Life in General

Don’t know whether it’s my age (62) behind the reason I am becoming quite so fucking bored and impatient with life or the fact that general life is so shit these days.

Pretty much everything makes me so angry, to the point I sometimes resort to talking to myself.

MSM (but primarily the BBC)
Woke Culture
Racism by whitey
Fucking victims looking for sympathy
Economic migrants in dinghies and the fucking government for not stopping it
Shite TV
Adverts absolutely every fucking where (particularly for online gambling, lotteries, over 50 funeral plans or for charities asking for £3 a month, usually for Africa, and sometimes even with a cuddly toy FFS)
Twitter, Facebook and social media
Eastern European’s (but mainly Romanians for the increase in crime locally)
Lying cunt politicians (all parties)
The European Union
Covid lockdown restrictions
Other car drivers
Cookie options on almost every fucking website
Selfish, inconsiderate cunts
The so called justice system and soft as shit judges letting criminals off
Police prioritising hate crimes over physical crimes
Ryan Clarke Neal
Owen Jones
Suckdick Khan
Johanna Lumley
People with fucking scratch cards in front of me in the queue
Lazy adult cunts who have no pride and rely on handouts
Poor parenting
Young people without a clue who think the world owes them a living
Trans gender bollocks
Reality TV programmes
Unfunny comedy
Political correctness
World leaders
The World Health Organisation
The United Nations
The Chinese
Queue jumpers
Privileged kids at private schools
Anti Brexiteers who still won’t respect the decision and continue whinging
Anti British universities
Scam emails/texts/phone calls
British customer service levels
Poor mobile phone etiquette
TV adverts clearly made for fucking morons
The introduction of expensive, disposable electric cars based on the lie they are better for the environment
Thick cunts who are incapable of independent thought
People who are regularly late for appointments without apology
Rip off train fares and shit service
Annoying flies in the summer
Mudslimes who complain and are deserving of different treatment because they are special and refuse to adopt the British way of life
Hollywood and their predictably tiresome films
Impossibility of securing a doctors appointment
Charities who pass on only a tiny percentage of donations received

In no way have I struggled to compile this list and is not exhaustive of things that regularly piss me off, many of them daily

Cant help remembering that life was much better and less complicated 30 or 40 years ago, and how what has happened since then can in any way be classified as positive evolution.

Unfortunately there is just no way of escaping much of this, the only way is to go and have a lie down.

Nominated by: Willie Stroker

124 thoughts on “Life in General

  1. i’m not at retirement age yet, but its a pisser that your pensions are taxed all over again, and your also means tested for any other income you need to declare.

    Meanwhile all those cunts who have never had a job, never paid their dues, never done anything in their 50 odd years of existence can somehow get benefits that more or less equate to the kind of income I can expect when I do finally retire!

    40 years working hard – up at 6am, commuting at 7, working from 8am, commuting back at 5, returning home at 6, day in day out. And for what? A shit pension and fuck all else!

    • 40 years pension should give you a reasonable return.
      I always reckoned pensions up by pension pot÷4 =tax free lump sum. The remaining 3/4 divide by number of years up to 80.
      A person retiring at 60 say with a pot of 200k would get 50 tax free.and 150k divided by 20 = 7500 a year.
      Bit boring but roughly works out.

  2. Life is slowly turning shit.We are in store for “The Great Re Set” soon.Terriffic.Not.All sold out for peanuts.Stop the world I have had enough

    • This basket case of a country is well overdue a great reset.

      Back to the early 1960s I say!

  3. WS@ – A worthy nom Sir – every child should be given a card at birth until death saying “don’t believe a word of the shit they tell you, and don’t let the bastards grind you down”! ??

    • Modern life is rubbish said Blur.
      And I agree.
      Terrible music
      Terrible films
      Terrible culture
      Terrible news.

      • I recall Damon was a big fan of The Cardiacs and had them support on tour who confused the fuck out of people wanting britpop. RIP Tim Smith you legend.

  4. The mong in front of you at the local shops. You only want one thing (bread, milk or whatever) and some chavtastic imbecile is buying up the entire selection of scratchcards. The cunts then do their ‘lotties’ numbers, and they then do the ‘knew I’d forgot summat’ bit and pile on loads of crap cheapo lager and cigs. One piece of riff-raff did this whole lengthy routine, and then had the cheek to ask the bird behind the till to change a 50 pound note into tenners. The oaf tart claimed it was her grandson’s birthday* and that it ‘looked better’ if if was a load of tenners she gave the little cunt. While all this is happening, my loaf of bread has gone off and I have grown a beard.

    *Grandson? She was about 35! What else needs to be said?

    • I had a similar mong in front of me this afternoon, Norm.

      Main difference being, after her shit went through the checkout she asked for items to be taken off the total cos she didn’t have enough fucking vouchers to cover the cost!

      Talk about piss boiling…

      • Here’s another classic, Ruff.

        When cunts mount up a massive shop haul, then their card is declined and they act like a chicken with no head. They don’t actually bother to check if they’ve got enough to cover it. I was told by a mate of mine about a Dooshka tart who did this in the now card only McDonald’s only last week.

        My cousin is manageress of a top Manchester department store. She has told me tales of cunts (usually daft wimmin or foreign types) who either put their pin number in wrong, take the card out too quick before it has even processed, or don’t have the funds to cover the purchase. Said customer/cunt then complains that they are ‘in a hurry’ when it’s their fault it’s ballsed up. Piss boilers par excellence.

    • Even worse are the cunts who ‘scratch’ their scratch cards at the till as they’re paying and then buy more as you wait. Staff are cunts too for allowing it, but to be fair, some 20 year old soft as shit student won’t want to start an argument with the local rough cunt, while on minimum wage doing a part time job, I suppose?

      I remember in a local co-op once, some mong did this three times. The only satisfaction was seeing the thick cunt spunk all his dole money in 5 minutes.

  5. 20 years ago I worked out that if I had to rely on a state pension if I made it to retirement age I would be in big trouble so best have a Plan B! They can keep moving the goalposts and make retirement age 75 before I get my paltry state pension for all I fucking care!

    • TBRILW@ – 37.5 hours a week at NMW – a net of £317.30PW, mandatory extra pension of around £10 PW.
      UC – £100PW, rent and Council Tax paid at £150 PW.
      So take out transport costs of around £25.00 a week and someone who does a weeks graft on NMW gets around £30 PW more than someone who chooses not to work.
      Why the fk would anyone bother?

      • Well Vern, I suppose because if you don’t work you don’t get anywhere in life, unless you want to spend your days sitting on your arse on benefits relying on handouts.

        As a young man I realised very quickly that you got relatively nowhere in life just getting a wage either. A few people my age that I’ve known since the early days are what I call plodders, one works in a factory the other works for a window cleaning firm. As long as they have enough money to pay their rent and a few beers they are happy. Unfortunately for them these are the exact people falling into the state pension trap! Who the fuck would want to do manual work until they’re 67? Given this sneaky government and the next one perhaps, even 70!

        Pffft, I took quite a few business brown trouser time gambles but as I said earlier I don’t give a fuck about the pension and thankfully I don’t have to rely on it!

        Each to their own I suppose.

  6. In the words of Marvin, the Paranoid Android from Hitch-hiker’s Guide…

    “Life? Don’t talk to me about life. Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they tell me to take you up to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? ‘Cos I don’t.”

    Fuck off!

  7. This is totally the wrong attitude Willie. What you need to do is go for a lie down but listen to Stormzy full blast. Learn his ‘dance moves’ to show the Mrs. He will give you a new lease in life.
    If you can’t beat ’em join ’em.

  8. My cunt neighbour’s cunt wife responded to some similar complaints of mine with the immortal words;
    “You just wanna le’ i’ wash ova you” (She’s from Essex).

    No sweetheart, I wasn’t waving but drowning. You are one of the Thick cunts who are incapable of independent thought

    All the above, superbly collated, WS.

    Though I would say that any sense of magic, excitement or being able to change things for the better started slowly leaking away after my 20s, and you bloody wait till you’ve put another ten years on. Dementia may very well come as a welcome relief.

  9. Fuck me… 60 cuntings in one nom!

    Nice one Willie. Should keep us out of trouble for the next couple of weeks. ?

    • It’s like a modern poem. I reckon Willie should give it the title ‘Is A Cunt’ and send it to tHE gUARDIAN or the Inde-scribablyBoring for publication. I’m sure they’d oblige.

      • Great idea captain but to get published it would need some rewoking

        Queuing in Waitrose
        Unable to get my favourite Chablis because of Brexit
        Not enough teams taking the knee at the euros
        Dreadfully bigoted GB news
        EE roaming charges because of Brexit
        Lack of black representation in TV adverts
        Is taking the knee taking the piss ( hopefully that slips in )

      • Evening Lord Quislington

        The odd mention of the Abbot genius and how we should break down borders and it’ll be ready for a BBC reading by Benedick Cumbertwat.

  10. Just watching the tennis at Eastbourne on TV, good to see that Camila Giorgi still likes to show off her tight little arse.
    The ball boys must be itching to get off court for a good wank ?

    Back to the Nom, life in general, it’s the drip, drip, drip of woke green gender coloured crap constantly in my eyes and ears that just saps the energy.

    PS, the other girl on court is pretty fit too.

    Good Nom Willie

    • Are they wearing short pleated skirts and white cotton knickers?

      Asking for a friend

    • I’m glad your watching Eastbourne for all the right reasons, I’m just fucking pissed off I missed ms Giorgi (doing her thing) on court .
      Could you clarify if she won? And if so when is she due to play again..?

    • Willie’s list is the minefield of dog turds we have to tip toe through every day.

      As I read I thought I’ve learnt how not to be irritated by most of them, but it consumes a lot of energy and soul to avoid stepping in them.

      I’m sad to hear mr Stroker is getting down because of it

      Excellent cunting!

  11. A well compiled list Willie.
    I’m not surprised it pisses us all off as I reckon at least 50% of the list wasn’t present in any significant form 10 years ago to bother us in any meaningful way.
    And to think all this change has taken place under a Conservative government!

  12. Add to the list:

    Ed Sheercunt
    Phoebe Waller Cunt
    Steve Coogcunt
    Frankie Boylecunt
    Sasha Johnson (RIP hopefully)
    Madogga and her kippers cunt
    Ariana Grande-Cunt
    Jodie Whittakunt
    Little Mix Cunts
    Marcus Rashcunt
    Lana Del Twat
    Ru Cunting Paul
    Cunt Pogba
    The Gorton Globetrotters (aka Abu Dhabi Citeh)
    Cuntface Burnham
    Ladyboy Gaga (Cunt)
    Disney Plus Cunts
    Kathleen Cunt Kennedy

    • What happened to my post? I’ll try again.

      and the fucking İrish.

    • And who could ever forget Harry of Hewitt and Megain Mantis Markle Locust Fucking Ono.

      Oh and ‘Che’ Kamala and Kilary…

  13. 1642
    Guess what, Freedom isnt free. “Get fired, get in trouble, be brave and never stop fighting”
    Even if it gives you gout.

  14. Yep You are correct buddy much of the shit that is about today, that you mention is a cunt.

  15. Can’t disagree with any of that, Mr Stroker. I’d add contemporary music to your excellent list (if it is actually music). I’m currently sat in the dentist’s waiting room being forced to listen to Radio 1. What a sack of fucking shite. Some jabbering effnic rapping cunt getting right on my tit end.

  16. I am 26 and feel exactly the same.At least you experienced life when it was fine.Leaving School in 2011 I had a taster but things were declining then.I know why people do hard drugs and drink themselves to death over the last few years.With Brexit and the backlash against pc culture I thought there was hope but it was a mirage.

    Most depressing is I could potentially have 70 more years of this bollocks

    • TWENTY SIX!!!???

      Fucking hell are you facing a shit future.

      But the good thing is that by the time you get to our age in some 40 odd years time we’ll all be long dead and well away from the World of Woke 2061.

      • I have always liked a drink and smoke and see mo reason to stop so may be with you guys in the sky come 2061

    • Fucking hell, you’re going to see it all ……..the Caliphate, Suckdick as Prime Minister, Begum as Home Secretary, a state funeral for the Flabbot, Sparkletits on the throne. Poor cunt.

    • “Most depressing is I could potentially have 70 more years of this bollocks”

      It might be a tad more depressing if you found out you only had 5 more years.

      • Would depend on my age and circumstance.Have worked with the elderly and inform for years.Never had a big fear of death but now I have virtually none

  17. Well said Willie, I agree with every word you said. I drive my wife nuts with my constant moaning about everything but I cannot help it, everybody nowadays is just cuntish.
    I recently had to do a speeding awareness course for going a couple of mph over the limit, the woman who was conducting the course via a zoom conference call was asking everyone what they were like behind the wheel, when she got to me she was shocked to hear me say that from getting in the car to getting out I am in a permanent state of being pissed off and raging about wankers on the road, kweer cunts on the radio, dark keys on mopeds, cycle cunts, shit road surfaces and fucking money grabbing speed cameras. She just said “oh dear me, I wish I’d never asked”.
    Life is just one long shitfest.

  18. Good nom, approved.

    Chap knocked on my door yesterday and said the two things designed to instantly piss me off…
    “I’m not trying to sell you anything…..”
    “Are you the home owner?”

    My response…
    “Yes you are!”
    “None of your fucking business”
    “Fuck off”

    I felt better about life for about half an hour then had to have a rest

  19. The Cuntservative Party

    If Thatcher was still alive she’d be shouting from the rooftops asking what the fuck had happened to the party since she got shafted by Hezza and the Green Pea Pusher!!

    And the BBC for being the BBC, as well as abolishing free tv licences for the over 75s under the pretext of being skint!

    Like fuck they are!

    • Thatcher’s fault for wholeheartedly endorsing the “Green Pea Pusher” as her chosen successor during the Tory leadership contest.

  20. On a more enlightening note I see Matt Hancock’s been getting his hands dirty with a saucy little minx.

    I think he’s a cunt and I feel sorry for the wife and kids having a pic of you (courtesy of the Current Bun) with your hands all over your aide but go on son. you’ve got some balls.

    Maybe his name should be Mr. Hands and Cock.

    • It’s terrible that bland mug has been filling our TV screens for months. His receding hairline, his monotonous voice.
      Never for one moment did I connect him with sex.
      Now with this CCTV shot of him locked in passionate embrace we’ve got see him as some kind of Rhett Butler or Don Juan. Its just wrong on all levels.

      • I know!

        Maybe he has a massive john thomas and he’s a real sex machine – probably likes dressing up in gimp suits and things inserted into him.

    • To look at him you wouldn’t think he had a good fuck in him, fair play to the hypocritical cunt, she looks quite a minx.

      • I’d pork her for sure. See her brother works for a company that got a COVID contract, cunt!

        Probably a favour fuck.

    • Send him to Unkle Terry’s oven I detest the little turd.Lecturing us.Hypocrite.Throw yourself off a cliff Wanksock

      • What was it that that was said about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers? He gave her ‘class’, she gave him ‘sex’.
        That’s the way I feel about Matt Hancock now. He looks like totally different fella to me. What I took to be his rather beady-eyed staring into the camera must to women be a very attractive gaze. And that what I thought was his boring monotone voice must set ladies’ hearts a-tremble.
        What a thing to happen after all these months.

  21. Gary Lineker
    Greta Thunderbollocks

    A pair of useless empty pointless bollocks that need stringing up and set on fire!

  22. A very fine nomination indeed,thank you Willie.
    For those of us over 40 I dare say all the cunts tricks that surround us constantly give us sensory overload.
    Of course you can only have sensory overload if you are capable of independent thought.
    That rules out at least half the planet.
    If in doubt watch Falling Down again.

    Don’t Let The Bastards Grind You Down..even if it is fucking hard work.
    Good Health!?

  23. Hey Willy, you forgot pikeys, Lilly the fucking mong and Charlotte Fucking Church.

    • I did Fugly

      In fact as soon as I posted the mom I forgot to include

      Modern “music”
      Nish Kumar
      Those bald blokes with big bushy beards
      Junk mail
      Cadbury’s (for allowing themselves to be bought by Kraft, changing the recipes and reducing the size of the products by half whilst keeping the same prices and telling us their doing it to help us not get fat)

      In fact its probably easier to list the things that I actually do like and look forward in life.

      • How dare you include MNC in that list, Willie!

        Utterly disgraceful. No doubt you’ll be hearing from his solicitors in the morning.

      • Add Kraft/Mondalisa (??) or whoever for buying Terry’s and axing Waifa biscuits. If I won the lottery, I’d start a coy. making all those lovely things that have been trashed by big business cunts.

      • Fucking car or house alarms that are set off and are not dealt with immediately.

        Other peoples quirky mobile phone ring tones.

        Really fat people.


        The list is fucking endless.

    • CFC has bought Laura Ashley’s old pile in mid-Wales. Sensible chubby fucker, keeping her young teenagers from stinky rapey types in Cardiff Central.

  24. Junk phone calls from robots telling me that I’m wanted by HMRC or Interpol unless I give over my NI number and bank details, yet they don’t know my name.
    My broadband/phone company for selling my number to these crooked cunts.
    Anglian Water for doubling my future bills because I’m “using too much water” when I’m not.
    Anything with a fucking rainbow flag on it.
    London. Just nuke the place, it’s lost….

    • I’m also with Anglian Water BB.

      Not metered as we moved into our current house in 1993.

      Led to understand by fellow cunters on ISAC that at over £600 per year for water and sewerage I am paying approximately double compared to many others around the country.

  25. Oh and the ever popular cunts who do their weekly shop , lottery tickets,scratch card, fags,electric or gas card in a fucking petrol station…..

  26. Who ever said ‘life’s a bitch and then you die’ was on the money.

    Fuck it, I’m off to get a drink and ask the missus to give me a tug while I watch a bit of xhamster.
    Not everything’s bad.

  27. Willie, you are far from alone…
    I am 59, and feel precisely the same. You even reserved a place for that rusting spunkbucket of a gay dalek, Owen “Moaning” Jones..
    I’d add The Noo Yurpean and The Groaniad; their very existence is more damaging to the planet than CO2.

  28. Cunters for your vocal displeasure, Afua Hirsch. Plus that nigerian cunt David jig*boo. Who always has to insert slavery into any programme the cunts on.

    Which word was auto-flagged? who could possibly tell. I think it was Afua personally. – DA

    • Sorry admin, I couldn’t think of the name of that David twat. I didn’t know Ms Hirsch was a trigger though. She fucking triggers me.

  29. Happiness has to be based on something that can’t be taken away or lost. Money, pleasure, leisure, comfort, sex, friends, health, society, etc can all change or be lost at any time.
    There is only one thing that can’t change or be taken away. The Almighty Creator. He means for us to be happy fulfilled and satisfied no matter how fucked up things get around you His wisdom and provision will sustain and prosper your soul.

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