Keir Starmer (14)

“Rodney – you plonker”!

As Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, KCB, QC wakes up in a whiff of delicate perfume and the rustle of macho lace sheets he can comfort himself with the thought that Labour are so popular and in tune with their voters that they have just come approximately 93rd in the Chesham (rough area – lots of drive by white guilt) by Election with a grand total of 622 votes.

Little Rodney will make the usual excuses but gammon face Pwincess is now being manoeuvred for removal by his backstabbing “colleagues” – Burnham, Khan, Nandy and rent a gob Rayner will all be jockeying for position over the next few months to see who is next in “charge” of a party which will never be elected again.

Labour still haven’t worked out why the people they hate, despise and look down on with arrogant contempt refuse to vote for a party of nutters, commies and anti Semites.

And if they lose Batley and Spen – a distinct likelihood with Laurence Fox and The Reclaim Party holding a free speech event there this week – there will be civil war in their socialist UK hating traitor ranks. (I await the battle with amusement).

Starmer – a “Man” who manages to be even more of a shifty useless clown than Johnson – way to go, daft lad.

Nominated by: Vernon Fox 

Starmer Soon to be Unemployed

This post is 100% lacking in Bonnie Langford content… oh, bollocks – DA

57 thoughts on “Keir Starmer (14)

  1. Being worse than BoJo really does defy belief but for this knobend it appears effortless.

  2. Interesting one – it seems Kim Leadbetter was allowed to “jump the queue” with regard to Labour Party membership and several other prospective Labour candidates (muslims) were not allowed to continue in their applications so Ms Leadbetter’s application was wrongfully and possibly illegally chosen – a seriously bad idea when Labour are attempting to catch the muslim vote. (But Kim was not so bothered she could be arsed to turn up to the free speech debate).
    Add in the pro muslim interference from George “any party for a freebie” Galloway who will further dilute the vote and there is a perfect storm scenario on Thursday.
    Politics NEEDS effective opposition, Labour do not provide it and it will be personally very satisfying if these UK hating opportunists get their arses handed to them.
    Further, Bonnie Langford would in all probability approve this post! ??

    Strangely Bonnie just texted me about the Labour party leadership debate. It appeared to be an insufferable Bugsy Malone song sang out of key. Be well Vernon. – DA

    • “Approve OF this post, even”!
      (Apologies – Bonnie is drunk and making little sense)..

    • DA@ – Bonnie apologises for the rude and abusive language of the text and for the naked photos she sent – she is insufferable on crack!?
      Off now before CoE tells me off! ??‍♂️

  3. Dame Keir – the economy version of Anthony Blair – will be wetting his lace panties on Friday morning, if all the by-election predictions are right. Is there any wonder? it seems that Jo Cox’s dedicated socialist sister only joined ze party just before she became the candidate. Such dedication to the cause. This time next week he might be getting out his tuxedo for a night at the ballet with his bestie, Mandelson, and getting bummed by Adonis.

    “Angie” will be bereft and a nation will mourn the latest millionaire wankers attempt to unsuccessfully persuade the workers that hie “one of them”

    • Labour are in between a rock and a hard place – they abandoned Cavalier Kev for Mondeo Mike in 1997, and abandoned Mondeo Mike for Trust fund Tarquin.
      They will never be accepted by the moneyed elite, the working classes despise them and the aspirational classes realise that Labour would be a financial and economic disaster.
      Hoist by their own arrogant petard.

    • WCB@ – Labour calls for 4PM finish, DCI Gene scratches head wondering who the fk is going to do the rest of his late shift..
      If we weren’t paying for these clowns I would laugh at their clueless ineptitude.
      “Mystic Fox prediction” – Andy Burnham with Wrong – Daily as deputy leader, any time after Thursday.

    • I’m watching it in the hope that the “team formerly known as England” will get their arses kicked. If so, then cue the usual bollocks from Southgate as he signs on the dotted line for a new contract. The usual reward for failure……

  4. What amazes me is why Labia are so clueless about the causes of their repeated defeats.

    When your MP’s spend 98% of the time despising the people they were founded to represent and instead obsess over middle class woke obsessions, this will be the result. Dame Kweer lost at least 40% of his vote base when he and that slapper took the knee to BLM. It won’t be forgotten.

    Labia also has some truly, deeply nasty people in its ranks. From rabid anti-semites to individuals like Burgon, Clive Owen, the Flabbotpotamus, Naz Shah, etc. Truly the Nasty Party.

    I will greatly enjoy their decline into irrelevance. Cunts.

    • MMCM – You have just narrowed down to four paragraphs why Labour are fked.
      If we can work this out so quickly and easily – why can’t Labour? ?‍♂️

      • I can only conclude Vernon that they are as thick as pig shit.

    • The only Labour MPs I have any time for are Graham Stringer and Sarah Champion (she is reasonably sound of mind and gives me the horn).

      • Doesnt Stringer get you going? I remember the cunt from when I lived in Manchester. He was a council cunt then.

    • ” he and that slapper took the knee to BLM. ”

      She only did that because she was promised a taste of blackcock in her mouth as soon as she went down – that’s what usually happens, anyway

    • Lovely greasy kier.
      “Hes a 1950s binman!”

      A congested lawyer,quiffed & woke.
      Thatll resonant with northern voters?
      Bryan Ferret.

      • Afternoon Jack?
        You at Fiddlers® leisure park yet?
        Told him to put up bunting and fairylights around your pitch,
        Nice touch for Ethel .

      • The Bastard Love Child of Paul Shuttleworth, lead singer of the Kursaal Flyers. Most famous for their 1976 single “Little Does She Know”

        Little does the fuck Qweer know, apart from how to have his own arse handed to him on a plate.

  5. Think of the change in labour since Michael Foot and now. They have changed beyond all recognition. Truely bizarre and all down to Bliar. I’m not sure who they appeal to . Only the feeblest londonistan woke liberal would vote for this lot…..and students. The contradiction is insane. The love muzzies and LGBTQ. They’re at opposite ends of the spectrum and meet at no point. The only thing they are consistent on is their hatred for this country. Ahhh that’s it. Bingo. Muzzies and LGBTQ hate Britain too. They do have something in common. Now I get it. They hope to attract the anti British vote.

  6. Labour still haven’t worked out why the people they hate, despise and look down on with arrogant contempt refuse to vote for a party of nutters, commies and anti Semites.

    Funny, dat. Starmer was appointed on 56.% of the Party vote, on the first round. He’s Jewish.

    • Komodo@ – a Jewish socialist?
      Surely some mistake..
      Starmer had nothing to say about the Corbyn inspired Chakrabarti led “anti semitism” whitewash.
      And nothing of value to say in general.

      • Our possts crossed. As you say he isn’t. My own view is that ‘antisemitism’ in the Labour Party is almost exclusively a matter of being unsupportive of Israel, rather than any antipathy to Jews in general. And I think you are, like me, unsupportive of enforced immigration into what was formerly *your* country? Like the Palestinians?

        Are we having fun yet?

      • It’s mainly the hard left who are antisemite. Corbyn gave them their moment in the sun. Starmer sent them packing, only decent thing he has done.

    • Profound apologies. He isn’t. His wife is, and his spawn are being brought up as, but he isn’t. Still and all…

      • Komodo@
        Your confusing Kier with William Shatner.
        Shatners jewish.
        Also the leader of a bunch of space cadets.
        Easy mistake to make…?

      • It’s not just a question of being “unsupportive of Israel. Criticising Israel’s policies is fine, after all even many Israeli’s and Jews do that. But when an MP has to attend the Labia conference with body guards to protect her you can bet it’s something more than simple criticism. Labia now has the distinction of being the only party condemned of racism by the EOC. Bunch of obnoxious cunts.

  7. Murdered Labour MP
    Jo ‘dont know karate’ Coxs sister is standing in Batley & spen.
    Theyve been egged and attacked while on the campaign trail.
    Oh crumbs!
    Turns out beloved muslims dont like the beloved LGBTQ and arent keen on gender issues for kids.
    Oh no! Which way to turn?!

    • MNC@ – muslims are especially annoyed at having their Labour candidates ignored so the position can be given to Kim Leadbeater.

      • Foxy@
        Also Labour breached rules regarding leafleting,
        starting too early,
        Also did a leaflet showing Boris with Indian PM saying hes not on your side.
        A Labour member has kicked off saying its devisive and dog whistle racism.
        ALSO some fake Labour leaflets showing Kier taking the knee saying “the problem with a multicultural society is whiteness”.
        Its going to kick off there!?
        Not long till another body bag gets filled.

  8. The Labour voting common working man/women probably feels they have a lot in common with Sir Keir Starmer! I heard he once mentioned “Lidl” 😀

    Fuck off!

  9. Maybe if the smarmer kneeler let a politician stand for the by election instead of a leftwing woke lesbian he might get support. What a cunt picking an activist who was only in party for a MONTH. Useless fucking cunt, kneel off.

  10. Its a right shower of shite in Batley.
    I’ll tell you now an I’ll tell ya flatly, id dont wanna go to Batley.
    Jo coxs smarmy sister,
    Gorgeous George Galloway
    A load of p*kis,
    All fighting, you wouldn’t know who to twat first!
    Im surprised fuckin Karen Matthews hasnt thrown her hat in the ring?!
    Any seen Shannon?
    Tell her to vote Labour!

    Just wait until err *checks watch* 04/07 10:00. Batley mania. (We have a slight backlog)* – DA

    *Posting times subject to change depending on current events.

    • Karen Matthews there’s a blast from the past MNC how are you buddy long time no speak ??
      Wonder if Karen still has those Panda Eyes and any more kids ? ??

      • Hello George!
        Hope your well pal?!
        Aye, im ticketyboo.
        Been a good year work wise.
        My arse went at the beginning but needn’t of worried,
        Worked all the way through.
        £££££ every cloud etc ???

  11. Heard yesterday the inner sanctum of the Labour Party were urging Tony Blair to stand as an MP ??
    As with anything Labour always check the small print Back Stabbing Do Good ing We can always do it better The Party in Waiting Blah Blah Blah ??

  12. The cunt appeases statue vandals, appeases BLM, he would take it up the arse if he thought it would secure gay vote.

    He always has a ‘But’, the slimy bastard should have stuck to being a lawyer, his face, mannerisms and voice are lawyer, lawyer, lawyer

    If he quits now he could represent the 4 Bristol cunts when they go to crown court in December. ?


  13. Reminds me of a Gilbert & Sullivan character…
    “Keir Rodney Starmer KCB
    Polished that knob so carefully.”

    Or any other suitable verb…

  14. I know a woman called kier?
    A social worker type.
    Is it a blokes or birds name?
    Never fuckin heard people called that till recently.
    Not got a speech impediment has he?
    “Goin Wigan Kier”
    “On Blackpool kier”
    Sounds like his nose is bunged up at any rate.
    Bet its through taking ‘poppers’ ?

    • I just looked it up and Keir is Gaelic in origin meaning dusky, dark-skinned, swarthy.

      Just the name for a leftie millionaire London lawyer.

    • I believe he was named for Kier Hardie, whose mother’s maiden (sur)name was Keir. Inappropriately; Hardie knew about hard work and was a co-founder of the then-socialist Labour Party.

  15. Kier starmer,

    Whilst at the CPS Rotherham and Gary glitter came across his desk and he ignored (the fact checkers will tell you it wasn’t him but the buck stops at the top).

    His bright idea this week was early finishes for football, ignoring that a lot of his voters can’t do that, utter moron.

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