Lefty Reaction to GB News

(Not an emergency cunting per se, but its nice to have a bit of good news once in awhile – DA)

GB News.

Fuck me this is brilliant.

Watched from countdown time when it started at 8:00pm on Sunday 13 June 2021.. This is really gonna kick the ass of the BBC.

I can imagine the BBC lefties wetting their panties tonight after watching this.
He seems to have a good balance so he cannot be accused of racism.

Well done Andrew Neil – more BBC licences will be cancelled – mine included!

The Arrival of GB News

Nominated by: geedee

and seconded by: TBRILW

And don’t forget the left-wing terrorist organisation the BBC tried to shitcan GB News in the 11th hour…


The BBC has really shown themselves for the cowards they are! Long live Brillo and GB news…I’m not surprised the woke are shitting themselves ?

Thank fuck I don’t pay their extortion tax ?

(More here – DA MSM Criticism of GBNews )


70 thoughts on “Lefty Reaction to GB News

  1. Twitter was so much fun Sunday night.Instant lefty tantrums.Yes there were technical problems but no one who is interested in the channel cares on Day one.I am also impressed with Dan Wooten`s ability to wind up all the right people with ease and so effectively.Yes he is not the greatest interviewer or presenter ever but it is refreshing to hear someone be direct and reflect opinions we all hear regularly except on the media or amongst the politicians.

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