Juneteenth (National Independence Day)

For those who don’t know in Yankland “Juneteenth” is a commemoration of June 19th 1865, when the last slaves were freed at the end of the Civil War.

This week the Democunts have pushed a bill through Congress making it a Federal Holiday. That means a Bank Holiday in our terms.

Hurrah! Good old Uncle Joe! Who doesn’t want an extra Bank Holiday? Well here’s the rub. Officially it’s going to be called National Independence Day.

You what? Hold on, every cunt knows there’s already an Independence Day…..July 4th. What the fuck?

Of course they could have called it Emancipation Day or Liberation Day but no, they have deliberately chosen to call it this confusing name. Now I wonder why that is?

Answers on a postcard please to:
Rewriting History Association
Commie Avenue
George Floyd City
Gold Coast State

Nominated by: Freddie the Frog

Helpful link provided by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine

Biden signs off Juneteenth

And this from smugcunt

Juneteenth. Fucking Juneteenth !!!

Americans are cunts. Why do they fuck up our language?

9/11 was bad enough without fucking Juneteenth. I understand it was the date the last blacks were emancipated after 600 000 white men died ending slavery. That’s 200 000 more than all the blacks that crossed the Atlantic to North America in the slave trade.

Do they get any thanks? No. “America was built on slavery” they spout. If it was how come South America, where 80% of the slaves went, isn’t richer than North America ? Wankers.

The Democrat party, the ones responsible for slavery, the KKK ,Jim Crow laws and the destruction of black society through welfare are busy turning large swathes of the place into third world shit holes.

Happy June fucking teenth. Cunts

55 thoughts on “Juneteenth (National Independence Day)

  1. No doubt the festivities will involve rioting, looting, pulling down statues, attacking police, complaining about white peepo and kicking off in chiggun shops….
    And I presume their version of santa clause will come through the window instead of down the chimney and steal all the presents….
    …..oh progress….

    • Or am I confusing it with junemas?
      …I can’t follow this shit anymore.

  2. Excellent Cunting and one that neatly demonstrates the Woke-fuck up of history.

    I have no problem with emancipation day being a bank holiday if Americans want it. It was an important milestone in US history and Abraham Lincoln was a great man, one to be admired.

    But conflating it with Independence Day is a massive error as well as being historically illiterate. Independence Day was when the Yanks gained their freedom from the UK (probably a huge mistake but never mind). By calling emancipation day “National Independence Day”, the Yanks are downgrading independence and forgetting their own history. It’s part of the trend which is now downgrading the Founding Fathers because they were slave owners. A huge mistake and one which will push the USA even further down its own Woke rabbit hole. It’s like saying your country is a racist construct not worthy of respect. How can that end well?

    Biden is a senile old fool.

  3. It’s all about making history into a stinking mess of commie blek slurry.

    Let us await Grenfell Memorial Day.
    It won’t be a bank holiday as our great leaders seem allergic to awarding any more.
    It will involve a tithe on white people to pay for villas for all the thick cunts who used to infest the shithole.

  4. You don’t get independence from slavery you get freedom or liberty. Another brick being knocked out of USA history. Biden and his gang of criminals won’t be happy until they have wrecked America and re written its short history.
    Oh yeah I believe it was the Republicans that ended slavery and the democrats wanted to keep it. Perhaps some American cunter can clarify, I may and wrong.

    • You’re correct. It was the Republicans. The Democrats were controlled by Southern slave owners.

      • Excellent link Ruff. It’s often the centre right that is progressive and humane, not the left as is commonly believed.

      • The Nazis were the national socialists party. Lefties. Stalin and Mussolini were lefties. Chairman Mao a lefty. Left wing politics is most times actually more fascist and totalitarian than any other type. Its just a recent rewriting of history to paint a rhetoric that anyone with compassionate or progressive thinking can only be aligned with the left wing.

        An absolute equation where the only intrinsic good is left, and everything else is pure evil.

        Even In this country The tories were the working mans party and pushed progressive more socialist policies against the whigs and liberals long before labour existed. Churchill invented job centres. Now I see people prattling at great length about how he is a nazi fascist. So why ww2? Would he have not aligned with Hitler if so? Lack of common sense left is concerning when people cant see they are literally pushing ‘2+2=163794’ as an irrefutable fact

      • An interesting read , news to me and one that I shall refer to should I need to.
        Thanks for that RTC.

      • RTC@ – A truly good read, and all of it completely factual.
        Monsters masquerading as champions of liberalism.

    • The Republican party was founded specifically to end slavery. Interestingly at their first convention they included polygamy as slavery. So Mohamed not only held and dealt in slaves, he had wife slaves as well. What a cunt he was.

      • Mind you we don’t come out smelling of roses, either. British policy was to support the Confederates. But that was for political reasons. We found it convenient to try and break the US up.

      • We were doing a LOT of business with the Confederate states. They were the richest states at that time and effectively bankrolled the excesses of the Northern states via outrageous extortion of import/export/trade tarriffs. The only reason the Union began blathering on about emancipation was so as not to totally alienate the British who’d been expending decades of expense, effort and human life in eradicating slavery.
        The War of Northern Agression was fuck all to do with slavery, it was a tarriff war.

  5. Unlike most cuntish American customs adopted by cunts in the UK (Halloween, Father’s Day, trick or treat, Blick Friday, taking the knee, etc) Juneteenth is unlikely to become a concern for us. We have our own black slave freedom day which is August 1st 1834 (airbrushed out as it does not fit BLM /Leftist agenda). Even if it was commemorated, to make a similar abomination of a word out of that date would be nigh on impossible, thank Dog.

  6. I for one will not be participating in these looney celebrations.Pile of horse turd.

  7. Juneteenth sounds like something Tubs from The League Of Gentlemen would say when checking her diary.
    “Edward, I believe the local people have invited us to a party on the twelfty of juneteenth. I shall mark in the diary’.

  8. It would be worth celebrating if they had shipped all the cunts back to Africa and built the wall on the Mexican border at the same time.

    I look forward to the Eradication of Islam day in the UK (oh if only)

    • Wait until the muslim numbers build up a little, I’d say another 20 years, and the only eradication in this country will be of white people. The left will still be defending/supporting the bastards even as their heads roll down the street,

  9. “America was built on slavery”….daub it with graffiti and push it into the sea, then.


    According to statistics published by the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP), 180,034 people were apprehended along the US-Mexico border in May, up slightly from 178,622 the previous month.

    When (not too long) the majority US population is Latino, odds are this BLM shit will be taking a back seat.

  10. More bread n circuses.

    The Demon-rats have conveniently airbrushed their history for supporting slavery and being slave owners. Lincoln of course was a Republican.

    Blacks in the US still live on the Demon-rat plantation. Their cities are shitholes. Gangbangers run the streets while the Demon-rat politicos fuck up everything they touch either through incompetence or deliberately.

    They need to keep the blacks poor and downtrodden. Blaming everyone else for their plight but don’t worry…keep voting Demon and they’ll sort it out they tell them.

    50 years of the Demons in power in some cities and these cities have gone from good to bad to the toilet.

    Playing the blame game works for everyone. Blacks abdicate personal responsibility and the politicos keep getting their votes.

  11. July 4th will be interesting. It seems obvious that Juneteenth has been set up as a rival. June 19th for the “progressives”, July 4th for the raaaaaaaaay-sists. There is even a Juneteenth flag…..red and blue horizontal bars with a white star bursting in the middle. You can buy t shirts with July 4th crossed out and replaced with June 19th or slogans like “1776 My People Weren’t Free”. Obviously, there are ones for Whitey with 1776 crossed out and replaced with 1865. Solidarity my brothers!
    This is all very deliberate by the Democunts. Everybody knows what July 4th means to Yanks, now it’s being deliberately challenged.
    Another great Holiday is Thanksgiving. There are rumours that this is to be challenged. Apparently it represents not thanking God for a successful harvest but thanking Him (bit sexist there) for allowing Whitey to kick shit out of the Indians. As old Bob always said “the times they are a changing.”

    • FtF@ – I am rather surprised that the “Juneteenth” flag is not a hammer and sickle on a red background.
      Payback will be visceral.

  12. So how did you cunts celebrate juneteenth?!

    I was gonna get some opiates maybe use a phony 20 dollar bill in his honor (I’m not taking fentanyl because its literal fucking poison and a chemical weapon to boot ffs)

    To commemorate and celebrate saint floyds death but opiate drug market is overpriced as fuck and completely ruined thanks to big pharma and the cartels. So I just had some fried chicken and a banana mayo sandwich instead Get to fuck and good day cunters

  13. Oh, there’s also the 1619 Project. This is a programme taught in many schools across America. This purports that the United States began, not in 1776 with The Constitution, the Founding Fathers and all that shit, but in 1619 when the first slave set foot on the Continent. Yes, the United States was built on slavery and don’t you forget it Whitey.
    What about the fucking Indians I hear you ask? Well, they’ve got fuck all votes so fuck them.

  14. Seriously this juneteenth thing is fucking mental Saint George Floyd statues are going up everywhere and yanks/ libtards are kicking this retardation into overdrive

    Blumpf useless cocksucking backstabbing traitor to his supporters had a chance to stop this but like usual listened to his libtard son in law Jared kushner pardoned his father btw and also wanted juneteenth so whateves

  15. I think this could use a tad more detail. June 19th was formerly celebrated only, or mainly, in Texas. This is because it commemorates, not the actual abolition of slavery in the US, but the day when the Union’s General Granger arrived in Galveston and read this order to the populace:

    “The people of Texas are informed that, in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States, all slaves are free. This involves an absolute equality of personal rights and rights of property between former masters and slaves, and the connection heretofore existing between them becomes that between employer and hired labor. The freedmen are advised to remain quietly at their present homes and work for wages. They are informed that they will not be allowed to collect at military posts and that they will not be supported in idleness either there or elsewhere.” (italics mine – K*)

    This was in June 1865. However, the 13th Amendment, putting emancipation into law, was not ratified until December 1865. Granger was conforming with a still-informal piece of legislation, based on Lincoln’s rather pragmatic approach to the subject during the Civil War:

    “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union and is not either to save or to destroy slavery,” he wrote in an editorial published in the Daily National Intelligencer in August 1862. “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”
    ( https://www.history.com/topics/american-civil-war/emancipation-proclamation )

    * this part of the contract does not seem to have been enforced since!

    • Absolutely bang on Komodo ?

      What the good general couldn’t see was the crucial flaw in the document…

      “… in accordance with a proclamation from the Executive of the United States,”

      Subject to correction; Texas was no longer part of the ‘United States’ having seceded therefore such a “proclamation” would have been legally meaningless. It was a very effective way to undermine the South’s agriconomy though. Britain and Europe then began to shift its sources to Egyt, Turkey and The Ottomans thus aiding their ascendence at the expense of the Southern States.

      Interesting factoid no.134 – Ulysses Grant kept slaves, fancy that.
      Interesting factoid no.135 – 6 northern states maintained slavery afterwards and when they finally stopped black slavery (fuck all to do with ‘human rights’ they just realised that ‘wage slavery’ was more cost effective) they switched to the Chinese and enslaved them into the newly burgeoning rail/steel corporatocracy that Lincunt had put in place. Nice one Abe!

  16. When is national “Send the chippy n*ggers home at gunpoint day”?
    Hopefully soon..

    • Never infinity n*ggers killing stealing raping and fucking all the white wimmins because of 1790 slave ships from africa to america traumatic mirco aggressions

  17. I think that the Septics should bring in ‘FuckedUp Day’, to celebrate the fact that the US is indeed the most fucked up place in the world.

  18. I’m sure some of you have wanked to her before I probably have

    Pornstar who did topless selfie at George Floyd mural dies of overdose https://www.rt.com/usa/526369-porn-star-george-floyd/

    Fuck these pornsluts all die so young Also they can’t handle their drugs either apparently… fucking amateurs Addicted to fentanyl her niece mentions in the article lol just like saint floyd happy juneteenth cunters! Stay away from fentanyl It’ll kill ya dead kiddos

    • TS@ – There is currently an epidemic of Fentanyl addiction in the US.
      And the UK – soon.

      • Dakota Skye is her pornstar name I forgot to mention. Yeah I dunno dead at 27 very stupid indeed

        Reading more on her wiki She was practically homeless lived in a RV trailer when she died what a sad way to go

        300 porn scenes/ videos she did proof being a pornstar is fucking shit pay in most cases not a ideal career choice in the long run

  19. Give it six months and it won’t be the stars and stripes on the flag anymore, it’ll be George Floyd’s face.


  20. They could also call it a celebration of all those Black Nations who enslaved the people in the first place to sell on to the Europeans day.

  21. What the MSM fail to understand is that they are alienating people with this current trend for celebrating everything Black, it has had an adverse effect on myself,I am sick to Death of their whining, they invented fuck all, they built fuck all, everywhere they go they cause misery and soon turn the place that they squat into a lawless shithole, I was once somewhat tolerant of them but not anymore.!

    • All this woke shite and BLM fuckwittery has done is increase racial tension and make life worse for bleks. Dozy cunts. I never used to bother if some was a dark key before. Now I notice it and automatically think they must be a race baiting cunt.

  22. If they acknowledge they were freed from slavery on this date, then shut the fuck up and move on, no cause to be had anymore cunts. I want an national white day for tolerating this shit, and for building a society without mudhuts.

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