I cunted this half wit last year. She’s the deluded fucker who tried to organise BLM horseshit in the Forest of Dean.
She’s back, she’s black and she’s entitled to her shoulder chip.
But Khady felt that “no-one was talking about it” where she lived in Lydney, Gloucestershire.
“Outraged and upset”, as the footage of George Floyd’s death circulated online, she decided to organise her own local protest.
“I wanted to highlight this tragedy for black communities in the area I live in, where discussions about race and racial justice just don’t happen,” she said.
She lives in Lydney. Fred West territory. Deliverance territory. There is a very good reason racial injustice isnt discussed there. She is the only fucker there who isnt white and related to everybody else. There are no stabbings or gangs. They use pitchforks and fire to keep the peace.
She is determined to push the race card in an area where it is irrelevant. All opposition to her fucking madness is of course racist.
Surprisingly, she seems to be a single mother.
Chiggun. Courtesy of the BBC of couse.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
As usual its middle class white people who just love their black pets. “woof woof” “come on girl, tel me im a racist cunt” “fetch………..
Get the Wurzels to sing a song for the ‘event’.
Just change the words for ‘I am a cider drinker’ to:
?I am an uppity mig mog
I point and moan all the time.
I am an uppity mig mog
Being should be a crime?
Then send to her to one of Sasha the cabbage’s parties.
‘Being white should be a crime’
Fuck off
A second man has been charged with the shooting of Sasha the cabbage.
With the name of Devonte Brown, it is safe to assume he isn’t a white supremacist with an axe to grind against BLM. The picture of the first suspect in the BBC report above looks like the missing link.
Why doesn’t she just move to tower Hamlets or better still Africa.
The fucking shit stirring CUNT.
Because I don’t want her living near me in Tower Hamlets.
Soon to be playing the part of Token in Southpark the musical 😀
Don’t like the UK and “racist whitey”?
Fuck off back to sitting outside a mud hut, ten kids at your feet and ten thousand flies round your face.
Accept MY Countrys laws, rules, tradition, culture, religion, history and way of life or fuck off back to the third world where you belong.
Not wanted, not welcome.
Foxy, as ever spot on. These cunts criticise Britain for colonising other parts of the world but fail to see that is exactly what they are trying to do now within the U.K. The major difference is that we brought positives to the colonies ,these cunts bring negatives.
Do they come here to stop their tits ending up looking like crisp packets full of water or do they still end up looking like that after moving to UK? Always wondered if it’s hereditary or its down to how much of the village have been feeding off them after a child has born. ??? Iiiiiiiiiiiits milkin’ time!
Never heard if this irritating nonentity and I don’t care about her blm chiggin George sympathy bullshit.
I can’t even pronounce its name and I have no intention of trying.
Fuck off.
History and common sense don’t factor in. People have always gathered like with like. So what?! No hate in that.
This anti racist shit is making me racist!
Racism = making race an issue when it’s not.
Oh. And fuck off.
Is she a single mum? Has to be, can’t not be ?
Turkey baster insemination, how else? Who would slip that pig a length.?
Any woman waffling on about politics would step on your dick nerve.
Moan, moan, fucking moan.
Unfortunately she wasnt bagged for Fredrick Wests subterranean zoo.
But this uppity got left holding the baby, Delroy isnt so dumb he cant see the misery of being lumbered with this whining dull peoples champzee.
@Mnc Even though Fred had a bit of a microphone head, he seems ‘so far as we know’ to have had a line that he wouldn’t cross.
The link is from the bbc news beat, well who about that for leftist propaganda, good old brainwashing for young minds, it’s a cunt own it’s own merit, it deserves a cunting alone, but the bbc is uber cunt
Suggest that she moves to and ethnic cack hole like londonstabbystan so she can feel more at one with the cause….Bet she doesn’t guess it’s much safer where she is.. Cunt..
Not another blek Quisling cunt?
A never ending Conga of malcontents.
Whos the cunt with the foreskin peeler choppers?
Its rude to point bignose.
Like any good mohel she helps reduce male sexual desire and pleasure
Burn her
Visited Newark today. Guess who was the only Black (sic) person in attendance? Took loads of piccies hoping no-one thought I was planning to Manchester the place. I think the Arsenal and Leicester Tigers tats on mi left leg might have helped people in making a judgement. Lovely town. I doubt they’ve had any looting and riots in the last year.
Modded! WTF?!
Cunstable Cuntbubble’s portrait of the denizens of the Forest (as it’s known in these parts) is harsh, but indubitably fair. They’re not particularly friendly to people from the neighbouring towns and districts. Foreigners are actively disliked, as those French bear owners found out to their cost in the nineteenth century. Ethnic types should expect to be treated like invading aliens from outer space. Cue Torches, pitchforks and a wicker man. Arrrr!!!!!
Pastimes in the forest are incest and cider from my memory. As a kid my old man used to drive us into the forest on Sundays as the Welsh pubs were closed and he could get his beer in some interesting villages on the English side of the Wye.
I used to know the Forest quite well, and to be fair, even black faced sheep get a pretty hard time
The residents of Lydney like to think they’re a cut above the rest of the sheep bothering, cider swilling inbreds and thus refer to their neck of the woods as The Severnside Riviera. They’re still Foresters though, with all that implies.
The only knee-grow in the village.
So she’s “Senegalese-British” according to the BBC. No, you’re either a foreigner, in which case be fucking grateful you are here and not in the shithole you come from, or you are British, in which case why would you be crying about some dirty druggie criminal who died in a place 4000 Miles away which you couldn’t spell and wouldn’t have a hope of identifying on a map?
Shut up bitch, shut up middle class wokies, shut up the cunting traitors at the BBC.
So in others words she, s going to take a sleepy little village that’s known for cider and mountain bike festivals and show everyone there a black gobshite cunt in action.
Well if they weren’t racist before by the time this silly golly has finished banging her drum and making a cunt of herself there will be a few opinions changed and not for the better.
The best bit is all this shit is because of some thieving, lying, mugging, druggy scum the thhe world is better off without is the cause of all this, I could have understand if he had been a decent person but this piece of shit should have his picture in the dictionary next to the dredded N word.
True to form just as the N word was about to go extinct, silly arse hole protesters have dug it up and now it’s said more often now albeit quietly by whites than it was in the whole previous century, so we’ll done KFC glue or whatever her fucking name was your not helping the cause….. So shut the fuck up
I live in a detached house, and at the height of the BLM madness (beating up honkies, making white women kneel to them in the street etc) I really let go one afternoon – I think the clip of that scared white woman being forced to kneel to that fucking cunt tipped me over the edge that day.
With nobody home but me, and the neighbours leaving in their car, I shouted, at the top of my lungs, a few things I dare not write here.
Needless to say, it was not ‘Diversity is our strength!’
‘Fluff off you fluffing block bar stewards! Fluffing counting miggers fluff out out of our countries! Block fluuffing miggers fluf off!’ was not bellowed either, I’m pretty sure.
Yes, it felt great, I’m ashamed to say lol.
I just hope the neighbours were all out lol. They’d be thinking I’m even madder than they thought.
I’d do her. But not her toothy mate (pictured), Eleni Eldridge-Tull, who is ‘researching’ masculinity and spirituality in the twentieth century at Birmingham. Now there’s a covetable qualification!
Quite right Komodo, safety first at all times. Them cheese graters would take the foreskin off an elephant and I’d never put anything of mine near them either.
Never heard of the cunt Sounds like another Afua Hirsch though.
“It changed my life entirely “. Of course it did everyone knows what a total shit head she is. Stupid sanctimonious bitch fuck off.
Is the honky bint Mr Ed’s Mrs?