(Not an emergency cunting per se, but its nice to have a bit of good news once in awhile – DA)
GB News.
Fuck me this is brilliant.
Watched from countdown time when it started at 8:00pm on Sunday 13 June 2021.. This is really gonna kick the ass of the BBC.
I can imagine the BBC lefties wetting their panties tonight after watching this.
He seems to have a good balance so he cannot be accused of racism.
Well done Andrew Neil – more BBC licences will be cancelled – mine included!
Nominated by: geedee
and seconded by: TBRILW
And don’t forget the left-wing terrorist organisation the BBC tried to shitcan GB News in the 11th hour…
The BBC has really shown themselves for the cowards they are! Long live Brillo and GB news…I’m not surprised the woke are shitting themselves ?
Thank fuck I don’t pay their extortion tax ?
(More here – DA MSM Criticism of GBNews )
Rays of hope in times of darkess. Fantastic 🙂
Good moaning and fuck off!
Being slagged off by the BBC and the fucking Guardian is an excellent recommendation. I shall definitely give it a try.
Found them on YouTube and subscribed.
Wonder how long it will be before it’s shut down for some kind of thought crime…
The way the wokies were crying about a new right leaning news channel you’d have thought it was Tucker Carlson and Fox News from over the pond.
I think they will be pretty fair minded and grill Bozza (if he doesn’t run away from Andrew Neil again to hide behind Carries skirt) as well as the piss weak mealy-mouthed utterings of Q*eer Charmer.
They are to include a ‘wokewatch’ segment so might be keeping an eye on IsAC nominations for some inspiration from esteemed cunters.
Bozza will fucking run and hide with his fucking greenie mates. They are all the cunt has left. Time is up for all of f these cunts… https://www.bitchute.com/video/sX1jbWTwumsz/
His lying cunt science mates won’t escape either… https://www.bitchute.com/video/sX1jbWTwumsz/
Wrong link inserted above for some reason, here is the right link… https://www.bitchute.com/video/c436B451QE7c/
I am waiting for The Donald’s Real News Corporation. Only then will we find out what is really going on.
The woke keep telling us that diversity is our strength; surely they should welcome another news source .
Thought it was pretty good. Content excellent and a breath of fresh air. Some of the sets looked a bit cheap, production quality a bit dodgy and quite a few technical issues. But it’s the first night and I’m sure the gremlins will be ironed out. I will be watching regularly.
Hear Hear !
The technical stuff will get ironed out (sound problems Sunday night reminded me of the first days of ‘live tv’ – anyone remember that ? Anne Marie Foss & topless weather , ha ha)
Finally a news channel that gives all sides to stories. No more of the same strictly censored woke crap regurgitated on the hour, every hour. Well done GB News ! 🙂
I will miss watching BBC news 24 with the sound turned down as I oggle Joanna Gosling, but Gloria DePiero is easy on the eye.
Great to see Simon McCoy, Colin Brazier & Neil Oliver as part of the line up.
Only bit I’m giving a miss is ‘Michelle Dewbery’ as I’m really not a fan.
All the best GB News ! – Defund the BBC !
Of course, if you ever mention them as a source to a libtard, expect sneering and scoffing. Fuck them. I’m using them if needed, loud and proud. But they’ll scoff so be ready.
Because of course, The Guardian and the BBC are the epitome of balanced, honest and trustworthy journalism, for fuck’s sake.
Anybody got Ned Beatty in the dead pool?
Just subscriberd on Youtube.
I remember when GB News was initially announced, James O’Shithead squealed:
“Just what we need – yet another right-wing channel adding to this country’s already overwhelmingly right-wing controlled news media!”
The cunt then went on to name the BBC, Sky and ITV as right-wing news outlets!
Jame O’Brien, Lord Adonis and Owen Jones are so far left they probably think Stalin was far right.
The BBC, Sky and ITV are about as right wing as Pol Pot.
I bet Obrains show was a hoot this morning as his beloved flock would be fawning over him in their calls supporting him against this new media outlet.
I did consider tuning in for a second…. but then thought, nah!
I’m sure he puts his shows on podcasts or some other listen later type system. Bedtime listening as it would probably send you to sleep or have your piss boiling all night.
It would be the latter, without doubt!
Hi Ruff ….. An off topic reply to you – I seem to remember you are an Emerson Lake and Palmer fan. The Album Tarkus was released fifty years ago today !! FUCK !
Regards Geedee
Evening Geedee.
More of a Nice fan actually. Liked ELP’s first album, and Tarkus OK, but not keen on the rest of their output. That said, I have the live 4CD ‘Manticore Vaults Vol. One’ box which is pretty spiffing…
The link supplied by DA above connects to an article in the Guardian. Worth reading. They are clearly rattled.
Stuart shut that door Jeffries is not happy.
The cunts on the left will go into hyper drive to cancel it.
High hope but low expectations, perhaps something like sky news Australia isn’t too much to ask.
However, unless they get someone who makes Alex Jones look like Huw Edwards, and use loon lingo like shill, sheeple and globalist elites in every article, they will just be labelled MSM in some peoples eyes.
Probably by the end of the day….
By Alex Jones, I obviously meant the fat lying mentalist, not the airhead tittywoman off the one show.?
I’ve already subscribed to the YouTube channel and also look forward to trying it on the TV whilst enjoying my evening meal.
I’ve found that the constant communist and woke news pumped out by the usual cunts is not good for my blood pressure.
I wish GB news every success.
Especially if it upsets the likes of the vermin at the BBC and other outlets of shite.
May their piss boil to plasma… ?
Good luck to them. Don’t do live tv so can’t comment apart from if it pisses off the current woke virtue signally cunts then great.
Download their app – they have you covered?
This is brilliant. Points to Mr Neil.
And I hope that cunt Maitlis fries in the fires of hell.
If the BBC tried to hamstring them before they got off the ground it’s a good sign. Remember cunters you only pick up flak when you’re over the target. I remember that from my old lancaster days over Dresden but let’s not talk about that.
Auntie must be shitting herself. Now we have an honest news channel. It’ll be interesting to see the viewing figure.
What fucking cunts the BBC are for doing that. I hope GB rams it right up there shiter.
Alex Belfield was slating it last night, not sure what that was about (personal problem with Andrew Neil or maybe pissed off he wasn’t asked to join).
Alex always strikes me as being on the edge of a nervous breakdown…
Alex knows this is a threat.Simple as.If GB news is a success his influence diminishes.It is in his commercial interest for them to fail.
Wonder if Harry of Hewitt and the Markle Locust will be giving GB any exclusive interviews? Ha Ha Ha.
William and the lovely Kate should do a a royal exclusive with GB News. Done with the dignity and class expected from The Firm, while also putting the boot in and blowing Harry and the Markle Creature away.
I watched a couple of hours of GB News last night and it was great. A few teething troubles with the tech (but still better than a Downing Street briefing – nobody was saying “next slide please, next slide, oh it’s up!”). Part of it was a three way discussion and, yes they did invite a “Wokey” to participate to give some balance (came across as a complete “mummy’s boy cunt” – they must have a great casting director :D). Can you imagine BBC Question Time attempting to balance the views being put forward? (Thought not.).
They also had Alan Sugar on answering viewers questions (most of them anyway) and explaining why he thinks Sparkletits is a liar (you could have lifted his script for this straight off this site?).
Tonight it’s going to be Roger Daltry – looking forward to this one…
I dont think I had seen question time since the first episode Fiona Bruce did however I was in my parents house the other night and it was on their idiot lantern. Holy fuck, the sight of that wall of f multiple cunts all intermittently clapping like fucking seals (not the Navy ones), what a shitshow it has become.
I will be watching not only for the news content but also for a look at Michelle Dewberry, she looks like a proper filthy depraved slag who would be up for just about anything ?
Dunno what you mean
I can imagine her fitting right in at one of them porn sites that has the office secretary look, sporting the fully fashioned nylons and killer heels as she bends over the desk looking round holding a pen in her mouth.
You can be sure that the Left and MSM will do their utmost to cancel either the channel or some/all of the main presenters. They may even resort to trawling through old Twitter/Facebook posts just to dig out anything “…ism” as they did with that cricketer a few days ago.
I hope GBN have deep pockets, and that their financiers can weather the storm against the Left because if you cut the money supply you ultimately kill the golden goose.
Personally I don’t think it will last more than a few months. It will be like Nigel Farage and his original UKIP party – makes a strong presence initially, and then fades into nothingness.
But for the time being I wish them every success in returning some form of order to all this Lefty bias within the media.
The key to their success will be viewing numbers – I doubt the MSM/Establishment will be able to persuade advertisers to pull the plug if more people are viewing GB News than are viewing the traditional channels.
We can all do our bit to support it – tell everybody you know to watch it and to tell everybody they know.
Let’s all help Andrew Neil’s “one more gig” be a great success.
Watched for the first couple of hours or so. Very amateurish to start with and and many, many technical sound issues, continuing into today.
Having said that there have already been subjects covered that many people are fed fed up with but main stream media don’t want raised. Illegal immigrants, economic migrant children, and taking the knee.
Early days yet, with relatively inexperienced presenters. Not slick and professional like Sky and BBC however the content is in my opinion what it’s all about.
Fantastic to learn that the BBC, The Guardian and Owen Jones are opposed to the “far right” channel promoting common sense, anti woke and freedom of speech.
Feel the channel will stand and fall by the calibre if guests they can get on. Jonathan Sumption excellent. Said he can now say anything he wants to as he is retired and not answerable to anyone. Said he has been contacted by many people who share his views but may lose their jobs for voicing their opinions.
Nigel also on briefly which of course now makes it a racist, extremist channel. About fucking time.
Think GB News would really benefit from having someone like Piers Morgan aboard.
Also think Gloria has a great set of fun bags.
A promising start, things will hopefully improve with time.
Forgot to mention, didn’t like Dan Wootton. A gobby ex Sun journalist from NZ.
Spent a few hours on the GBNews site, watching, read all the bios etc. Dan W is my least favourite by a mile. Gloria, milftastic, but obviously in a non-sexist/ojectivist (?? is that right?) way 🙂 That Simon bloke from Sky is growing on me, used to think he was a bit of a twat but that could have been my intense Burley hatred projecting onto him.
Hope it has legs, subscribed.
When I discovered Talkradio, Dan had the late afternoon/ drive time slot and initially found listenting to him hard work as for weeks I had only really heard Mike Graham and all other Talkradio presenters aside Julia Hartley Brewer were alien to me. It took a lot of listening to their various presenters across their daily schedule to get a feel for each presenter, where they stood on important issues and decide whether or not I’d listen in to any of them long term.
I think maybe part of the problem I had listening to Dan was the accent and depending on how interesting the topic was, you could be turning over to woeful Eddie Mair instead to escape. However as this virus and subsequent raids on our freedoms started, the topics were
more important. His accent was no longer the issue and the topics & non BBC views stood out instead. I’d give him a chance as depending on how gb news direct him, he may well grow on you. Probably won’t ever be your favourite presenter but he will be ranked far higher than any more f the rats left on the sinking ship that is S.S Al-Beeb.
Of the other TalkRadio presenters, Ian Collins is ace. James Whale and Kevin O’Sullivan are well worth a listen too.
@rtc my DAB remains set on Talkradio me at of the time. I listen to Ian most afternoons. LBC fucked up when they let him go. I think they only have Ian Payne (ex talksport) left now. I gave up with Ferrari and switched to Julia Hartley Brewer as I was sick of his ‘call cunts’ section where he invites you to call Kier or call Khan. JHB gives them MP cunts a much better grilling, so much so they fucking fear her so much they won’t appear on her show nor Mike Grahams show. I often laugh as Julia welcomes cunts like Jenrick on the show with a nice chirpy ‘good morning’ to relax them and put them at ease before going for the jugular. I can see inside her head as she starts reeling them in and puts them on the hook of no escape. Instead, they repeatedly refuse to answer and stutter / mumble other bollocks exposing the useless cunts further.
Also let sten to Kevin o Sullivan and James Whale.
The weekend is a bit of a mixed bag where I alternate between Talkradio and Absolute 80’s when an intolerable cunt like nick de Bois comes on brown nosing Boris more than his own sister even does over at LBC.
Bit annoyed they moved James Whale and Ash to the 10pm slot. 7pm was perfect, I don’t listen after 10pm, cunts always fixing things when they’re not broke.
I’m just watching Wooton now.
His shouty, provocative interviewing style has turned the complete show into an absolute train wreck. Guests squabbling and shouting over each other, – no real order at all.
Dewberry was crap also. Looks and sounds like some cheap skank pulled in a late bar in Cleethorpes.
I still would though. I bet she takes it up the tradesmen’s. Worth watching her exclusively for a perving session.
I wish it every success,- I really do.
But with rattly sets that look like leftovers from a 1980’s science fiction film, and the sound quality of a 1930’s scratchy 78, I have grave concerns for its future.
Owen Jones thinks GB News is far right news media and radio?
Good job he’s never listened to Radio Albion then. Would make Adolf blush lol.
Viewing figures look promising as posted by Tom Harwood this morning… https://mobile.twitter.com/tomhfh/status/1404363939924819971
That’s a promising start.
We deepened GB News to succeed- and I think it will. All new broadcast operations have technical glitches. I’m sure these will be ironed out over the coming months and the channel will become slicker. Anyway, I would rather watch GB News even if it were broadcast from a shed on a mobile phone rather than some slick news channel featuring Matliss, Burley and Rigby.
Desperately not deepened. Fuck it.
I forgot it was starting last night and missed it all. I think I was busy ranting on here between kitchen duties. Had to do dishes to make dinner then I decided to do dishes again to avoid waking up to them again so missed loads of telly.
Totally agree, besides with Beth downgrading the picture quality is a improvement, who wants to see that in High Definition on a wall mounted 56″ TV, my god, still it would keep the children away from getting to close to the fireplace.
Let´s wait and see. Just because it is “right wing” and has Brillo Pad (whom I´ve always thought was a slimy creep) doesn´t mean it will be consistently good or even any good. I´ll give it the thumbs up when it invites an ISAC contributor to jooin a panel. I´d love to see Foxy Vernon up there.
Well hopefully Vernon will have perused over last nights shenanigans and realised the support he has here compared to the not suspicious at all, daisy chained, three amigos, and pop back here for an encore today!
Go on, Vern, you know you want to 😉
I’d pay good money to watch Dick Fiddler on a panel on Question Time!
Any news channel that lets Lord Alan Sugar call Dame Kweer Starmer a “Nutter” and Meghan Sparkletits a liar is alright by me.
The launch of GB News was watched by more people than both the BBC News channel and Sky News despite several technical glitches on opening night, according to data released on Monday.
(One suspects MSM won’t report on that. Or if they do they’ll put it down as a one-off – DA)
I’ve been watching it, but sound quality is terrible, hope they can iron out the technical glitches.
I’m amazed that nobody has mentioned the delectable Kirsty Gallacher being on it.
I’d watch it just for her.
Used to love Kirsty on Sky Sports back in the old days.
Imagine a GB News version of Question Time? Echoing Sir Robin’s time, and having real debate and discussion. A proper current affairs show that didn’t include nonentity celebrity mongs, woke monkeys, demented Femstapo, and handpicked leftie tossers as an audience. Could it happen?