sasha was targeted by members of her beloved and saintly blek community. In the meantime, the noxious cunt is still in hospital.

So where is the media coverage now? It’s gone strangely silent. Where is the outrage about the attempted murder of a woman many deluded idiots see as a ‘freedom fighter’? It’s gone silent. When Chiggin George was killed by his own foolishness there was a tsunami of indignation with a minutes silence and Sir Kweer taking the knee. Why is there none of this for Johnson?

Because the narrative doesn’t fit. When it’s a question of black violence, a far more pressing cause of black death and misery than alleged “structural racism” no one is interested. So black gang violence, knife and gun crime will continue to bring misery while everything is conveniently blamed on white racism. This neatly demonstrates the warped priorities of the Wokerati.

What a stupendous tower of cunt.

Nominated by: Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

…and this from mystic maven

The silence of BLM after the most recent, or should that be the continual wave, of black on black violence and murders.

Not a word about the black who shot Sasha Johnson, or the dozen or so stabbings across the UK this week.

As long as these gangs kill each other, I don’t have a problem with it, but practice what you preach, you two faced cunts.

BLM only when killed by a white policeman innit bro?

94 thoughts on “Media silence of Sasha Johnson

  1. I was horrified when I read that pupils at a school in Pimlico protested against flying the Union flag with the words ‘there ain’t no black on the Union Jack’ thinking it was an anti-racist chant. But it was a racist chant in my 70s youth ‘there ain’t black on the Union Jack so send the bastards back.’

    BLM are the National Front of our times and Sasha Johnson wants to be John Tyndall.

    • Well, that little shit Tyndall turned to dust years ago, so happy for her to be just like him.

  2. Is that creature still nicking oxygen? As for bleks killing bleks surely this cannot be right!? I thought they were all working diligently in jobs such as research into cancer and heart disease or designing buildings or trying to develop longer lasting light bulbs. I believe a lot do charity work and help out at the local old folks home. I think your nom is overly critical and not really fair. Either that or spot on.

  3. Imagine if Slasha had been accidentally run down in the street and the driver had been whitey. What a story!! There would have been witnesses claiming he had been travelling at various speeds, probably beginning at 95 mph. Others, saw him emerge, obviously drunk, from the car and you could smell the booze from 3 streets away. Then there would have been investigations into whitey’s “extreme right wing” past…..seen purchasing the Daily Mail, voted for Brexit, referred to Princess Sparkletits as “a money grabbing whore” and didn’t like the black bits on burnt toast. Hang the bastard NOW!!
    But a known black drug dealer shooting her in the head? Fuck off, what kind of shit story is that?

    • Indeed. Suggests to me Sasha Guevara might be into gang activities herself and this was a turf war. BLM will go the way of most blek community organisations – organised crime and gangsterism. Cunts.

  4. We had a machete attack in broad daylight in the middle of Hyde Park the other day. The media blurred the footage to try and hide the fact they were all blek. People are not stupid. Everyone can see that it is blek on blek savagery we are witnessing. Personally I couldnt give a shit if they want to kill each other, which I think is the majority view.

    • That blurring was ridiculous: one of the cunts had his shirt off, displaying his torso the colour of one of my shits?

  5. They only seem to report on such matters as briefly as possible then make it all disappear under the woke carpet of muddled bullshit.
    Same caper with mudslime terrorist can almost feel the reluctance to report on it.
    The media and the cunts pretending to be impartial journalists need to Kiss the Gunners Daughter.
    Then quick vinegar bath.
    Then complete oven.
    Filthy swine.

  6. Outrageous!

    Can we even imagine the outcry should the killer have been white? Sasha Johnson would have become this year’s George Floyd. She would already have been canonised. Instead you can hear a pin drop in BLM circles.

    Not a word. Doesn’t fit their “make the whitey feel guilty” agenda. All blacks are brothers and sisters totally united. We know this is shite but the mainstream media as well as woke social media continue to pour out the propaganda unchecked.

  7. Great Nom.

    In the words of the old song ‘It’s the same the whole world over’. Mass butchery of young lads continues unchallenged under the benign eye of London’s mayor Sad Khunt.

    Endless wars and starvation in Africa is the status quo. Tribal Bleck on Bleck violence is unending and pitiless. The truth is that colonialism actually slowed the brutality for a while. Now, normal service has been resumed. Fuck off, cunts.

    Good morning everyone.

  8. Black kids being murdered in the street by other black kids means fuck all in Stabistan these days. It’s hard to believe that not so long ago, the year 2000 to be precise, it was a sensational story that made national headlines and people wrote books and made tv programmes about it.
    Damilola Taylor anyone?

  9. As a human being I wish Ms Johnson a full if possible recovery. Her politics are wrong and the shit she spouted in the media was at times plain evil.

    Back to the media black out? Simple there is nothing of interest for our woke corrupt leftist anti white media to report. Perpetrator was black not white. Therefore the story now ends. Cunts.

  10. Well if she wants to be seen as che Guevara she got what he got in the end. I wonder if she’s in the laundry room being treated.
    Never understood the fascination about the the butcher of la cabana it seems to me he was a sick motherfcker.

  11. What’s the latest news? They’re so fucking quiet on this aren’t they?

    Is she going to be a mong or what?

    • On the contrary, CB.

      The latest news is the family/mother are complaining that nobody who attended the party is coming forward to the police with information and there is a wall of silence while her daughter is still fighting for her life!

      It seems tanned lives really don’t matter….Too the other tanned!

      Fuck off!

      • TBRILW

        Yes, but they’re not telling us if she’s going to be a mong or not though.

      • As far as I am concerned, if she survives, you won’t be able to tell the difference, CB….now wat i meen 😉

      • I’m just wondering if she’ll be full Deacon.

        Why aren’t the press on this?

        ‘Sasha the spacca’ could be the headline.

    • Once the benefits package is agreed an update on her condition will be issued

  12. They are not only breaking the law but also religious commandments laid down by Ceasar.


    Eeeeeeek! ook! Oo Eeeekk ???

  13. I don’t like Muslims.

    I know that only a very small percentage of them are extremists, but the overwhelming majority of them who aren’t extremists do fuck all about sorting out their own issues.

    Now black people are going the same way.

    Of course hardly any of them agree with this racist gobshite, but until they make themselves heard by publicly denouncing the woman then as far as I am concerned, they are in her gang.

    • TAC@ – Unfortunately ALL muslims are murderous savages – some just hide it better, as they have been taught.
      Witnesses to “W*ggate”, the shooting of Sasha Guevara reported to be stating “what u talkin’ about Willis”?

    • Speaking of the ghanis, AC, I was only reading the other day about the history of Afghanistan prior to the Taliban rise to power. The endemic (and utterly needless) barbarity committed by one ethnic group against another would make my hair stand on end if I had any. Aside from raping everything that moved, the rabble armies of the tinpot warlords would skin prisoners alive and then duplicitously swap sides, rinse and repeat.

      The fact that such backward people can wash up on our shores and be welcomed as ‘ready to make a full and great contribution to our society’ (copywrite numerous refugee charities) is enough to boil one’s piss.

      Same can be said of some (not all, not all) of the bleks. No effort is made to understand what brutality they may have been subjected to and internalised. Every case with a white victim of these cunts is preventable.

  14. This cunt has gone on record, not least on Twitter, that she hates whites, and wouldn’t mind if they were forced into slavery or even murdered!

    But none of that is ever reported in MSM

    However, the ECB have decided to ban England cricketer Ollie Robinson for some mild racist comments he twittered about years ago. Needless to say MSM were all over this with a public humiliation campaign!

    Moreover, the FA are threatening “action” against England fans who boo when players take the knee prior to a football match.

    Priorities are well and truly fucked here!

    • And Ollie Robinson played a blinder on his debut, but the poor cunt is being hounded for a few daft comments he made as an 18 year old instead of getting the praise he deserves.

      That apology he gave looked like it was being read out at gunpoint too lol. To be honest, when Lords’, the home of English cricket, makes its president a former Sri Lankan international, you know things are getting fucked up, as nice as the fella is (and he is a bloody nice bloke).

      However, I wonder how the Sri Lankans would react if they made Sir Ian Botham the president of their ground in Colombo? No, it would never fucking happen, would it?

      The board are just protecting their over privileged nepotistic arses by going woke. The test team is anything but woke though. No matter what the cunts say to the cameras (in some cases at least, in my opinion).

      Ben Stokes made a video taking the piss out of Harvey Price, for example. He’s also been in trouble for (allegedly and he was cleared I believe) beating up gays outside nightclubs. Joe Root once (allegedly) put on a big fake beard at a nightclub pretending to be a well known Muslim cricketer from South Africa. He (allegedly) got into a fight with David Warner (Australian cricketer) for pretending to be a suicide bomber cricketer in the club (he was allegedly very drunk at the time). Another player was in trouble recently too, for (allegedly) telling a Pakistani cricketer to ‘go back to your own country’. Every player (both teams) in the recent England v New Zealand test was honky too. Yes, something you’re not likely to see often in future in any team sport (apart from swimming relays, of course).

      Not condoning any of the above comments by or the actions of the players by the way, but…

      I don’t like cricket ah! Oh no!

      I ….

      • Prince Harry dressed in a Nazi uniform at a fancy dress years ago.

        he got pillared for it back then, but now of course he is full-on woke, and therefore no one cares.

  15. It’s not the only silence regarding this incident, as the appeal for witnesses or information from those who witnessed her shooting has fallen on deaf ears. Some of them are probably tooling up as we speak, to exact their form of retribution, which usually involves killing innocent bystanders as they are fucking shit shots.
    Wall them up and let them wipe each other out, then finish off the last cunts standing.

    • I assume it’s because they are fucking savages and should never been let into the country.

    • You’re right there Gutstick.

      Apparently there was another gunshot wound at that garden party.

      Some other ‘completely innocent’ bystander managed to cop one in the foot.

      It must be those side sights that the fried chiggun aficionados use when holding a paw gun sideways in true gangsta stylee.

      Fucking cretins.

  16. The media are pure scum.
    They are the enemy of good and decent people.
    They cannot be trusted to report accurately on any subject.
    From race relations to environmental issues through to medical tyranny.
    I have nothing but contempt for these horrible cunts in the so called media

  17. The most galling thing about this is the media refering to this racist cunt as ‘an equalities campaigner’ or ‘anti racism activist’.

    A bit like referring to Fred and Rose West as ‘model landlords’ or Ian Huntley as a ‘top babysitter’.

    Fucking cheek of it. Either a lot of people are fucking thick or they’re taking the fucking piss.

  18. Not only is Sasha Johnson the irresponsible mother of three picanninies, and a proven virulent anti white racist, she was also shot by another black, a black not dissimilar to St George of Floyd, I suspect.

    So hardly surprising that our BLM worshipping media are silent. But silence, as we are now told, is racist.

    No doubt when her assailant comes to trial he will claim he was self-identifying as white when he shot her, and his barrister (probably CS) will get him off saying he was suffering mental elf issoos.

    • Even the number of kids seems to be a mystery, some reports say 2 others 3, but I guess the daddies will know

      If they can be found ?

    • Great Laughter in court volume 1:

      ‘There was much hilarity in court number five as Caught Boring’s briefcase opened and a Lidl sandwich and a banana fell out’.

      Other than that he has never won a case due to his incompetence and ego. This haunts him badly as he is not a barrister anyway, just daydreaming accountant who failed all his legal exams 😀

      • Qualifications are irrelevant these days. If CS identifies as a barrister, that’s good enough for our broken justice system.

        After all, feeling and belief takes precedence over facts and everything else in this basket case of a country.

      • Don’t encourage him Gutstick. In case you hadn’t noticed, this is the internet.

      • There must be other sites where he shares his wisdom, it’s probably their turn. Mumsnet perhaps?

  19. 30 potential witnesses at the party have declined to give statements to the police. I’m sure they would rather settle the issue within the community by means of traditional jungle warfare.

  20. The article in the Nom sums it up nicely, it’s only news if it’s political, would it have even made any main stream news outlet if it was just a random blick, not a chance, the media were desperate for it to be racial or political or both.

    Strange that she took the bullet rather than one of the other party guests, maybe she opened he fucking big gob once too often, blicks don’t like disrespect bruv.

    It would be nice to have a country with no Muslims, Asians or Blicks, at least then the police could round up the scum without it being waaaaaaaaacist!

    Sasha is a cunt and sometimes cunts get a bit of payback.

  21. This odious woman being shot in the skull by one of her brethren has been the highlight of 2021.
    We should be grateful at least for that.

    • I’m waiting for Hallmark to bring out a card.

      “Sorry you were shot in the head. You deserved it, you racist cunt.

      Best wishes

      A white cunt”

  22. If she dies, the media and BLM will suggest the hospital looking after her wanted her to die, and is therefore institutionally racist, and will demand massive compo

    If she survives but ends up a cabbage, see above. But the BLM and her family will expect massive compo because the hospital didn’t try hard enough to save her “brain”

    If she survives and returns to “normal”, she, her family and the media won’t thank the hospital for saving her, but will insinuate the white medical staff wanted her to die, but only the hard work of the black medical staff (and God, of course) saved her. But she’ll still demand compo from the hospital for being racist anyway.

  23. I see that the fawning media still refers to Sasha Whitey-baiter as an “Oxford graduate” . Despite the fact she got a degree in “social care” from Oxford Little Chef (M40 Junction 8 Campus).

    They try to make her sound exceptional when all she is is a mediocre hate filled fascist.

    • Best thing about Oxford brookes students is they buy a scarf/jumper from an actual local university and go around saying “I go to oxford”. You don’t and all the locals know it.

  24. The press reported yesterday that Johnson remains ‘in a critical condition’. Normally, someone who is shot in the head doesn’t spring out of hospital within a fortnight with a slightly sore bonce. Depending upon where the bullet ended up, she could have a whole manner of problems.

    All very sad and unecessary, but not unexpected given the company this daft woman keeps. Perhaps if she recovers from this, she will learn to realise where the real issues lie – certainly not with the white man she would love to kill or enslave. She needs to take a close look at the sub-primates she hangs around with.

    The media are fucking reptiles. A final solution is needed.

  25. Also the sheer amount of websites that can go down just by one server network having issues really goes to show how reliant on then and fragile the internet is. Will China or Russian hackers be blamed? Most likely.

  26. I for one will be taking the knee for her.
    Courageously leaving her piccaninnies while she attended a drug gang party and being shot by a kaffir due to structural racism. Boris has a lot to answer for.

    Chiggun, innit.

  27. Got what she deserved. The MSM need to as well – massive fines and in extremis being taken off air for spreading their constant lies and propaganda, but I feel sorry for the sheeple who settle down to watch the BBC and ITV news and actually think any of it is true.
    Maybe the deluded rich white supporters of BLM will take a minute to remember the innocent white people executed by BLM and Antifa (one and the same) members in America? The attempted execution of 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse? (Good shooting Kyle lad!).
    No, will they fuck.
    They are silent because they cannot identify a white target for chippy triclops Sasha Johnson to sue for da compo, init and cannot claim racism when it was a shit flinger who did it.
    Couldn’t happen to a nicer cunt – and could I suggest a member of the EDL as her carer – “Pick that mush off the floor and wipe your own arse n*gger”!
    Send the jigaboo bitch back to Africa – she doesn’t want medical treatment from whitey, surely?
    And send the fucking rest with her.

    • As was mentioned at the time of Kyle Rittenhouse being arrested.

      ‘you can’ t even blindly fire into a rampaging gang of Antifa thugs without hitting a peeedo’.

      Good lad. Hope he gets off Scot free.

  28. Modded and disappeared?
    I am finding Wordfence increasingly fucking tiresome.

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