Life in General

Don’t know whether it’s my age (62) behind the reason I am becoming quite so fucking bored and impatient with life or the fact that general life is so shit these days.

Pretty much everything makes me so angry, to the point I sometimes resort to talking to myself.

MSM (but primarily the BBC)
Woke Culture
Racism by whitey
Fucking victims looking for sympathy
Economic migrants in dinghies and the fucking government for not stopping it
Shite TV
Adverts absolutely every fucking where (particularly for online gambling, lotteries, over 50 funeral plans or for charities asking for £3 a month, usually for Africa, and sometimes even with a cuddly toy FFS)
Twitter, Facebook and social media
Eastern European’s (but mainly Romanians for the increase in crime locally)
Lying cunt politicians (all parties)
The European Union
Covid lockdown restrictions
Other car drivers
Cookie options on almost every fucking website
Selfish, inconsiderate cunts
The so called justice system and soft as shit judges letting criminals off
Police prioritising hate crimes over physical crimes
Ryan Clarke Neal
Owen Jones
Suckdick Khan
Johanna Lumley
People with fucking scratch cards in front of me in the queue
Lazy adult cunts who have no pride and rely on handouts
Poor parenting
Young people without a clue who think the world owes them a living
Trans gender bollocks
Reality TV programmes
Unfunny comedy
Political correctness
World leaders
The World Health Organisation
The United Nations
The Chinese
Queue jumpers
Privileged kids at private schools
Anti Brexiteers who still won’t respect the decision and continue whinging
Anti British universities
Scam emails/texts/phone calls
British customer service levels
Poor mobile phone etiquette
TV adverts clearly made for fucking morons
The introduction of expensive, disposable electric cars based on the lie they are better for the environment
Thick cunts who are incapable of independent thought
People who are regularly late for appointments without apology
Rip off train fares and shit service
Annoying flies in the summer
Mudslimes who complain and are deserving of different treatment because they are special and refuse to adopt the British way of life
Hollywood and their predictably tiresome films
Impossibility of securing a doctors appointment
Charities who pass on only a tiny percentage of donations received

In no way have I struggled to compile this list and is not exhaustive of things that regularly piss me off, many of them daily

Cant help remembering that life was much better and less complicated 30 or 40 years ago, and how what has happened since then can in any way be classified as positive evolution.

Unfortunately there is just no way of escaping much of this, the only way is to go and have a lie down.

Nominated by: Willie Stroker

124 thoughts on “Life in General

  1. A horrible thing to say, but I’m glad I won’t be here in 50 years time. It will be 90% Muslim and Gary Linecunt will still be a smug cunt.

    • Cheer up that cunt will be long dead as well.
      It’s in my will that my offspring piss on his grave.

    • You forgot the UN, it’s the reason Mudslimes do as they please. By the way they’re very scared of dogs.

      • Included the United Nations GFWC.

        How could I forget the cunts who are committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress.

        Using any yardstick with which you care to measure their success- you’ve got to say they’ve failed.

  2. I think about six months ago I’d had enough of being miserable. Had a shit couple of years and I thought fuck it, I’ve always been a pessimist, it’s time for a change. It’s easy to find stuff to get wound up about, the modern world is a pile of shite, and worse it’s getting, as the further away from the last worldwide catastrophe (WW2) we get, the closer we get to the next one, as the young don’t give a fuck for then, only now. This is nothing new, but as successive generations have had life easier, they have little understanding of the consequences. To hear them whining about the pandemic, which has been shit, that’s a given, but it doesn’t even register on the scale of the calamities that mankind faced, even in living memory.
    Anyway, it’s got too much for me, and I’m trying my best to be happier. I say yes to things I used to say no too, and for the most part it’s definitely for the better.
    I don’t ignore the news, but I limit my exposure to it, and stuff I can’t influence is not worth worrying about. Being middle aged, there will be plenty more personal grief to deal with at some point, so it’s nice to have a bit of light between the shades.
    It’s nice to come here and have a quick rant about some cunt or other, then fuck off and do something enjoyable. Life is too short to waste it on bollocks.
    Turn the fucking telly off for a start, that will instantly cool the piss.

      • Slight caveat – there is plenty of stuff on the telly that is not piss boiling, you just have to discriminate and be disciplined in your viewing. I record everything I choose to watch, partly so I can fast forward through any adverts or trailers, but mostly so I can watch at a time that suits me.

      • You’ve just described my viewing habits to a tee RTC. I watch an hour or two before I go to bed, always recorded for the same reasons you mentioned. Zapping through adverts is an unbribled joy!?

      • Hawaii 5-0, the original series for a start! “Book him Danno”. Steve McGarrett, firm but fair!

        I believe there is a remake currently showing, as I can just imagine what it is like I will never see one episode!

    • I started work in 1971 and was inspired by WW2 veterans like my dear Ol’ Pa who , having survived and seen unimaginable things didn’t give a fuck. The managers , often survivors themselves, knew that bugger all really mattered.

      • They earned the title of the ‘greatest generation’ and are modest about it.
        A lesson to us all.

    • Friday night for me is smoke weed and a few beers. Saturday is the day I video call my wife and family thinking will I ever see them again in person.

  3. The state of Britain well summarised. I’ve been seriously considering quitting this shithole country and going elsewhere but if options weren’t already limited, coronabollocks has limited options even more as has the election of that dopey cunt Biden in USA. I have slaved for decades paying in handsomely and got fuck all back when I actually needed healthcare and financial support. I don’t have much but it don’t want to stick around and suffer the pain of them cunts taking it all back off me as they gradually kill me off.

    Addressing two items on your list would result in many of the other issues correcting themselves putting Britain back on track and that’s holding two more referendums. One to leave the UN and another to leave WHO. Until we are free from these two massive piles of corrupt cunts, we are fucked.

  4. Great Nom and Post Willie. Everything you listed is what I fucking detest. It won’t be long before all shit hits the fan! I forsee a future of “Thunderdome”, where the both sides will fight, and only one will win. As the cage opens for the victor……I have a hope it will be Whitey who emerges to the cheers.

  5. I agree 100% with Wilies’ list, I would like to add:

    Lord fucking Adonis
    Steve Bray – thick as pigshit arsehole
    Jess Phillips – closet dyke
    and Emily Fatarse Thornberry

    • Willie, I don’t think you mentioned people who make disgusting noises when they eat and drink.

  6. Leaf blower machines
    Cunts who slam doors
    Loud exhaust pipes
    Protestors, every week somewhere, and their cunty stickers all over the place

  7. Fuck me, we must all originate from the same clone.
    Crack open another bottle and tell the world to fuck off.

  8. You can add other people’s children to the list. However, on an upbeat note, there are still a few pleasures left in life…

    Early to mid-Autumn
    An open fire and a real 6′ Christmas tree
    Having a sun tan (real, not sprayed on), its nice to look at your skin and it isn’t John Major grey for once
    Wearing nice clothes or being comfortable in comfy clothes
    Getting your hair done and the hairdresser did it right for once
    That, I’ve just had a shower feeling
    House tidy and clean, grass mown
    Dogs making me laugh
    Baileys in Winter
    Sitting in the garden or admiring the garden from indoors
    Uncle Roger (You Tuber) taking the piss out of Jamie Oliver

  9. Best therapy is a clear dark night sky, puts things into perspective, on how insignificant we are.

  10. In the age of mass media all these things are pushed right at you and, if the content drops a little low, the Wokies make a bit more of it up.

    Unless you are at the top of the tree, shitting down on all the others, it’s probably always been like this. Cancer has always been there (casually ignored by tobacco and asbestos companies for years until awareness grew). Poverty and homelessness too. Homes never used to be heated (just like St Greta would like now no doubt). There were always benders “ cottaging” in the local toilets (local outside toilets don’t exist much now – probably not needed as being gay is now an aspiration rather than a crime). The elite have always treated the proles badly (it used to be more physical – “over the top to be shot or it’s a firing squad for you” – many toffs were shot in the back/it’s the same the world over the Yanks call it “fragging”).

    What is different is it’s become more “words & media” rather than a physical thing. Despite what the Wokies believe you can ignore words and they won’t hurt you – in the slightest! Just ignore all the shitstorm and go about your daily business. You’ll feel much better for it (if you are retired just say “fuck off” safe in the knowledge that you can’t be “cancelled” – if you still work just politely say that “you don’t do politics”).

    Don’t worry – be ?

  11. And though he is no longer with us (I won’t say ‘sadly’ because I don’t give a shit about the cunt ), Saint Chiggen Floyd George is unfortunately part of modern life these days. The woke cunts, social media loonies and the BBC have seen to that.

    • Derek Chauvin’s just been sentenced to 22.5 years. BLM cunts are creaming their keks, of course.

  12. Life is the commonest cause of death.
    Everyone who has it ends up dead.
    Mind you, it’s a great experience if you don’t weaken.
    Nothing’s worse than dying before you’ve got round to telling everyone on your “cunt list” to go and fuck themselves.
    On that happy note, fuck off and good night!
    Apart from all you fellow cunters of course.
    PS: did any of you see the leaked sex tape video of Owen Jones and Joe Lyclitt indulging in mutual ass-juice rimming ?

    • Eastern mystics say the calmest death is one in which the subject has no important words left unsaid.

      So tell any cunts in your life to fuck off here and now!

  13. Fucking hell!!!

    Slightly off topic: just looked on YouTube, a Daily Mail clip titled:

    Matt Hancock: Labours Anneliese Dodds call for health minister to be…
    There is a split photo with Hancock leaving Downing Street, on the left and Ansl-ease on the right.

    I am not even exaggerating when I say she looks exactly like Dobby the house elf fro Harry Potter ???

    I am fucking serious.
    What an ugly cunt she is?

      • Personally I don’t give a fuck which slapper with daddy issues Hancock has been abusing his position with and fucking. I’m more concerned with the fact that he has been lying to us about the necessity of not hugging our grandchildren whilst at the same time has been ramming his tongue down the throat of the nearest desperate for promotion whore with clearly no Covid consequences whatsoever.

  14. To your otherwise excellent list I would add adverts on YouTube and the fact that the American election was so obviously stolen and yet most fuckers don’t appear to see this.

    • Agreed WCTC

      Started off with one advert, now two. Sometimes interrupting multiple times in the clip I am watching.

      Gets on my fucking tits.

      In my whole life I cannot say adverts have EVER influenced my decision making when buying something. Not once. Personally cannot see the point of it other than to piss people off.

      • I was just at reading something earlier about a way around those ads is by copying you tube link and pasting into your browser and put a full stop on the end of address before submitting / entering.

      • It’s the fucking ones associated with virus, NHS shite that annoy me most. Oh and the ‘get rich quick’ bullshit ones. Also Scottish government has infested the site with their virus ones and climate emergency. I had been browsing bitchute instead recently but apparently there is a ‘brandnewtube,’ site I will check out later.

      • I enjoy what YouTube has to offer but fucked if I am going to pay to have advert free access.

  15. In case anyone is wondering, my personal pronouns are ‘fuck’ , ‘cunt’ and ‘Joe Biden is as fake as fuck’.

  16. Great nomination of course.
    But the scariest part. I recognise the cunt in the pic. I know him.
    A geezer named (K3nny Br4nt).
    A millionaire property developer from Berkshire.

    • Thought it looks a bit like Bobby George, the darts player. Met him once in the Joker public house, Seven Kings.

  17. Felt compelled to comment because I share your sentiments in everything you have written.
    My only recourse is that I am thankful I don’t have much time left.

    • Many thanks QECM, glad to have you aboard this esteemed sanctuary otherwise known as ISAC.

      I suspect there are millions of us. Modern life is shit compared to 40 or 50 years ago

      My much younger wife complains that I like to watch films made in the 1950’s, 1960’s and early 1970’s.

      It’s called nostalgia and reminds me of happier, simpler times.

  18. SIrs:

    I understand this despair completely.

    The solution? Stay off the damn internet. Set aside one hour a day, no more, for looking at stupid annoying shit. It will still be there tomorrow.

    I spend considerable time in places where I have to drive several miles to get a cell phone signal, much less an internet hookup. It’s wonderful.

    • Agreed

      I try not to watch TV, listen to the radio and not go on the internet (other than this website).

      Although I am retired I like to keep myself busy, either with occasional paid gardening work, voluntary charity work, sport charity work, at the allotment or spending time on walks in the country.

      And still I encounter many of the annoyances I have listed just in everyday life, there seems no way of avoiding many of them.

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