Lori Lightfoot



You remember Lori……weird looking lezza Mayor of Chicago, the Yank equivalent of Suckdick Khunt but much richer. Lori has been cunted before so i’ll just remind you of some of her breathtaking hypocrisy.
Lori closed all the hairdressers in Chicago but , like the witch Pelosi, arranged a private opening for herself. Excuse…..”I am the public face of the city.”
Lori encouraged “mostly peaceful” riots but banned a demo near her home and had half the police force blocking all the roads leading to her mansion. Excuse…….”I have received death threats.”
Lori banned any gatherings of more than 1000 people (after Trump lost) but was seen cavorting among thousands celebrating Uncle Joe’s inauguration. Excuse…….”it was a moment of history”.
Now this mega hypocrite has come up with another couple of corkers.
Having been given a big wedge of money by Uncle Joe to fight the Corona Lori has decided that raaaaaay-sism is a public health issue and has allocated 10 mill for communidee projects.(ie going straight in to her mates’ pockets)
Secondly, Lori has decided that, from now on, she will only be giving interviews with “reporters of colour.” Whitey can fuck off. Can you imagine the outrage if The Don had said I will only take questions from white reporters, Rastus can do one?
This bitch is astonishing and makes Suckdick look like a rank amateur. The lefties in Yankland really don’t care anymore.

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

73 thoughts on “Lori Lightfoot

  1. Lori Lightfoot? WTF? A cunts name for a cunt – although Lori Lightfinger would be more apt.

    As for that haircut you’d think with her privilege she’d get a better one? Just googled photos of her and she’s an ugly cunt. Looks like a black skull.

    • Agreed: they say politics is showbiz for ugly people. She is Elvis, De Nero, The Beatles, Olivier and Chaplain, by that rationale ?

      • It’s Beetlejuice in negative.

        funny enough if you google beetlejuice she comes up

    • Had never heard of this cunt but looks like a right fucking trans-former. Just don’t know what the hell it was it transformed from. Hope that’s it complete though as I fear further mutations won’t help.

  2. Did other cunters see the reports of Lori’s e-mail breakdown-where she repeated phrases numerous times, having a hissy fit about office time?

    The woman is quite mad.
    Quite mad?

  3. That’s a flattering picture of her. She’s got the face of something even Tom Savini couldn’t create. Like the shrunken heads from Beetlejuice.

    I don’t often claim people are ugly, but wow she’s ugly. Half decomposed zombie exposed to zero oxygen on Mars ugly. Also she’s an idiot and racist.

    Not a fan really I suppose.

  4. You can take the bitch out of Africa, but you can’t take Africa out of the bitch. Like Suckdick and most Asian controlled councils, they are intent on making their adopted countries into the shitholes they’re descended from – in Loris’s case, I’m not sure she has really descended from the tree-tops.

  5. What a uber cunt.
    Like all champagne socialists a fuckin hypocrite.
    And a right weird looking cunt to boot!
    Obviously puddled, hang by the neck or into the flames.

    • No, pardon my indecisiveness.
      Flames definitely.
      The black Gollum looking fucker.

      • Hang by the neck and into the flames… simultaneously.

        Nice word “simultaneously”, eh?

      • He’s aged since he was done for spiking drinks. The Cosby Show is a distant blur.

      • Nice, RTC? As you are already aware, there was “none nicer” than J&F Bell’s sometime pipe tobacco, especially if the three nuns had been ready-rubbed.

        “Nice” here might be «contemporaneously», “nicer” still «concurrently»… but more specifically (for MNC’s ‘flames &/or gallows/gibbet’ pastiche – they’re “nice” words, aren’t they?) – and “nicest” and most accurate of all – might be «comorbidly».

      • If he isn’t then I am, Ruff.
        Great TOTP / OGWT clip of ‘America’ was on ABBC only the other day.


      • “Nice” —another name for Nicaea, where they devised the Nicene Creed, but as it’s in Turkey, it’s Iznik now.

        I warned cunters about references to Turkey invoking CS, but did you listen?

    • Throw her a Goodyear to tyre her out. A nice BP 98 RON cocktail and a cigarette should help her relax.

  6. Chicago is one of the most dangerous places in the US if your black. They cannot get enough of murdering each other, all while being governed by the most corrupt bunch of black cunts in the US.

  7. Typical liberal left – inherently racist, hypocritical, nasty, bigoted. Looks like a toilet brush I once used after a hilarious 10 pints of guiness and a pound of salted peanuts blocked the shitter

    • Long may it continue. Give them free ammo.
      Backward savages.
      Get To Fuck.

  8. Run get away get as far away as possible the “Aliens” have landed. Oh my god it’s horrible such an unspeakable hideous countenance. It’s going to zap us all with those eyes.

    Total fucking twat of a cunt. America is fucked.

  9. Lori Lghtweight – in the brain department, really is the Queen of Shitholes. Al Capone would be a better mayor and with less coruption or shootings taking place.

    Check out the website below for the crime stats and shootings. In June so far 64 fatal shootings and 287 shot and injured. C’mon Lori, the month isn’t even out…can’t we get to a 100 dead?


    Wait ’til the summer begins properly when all the gangbangers are roaming the hood and hanging out on the porches…bang, bang.

      • The Burn, Loot, Murder mob are all over any shooting involving a white cop and black victim. Yet, like you say they never venture into the hoods in Shitcago, Detroit, Baltimore etc.

        Joggers kill joggers, everyday 24/7 including bank holidays and Christmas across the US in disprportionately high numbers compared with their population. There is only the sound of crickets and Rlrank hypocrisy from BLM and meanwhile the MSM steer the conversation into fueling a race war, using stats that are either false or twisted.

    • I think that fewer soldiers and marines from Chicago were killed per week during WW2 that ordinary citizens of the place today.
      What the fuck is going on there?

      • GG@ – Socialism is whats going on there.
        Life is always cheap under socialism.

  10. And that’s the rub, black privilege at its finest, Chicago is institutionally racist.


  11. She looks like my housemaid back in Rhodesia, as you can tell i wasn’t fussy on looks, she was a light-fingered cunt too, and not in a nice way either!!!

  12. Lori Lightfoot? Not related in any way to the Canadian folk singer Gordon Lightfoot?

    ♫ If you could read my mind, love
    What a tale my thoughts could tell
    Just like an old time killing
    A ‘groid thrown down a wishing well
    In a ‘hood dark or a fortress strong
    With chains upon my feet
    You know that honky is me
    And I will never be set free
    As long as I am a honky, you can’t see♫

    Lovely fucking jubbly.

    Fuck off.

  13. The kill rate for blacks in Chicago is truly astonishing, even by American standards. Last year Tangoman offered to send in Federal assistance, in terms of manpower, which was refused with utter contempt. Since then the crime rate has risen by 50%, yes FIFTY, and now she is begging for it from Uncle Joe. She has this mad idea of taking all the guns from Chicago residents and paying them COMPO! The woman is totally unhinged, even by modern wokie standards, and makes Suckdick look like a model of efficiency, common sense and good decision making.

  14. Fasten the bitch in a box with a Taipan.

    Open some IPA.
    Have some pork pie with mustard.


  15. About time this racist freak appeared on these hallowed pages. She is fucking evil. Bet she hasn’t a mirror.

  16. I know this is changing the subject somewhat but I had to write to someone to vent my steaming piss.

    I am absolutely disgusted by some of the news I have seen (and interviews watched) where it is claimed that ‘important’ people will be allowed to attend certain events, isolation and testing free.

    So, if I have understood this correctly, basically, if you have a lot of dollar and can (as most do) buy their way into things (most of such person’s fortunes have probably been achieved via the misery of others) then you can slap cocks with others in elitist cicles as places such as Wimbledon and the Euros.

    I know they are opening up these events but it would appear some people are able to bypass restrictions and come into the country (allegedly).

    What a load of hypocritic bullshite to the extreme – I hope some of these privileged cunts get COVID.

    Saw on Cunt BBC some bitch and her fucked up posh daughters moaning they were not able to get tickets to Wimbledon (“Won’t be able to sit in centre court, looking posh while I eat my strawberries simulating sucking cock and hope the TV picks me up).

    Talking of TV I see one of the contestants on Love Island bunch of loser cunts apparently has sex 8 times a day and likes it rough – fucking bucket leg slag is all I can say. What kind of role model to other girls is she..!


    In the Sun, must be true.

    • They are much more important than we are so must be allowed to do as they please.


    • Maybe with 8 different people as well. If she ever had kids they’ll probably need to do paternity tests on every fucker within 100 miles to find the fathers..

  17. The Burn, Loot, Murder mob are all over any shooting involving a white cop and black victim. Yet, like you say they never venture into the hoods in Shitcago, Detroit, Baltimore etc.

    Joggers kill joggers everyday 24/7, including bank holidays and Christmas across the US in disproportionately high numbers compared with their population. There is only the sound of crickets and rank hypocrisy from BLM and meanwhile the MSM steer the conversation into fueling a race war, using stats that are either false or twisted.

  18. Racist slag. A black woman shouted out of the window, as we pulled up:

    “I want a black crew”

    We drove away before she finished the sentence and then put a marker on the premises for racist abuse. Works both ways, you hortible fucking trout.

  19. I don’t understand it. If I looked like that I would do everything in my power to hide myself away from the world………. not become a high-ranking elected PUBLIC official.

  20. Lori Van Trucker or whatever she calls herself is a nasty hateful little hypocritical Cunt.
    Arrogant and self entitled . You only have to look at her evil face to see that.

    Feed her to the Pigs.

  21. Time for some white privilege.
    States that do not want to turn into a third world hell hole with communism, islam and Guy Gibsons dogs engaging in civil war in an attempt to wrest control and steal every cent should secede from the Union, and make their States white only with no socialists, muslims, junkies, blacks, dead beats or ethnics.
    Armed guards at the borders and a shoot to kill policy when any non whites try and enter – a little blood for the greater good.
    See how Lori Lightfingers and the rest of the racist j*gaboo commie bastards like that.

    No offence intended, but you’re skirting very close to the rules. – DA

    • DA@ – The heads up is appreciated, but I was merely reversing the current democrat policy and its endgame to show the unpleasant conclusion of dictatorial policies by any individuals and organisations.
      Good advice from DA duly noted though ?

  22. In the true tradition of Al Capone, but without the good looks, brains, charm or tact.

  23. Sirs:

    Many compare Lori Lightfoot’s looks to Groot, but I don’t know who Groot is. Or what Groot is.

    I think she looks like Yoda after a three-week drunk.

    Oh, and she’s completely incompetent and a die-hard racist.

  24. Whilst the ‘Juneteenth’ holiday took place, 43 people were shot in Chicago, 3 died. The majority of perpetrators and victims were black, the rest were Hispanic. Lightfoot blamed it on systemic white racism.

    • And Capone could only manage 7 on St Valentine’s Day 1929!

      That hit the headlines big time … must have been white privilege.

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